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CHATFIELD Henry BrookerNot listed in GRO from 1837. Possibly emigrated to NSW, Australia on the "Persia" in September 1852as there is a listing for a Henry B Chatfield born 1817 on the Passenger Shipping list and the only other known Henry B Chatfield's were born in America. |
Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 55, Number 25, 22 March 1886 CREDITORS.-ESTATE OF H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned. Administrator of the estate of H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers. within four months alter the first publication of, this notice, to the said Administrator, at the Law Office of W. H. Beatty and S. C. Denson, No. 425 K street, Sacramento, California, the same being his place for the transaction of the business of said estate. THOMAS F. CHATFIELD. Administrator of estate of H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased. Dated March 15, 1886. ----- Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 56, Number 127, 17 January 1887 AFTER MANY YEARS. Was Chatfield a Bigamist?-An lnteresting Case In Court. Some weeks since Richard CHATFIELD, by his attorney, General A. L. Hart, filed a petition in the Superior Court of this county, asking that Thomas F. Chatfield be removed from the administration of the estate of H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased, and petitioner be appointed as such. Also, asking that the said Thomas F. Chatfield be required to render an accounting of his administration of the estate. The petitioner claims that at the time of the death of H. B. Chatfield his only surviving heirs were Richard and Silas Chatfield. The case on its face would not indicate that it was of more than ordinary interest, but if the petitioners succeed in establishing the truth of what they assert, it will prove one of the most interesting cases in the Court records of this county. Richard Chatfield came to California last summer on an excursion train with two purposes in view- one to see the State, the other TO VISIT HIS FATHER. On his arrival here he found that the latter was dead. At least be was told that his father had gone to Mexico, and in that country had been murdered. He commenced immediately to look up the property of the deceased, to which he claims he and his brother are the legal heirs, the result of which was the commencement of this suit. Petitioner claims that at the time of his father's death the latter was worth in real and personal property $20,000. He has been unable to ascertain a description of his father's personal effects, and hence asks for an accounting by the administrator of the estate, Thomas F. Chatfield. Petitioner recites that Thomas F. is the son of one Amy E. CHATFIELD, who claims to be the wife of the deceased, but whom the petitioner believes was never legally married to deceased. In 1869 or 1770 deceased received a deed to some land near Florin from J. Keebo. Shortly after receiving this deed H. B. CHATFIELD MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED. Petitioner believes his father to have been murdered, but says he is of the opinion that his remains are not buried in Mexico, but repose in this county in a deep grave on the ranch he purchased from Keebe. He says that some time after his father's mysterious and prolonged absence, Amy E. Chatfield procured another deed, and in her own name from Keebe, on the ground that the first had been lost or destroyed. He further believes that the procuring of the second deed was for the purpose of defrauding the rightful heirs to the estate. In February last Amy E. Chatfield sold the real estate for $20,000. The case came on for hearing Saturday before Judge Van Fleet in Department Two of the Superior Court. The petitioner was represented by General Hart and the respondent by Beatty & Denson and Grove L. Johnson. The first witness called was Mrs. Amy E. Potter, formerly Mrs. Amy E. Chatfield In response to questions by petitioner's counsel she stated that SHE WAS LAWFULI.Y MARRIED To H. B. Chatfield in Concord, Michigan, by a Justice of the Peace by the name of Bigelow. She could not produce her marriage certificate, claiming that it had been lost. Several questions were asked witness regarding the procuring of the marriage license, which were objected to by witness' counsel, who claimed that it was no part of petitioner's case, and that he must first prove his own standing in Court. General Hart claimed his right to prove by the witness whether or not she was lawfully married to deceased. After considerable argument, the Court ruled that for the present the objections would be sustained. Witness was asked if she had a picture of deceased. She said she had, but, on advise of her counsel, refused to give it to the opposing attorney. A SISTER OF THE DECEASED Was next called to the stand. She is the aunt of the petitioner, and arrived from Chicago, where she resides, Friday last. Her name is Mrs. F. Wilson. Deceased was her eldest brolher. She had known Mrs. Potter since the latter was 11 years of age. The deceased had another wife besides Mrs. Potter. His first wife's maiden name was Lucy Perry. He lived with her in Latrobe, New York. Witness was asked if she had a record of the first marriage, and she replied she had, and also the family Bible containing the record of the marriage in the handwriting of her father. On a visit to his sister, some years ago, accompanied by whom now is Mrs. Potter, deceased mutilated the Bible by cutting out that page having the marriage record. He assigned as a reason for so doing that he did not wish his wife to see it, for IT WOULD MAKE HER JEALOUS If she knew he had another wife. Witness demanded the leaf and he returned it. Subsequently deceased told witness that his first wife was dead, and that he had found her grave. The family Bible was then produced and subjected to a close scrutiny by the opposing counsel. The slip which was cut out contained the following: Henry Chafield and Lucia A. Perry, joined in holy matrimony on Wednesday, March 15, 1841. Witness then gave a brief history of the Chatfield family, claiming that the deceased's legal wife was Lucy Perry, and his only rightful heirs children born to him by her-namelv, the petitioner and his brother Silas. J. H. Wolfe, who was at one time a Justice of the Peace in Brighton township, testified to making out a deed lor some land once, but he did not remember whether it was in the name of Amy E. Chatfield or H. B. Chatfield. Both sides desiring time in which to gather testimony, the case was continued without day. The defense claim that they can substantiate every fact which they are called upon to produce. Important developments may be expected. ----- Sacramento Daily Union, 10 March 1887 RESURRECTED BONES. Are They Those of the Missing H. B. Chatfield? The Record-Union a few months ago published an account of the peculiar condition of affaire developed in the family of H. B. CHATFIELD, who, about the year 1870, owned and lived upon a ranch which he had purchased near Walsh's station, about eight miles from the city. Directly after he purchased the ranch he mysteriously disappeared. His wife said he had gone to Texas, and a report got in circulation that he was killed by the Indians while returning with a band of cattle. However that may be, he was never seen again. The suspicions of Mrs. Chatfield's neighbors were aroused by certain peculiar circumstances, and there began to be whispered about a belief that Chatfield had been killed at home, and that his body was thrown into one of the wells ou the ranch. This suspicion was strengthened by the fact that this well was abandoned about this time and to some extent filled up. Richard CHATFIELD, a son of H. B. Chatfield by his first wife, came out from Nebraska last November to make inquiry as to his father, whom he had not heard from since 1869, soon learned of his disappearance, and gained all the information on the subject possible. He found that Thomas F. CHATFIELD, son of H. B. Chatfield and his second, or California wife, had been granted letters of administration upon the property of the father, and these he proceeded to take legal steps to have set aside, and letters granted to himself instead. This matter is still pending in the Superior Court. Latterly he has been examining the suspected well. upon the ranch, which is now the property of other parties. Securing the services of G. V. Churchman, who has had much experience in sinking wells, an effort was made to clean it out, but they found it a difficult task, there being much water in it at this season of the year, and this their pumps were unable to wholly remove. They have taken out. however, a large quantity of debris, bricks, stones, bottles, timbers, earth, etc.- and finally a few bones, supposed to be those of a human being, and also some that doubtless came from an animal. The bones that are thought to be the remains of a human, have been brought to the city for examination by a physician, to determine what they are. Meanwhile work at the well has stopped, but will probably be resumed in a day or two with more capable pumps, and before long it will doubtless be made known whether the rumor so long in circulation has any foundation in fact. ----- Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 57, Number 20, 16 March 1887 The Chatfield Case. In Department Two of the Superior Court yesterday morning the matter of the estate of H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased, in which some evidence was taken several weeks ago, came up for further hearing on the application of Richard Chatiield to be appointed administrator, in place of Thos. CHATFIELD, appointed a few years ago. A. L. Hart and J. W. Hughes appeared for the petitioner, and Beatty & Denson and Grove L. Johnson for the respondent. On the side of Richard Chatfield it is claimed that his father married a second wife in California before his first wife, mother of Richard and his brother Silas, was either dead or divorced, and that consequently the second marriage was void, and the children by it illegitimate, neither they nor their mother having any claim upon the estate. Depositions were read yesterday to establish the fact of the marriage of H. B. Chatfield and Lucia Terry in 1841, and that Richard Chatfield was their son, etc. J. H. Wolfe, a resident of Brighton, who was a Justice of the Peace in 1870, testified to drawing a deed conveying the ranch near Walsh's station, in 1870 or 1871, from Jarrett Kibbe to a party named Chatfield; he was quite sure it was H. B. Chatfield. A document purporting to have been drawn by him, conveying the property from Kibbe to "Ames" E. CHATFIELD, and which is claimed by Thomas Chatfield to have been the original deed, his father having it made out in favor of his mother instead of himself, but the Justice by mistake in writing, the name " Ames" instead of " Amy was introduced. Mr. Wolfe identified the writing and signature as his own, but when three other documents, purporting to be made out by him on the same day, were presented to him for identification, he denied their validity, and declared his opinion that all were forgeries, because he was confident that he drew up but one paper in which the Chatfields were interested, on that day. H. B. CHATFIELD, it will be remembered, disappeared immediately after he purchased the property, the price of which was about $6,000. It was subsequently sold by Mrs. Amy E. Chatiield to Robert Anderson for $10,000. ----- Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 57, Number 118, 8 July 1887 The Chatfield Case. In the matter of the estate of H. B. CHATFIELD, deceased, which is on trial in Department One of the Superior Court, Richard CHATFIELD, petitioner for letters of administration, rested his case yesterday, and W. H. Beatty. for the defense, made the opening statement on that side. He said that after Chattield had been gone some time, a wandering sheepherder stopped at the ranch, saw the missing man's picture and recognized it as that of a man who had been killed in Texas. The sheepherder remembered the name ol the man to be Chatfield. The attorney said that it would be proven that the land had been deeded to Mrs. Chatlield, and that Richard Chatlield can therefore have no interest in the estate, even if he is a son of H. B. Chatfield. The attorney accounted for papers which were missing some years by stating that they had been left by a man (presumed to be Chatfield) with a harness-maker named Morris in Sacramento, who kept them some years and then gave them into possession of Pressly Dunlap, the documents finally reaching Mrs. Chattield, and would be exhibited in evidence. They consist of deeds, contracts, etc.. and will, the lawyer said, prove that the land was in Mrs. Chatfield's name. The only reason she had taken out letters of administration, it is stated, was that when she desired to sell the property it was discovered that the title was not perfect, and she desired to have it straightened up by the Courts. The attorney contended that whether the marriage between Chatlield and the administratrix was legal was a secondary matter in consideration of the case, as she had taken the pledged word of the father of the contestant, had been joined to him in what she believed to be lawful wedlock, and made him a true and loyal wife. Witnesses were then introduced, including experts in handwriting, the latter to testify as to whether certain documents were written by the same person. ===== USA Census, 1860 Name: Henry Chatfield Event Place: Castoria Township, San Joaquin, California Gender: Male Age: 38 Race: White Birth Year (Estimated): 1822 Birthplace: N. York Page: 33 Household Role Gender Age Birthplace Henry Chatfield M 38 N. York Amy Chatfield F 35 N Y Andrew Chatfield M 11 Mich Cornelius Chatfield M 9 Mich Thomas Chatfield M 5 Cal Florence Chatfield F 1 Cal Household ID: 266 , GS Film Number: 803064 , Digital Folder Number: 004211323 , Image Number: 00291 ----- California, Great Registers Name: Henry Bruce Chatfield Event Type: Voter Registration Event Date: 1868 Event Place: O'Neal, San Joaquin, California Age: 45 Birth Year (Estimated): 1823 Birthplace: New York GS Film number: 977281 , Digital Folder Number: 005030117 , Image Number: 00030 ----- USA Census, 1870 Name: H Chatfield Event Place: California Gender: Male Age: 50 Race: White Birth Year (Estimated): 1819-1820 Birthplace: New York Page Number: 250 Household Role Gender Age Birthplace H Chatfield M 50 New York Amy Chatfield F 39 New York Andrew Chatfield M 21 Michigan Con Chatfield M 18 Michigan Thos Chatfield M 15 California Florence Chatfield F 9 California Emma Chatfield F 7 California William Chatfield F 4 California Household ID: 1817 , Line Number: 27 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: M593 , GS Film number: 000545567 , Digital Folder Number: 004259298 , Image Number: 00510 -or- USA Census, 1870 Name: H Chatfield Event Place: California Gender: Male Age: 45 Race: White Race (Original): W Birth Year (Estimated): 1824-1825 Birthplace: New York Page Number: 76 Household Role Gender Age Birthplace H Chatfield M 45 New York Emma Chatfield F 35 New York Andrew Chatfield M 23 Michigan Conily Chatfield M 19 Illinois Thos Chatfield M 15 California Florence Chatfield M 9 California Emma Chatfield F 6 California Agnes Chatfield F 4 California Household ID: 548 , Line Number: 9 , Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , Affiliate Publication Number: M593 , GS Film number: 000545567 , Digital Folder Number: 004259298 , Image Number: 00334 |
May not have been legitimized. |
Birth GRO 1st qtr 1856 CHATFIELD, Henry Charles Croydon 2a 154 Death GRO 2nd qtr 1932 CHATFIELD, Henry C 76 Croydon 2a 373 Bp=C098656 4836. Census, 1881, Henry Chatfield in household of John Hollyman, Croydon, Surrey, England age: 25 gender: Male birth year: 1856 birthplace: Croydon, Surrey, England relationship to head of household: Lodger marital condition: Married profession/occupation: Painter & Decorator address: 59 Wadden New Rd census place: Croydon, Surrey, England disability: record type: Household family history library film: 1341191 the national archives reference: RG11 piece/folio: 810 / 102 page number: 14 Household Gender Age Birthplace head John Hollyman M 58 Croydon, Surrey, England wife Mary Ann Hollyman F 58 Croydon, Surrey, England lodger Henry Chatfield M 25 Croydon, Surrey, England wife Eliza Chatfield F 26 Croydon, Surrey, England |
Marriages GRO 1st qtr 1881 CHATFIELD, Henry Charles Croydon 2a 322 HOLLYMAN, Eliza Croydon 2a 322 |
Vermont, Vital Records Name: Henry Clay Chatfield Event Type: Death Event Date: 30 Mar 1914 Event Place: Jamaica, , Vermont Gender: Male Age: 67 Birth Year (Estimated): 1847 Father's Name: Horace Chatfield Mother's Name: Jane Grey GS Film number: 1984409 Digital Folder Number: 004703672 Image Number: 02251 ===== USA Census, 1900 Name: Henry C Chatfield Event Place: ED 40 Winhall town, Bennington, Vermont Birth Date: Jul 1846 Birthplace: Vermont Relationship to Head of Household: Head Father's Birthplace: Vermont Mother's Birthplace: Vermont Race: White Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Years Married: 26 Marriage Year (Estimated): 1874 Page: 3 Sheet Letter: A Family Number: 59 Reference ID: 34 GS Film number: 1241689 Digital Folder Number: 004120607 Image Number: 00940 Household Gender Age Birthplace Head Henry C Chatfield M 54 Vermont Wife Adelaide Chatfield F 43 New York Dau Jane A Chatfield F 18 Michigan Dau Gertrude L Chatfield F 11 Michigan ===== USA Census, 1910 Name Henry C Chatfield Event Place Winhall, Bennington, Vermont Gender Male Age 63 Marital Status Widowed Race White Relationship to Head of Household Head Birth Year (Estimated) 1847 Birthplace Vermont Father's Birthplace Vermont Mother's Birthplace Vermont Sheet Letter A Sheet Number 4 Henry C Chatfield Head M 63 Vermont Gertrude L Chatfield Dau F 20 Michigan Clarence E Landman Son-in-law M 30 Vermont Jenette A Landman Dau F 28 Michigan Terrance K Landman Grandson M 4 Vermont Doris L Landman Granddau F 0 Vermont |
Birth GRO 2nd qtr 1900 Chatfield , Henry Colenso Chichester 2b 388 ----- England Births and Christenings Name: Henry Colenso Chatfield Gender: Male Christening Date: 12 Aug 1900 Christening Place: Rumboldswhyke, Sussex, England Father's Name: Frederick Thomas Chatfield Mother's Name: Mary Ann Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I02043-9 System Origin: England-EASy GS Film number: 2147122 Reference ID: Item 21, P186 ----- England and Wales Death Registration Index Name: Henry Colenso Chatfield Registration Quarter: Jul-Aug-Sep Registration Year: 1994 Registration District: Chichester County: Sussex Event Place: Chichester, Sussex, England Birth Date : 02 May 1900 Volume: 7792B Page: B37B |
Marriages GRO 3rd qtr 1931 CHATFIELD, Henry C Crouch Westhampnett 2b 1038 Crouch, Dorothy I Chatfield Westhampnett 2b 1038 |
Birth GRO 4th qtr 1911 CHATFIELD, Henry D Adlington W.Ham 4a 872 |
Marriages GRO 4th qtr 1937 CHATFIELD, Henry D Sawyer Romford 4a 1336 SAWYER, Mabel E Chatfield Romford 4a 1336 |
Connecticut Births and Christenings Name Henry Delizon Chatfield Gender Male Birth Date 25 Feb 1845 Birthplace WATERBURY TWP,NEW HAVEN,CONNETICUT Father's Name Burrett Chatfield Mother's Name Lucinda |
Massachusetts, Springfield Vital Records Name Henry E. Chatfield Event Type Birth Event Date 03 Oct 1866 Event Place SPRINGFIELD, HAMPDEN, MASSACHUSETTS Gender Male Father's Name Henry B. Chatfield Mother's Name Rosanna Mc Cuen |
Henry E. Chatfield Spouse: Mary A Divorce Date: December 13, 1979 Location: Franklin County, Ohio |
Ohio Marriage Index: Name: Henry E Chatfield Age: 39 Birth Year: abt 1941 Residence County: Franklin Times Married: 1 Spouse's Name: Linda L Tall (Obit says Linda Hollingshead) Spouse's Age: 32 Spouse's Birth Year: abt 1948 Spouse's Residence County: Franklin Marriage Date: 7 Jun 1980 Marriage License County: Franklin Certificate Number: 35575 Volume Number: 10330 |
Plaque at Cooktown, QLD, Australia. |
Birth QLD 1939/C1559 Harry Chatfield Harry Ada Eleanor Russell Birth registered after 1935 marriage in 1939 instead on 1896. Death QLD 1965 C368 Henry Edward Chatfield Henry Chatfield & Eleanor Ada Russell ----- Burial Plot Portion Pbn Find a Grave Memorial ID 61121504 ----- Australia Cemetery Inscriptions Event Type: Death Cemetery: Cooktown Qld Name: Henry Edward Chatfield Age: 68 Burial Place: Cooktown, Queensland, Australia Death Date: 13 Mar 1965 Death Place: Cooktown Qld Birth Year (Estimated): 1897 ===== Henry was in the Australian Army Machine Gun Company 11 during WW1. ----- OCCUPATION: Coach Driver, Harbour Master Cooktown, Theatre Manager Cooktown. ----- Nominated for Herberton Hospital Committee July 1922. ----- Cairns Post (Qld. : Friday 1 September 1922) HERBERTON SOCIAL The Returned Soldiers had a fine night for their social on Wednesday evening, August 30th. Diggers Manly and Reid took over £7 at the door. Digger Harry Chatfield acted as M. C., and also returned thanks later for the attendance. etc about the music... The local League are going to celebrate Armistice Day in Herberton with a ball on Friday night, November 10th. ----- Cairns Post (Qld. : Tuesday 27 May 1930) THANKS. MR. H. E. CHATFIELD and Famíly wish to convey their sincere thanks to all those who sent floral tributes and messages of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. [The editor of this genealogy does not know who this refers to. - May be an in-law.] ----- Councillor H E. Chatfield. Cook Shire Council, Cooktown, QLD. 1948. ----- Find A Grave Memorial # 61121504. |
Marriages GRO 3rd qtr 1917 CHATFIELD, Henry E Parson Newton A. 5b 229 Parson, Daisy M Chatfield Newton A. 5b 229 ----- Henry was in England in the Australian Army Machine Gun Company 11. |
QLD Marriage Index Henry Edward CHATFIELD 14/10/1933 Eileen May Symons 1933/C 3194 ----- Cairns Post (Qld. : Monday 30 October 1933) Chatfield-Symons. At St. Mary's Church, Cooktown, on Tuesday evening, October 24, Rev. Father Mount, O.S.A., solemnised the marriage of Harry, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. CHATFIELD, Herberton, and Eileen May, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Symons, Hogg-street, Cooktown. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white mariette and angel skin lace, Her veil as worn Madonna style and she carried a bouquet of white roses and asparagus fern tied with white ribbons. Miss Kit Summerhayes, niece of the bride, attended as bridesmaid and wore a frock of green organdi and a tulle band round her head and carried a bouquet of pink and yellow roses tied with pink ribbons. Dr. Burke Gaffney was best man. After the ceremony the reception was held at the residence of the bride, and Mrs. Symons (mother of the bride) wore a frock of brown morocain with a black hat. Only relatives and immediate friends were present at the reception, and a number of other friends were present later on. The two tier wedding cake was the work of Comino's (Cairns). The bridegroom's present to the bride was a platinum pendant and to the bridesmaid a string of crystal beads. On leaving by the Merinda for her future home in Cairns the bride wore a travelling frock of blue striped morocain trimmed with organdí and wore a blue hat. |
Birth GRO 3rd qtr 1903 CHATFIELD, Henry Edward E. Preston 2b 348 Death GRO 1987 CHATFIELD, Henry Edward 25Jul1903 Worthing 18 2347 |
California, Death Index Name: Henry Edward Chatfield Event Type: Death Event Date: 14 Feb 1997 Event Place: San Diego, California Birth Date: 10 Nov 1904 Birthplace: Michigan Gender: Male Father's Name: Mother's Name: Kishpaugh ===== THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD. March-April 1932. Henry E. Chatfield gives his new address as 49 South 9th street, Reading, Pennsylvania. Chatfield is on the sales force of the DuPont Chemical company in the specialty division. ----- USA Census, 1940 Name Henry E Chatfield Event Place Ward 1, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Gender Male Age 35 Marital Status Married Race White Relationship to Head of Household Head Birthplace Michigan Birth Year (Estimated) 1905 Last Place of Residence Van Buren, Michigan Henry E Chatfield Head M 35 Michigan Verlin M Chatfield Wife F 27 Oklahoma |
Name Henry Edwards Chatfield Event Type Marriage Event Date 25 Jul 1936 Event Place Mount Morrison, Jefferson, Colorado Spouse's Name Verlin Murnice Dalton Page 7361 ----- THE MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE RECORD. Year of 1929. Henry E. Chatfield and Verlin M. Dalton were married in Denver, Colorado, on July 25. Henry covers Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado in the interests of the duPont company, with head-quarters at Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. Chatfield visited the campus during Christmas vacation. |
This was the 3rd marriage for both |
Spouse of Louisa BOVEE 1870- |
Note: Records reflect that Henry was born Mar 16, 1862 rather than 1861 as inscribed on his headstone. His parents were married Nov 18, 1861. Either his birth year is off, their marriage date is off, or his mother was pregnant when married. ----- Find A Grave Memorial# 35187860 ===== School teacher. |
Michigan, Marriages Name: Henry E Chatfield Birth Date: 1862 Birthplace: Medins Age: 27 Spouse's Name: Loya Bovee Spouse's Birth Date: 1870 Spouse's Birthplace: Township Hudson Spouse's Age: 19 Event Date: 05 Dec 1889 Event Place: Detroit, Michigan Father's Name: S. S. Chafield Mother's Name: Abbie Mapes Spouse's Father's Name: Ezery Bvoe Spouse's Mother's Name: E. Cobb Race: White Marital Status: Single Spouse's Race: White Spouse's Marital Status: Single Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01485-8 System Origin: Michigan-EASy GS Film number: 1377644 Reference ID: Pg343 RN5121 ----- Michigan, Marriages Name: Henry E. Chatfield Age (Expanded): 27 years Birth Year: 1862 Birthplace: Michigan Spouse's Name: Louisa Bovce Spouse's Age (Expanded): 19 years Spouse's Birth Year: 1870 Spouse's Birthplace: Michigan Event Date: 05 Dec 1889 Event Place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan Father's Name: L. S. Chatfield Mother's Name: Abbie Mapes Spouse's Father's Name: Egery Bovce Spouse's Mother's Name: E. Cobb GS Film number: 2342487 , Digital Folder Number: 4207811 , Image Number: 360 , Reference ID: v 3 p 550 rn 5121 ----- Michigan, Marriages Name: Henry E. Chatfield Spouse's Name: Louisa Bovce Event Date: 05 Dec 1889 Event Place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan Father's Name: L. S. Chatfield Mother's Name: Abbie Mapes Spouse's Father's Name: Egery Bovce Spouse's Mother's Name: E. Cobb Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M01995-4 , System Origin: Michigan-ODM , GS Film number: 2342487 |
Name: Henry E Chatfield Age (Expanded): 32 years Birth Year: 1862 Birthplace: Michigan Spouse's Name: Sarah A Helb Spouse's Age (Expanded): 32 years Spouse's Birth Year: 1862 Spouse's Birthplace: Williams, County, Ohio Event Date: 07 Aug 1894 Event Place: Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Michigan Father's Name: S S Chatfield Mother's Name: Albie E Maper Spouse's Father's Name: Thos P Deau... Spouse's Mother's Name: Looma Flowers GS Film number: 2342498 , Digital Folder Number: 4207821 , Image Number: 64 , Reference ID: v 2 rn 2035 |
Spouse of Alice J Foster 1882-1971 |
Ohio, Death Index Name: Henry F Chatfield Event Date: 27 Jun 1963 Event Place: Salem, Columbiana, Ohio Registration Place: Home Residence Place: Salem, Columbiana, Ohio Gender: Male Age: 82 Marital Status: Married Race: White Birth Date: 1881 Autopsy Performed: Yes, used for certification Certificate Number: 43161 Volume Number: 17311 Certifier's Role: Physician Affiliate Line Number: 43160 Affiliate File Name: Deaths63.dat Source Reference: Ohio Department of Health ----- Find A Grave Memorial# 107433008 ===== USA Census, 1910 Name: Henry F Chatfield Event Place: Mt Vernon Ward 1, Westchester, New York District: 57 Gender: Male Age: 28 Marital Status: Married Race: White Relationship to Head of Household: Head Birth Year (Estimated): 1882 Birthplace: Connecticut Father's Birthplace: Connecticut Mother's Birthplace: Connecticut Sheet Number and Letter: 4A Household ID: 71 GS Film number: 1375104 Digital Folder Number: 004449910 Image Number: 00126 Household Gender Age Birthplace Head Henry F Chatfield M 28 Connecticut Wife Alice F Chatfield F 28 Connecticut Mother-in-law Della E Ester F 57 Connecticut ----- USA World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Name: Henry F Chatfield Event Place: Mount Vernon City, New York Gender: Male Birth Date: 24 Apr 1881 Birthplace: , , USA Nationality: USA GS Film number: 001753847 Digital Folder Number: 005262634 Image Number: 01261 ----- USA Census, 1920 Name: H F Chatfield Event Place: Mount Vernon Ward 1, Westchester, New York District: 81 Gender: Male Age: 38 Marital Status: Married Race: White Relationship to Head of Household: Head Birth Year (Estimated): 1882 Birthplace: Connecticut Father's Birthplace: Connecticut Mother's Birthplace: Connecticut Sheet Number and Letter: 1B Household ID: 16 Line Number: 74 Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Affiliate Publication Number: T625 GS Film number: 1821277 Digital Folder Number: 004442107 Image Number: 00190 Household Gender Age Birthplace Head H F Chatfield M 38 Connecticut Wife Alice Chatfield F 36 Connecticut Son Charles Chatfield M 9 New York Dau Joyce Chatfield F 2 New York Mother Della Foster F 67 Connecticut ----- USA Census, 1930 Name: Henry F Chatfield Event Place: Syracuse, Onondaga, New York District: 0123 Gender: Male Age: 48 Marital Status: Married Race: White Relationship to Head of Household: Head Birth Year (Estimated): 1882 Birthplace: Connecticut Father's Birthplace: Connecticut Mother's Birthplace: Connecticut Sheet Number and Letter: 6A Household ID: 108 Line Number: 47 Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Affiliate Publication Number: T626 Affiliate Film Number: 1630 GS Film number: 2341364 Digital Folder Number: 004639200 Image Number: 00869 Household Gender Age Birthplace Head Henry F Chatfield M 48 Connecticut Wife Alice J Chatfield F 47 Connecticut Son Charles F Chatfield M 19 New York Daughter Joyce B Chatfield F 12 New York Mother-in-law Della E Foster F 77 Connecticut ----- USA Census, 1940 Name: Henry F Chatfield Event Place: Ward 4, Salem City, Perry Township, Columbiana, Ohio Gender: Male Age: 58 Marital Status: Married Race: White Relationship to Head of Household: Head Birthplace: Connecticut Birth Year (Estimated): 1882 Last Place of Residence: Same Place District: 15-47 Family Number: 292 Sheet Number and Letter: 15A Line Number: 12 Affiliate Publication Number: T627 Affiliate Film Number: 3044 Digital Folder Number: 005460446 Image Number: 00711 Household Gender Age Birthplace Head Henry F Chatfield M 58 Connecticut Wife Alice J Chatfield F 58 Connecticut ----- USA World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Name: Henry Finch Chatfield Event Type: Draft Registration Event Date: 1942 Event Place: Salem, Columbiana, Ohio Gender: Male Birth Date: 24 Apr 1881 Affiliate ARC Identifier: 623234 Affiliate Publication Title: World War II Draft Cards (4th Registration) for the State of Ohio , GS Film Number: 2372080 , Digital Folder Number: 004143194 , Image Number: 04675 |
Birth GRO 3rd qtr 1903 CHATFIELD, Henry Frank Steyning 2b 286 Death GRO 4th qtr 1982 CHATFIELD, Henry Frank 27AU1903 Worthing 18 2145 ===== Chatfields of Steyning - (Worthing - Sussex) Leslie Chatfield B 17 December 1908 and his brother Henry Frank Chatfield B 27 August 1903, sons of Frank Chatfield and my great aunt Maud Thirza Tear both died in Worthing in October q 1982 was this a coincidence or were they in an accident? |
Marriages GRO 4th qtr 1931 CHATFIELD, Henry F Darvill St.Thomas 5b 103 Darvill, Margaret Chatfield St.Thomas 5b 103 | Re: CHATFIELD of Sussex MorganHills (View posts) Posted: 24 Aug 2006 3:25PM Classification: Query Surnames: CHATFIELD, Parson I think we have the same Chatfield family. My husband's great grandfather was Harry Chatfield (described as a jeweller in the 1881 census)and his son was also Henry/ Harry who came to Australia with his wife and child in about 1920. Let me know if you need any information and maybe you can help us in our search. Cheers Sharon (Perth, WA) This may relate to his descendants. Cramp took an active interest in the administration of his sport. He was Vice-President and later a life member of the Southern Anglers Association. In 1919 he was appointed to board of the Fisheries Commissioners and continued his position after 1927 when the Government amended the Fisheries Act to create a Sea Fisheries Board but left responsibility for inland fisheries with the renamed Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Commission. Cramp retired from this position in 1931 and was replaced by his second son Harold. Harold served under his older brother Harry who was the first chairman of this Commission and also Secretary of the STLAA. Harry Wilfred CRAMP married Lillian Edith Farrell in 1901. His service to the Tasmanian trout fishery is commemorated by memorial gates at the Plenty salmon Ponds. Harry led the Commission for 20 years. In 1953 the chairmanship of the Commission passed to George Chatfield Cramp, a grandson of William and a nephew of Harry. (George Chatfield CRAMP was born in 1904, the same year his parents George CRAMP and Edith Mawle were married.) As the founder of this dynasty William Thomas Cramp has been called the 'father of fishing’.. He was an active member of the Memorial Congregational Church in Hobart and for 59 years a prominent member of the Independent Order of Rechabites. His philanthropic interests also included the Friendly Society movement. Cramp died in Hobart in June 1935 aged 86 and is buried at Cornelian Bay Cemetery. Harry W Cramp died in Blackburn Victoria in 1962 and George Chatfield Cramp in 1987.) ----- England and Wales Census, 31 Mar 1901 Name: Henry G Chatfield Event Place: Snodland, Kent, England County: Kent Civil Parish: Snodland Ecclesiastical Parish: Snodland All Saints Sub-District: Aylesford Registration District: Malling Gender: Male Age: 38 Occupation: WATCH & CLOCK DEALER & SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OFFICER Relationship to Head of Household: Head Birth Year (Estimated): 1863 Birthplace: Maresfield, Sussex Schedule Type: 213 Page Number: 37 Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Henry G Chatfield Head M 38 Maresfield, Sussex Elizabeth Chatfield Wife F 58 Lakenheath, Suffolk Alfred L G Chatfield Son M 15 Burwash, Sussex ----- England and Wales Census, 1911 Name: Henry George Chatfield Event Place: Ryarsh, Kent, England County: Kent Parish: Ryarsh Sub-District: Aylesford Sub-District Number: 1 District Number: 48 Enumeration District: 10 Registration District: Malling Gender: Male Age: 48 Marital Status: Married Marital Status (Original): MARRIED Occupation: SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OFFICER Industry: COUNTY COUNCIL Number in Family: 2 Birth Year (Estimated): 1863 Birthplace: Maresfield, Sussex Relationship to Head of Household: Head Schedule Type: 124 Page Number: 1 Registration Number: RG14 Piece/Folio: 247 Affiliate Record Identifier: GBC/1911/RG14/03972/0247/1 Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Henry George Chatfield Head M 48 Maresfield, Sussex Elizabeth Chatfield Wife F 68 Lakenheath, Suffolk |
Marriage 1st qtr. 1885 CHATFIELD, Harry George Uckfield 2b 199 Place, Elizabeth Uckfield 2b 199 |
Administration on the estate of Henry was granted 8 May 1822 to his widow Amanda, of Oxford, CT, and to Abner Tiballs, of Derby, CT; the estate was distributed to Amanda Chatfield daughter, and sons Charles R and Frederick H. ----- Find A Grave Memorial# 48169710 |
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