Michigan, USA

Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  2. ?, ? (0000-00-00)
  3. Butler, Hazel Marie (0000-00-00)
  4. Wilkinson, Beebe Smith (0000-00-00)
  5. Hambleton, Joyce (0000-00-00)
  6. Westbrook, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  7. Fox, Issue 7 (0000-00-00)
  8. Chatfield, Emily Susanne (0000-00-00)
  9. Free, Carol (0000-00-00)
  10. Stafford, Issue 2 (0000-00-00)
  11. Graham, Travis (0000-00-00)
  12. Chatfield, William Ku-Ne-Quay \ O wan sum (0000-00-00)
  13. Gordon, Dorothy (0000-00-00)
  14. Cox, Charles (0000-00-00)
  15. Miller, Issue 5 (0000-00-00)
  16. Fenner, Linda A (0000-00-00)
  17. Gallup, Jenette (0000-00-00)
  18. Sanford, Norman Datus (0000-00-00)
  19. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  20. Lordson, Yahir (0000-00-00)
  21. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  22. Fulton, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  23. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  24. Davis, Issue 4 (0000-00-00)
  25. Gallup, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  26. Monroe, Issue 2 (0000-00-00)
  27. Brighton, Alli (0000-00-00)
  28. Miller, Catherine Donna (0000-00-00)
  29. Fulton, Issue 4 (0000-00-00)
  30. Bentley, Issue 4 (0000-00-00)
  31. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  32. Perry, Debra Jean (0000-00-00)
  33. Gallup, Marguerite (0000-00-00)
  34. Zabelka, Deveney Rae (0000-00-00)
  35. Chatfield, Patricia (0000-00-00)
  36. Family of Prindle, Lucinda
    1. Prindle, Lucinda
  37. Cox, Gregory (0000-00-00)
  38. Kingsley, Issue 2 (0000-00-00)
  39. Richards, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  40. Graham, Kevin (0000-00-00)
  41. Chatfield, ? (0000-00-00)
  42. Zabelka, Tyler James (0000-00-00)
  43. Chatfield, Kimberly Sue (0000-00-00)
  44. Chatfield, Carol L (0000-00-00)
  45. Carlson, Debbie (0000-00-00)
  46. Ames, William Earl Jr (0000-00-00)
  47. McDowell, Myrna Kay (0000-00-00)
  48. Boyce, Elizabeth (0000-00-00)
  49. Heffernan, Issue (0000-00-00)
  50. Chatfield, Issue 1 (0000-00-00)
  51. McDowell, Charles Marvin (0000-00-00)
  52. Graham, Karly (0000-00-00)
  53. Chatfield, I. E. (0000-00-00)
  54. Brown, Angeline (0000-00-00)
  55. Chatfield, Dale (0000-00-00)
  56. Quay, Kene "Ke Me Quay" (0000-00-00)
  57. Chatfield, Aaron David (0000-00-00)
  58. Prindle, Lucinda (0000-00-00)
  59. Piltz, Carol S (0000-00-00)
  60. Culver \ Chlvu, Nettie (0000-00-00)
  61. Chatfield, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  62. Bentley, Issue 8 (0000-00-00)
  63. Newbury, Issue 3 (0000-00-00)
  64. Vandyke, Issue (0000-00-00)
  65. Kishpaugh, Issue 4 (0000-00-00)
  66. Family of Sanford, Norman Datus and Miller, Catherine Donna
    1. Miller, Catherine Donna
    2. Sanford, Norman Datus
  67. Chatfield, William (about 1816)
  68. Potter, Jeremiah (about 1824)
  69. Payne, Charlotte Maria (14 January 1828)
  70. Smith, George J (about 1830)
  71. Lee, Mary Jane (5 September 1835)
  72. Chatfield, Warren (about 1837)
  73. Hasman, Sarah A (5 September 1837)
  74. Usher, Janette \ Jeanette \ Jeannetta Kidoway (about 1838)
  75. Fishbough, Elizabeth (1838)
  76. Smith, Emmaline (5 January 1838)
  77. Wilcox, Adelia (about 1839)
  78. Chatfield, Clarissa (about 1840)
  79. Rose, Emily Jane (June 1840)
  80. Chatfield-Law-Be-Quay, William (September 1840)
  81. Chatfield, Ellen B (16 November 1840)
  82. Wilcox, Marianna (3 February 1841)
  83. Chatfield, Amy C (3 January 1842)
  84. O-Dosh-Owah, Mary Ann (about 1843)
  85. Beaumont, John (about 1843)
  86. Bentley, Martha (about 1843)
  87. Family of Rice, Horace and Kirtland, Elizabeth
    1. Rice, Horace
    2. Kirtland, Elizabeth
  88. Rice, Horace (2 January 1843)
  89. Kirtland, Elizabeth (2 January 1843)
  90. Chatfield, Elmer B (26 August 1843)
  91. Wilkinson, Charles E (about 1844)
  92. Bentley, Solon William (24 January 1844)
  93. Fowler, George W (August 1844)
  94. Bentley, Samuel (about 1846)
  95. Chatfield, Cornelius (1846)
  96. ?, Bethina Ann (1846)
  97. Hulse, Lucinda (about 1846)
  98. Rice, Horace F\t (about 1846)
  99. Wilkinson, Polly E (about 1846)
  100. Case, Daniel (about 1846)
  101. Chatfield, Ellen (about 1846)
  102. Thornton, Charles Monroe Jr. (March 1846)
  103. Comstock, Elbridge (6 June 1846)
  104. Chatfield, Andrew Oliver (14 July 1846)
  105. Chatfield, Cornelius (26 January 1847)
  106. Jennings, Frances M (May 1847)
  107. Herrington, Alzada A (August 1847)
  108. Hulse, Sarah A (about 1848)
  109. Bentley, Lois A (about 1848)
  110. Gordon, William J (about 1848)
  111. Chatfield, Edward (about 1848)
  112. Chatfield, Willis (1848)
  113. Wilkinson, Minerva (about 1849)
  114. Chatfield, Theodore C (about 1849)
  115. Jennings, Eli J (about 1850)
  116. Chatfield, Amy (about 1850)
  117. Chatfield, Philander (1850)
  118. Chatfield, Dorice \ Dorothy (about 1850)
  119. Chatfield, Samuel Eugene Jr (25 May 1850)
  120. Rice, Arthur (20 July 1850)
  121. Chatfield, Jay Louis (September 1850)
  122. Webster, Elizabeth (27 September 1850)
  123. Cole, Perry (23 November 1850)
  124. Chatfield, Cornelius Demitrius (about 1851)
  125. Chatfield, Albert (about 1852)
  126. Dexter, Celestia \ Celestine A (about 1852)
  127. Snow, Melissa (about 1852)
  128. Bentley, James Eugene (about 1852)
  129. Chatfield, Emly (about 1852)
  130. Chatfield, Alfred (about 1852)
  131. ?, Ebenezer (23 November 1852)
  132. Osborn, Harry B (about 1853)
  133. Bentley, Curtis L (about 1853)
  134. Chatfield, Frederick W (January 1853)
  135. Baird, Gelia M (11 December 1853)
  136. Hill, L H (1854)
  137. Chatfield, Ezkel (about 1854)
  138. Smith, Reuben E (1854)
  139. Chatfield, Julia F (about 1854)
  140. Spencer, Martha Adeline (June 1854)
  141. Durrin, Luther Franklin (June 1854)
  142. Spicer, Lucretia R (30 June 1854)
  143. Hall, DeVere (August 1854)
  144. Coy, Edward A (about 1855)
  145. Chatfield, Chester P (18 March 1855)
  146. Lovejoy, John Russell (27 March 1855)
  147. Spicer, Melissa (about 1856)
  148. Chatfield, Mary J (1856)
  149. ?, Martha (about 1856)
  150. Terrell, Curtland (about 1856)
  151. King, John A (January 1856)
  152. Chatfield, Charles F (30 March 1856)
  153. Chatfield, Hubert Edmund (23 November 1856)
  154. Kishpaugh, Jonas (about 1857)
  155. Perkins, Lynia R (1857)
  156. Chatfield, John F (about 1857)
  157. McDonald, Delilah (2 January 1857)
  158. Chatfield, Peter (September 1857)
  159. Chatfield, Archie Stephen (4 October 1857)
  160. Heckle, Debalt (21 October 1857)
  161. Bentley, Jefferson D (about 1858)
  162. Chatfield, Gilbert Lafayette (February 1858)
  163. Pelton, Fenella V (24 February 1858)
  164. Shaw, Omar Richard (21 April 1858)
  165. Fillmore, White Shusby (about 1859)
  166. Anderson, Margaret (about 1859)
  167. Wilcox, Ira (about 1859)
  168. ?, Nancy (March 1859)
  169. Kishpaugh, John Baker (21 June 1859)
  170. Beaumont, Frank (about 1860)
  171. Hazen, Edward (about 1860)
  172. Bovee, Orville (about 1860)
  173. Stafford, Arvilla E (1860)
  174. Smith, Mary Jane (March 1860)
  175. Chatfield, Edith L (March 1860)
  176. Bennett, Mary Elizabeth (26 March 1860)
  177. Myers, Lizzie (about 1861)
  178. Chatfield, Clinton Dewitt (1861)
  179. Bovee, Joseph W Y (about 1861)
  180. Lowes, Alfred T (about 1861)
  181. Bentley, Carrie (about 1861)
  182. Russell, Janette S (about 1861)
  183. Chatfield, Albert H (January 1861)
  184. Wilcox, Arthur (October 1861)
  185. Donahue, Rosilla J Harew (about 1862)
  186. ?, Elva (about 1862)
  187. VanDoren, Ira J (1862)
  188. George, Celina J (1 February 1862)
  189. Chatfield, Zaida Jane (6 June 1862)
  190. Family of Hallock, Benjamin Harrison and Chatfield, Amy C
    1. Hallock, Benjamin Harrison
    2. Chatfield, Amy C
  191. Hallock, Benjamin Harrison (4 July 1862)
  192. Chatfield, Amy C (4 July 1862)
  193. Kennedy, Idell (8 October 1862)
  194. Nye, May E (December 1862)
  195. Chatfield, Eli Nathan (February 1863)
  196. Fowler, Minnie (November 1863)
  197. Bovee, Clarance (about 1864)
  198. Gray, Jennie C (about 1864)
  199. McCrary, Ella C (about 1864)
  200. Brooks, Harris A (July 1864)
  201. Weaver, John R (28 December 1864)
  202. Family of Bentley, Solon William and Rix, Sarah Janet \ Jennette
    1. Bentley, Solon William
    2. Rix, Sarah Janet \ Jennette
  203. Chatfield, Alseymour (1865)
  204. Rix, Sarah Janet \ Jennette (1865)
  205. Bentley, Solon William (1865)
  206. Styckle, Minnie Sophia (March 1865)
  207. Chatfield, Frank J (March 1865)
  208. Hill, Wesley D (December 1865)
  209. Chatfield, Esther (about 1866)
  210. Chatfield, Alfred Clark (3 March 1866)
  211. Hale, Mary J (26 November 1866)
  212. Champlin, Seymour (about 1867)
  213. Rose, Elva May (July 1867)
  214. Cook, Frank E (1868)
  215. Stayman, Hattie M (1868)
  216. Poe, Martha Marie (1868)
  217. Bovee, Mary Elenora (about 1868)
  218. Chatfield, Allen (about 1868)
  219. Quillo, Mary (January 1868)
  220. Wilton, Henrietta Manerva (8 May 1868)
  221. Chatfield, Bennie (15 May 1868)
  222. Bard, Nellie U (November 1868)
  223. Watson, Laura L (December 1868)
  224. Watts Sweet, Mary (about 1869)
  225. Riggins, Frances A (about 1869)
  226. Peters, Frank (1869)
  227. Chatfield, Ernest (about 1869)
  228. Chatfield-Law-Be-Quay, Elizabeth (about 1869)
  229. Bentley, William E (1869)
  230. Lockwood, Emma Rose (18 September 1869)
  231. Boswell, Anna L (November 1869)
  232. Chatfield, Rose D (December 1869)
  233. Lockwood, Emma Rose (1870)
  234. Perkins, Julia B (1870)
  235. Chatfield, Darius (1870)
  236. Chatfield, Robert Emmett (1870)
  237. ?, Lucinda (1870)
  238. Chatfield, Stephen H (1870)
  239. Chatfield, Nora (1870)
  240. Hallock, Rose M (1870)
  241. Chatfield, Oscar R (1870)
  242. Chatfield, Elvina (1870)
  243. Chatfield, Charles Henry (1870)
  244. Chatfield, Julia F (1870)
  245. Moore, Eliza A (1870)
  246. Kellogg, James Glover (1870)
  247. Chatfield, Frank H (1870)
  248. Chatfield, Laura (1870)
  249. Chatfield, Leston Orson (1870)
  250. Chatfield, Harriett Rose (1870)
  251. Gay, Marriette Martha (before 1870)
  252. Scott, Emily (1870)
  253. Jump, Cora Adell (1870)
  254. Chatfield, Charles Henry \ Henry Charles (1870)
  255. Smith, Rebecca (1870)
  256. Lockwood, Wilber Chester (1870)
  257. Beaumont, Frank (1870)
  258. Besse, John Franklin (1870)
  259. Weatherwax, Andrew J Sr (1870)
  260. Chatfield, Samuel (about 1870)
  261. Chatfield, Leonora Helen (1870)
  262. Sturtevant, Ester Emma (1870)
  263. Chatfield, Gilbert Lafayette (1870)
  264. Chatfield, Simeon (1870)
  265. Chatfield, Ada Carrie (1870)
  266. Chatfield, Larmon (1870)
  267. Wakefield, Maria (1870)
  268. Chatfield, James (1870)
  269. Chatfield, Mary Augusta (1870)
  270. Beaumont, John (1870)
  271. Sellers, Eliza A (1870)
  272. Chatfield, William Henry (1870)
  273. Jennings, Frances M (1870)
  274. Hallock, Dora Adele (1870)
  275. Chatfield, Amy C (1870)
  276. Barrett, Theodore Romeyn (1870)
  277. Beaumont, Francis (1870)
  278. Beaumont, Elsie C (1870)
  279. Jump, Benjamin (1870)
  280. Chatfield, Archie Stephen (1870)
  281. Chatfield, Isaac Newton (1870)
  282. Isbell, Eliza Ann (1870)
  283. Chatfield, Philander (1870)
  284. Lindley, Charlotte (1870)
  285. Howell, Harriett (1870)
  286. Westbrook, James H (1870)
  287. Chatfield, Cornelius Vanslight \ Van Slicke (1870)
  288. Jackson, Julietta (1870)
  289. Lockwood, Lottie May (1870)
  290. Chatfield, Gilbert Layfayette (1870)
  291. Chatfield, Allen (1870)
  292. Barrett, Glenn Jennings (1870)
  293. Hallock, Benjamin Harrison (1870)
  294. Jennings, Minnie Helen (1870)
  295. Beaumont, Sarah E (1870)
  296. Chatfield, John Wesley (1870)
  297. Chatfield, Frederick W (1870)
  298. Chatfield, Grant (10 March 1870)
  299. Curtis, Wallace William (25 September 1870)
  300. Alcott, Mary M (1871)
  301. Black, George Jerome (1871)
  302. Rowley, Lacy J (1871)
  303. Davis, Eliga \ Elijah (August 1871)
  304. Chatfield, William (about 1872)
  305. ?, Emma (about 1872)
  306. Bentley, Mary J (1872)
  307. Brownell, Irwin V (July 1872)
  308. Peterson, Olif (October 1872)
  309. Charboneau \ Shawnano \ Sha won no quet, Susan (December 1872)
  310. Family of Chatfield, Edward and ?, Nancy
    1. ?, Nancy
    2. Chatfield, Edward
  311. ?, Nancy (about 1873)
  312. Chatfield, Edward (about 1873)
  313. Wickham, Fred L (1873)
  314. Norton, Sarah (about 1873)
  315. Sackett, Fred A (1873)
  316. Schuler, Frederick (about 1873)
  317. Tracy, Dorria (21 March 1873)
  318. Joris, Peter (January 1874)
  319. Bradfield, Rachel Elizabeth (8 March 1874)
  320. McGee, Seth Augustus (14 September 1874)
  321. Mc Karness, Irven (about 1875)
  322. Bailey, Merton A (1875)
  323. Weaver, Arthur (about 1875)
  324. Smith, Mabel M (24 April 1875)
  325. Shoemaker \ Shumaker \ Schumacher, Freda (December 1875)
  326. Family of Lovejoy, John Russell and Chatfield, Ernestine Eunice
    1. Lovejoy, John Russell
    2. Chatfield, Ernestine Eunice
  327. Chatfield, Ernestine Eunice (about 1876)
  328. Hawes, Helen C (about 1876)
  329. Lovejoy, John Russell (about 1876)
  330. Fulton, Maggie (about 1876)
  331. Bentley, Florence (about 1876)
  332. Chatfield, John (about 1876)
  333. Norton, Horatio Nelson (1876)
  334. ?, Mabel M (February 1876)
  335. ?, Grace (15 March 1876)
  336. Chatfield, Jackson (15 March 1876)
  337. Case, Eva May (15 March 1876)
  338. Heickie, J Frank (1877)
  339. ?, Sarah (about 1877)
  340. Siegel, Mary (about 1877)
  341. Hinsdale, Grace (about 1878)
  342. Middleditch, Elva (about 1878)
  343. Mc Karness, Moses (about 1878)
  344. Durrin, William E (about 1878)
  345. Chatfield, Myron J (25 February 1878)
  346. Bentley, Edith Lois (5 April 1878)
  347. Kornoelje, John (24 August 1878)
  348. Chatfield, Almira May (2 November 1878)
  349. Chatfield, Eliza (28 December 1878)
  350. Dorrance, Eliza (after 1879)
  351. Hiller, Bernice M (about 1879)
  352. Chatfield, Bertha (about 1879)
  353. Allen, Lewis \ Louis Bidwell (about 1879)
  354. Wilcox, Arthur L (about 1879)
  355. Harrison, Grace F (February 1879)
  356. Claeys, Sebastian Julius (13 March 1879)
  357. Wilcox, Edith A (July 1879)
  358. Monroe, George Fisher (December 1879)
  359. Smith, Gertrude (about 1880)
  360. Day, Millie A (about 1880)
  361. Hinsdale, Helen (about 1880)
  362. Rogers, Ellen A (1880)
  363. Chatfield, Mary (about January 1880)
  364. Chatfield, Blanche Elizabeth (10 January 1880)
  365. Chatfield, Joseph (12 March 1880)
  366. Young, Frank Arthur (5 July 1880)
  367. Chatfield, Bertha (8 August 1880)
  368. Watson, Robert Howard (18 August 1880)
  369. Doty, Helen P (September 1880)
  370. Smith, Claude (about 1881)
  371. Ballou, Mestie M (April 1881)
  372. Chatfield, Dickerson (27 November 1881)
  373. Sackett, Edith M (about 1882)
  374. Hawes, Mary Olive (1882)
  375. Family of Niles, Jesse Earl and Chatfield, Zaida Jane
    1. Chatfield, Zaida Jane
    2. Niles, Jesse Earl
  376. Chatfield, Zaida Jane (about 1882)
  377. Niles, Jesse Earl (about 1882)
  378. Merriman, Chester David (7 July 1882)
  379. Wilcox, Eva (October 1882)
  380. Harroun \ Hurroun, Ida M (about 1883)
  381. Lypscon, Henry (18 June 1883)
  382. Doty, John Wesley (9 July 1883)
  383. Beacom, Herbert Allen (24 August 1883)
  384. Doty, John W (October 1883)
  385. Welch, Lola C (26 November 1883)
  386. Parker, Ina B (1884)
  387. Smith, Irene (about 1884)
  388. DeFano, Sumner (about 1884)
  389. Burton, James Brainard (1884)
  390. Prindle, Gertrude (3 September 1884)
  391. Ballou, Bertha (November 1884)
  392. Baird, Carry A (about 1885)
  393. Hill, Lucy B (March 1885)
  394. Meyerhuber, George Edward (13 March 1885)
  395. Collins, Elizabeth Maud (18 May 1885)
  396. Dunham, Blanche Orabelle (2 June 1885)
  397. Latta, Ora Lee (9 August 1885)
  398. Chatfield, Chester Warren (November 1885)
  399. Childs, Fred Clayton (16 November 1885)
  400. Ballow, Estella L (1886)
  401. Chatfield, Blanch B (1886)
  402. ?, Sally (about 1886)
  403. Swartz, Harry (1886)
  404. Mapes, Harvey E (about 1886)
  405. Chatfield, Lester S (January 1886)
  406. Chatfield, Glenn Albert (24 March 1886)
  407. Butel, William Alfred (8 June 1886)
  408. Matron, Eva (18 July 1886)
  409. Bookham, Maggie A (August 1886)
  410. Chatfield, Harry W (August 1886)
  411. Johnson, Claus John (5 November 1886)
  412. Chatfield, Mattie M (1887)
  413. McRae, Grace E (1887)
  414. Skibonski \ Skybouski \ Skibowsky, Edward (about 1887)
  415. Chatfield, Georgia E (May 1887)
  416. Devereaux, Grant (June 1887)
  417. Chatfield, Ida M (June 1887)
  418. Family of Devereaux, Grant and Chatfield, Ida M
    1. Chatfield, Ida M
    2. Devereaux, Grant
  419. Welch, Mabel (9 August 1887)
  420. Chatfield, Maggie (September 1887)
  421. Stewart, Nota (about 1888)
  422. Chatfield, Gertrude Lillian (about 1888)
  423. Deruiter, Lewis (1888)
  424. Draves, Anna E (1888)
  425. Osborn, Elmer A \ J (1 February 1888)
  426. Spice, Charles Henry Sr (10 August 1888)
  427. Diggles, Robert E (1889)
  428. Curtis, Arthur E (March 1889)
  429. Chatfield, Mack (May 1889)
  430. Chatfield, Mark (May 1889)
  431. Erkenbeck, Edna (18 May 1889)
  432. Rowe, William John (July 1889)
  433. Harrison, Alta L (November 1889)
  434. Wright, Arthur William (1890)
  435. Chatfield, Edith E (March 1890)
  436. Chatfield, Beulah L (13 October 1890)
  437. ?, Alta A (about 1891)
  438. Huff, William M (1891)
  439. ?, Maud A (about 1891)
  440. Ford, Arthur P (1891)
  441. Harrison, Nina Agnes (8 January 1891)
  442. Guyott, Mary Josephine (25 January 1891)
  443. Shaw, Ina Viola (22 February 1891)
  444. Cutler, Edna E (1 June 1891)
  445. Chatfield, June L (19 June 1891)
  446. Chatfield, Ira Frank (18 July 1891)
  447. Chatfield, Helen Alice (12 September 1891)
  448. Chatfield, Daniel (30 September 1891)
  449. Brooks, Jenney D G (November 1891)
  450. Converse, Ford Merrill (6 November 1891)
  451. Wells, William F (28 November 1891)
  452. Tracy, Bertha G (about 1892)
  453. Peterson, Lena (May 1892)
  454. Chatfield, Grant (July 1892)
  455. Ullman, Elsie Elizabeth (27 August 1892)
  456. Beattie, Mae \ May (about 1893)
  457. Abling, Bessie Bell (1893)
  458. Chatfield, George (31 March 1893)
  459. Chatfield, Florence A M (May 1893)
  460. LaBlance, Willie (about 1894)
  461. Chatfield, Lionel J (about 1894)
  462. Fillmore, Pearl (about 1894)
  463. Murner, Pauline Ruth (25 April 1894)
  464. Mead, Bernice Mary (24 May 1894)
  465. Abling, Lottie Alberta (14 December 1894)
  466. Pugh, Grace G (January 1895)
  467. King, Zella E (3 July 1895)
  468. Brownell, Berley Clark (14 December 1895)
  469. LaBlance, Florence (about 1896)
  470. Chatfield, Worth MacKnight (11 April 1896)
  471. Abramouski, Katherine Marie (29 April 1896)
  472. Wells, Bessie M (May 1896)
  473. Chatfield, Lucy (August 1896)
  474. Bennett, Mary Elizabeth (4 November 1896)
  475. Patterson, Ruby (18 December 1896)
  476. McLennon, Mildred (1897)
  477. Patch, Howard Leonard (about 1897)
  478. Saxton, Willis W (1898)
  479. Carey, Opal V (about 1898)
  480. Kishpaugh, George Willard (3 June 1898)
  481. Chatfield, Winnifred Elizabeth (30 July 1898)
  482. Chatfield, Ethel Louise (September 1898)
  483. Hare, Alice L (3 October 1898)
  484. Krueger, Minnie (about 1899)
  485. Chatfield, Lida (March 1899)
  486. Chatfield, Sida (March 1899)
  487. Chatfield, George James (27 March 1899)
  488. LaBlance, Geneva M (1900)
  489. McGee, Gladys (about 1900)
  490. Abling, Anna Lou (1900)
  491. Chatfield, Charlotte Mary (1900)
  492. Chatfield, ? (before 1900)
  493. Sweenor, Clara Belle (March 1900)
  494. Chatfield, Lillian Catherine (3 July 1900)
  495. Comstock, Dorm (about 1901)
  496. Johnson, Annie (about 1901)
  497. Hill, Ruth E (26 January 1901)
  498. Butler, Margaret (16 March 1901)
  499. Brewer, Charles E (10 October 1901)
  500. Wells, Neva (25 November 1901)
  501. Ray, Eva L (about 1902)
  502. Chatfield, John (about 1902)
  503. Cole, Benjamin C (5 August 1902)
  504. Hamilton, Keith DeWitt Sr (7 August 1902)
  505. Chatfield, Irma W (1903)
  506. Bullock, Menzo D (1903)
  507. Murner, Virginia (about 1903)
  508. Van Ess, Clarence (about 1903)
  509. Bale, Verna M (about 1903)
  510. Dove, John Rolland (3 March 1903)
  511. Abling, Rexford S (1904)
  512. Dallavo, Lola Ruth (about 1904)
  513. Van Ess, Russell (about 1904)
  514. Family of Black, George Jerome and Chatfield, Myra E
    1. Chatfield, Myra E
    2. Black, George Jerome
  515. Hoxie, Alan P (about 1904)
  516. Chatfield, Myra E (about 1904)
  517. Chatfield, Ethel Doris (1904)
  518. Harrison, George James (1904)
  519. Black, George Jerome (about 1904)
  520. Chatfield, Daniel Harold (1904)
  521. Hill, Marion C (about 1904)
  522. Iles, Waaneita L (3 May 1904)
  523. Brown, Emma (about 1905)
  524. Hager, Verna C (about 1905)
  525. Roberts, Gladys M (21 May 1905)
  526. Prindle, Gertrude (31 October 1905)
  527. Dallavo, Genevieve (about 1906)
  528. Capper, Mildred C (about 1906)
  529. Post, Howard Hugh (1906)
  530. Williams, Mary (about 1906)
  531. Arehart, Chester L (28 April 1906)
  532. Chatfield, Helen Urdeen (1907)
  533. Hager, Irma J (about 1907)
  534. Bloomfield, Mary (after 1907)
  535. Family of Chatfield, Mack and Bloomfield, Mary
    1. Chatfield, Mack
    2. Bloomfield, Mary
  536. Chatfield, Mack (after 1907)
  537. Post, Forrest S (about 1907)
  538. Chatfield, Isaac Abrem (31 January 1907)
  539. Hill, Harriet Serene (18 May 1907)
  540. LaBlance, Alvina Loretta (4 August 1907)
  541. Chatfield, Eugene Clarence (1908)
  542. Hoffman, Bernard (about 1908)
  543. Van Ess, Dorothy (about 1908)
  544. Chatfield, Raymond M (31 January 1908)
  545. Hill, Leslie Clarence (17 August 1908)
  546. Mapes, Marie (about 1909)
  547. Brewer, Clifford R (about 1909)
  548. Mendel, Doras Louise (about 1909)
  549. Chatfield, Mildred Irene (1909)
  550. Bailey, Charles F (about 1909)
  551. Chatfield, Alfred Charles (14 July 1909)
  552. Nettleton, Russell L (2 November 1909)
  553. Hoffman, Ralph Harper (29 November 1909)
  554. Roberts, Vera E (28 December 1909)
  555. Harroun \ Hurroun, Ida M (before 1910)
  556. LaBlance, Raymond (about 1910)
  557. Apsey, Doris (about 1910)
  558. Chatfield, Iva (about 1910)
  559. Chatfield, Frank A (1910)
  560. Chatfield, Charlotte Delilah (1910)
  561. Harrison, Grace F (1910)
  562. Bale, Joseph Alger (before 1910)
  563. Greenleaf, Belva Agnes (about 1910)
  564. ?, Patrice G (about 1910)
  565. Family of Bale, Joseph Alger and Harroun \ Hurroun, Ida M
    1. Harroun \ Hurroun, Ida M
    2. Bale, Joseph Alger
  566. Chatfield, Sydney L (about 1910)
  567. Reene, John Legle Sr (1 January 1910)
  568. Izzard, Ford E (30 September 1910)
  569. Childs, Dorothy H (1911)
  570. Smith, Robert Bailton (about 1911)
  571. Iles, Theda Rose (24 January 1911)
  572. Mapes, Raymond C (24 January 1911)
  573. Spice, Mary Alice (25 February 1911)
  574. Van Ess, Cornelius (4 March 1911)
  575. Chatfield, Alton Frank (20 May 1911)
  576. Wheat, Charles W (10 September 1911)
  577. Chatfield, Martha (14 December 1911)
  578. Roberts, Frances (1912)
  579. ?, Esther (about 1912)
  580. Gordon, Mary Ellen (5 January 1912)
  581. Langbridge, Lyle W (6 February 1912)
  582. Johnson, Josephine Emma (23 February 1912)
  583. Chatfield, Victor Ramage Jr (4 March 1912)
  584. Fenner, Lloyd Bruce (12 April 1912)
  585. ?, Margarite (about 1913)
  586. Hill, Dwight (about 1913)
  587. Hill, Merrit (about 1913)
  588. ?, Lillian I. (about 1913)
  589. DeFano, Josephine (about 1913)
  590. Scherer, Caroline M (10 February 1913)
  591. Lordson, Ellsworth M (13 February 1913)
  592. Chatfield, Francis C (31 May 1913)
  593. Hill, Ethel M (11 October 1913)
  594. Wheat, Morgan H Sr (12 October 1913)
  595. Beaversdort, Faye (about 1914)
  596. Hager, Catherine (Kathryn) (1914)
  597. Pierce, Hattie B (1914)
  598. ?, Irene (about 1914)
  599. Eckley, Glenn Leroy (1914)
  600. Eckley, Inez L (1914)
  601. Thunder, Orville L (1914)
  602. Eckley, Fred J (1914)
  603. Cribbs, John (about 1914)
  604. Iles, Infant (8 January 1914)
  605. ?, Esther L (27 March 1914)
  606. Prindle, Frank A (29 April 1914)
  607. Brown, Evelyn Lilly (31 May 1914)
  608. Gonser, Kenneth E (12 July 1914)
  609. Bost?, Natalie M (10 September 1914)
  610. Chatfield, Sheldon C (15 November 1914)
  611. Devereaux, Helen (19 November 1914)
  612. Eckley, Fred J (18 December 1914)
  613. Chatfield, Elizabeth (1915)
  614. Miller, Phyllis (about 1915)
  615. Hill, Delphin (about 1915)
  616. Stafford, Mid S (1915)
  617. Bawks, Kenneth Allen (22 January 1915)
  618. Hill, Lyle Phillip (21 March 1915)
  619. Chatfield, Lionel Merlin (27 March 1915)
  620. Chatfield, Clarence L (31 March 1915)
  621. Williams, Annebelle (2 April 1915)
  622. Chatfield, Vera Mabel (17 May 1915)
  623. Wells, Lewis F (7 June 1915)
  624. Spice, Charles Henry Jr (14 June 1915)
  625. ?, Cecil Marie (6 November 1915)
  626. Canze, Virginia Anne (23 November 1915)
  627. Morse, Glenn Barrette (about 1916)
  628. Wells, Irol L (about 1916)
  629. Chatfield, Anna Mae (about 1916)
  630. Iles, Genevive J (about 1916)
  631. Devers, Beatrice May (about 1916)
  632. Gould, Kenneth H (1916)
  633. ?, Nellie A (about 1916)
  634. Landis, Irene Marguerite (about 1916)
  635. Curtis, Lyman Thompson (2 March 1916)
  636. Hersey, Carrie Louise (14 March 1916)
  637. Chatfield, Harlan Virgil (26 March 1916)
  638. McCormick, Cleobelle (25 April 1916)
  639. Brown, Geraldine (27 April 1916)
  640. Beacom, Rena E (22 August 1916)
  641. Titus, David L (16 October 1916)
  642. Chatfield, Melvin McKnight (30 December 1916)
  643. Wheat, Jeannetta (about 1917)
  644. Roberts, Evelyn May (about 1917)
  645. Childs, Vernon R (about 1917)
  646. Devers, Irene Marie (about 1917)
  647. Hill, Twyla (about 1917)
  648. Roberts, Lyle S (about 1917)
  649. Chatfield, Everton C (about 1917)
  650. Dombos, Charles B (14 May 1917)
  651. Hill, Stephen Bruce (21 May 1917)
  652. Chatfield, Chester F (27 July 1917)
  653. ?, Ruth Elizabeth (5 August 1917)
  654. Williams, Melbourne James (5 September 1917)
  655. Chatfield, Eva (about 1918)
  656. Family of Murner, William H and Hallock, Rose M
    1. Murner, William H
    2. Hallock, Rose M
  657. Murner, William H (before 1918)
  658. Diggles, Donald R (about 1918)
  659. Hall, Irving (about 1918)
  660. Johnson, Kathryn (about 1918)
  661. Chatfield, Charlotte (about 1918)
  662. Gordon, Laurie D (about 1918)
  663. Corcoran, Frances Barbara (1918)
  664. Hallock, Rose M (before 1918)
  665. Chatfield, Dorothy (about 1918)
  666. Roberts, Max N (1918)
  667. McCormick, Gerald Wesley Sr (18 June 1918)
  668. Cromie, Robert (26 July 1918)
  669. Budzynski, Angeline Lucille (6 December 1918)
  670. Evo, William (1919)
  671. Brown, Alex (about 1919)
  672. Iles, Leslie W (about 1919)
  673. Johnson, Doris M (about 1919)
  674. DeFano, Carmen (about 1919)
  675. Corcoran, Kharla Anne (1919)
  676. Wheat, Hazel (about 1919)
  677. Ford, Helen A (about 1919)
  678. Hersey, Shirley Alma (1919)
  679. Chatfield, Charlotte (about 1919)
  680. Hill, Marion O (about 1919)
  681. Coombs, Ellen Jane (1 February 1919)
  682. Williams, Glen Frank (28 February 1919)
  683. McWhorter, Max E (20 March 1919)
  684. Gordon, George William (26 June 1919)
  685. Sineman, Arden W (4 September 1919)
  686. Lypscon, Arthur H (16 September 1919)
  687. Gordon, Carl September (19 September 1919)
  688. Chatfield, Clarence William (30 October 1919)
  689. Durrin, Luther Franklin (1920)
  690. Wells, Reva J (about 1920)
  691. Chatfield, Charles M II (15 February 1920)
  692. Straub, Florence Louise (31 July 1920)
  693. Roberts, Fay F (about 1921)
  694. Chatfield, Avery Y (16 May 1921)
  695. Evans, Albert Louis (5 June 1921)
  696. Beacom, Wallace Herbert (15 June 1921)
  697. Roberts, Richard L (11 August 1921)
  698. Brace, Richard Isaac (26 August 1921)
  699. Chatfield, John Joseph (26 September 1921)
  700. Haddix, Leone Jennie (25 October 1921)
  701. Murner, Heather M (3 December 1921)
  702. Chatfield, Lucille (about 1922)
  703. Johnson, Lucile (about 1922)
  704. Chatfield, Mary E (about 1922)
  705. Ball, James (about 1922)
  706. Gonser, Grace A (about 1922)
  707. Myers, Helen (about 1922)
  708. Miller, Roger (about 1922)
  709. Forman, Eugenia (18 January 1922)
  710. Hill, Francis Roy (27 January 1922)
  711. Bennett, Elizabeth Margaret (2 March 1922)
  712. Brownell, Betty Joy (1 April 1922)
  713. Hoolsema, Donald (2 April 1922)
  714. Chatfield, Margaret (28 April 1922)
  715. Klopfenstein, Beatrice Carrie (1 July 1922)
  716. Baker, Esther E (28 July 1922)
  717. Corcoran, Thomas Harmon (17 August 1922)
  718. Brown, Leona (about 1923)
  719. Chatfield, Margaret I. (about 1923)
  720. Shoesmith, Doris R (about 1923)
  721. Hass, Elizabeth Louise (16 January 1923)
  722. Vannortwick, Wilbur Ory (2 May 1923)
  723. Brace, June (4 June 1923)
  724. Johnson, Virginia Lou (about 1924)
  725. Johnson, Betty (about 1924)
  726. Ball, Pamela D (about 1924)
  727. Chatfield, Helen (about 1924)
  728. Chatfield, Charlotte (about 1924)
  729. Kahne, Helen L (18 February 1924)
  730. Chatfield, Arthur Edwin II (13 May 1924)
  731. McCormick, Gilford F (7 June 1924)
  732. Chatfield, Dulcy D (12 July 1924)
  733. Ball, Catherine (about 1925)
  734. Miller, Charles (about 1925)
  735. Gordon, Dean C (about 1925)
  736. McCrary, Ella C (1925)
  737. Gonser, Frances A (about 1925)
  738. Chatfield, Frances M (about 1925)
  739. Murner, Rosann (about 1925)
  740. Chatfield, Peggy Ann (about 1925)
  741. McDowell, Marvin Harold (3 March 1925)
  742. Nettleton, Donald Robert (8 June 1925)
  743. Ball, Jeremy Talcott (20 July 1925)
  744. Nettleton, Barney George (8 August 1925)
  745. Tomlin, Elvina (24 September 1925)
  746. Erkenbeck, Clinton Lyman (24 November 1925)
  747. Larson, Helen Mae (4 December 1925)
  748. Johnson, Leonette L (about 1926)
  749. Atkinson, Ellen Lorain (about 1926)
  750. Johnson, Frederick (about 1926)
  751. Hill, Helen Marie (27 March 1926)
  752. Vinkemulder, Dorothy C (26 May 1926)
  753. Nordquist, S Eunice (14 August 1926)
  754. Chatfield, Richard (about 1927)
  755. Perkins, Winnifred Ellen (about 1927)
  756. Chatfield, Richard (23 July 1927)
  757. Rye, Delores Marie (13 August 1927)
  758. Chatfield, Viola (5 December 1927)
  759. Tomlin, Cloyce Oak (about 1928)
  760. Chatfield, Ida Jane (about 1928)
  761. Ball, William J (about 1928)
  762. Mclaughlin, Colleen Rae (about 1928)
  763. Chatfield, Eli E Jr (about 1928)
  764. McWhorter, Carrol L (21 January 1928)
  765. Nettleton, Jack Alvin (12 March 1928)
  766. Wheat, Olive G (27 May 1928)
  767. Allerding, Bettie Louise (15 December 1928)
  768. Roberts, Dolores J (about 1929)
  769. Family of Arehart, Chester L and ?, Patrice G
    1. ?, Patrice G
    2. Arehart, Chester L
  770. ?, Patrice G (about 1929)
  771. Beam, Patricia (about 1929)
  772. Arehart, Chester L (about 1929)
  773. Swears, Stanley Carol (27 January 1929)
  774. Corcoran, Michael Charles (31 January 1929)
  775. Chatfield, Mary A (4 February 1929)
  776. Orweller, Joyce Margery (28 February 1929)
  777. Atkinson, Robert Ivan (17 May 1929)
  778. Chatfield, Barbara Belle (15 June 1929)
  779. Roberts, Betty J (about 1930)
  780. Family of Chatfield, Glenn Albert and Cutler, Alvira Belle
    1. Cutler, Alvira Belle
    2. Chatfield, Glenn Albert
  781. Chatfield, Glenn Albert (before 1930)
  782. Cutler, Alvira Belle (before 1930)
  783. Tomlin, De Roy (about 1930)
  784. Spanogle, Douglas W (1930)
  785. McCormick, Clarice (about 1930)
  786. Chatfield, Lawrence William (26 January 1930)
  787. Wynsma, Kenneth (1 March 1930)
  788. McDowell, Freda Belle (1 July 1930)
  789. Corey, Albert M (25 February 1931)
  790. Chatfield, Max Lawrence (3 June 1931)
  791. Vinkemulder, Charles Bradley (8 September 1931)
  792. Nettleton, Leo Franklin (9 November 1931)
  793. Atkinson, James Edward (about 1932)
  794. Ames, Neva Jean (about 1932)
  795. Graham, Illa Mae (15 June 1932)
  796. Chatfield, Eleanor Lee (6 August 1932)
  797. Perschke, Richard Rheinhold (12 October 1932)
  798. Mulford, Emily (2 December 1932)
  799. Brenke, Edward A (about 1933)
  800. Nettleton, Ted Reginald (10 March 1933)
  801. Anderson, Laurel Catherine (13 March 1933)
  802. Ames, Margaret E (8 September 1933)
  803. Izzard, Arbutus Marion (14 September 1933)
  804. Miller, W Linwood (18 October 1933)
  805. Langbridge, Beverly A (about 1934)
  806. Jones, Eunice Lucille (1934)
  807. Anderson, Mary Ferne (about 1934)
  808. Neal, Lilian (about 1934)
  809. Ball, David I \ J (about 1934)
  810. Chatfield, Ross (about 1934)
  811. Wheat, Alice (9 June 1934)
  812. Wheat, Morgan H Jr (16 September 1934)
  813. Ball, Robert Lee (about 1935)
  814. Wells, Phyllis (about 1935)
  815. Hill, Virginia Jean (1935)
  816. Izzard, Wilson Ford (24 January 1935)
  817. Chatfield, Willis Melson (28 May 1935)
  818. Graham, James Follis (23 November 1935)
  819. Chatfield, Joan D (about 1936)
  820. McDowell, Dale Robert (about 1936)
  821. Anderson, Hugh R (about 1936)
  822. Bennett, Wallace Charles (25 May 1936)
  823. Post, Donald R (17 November 1936)
  824. Ames, Velma Ruth (28 December 1936)
  825. Chatfield, Robert B (about 1937)
  826. Dove, Jack L (about 1937)
  827. Langbridge, Nancy Marie (about 1937)
  828. Brenke, Marie M (about 1937)
  829. Hill, Kenneth Stephen (1937)
  830. Reene, April Belle (about 1937)
  831. Anderson, Grace (about 1937)
  832. Chatfield, Mary Sue (5 February 1937)
  833. Chatfield, DeWayne Lee (31 May 1937)
  834. Anderson, Pearl Marie (15 June 1937)
  835. Moore, Lovell (3 August 1937)
  836. Cox, Ronald M (about 1938)
  837. Neal, James E (about 1938)
  838. Hill, Richard Francis (1938)
  839. Wheat, Paula J (about 1938)
  840. Chatfield, John (about 1938)
  841. Williams, Robert Wilson (28 February 1938)
  842. Gonser, Sandra (2 March 1938)
  843. Lordson, Melvin (5 April 1938)
  844. White, Patricia Ann (1 May 1938)
  845. Olmeda, Eleanor May (9 June 1938)
  846. Vanartsen, Jack Charles Sr (15 June 1938)
  847. Nettleton, Linda June (1 July 1938)
  848. Chatfield, Kenneth Eugene (2 September 1938)
  849. Wheat, Mary Lou (26 September 1938)
  850. Abbott, Elizabeth Ann (26 September 1938)
  851. Hill, Marjorie Faye (15 November 1938)
  852. Chatfield, David R (23 December 1938)
  853. Brenke, Bonnie Jean (about 1939)
  854. Bowerman, Janice Kay (about 1939)
  855. Hawes, Mary Olive (1939)
  856. Trzos, Edith May (about 1939)
  857. Chatfield, Charla Jean (15 January 1939)
  858. Botma, Arthur R (5 June 1939)
  859. Trevarrow, Paul Henry (28 October 1939)
  860. Hendley, Lois Jean (20 November 1939)
  861. Stickney, Effie Marie (9 December 1939)
  862. Anderson, Violet (about 1940)
  863. Schuler, Frederick (before 1940)
  864. Reene, Jewel Arabelle (about 1940)
  865. Post, Polly Ann (about 1940)
  866. Jeske, Alice May (about 1940)
  867. Irwin, Barbara (about 1940)
  868. Nettleton, Frederick James (1940)
  869. Scherer, Caroline M (1940)
  870. Thunder, Orville L (1940)
  871. Chatfield, Carol Ann (1940)
  872. Durham, Leo Patrick (1 March 1940)
  873. McCormick, Robert Lee (3 June 1940)
  874. Wheat, Virginia (about 1941)
  875. Izzard, Frederick Allen (1941)
  876. Chatfield, Darryl James (8 February 1941)
  877. Pifer, Hannah Catherine (April 1941)
  878. Bawks, Kenneth Wayne (8 September 1941)
  879. Anderson, Lionel Robert (15 October 1941)
  880. Nettleton, Eva May (15 October 1941)
  881. Family of Anderson, Lionel Robert and Nettleton, Eva May
    1. Nettleton, Eva May
    2. Anderson, Lionel Robert
  882. Draves, Anna E (1942)
  883. Weaver, George Allen (1 January 1942)
  884. Martin, Opal (1 January 1942)
  885. Family of Weaver, George Allen and Martin, Opal
    1. Martin, Opal
    2. Weaver, George Allen
  886. Cribbs, John Robert (28 May 1942)
  887. Izzard, Robert Neal (29 June 1942)
  888. Chatfield, James Allen (22 July 1942)
  889. Fenner, Melvin Bruce (24 June 1943)
  890. Slomers, Nancy Rosemary (21 July 1943)
  891. Bawks, Ada Bernice (31 July 1943)
  892. Chatfield, David Gene (3 September 1943)
  893. Cox, Marilyn Jean (June 1944)
  894. Chatfield, Mary C \ K (19 November 1944)
  895. McCormick, Gerald Wesley Jr (22 May 1945)
  896. Bawks, Adrianne Marie (10 October 1945)
  897. Anderson, Wanda May (11 May 1946)
  898. Slomers, Toni Jean (15 June 1946)
  899. Nettleton, Gerald Robert (15 June 1946)
  900. McDowell, Carol Ann (6 May 1947)
  901. Williams, Joann Kaye (15 June 1947)
  902. Jones, Patricia Ann (6 October 1947)
  903. Kamper, Marjorie Alice (15 October 1947)
  904. Family of Nettleton, Barney George and Kamper, Marjorie Alice
    1. Kamper, Marjorie Alice
    2. Nettleton, Barney George
  905. Kamper, Gertrude Marie (15 October 1947)
  906. Nettleton, Glen R (15 October 1947)
  907. Nettleton, Barney George (15 October 1947)
  908. Family of Nettleton, Glen R and Kamper, Gertrude Marie
    1. Nettleton, Glen R
    2. Kamper, Gertrude Marie
  909. Fox, Linda Gayle (22 December 1947)
  910. McDowell, William Richard (May 1948)
  911. Slomers, Bonnie Lou (1 June 1948)
  912. Williams, Marilyn Jean (24 August 1948)
  913. Fenner, Marvin Jack (1949)
  914. Six, Gregory B (10 May 1949)
  915. Family of Cook, William and Wheat, Olive G
    1. Wheat, Olive G
    2. Cook, William
  916. Cook, William (23 July 1949)
  917. Wheat, Olive G (23 July 1949)
  918. Williams, Carol Ann (14 October 1949)
  919. McCormick, Lee Frederick (22 November 1949)
  920. Williams, David Wilson (1950)
  921. Nettleton, Barbara Marie (2 August 1950)
  922. Free, John E (9 August 1950)
  923. Angell, Rex (1951)
  924. Aho, Danny William (13 March 1951)
  925. Brauer, Susan Catherine (26 May 1951)
  926. Gordon, Claude William (27 January 1952)
  927. Hoolsema, Douglas Hugh (17 June 1952)
  928. Hill, Lawrence Benjamin (30 August 1952)
  929. Hoolsema, Donald John (13 June 1953)
  930. Hoffman, Augusta (1954)
  931. Howard, Esther Jean (15 June 1954)
  932. Hoolsema, Beth Elaine (26 July 1954)
  933. Swartz, Harry (1955)
  934. Chatfield, Robin Diane (about 1955)
  935. Nettleton, Sandra Key (1 July 1955)
  936. Chatfield, Theresa Jean (22 November 1955)
  937. Nettleton, Frederick James (1956)
  938. Bowsher, Donna Anna (1 July 1956)
  939. Lordson, Danny Lee (1 September 1956)
  940. Jones, Sharri Lynn (30 December 1956)
  941. Nettleton, Charleen May (19 March 1957)
  942. Nettleton, Danny Brian (14 May 1957)
  943. Redinger, Katherine Larayne (1 July 1957)
  944. Chatfield, Stanley Spencer III (1 July 1957)
  945. Nettleton, Kathy Ann (about 1958)
  946. Redinger, Karen Jean (28 October 1958)
  947. Piltz, Neil Eugene (19 March 1959)
  948. Chatfield, DeWayne Dean (15 April 1959)
  949. Williams, Betty Jean (1 July 1959)
  950. Nettleton, Laura Kay (11 August 1959)
  951. Lordson, Bertrand Morris (20 October 1959)
  952. Gilbert, Della V (1960)
  953. Piltz, Elizabeth Ellen (7 June 1960)
  954. Williams, Yvonne Marie (15 June 1960)
  955. Howard, Elizabeth Myra (1 July 1960)
  956. Beacom, Ronald James (24 August 1960)
  957. Izzard, Kelly Joe (1 September 1960)
  958. Jones, Sharon Kay (12 October 1960)
  959. Hoolsema, Steven W (27 November 1960)
  960. Redinger, Carl Ward Jr (15 June 1961)
  961. Izzard, Keith Allen (1 September 1961)
  962. Chatfield, Sharon K (4 February 1962)
  963. Nettleton, Deborah Sue (15 June 1962)
  964. Hoolsema, Keith Michael (1 August 1962)
  965. Chatfield, Orlo Herman (November 1962)
  966. Fowler, Debra Kay (about 1963)
  967. Isbell, Mildred (1963)
  968. Chatfield, Frederick Stevens (February 1963)
  969. Hill, Cassius Edwin (March 1963)
  970. Izzard, Kim Aileen (15 December 1963)
  971. Chatfield, Jeannine (about 1964)
  972. Ball, Thomas Muller (January 1964)
  973. Jones, Michael William (6 March 1964)
  974. Hoolsema, Mark Allen (15 June 1964)
  975. Devereaux, Harold Grant (28 August 1964)
  976. Lordson, Dana Paul (1966)
  977. Fowler, Dawn (1966)
  978. Ackerman, Debra Sue (12 July 1966)
  979. Day, Lisa Ann (16 December 1966)
  980. Day, Dorence M (January 1967)
  981. Fowler, Wendy Patricia (15 June 1967)
  982. Chatfield, Florence A M (25 June 1967)
  983. Beacom, Terry Lynn (25 July 1967)
  984. Botma, Brian A (30 April 1968)
  985. Lordson, Julie Ann (15 June 1968)
  986. Beacom, Dawn Marie (15 June 1969)
  987. McCormick, Jerry Wesley III (1 July 1969)
  988. Smith, Samuel L (1 September 1969)
  989. McCormick, Frederick F (October 1969)
  990. Chatfield, Marion V (about 1970)
  991. Family of Chatfield, Marion V and Fox, Linda Gayle
    1. Chatfield, Marion V
    2. Fox, Linda Gayle
  992. Fox, Linda Gayle (about 1970)
  993. Davis, Erik Paul (25 February 1970)
  994. Vanartsen, Colleen Loraine (30 May 1970)
  995. Nettleton, Scott Allen (15 June 1970)
  996. McCormick, Gail Lynn (6 September 1970)
  997. Chatfield, Glycie E (October 1970)
  998. Lordson, Robert Allen (1971)
  999. Chatfield, Ray Everton (February 1971)
  1000. McGlinch, Bradley James (27 March 1971)
  1001. Miekle, Jeffrey Russell (28 July 1971)
  1002. Garvock, Jared Timothy (1 September 1971)
  1003. McCormick, Jeremy Alan (19 October 1971)
  1004. Chatfield, Albert Lewis (January 1972)
  1005. Beacom, William Curtis (August 1972)
  1006. McCormick, Justin Travis (19 January 1973)
  1007. Griffin, Bessie (6 February 1973)
  1008. McCormick, Justin Travis (28 February 1973)
  1009. Chatfield, Eric John (24 April 1973)
  1010. Jones, Lisa Ellen (27 May 1973)
  1011. Chatfield, Andrea Heather (15 June 1973)
  1012. Chatfield, Jeffery Scott (July 1973)
  1013. Avery, Trisha Jo (1974)
  1014. Chatfield, Kevin Allen (15 January 1974)
  1015. Chatfield, Cynthia Marie (21 May 1974)
  1016. Beacom, Melissa Jean (15 June 1974)
  1017. Chatfield, Ethan Robert (9 November 1974)
  1018. Bailey, Bess (December 1974)
  1019. Nettleton, Tabitha Lynn (1975)
  1020. Spanogle, Douglas W (31 March 1975)
  1021. Garvock, Julie Susan (27 May 1975)
  1022. McGlinch, Jody Don (20 September 1975)
  1023. Chatfield, Matthew Williams-Howard (15 May 1976)
  1024. McClung, William Devin (15 June 1976)
  1025. Fouty, Helen Mae (June 1977)
  1026. Williams, Tonya Mae (19 September 1977)
  1027. Spencer, Jeremy James (27 September 1977)
  1028. Riggs, William (2 December 1977)
  1029. Nettleton, Stanley Vernon (15 June 1978)
  1030. Avery, Kylie Louise (9 September 1978)
  1031. Bawks, Kenneth Ray (1979)
  1032. Pugh, Grace G (1979)
  1033. Nettleton, Tina S (15 June 1979)
  1034. McCormick, Cheryl Ann (3 December 1979)
  1035. Spencer, Brandon Thomas (23 July 1980)
  1036. Bailey, Brooke Marie (7 August 1980)
  1037. Robinson, Winifred G (March 1981)
  1038. Garman, Neil Edward (30 December 1981)
  1039. Chatfield, Edward James (5 December 1982)
  1040. Chatfield, Stanley Spencer IV (1983)
  1041. Spencer, Justin Taylor (12 February 1983)
  1042. Hejduk, Harold (March 1984)
  1043. Biscorner, Laura Lynn (February 1985)
  1044. Wheat, Morgan H Sr (8 May 1985)
  1045. Biscorner, Jyneffer Marie (15 June 1985)
  1046. Bawks, Randal William (1987)
  1047. Williams, Herbert Wilson (11 March 1987)
  1048. Chatfield, Lee Roberson (25 May 1988)
  1049. Nettleton, Russell L (15 July 1988)
  1050. Chatfield, Berta DeLores (4 March 1991)
  1051. Soli, Theodore J (17 May 1991)
  1052. Chatfield, Laura L (20 July 1991)
  1053. Murner, Heather M (February 1992)
  1054. Brighton, Parker (1 June 1994)
  1055. Atkinson, DeLores June (23 October 1997)
  1056. Lordson, Ellsworth M (10 December 1997)
  1057. Atkinson, Robert Ivan (12 August 1998)
  1058. Beacom, Gary Allen (1999)
  1059. Chatfield, Margaret (31 January 1999)
  1060. Nordquist, S Eunice (29 November 2000)
  1061. Moyer, Julia M (3 December 2000)
  1062. Ravenna, Joseph Thomas (2001)
  1063. Beacom, Rena E (14 July 2001)
  1064. Williams, Annebelle (3 September 2001)
  1065. Bawks, Kenneth Allen (7 January 2002)
  1066. Bowsher, Donald Conrad Jr (22 April 2003)
  1067. Chatfield, Muriel Adeline (23 July 2003)
  1068. Brauer, Leslie D (26 May 2004)
  1069. Hill, Helen Marie (23 July 2004)
  1070. Hejduk, Harold James (1 December 2005)
  1071. Nettleton, Harry Alvin (26 April 2006)
  1072. Hass, Elizabeth Louise (23 May 2006)
  1073. Bordner, Willard J (7 June 2006)
  1074. Chatfield, Vera Mabel (30 April 2007)
  1075. Scherer, Caroline M (7 September 2007)
  1076. Price, Issue 2 (before 2008)
  1077. Chatfield, Lee Roberson (8 August 2008)
  1078. Family of Chatfield, Lee Roberson and Zondervan, Stephanie Payge
    1. Chatfield, Lee Roberson
    2. Zondervan, Stephanie Payge
  1079. Zondervan, Stephanie Payge (8 August 2008)
  1080. Garvock, Malcolm Walter (15 August 2009)
  1081. Durham, Leo Patrick (25 October 2009)
  1082. Williams, Melbourne James (3 September 2010)
  1083. Kamper, Marjorie Alice (12 January 2011)
  1084. Rosenbrock, Ruth Pauline (30 March 2011)
  1085. Wheat, Olive G (12 August 2011)
  1086. Wheat, Evelyn Mae (4 March 2012)
  1087. Dykes, LoRena (21 August 2012)
  1088. Jarrad, Jimmie Ezra-Douglas (14 September 2012)
  1089. Hancock, Hazel Emma (26 December 2012)
  1090. Crisp, Luella Pearl (28 June 2013)
  1091. Chatfield, Carl L (12 May 2017)
  1092. Chatfield, Stanley Spencer II (12 August 2017)