
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Tester. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Tester, Agnes 1897
Tester, Alfred 1856
Tester, Alice Maud 1894
Tester, Ann Alice about 1848
Tester, Caroline 1819
Tester, Catherine Eliza 1902
Tester, Charles 1817
Tester, Charles 1865
Tester, Charles Thomas J 1900
Tester, Edwin 1855
Tester, Eliza 1859
Tester, Emma 1860
Tester, George 1853
Tester, Herbert George 1904
Tester, James 30 January 1828
Tester, Lucy about 1890
Tester, Marion A 3 March 1926
Tester, Mary Jane 1852
Tester, Reuben Jack 1907
Tester, Thomas 1846
Tester, William 1850
Tester, William 1893