Dec 1938 - Mrs. H. Chatfield and her two daughters, Dot and Pam, returned by plane to their home in Cooktown after spending a holiday in Herberton.
The tri-colour and ballooning chosen by the Cooktown branch of the C.W.A. for their dance on Friday, October 20. gave Standen's Hall a gay and happy effect. ...............etc.
During the evening Misses Gay Kenny and Pamela Chatfield were the winners of both novelty dances for children.
Cairns Post (Qld. : Thursday 9 May 1940)
Mr. and Mrs. H. Chatfield entertained 17 small guests at their residence on Saturday last to celebrate their daughter, Pamela's, fifth birthday.
Cairns Post (Qld. : Thursday 1 February 1940)
On Saturday afternoon last, Mrs. F H. Shephard entertained 16 young guests at a party in the Hotel Commercial, to celebrate the sixth, birthday of her son Wallace. Iced dainties were enjoyed. A birthday, cake was the central attraction. Games followed the repast. The guests included: Misses Dorothy and Pamela Chatfield.
Cairns Post (Qld. : Tuesday 29 July 1941)
Passengers from Cairns by the A.O.A. DH.89A Dragon Rapide 'Yuptana' (Captain Hill) from Cairns to Cooktown, were the following passengers: Mrs. E. Chatfield; Misses P. Chatfield and M. Watkins; and three more passengers.