Wolcott, New Haven Co., Connecticut, USA
Enclosed By |
Place Encloses |
Alcott, John B
Alcox \ Alcott, John
(28 December 1731)
Atkins, Samuel
Alcox \ Alcott, John
(28 August 1755)
Chatfield, Mary
(28 August 1755)
Family of Alcox \ Alcott, John and Chatfield, Mary
Chatfield, Mary
Alcox \ Alcott, John
Alcott, Lydia
(8 December 1756)
Alcox \ Alcott, Solomon I
(8 May 1759)
Roberts, Pamelia
(27 September 1761)
Alcott, Samuel
(29 November 1761)
Alcott, John Blakeslee
(24 June 1764)
Alcott, Mary
(8 September 1766)
Alcott, Isaac
(12 April 1769)
Alcott, Joseph Chatfield
(7 May 1771)
Lane, Mary
(about 1773)
Bronson, Anna
(20 January 1773)
Alcott, Mark
(11 May 1773)
Alcott, Thomas
(16 October 1775)
Alcott, John
(6 January 1777)
Alcott, Thomas
(27 April 1778)
Alcott, Solomon II
(about 1784)
Family of Alcox \ Alcott, Solomon I and Roberts, Pamelia
Roberts, Pamelia
Alcox \ Alcott, Solomon I
Roberts, Pamelia
(14 June 1784)
Alcox \ Alcott, Solomon I
(14 June 1784)
Alcott, Lydia
(19 September 1785)
Atkins, Samuel
(13 July 1788)
Alcott, Hannah
(16 July 1788)
Blakeslee, Deborah
(18 January 1789)
Alcott, Leonard
Alcott, Almon
(22 February 1790)
Alcott, Seth Roberts
(11 January 1792)
Alcott, Joseph Chatfield
(13 October 1796)
Family of Alcott, Joseph Chatfield and Bronson, Anna
Alcott, Joseph Chatfield
Bronson, Anna
Bronson, Anna
(13 October 1796)
Alcott, Betsey
(4 April 1798)
Alcott, Betsey
(5 November 1798)
Frisbee, Charles
(21 June 1799)
Alcott, Amos Bronson
(29 November 1799)
Alcott, Statira
(30 March 1800)
Alcott, Chatfield
(23 October 1801)
Alcott, Albin
Chatfield, Mary
(28 February 1807)
Finch, Chloe B
(24 June 1807)
Alcott, Betsey
(14 February 1808)
Alcott, James
(18 May 1809)
Alcott, Almira
(about 1811)
Alcott, George
(26 March 1812)
Alcott, George
(10 July 1812)
Alcott, Lois Gaylord
(22 March 1817)
Alcox \ Alcott, Solomon I
(21 May 1818)
Alcott, Junius
(6 July 1818)
Alcott, Ambrose V
(10 September 1820)
Alcott, Clarissa
(29 September 1822)
Alcott, Sidney Whiting
(6 September 1826)
Cleveland, Betsey
(18 October 1827)
Alcott, Sidney Whiting
(29 June 1828)
Alcott, Sidney Whiting
(1 August 1830)
Lane, Albert Nathaniel
(22 July 1831)
Alcott, Lydia
(23 September 1831)
Alcott, Henry Gilbert
(27 February 1832)
Alcott, Rufus Cleveland
(28 February 1832)
Alcott, Esther Melissa
(9 April 1835)
Alcott, Lucien Palmer \ Pons
(11 July 1835)
Alcott, Sarah Jane
(19 April 1836)
Pritchard, Berlin Joseph
Blakeslee, Coral Dwight
(3 September 1837)
Alcott, Harriet Ann
(15 December 1837)
Cleveland, Mary
(12 October 1838)
Alcott, Amos Newton
(17 October 1838)
Lewis, Nathaniel
(24 February 1839)
Gaylord, Lois
(26 April 1839)
Alcott, Mary
(12 December 1840)
Alcott, Emily
(15 March 1841)
Alcott, Mary
(12 September 1842)
Alcott, Phebe
(28 June 1844)
Alcott, Emeline M
(2 September 1849)
Alcott, Mariett \ Mariette \ Maryette
Alcott, Henry Gilbert
Higgins, Frederick Upson
(7 August 1853)
Alcott, Esther Melissa
Johnson, Theron Smith
Alcott, Mary
Alcott, Thomas
Hotchkiss, Isaac
(31 August 1870)
Finch, Chloe B
(24 September 1870)
Munson, Emma Fidelia
(31 May 1871)
Alcott, Albin
(11 December 1871)
Alcott, James Polk
(5 March 1872)
Alcott, Thomas
(30 October 1872)
Garrigus, Harry Lucian
(18 August 1876)
Upson, Elsie Mabel
Alcott, James
(16 December 1878)
Upson, Florence A
(March 1879)
Upson, Florence A
Alcott, Amos Newton
Upson, Evelyn M
Lane, Elsie Salina
Upson, Elsie Mabel
Robinson, Ella Maria
Alcott, Issue 4
Alcott, Lucien Palmer \ Pons
Alcott, Amos Newton
(5 April 1881)
Alcott, Almon
(7 May 1883)
Alcott, Salina
(22 January 1887)
Lane, Elsie Salina
Upson, Evelyn M
Upson, Florence A
Munson, Cornelius Franklin
Lane, Albert Nathaniel
(20 February 1906)
Alcott, Sidney Whiting
Alcott, Lucien Palmer \ Pons
Upson, Evelyn M
(19 June 1918)
Barnum, Sally Adams
(27 April 1999)
Chatfield, Robert W
Alcott, Sarah Jane
Alcott, Amos Newton
Finch, Chloe B
Alcott, James Polk
Alcott, Almon
Alcott, Albin
Alcott, Salina
Alcott, James