I am the daughter of Emma Mae Chatfield Fleck, daughter of Daniel Lewis CHATFIELD, son of Lewis Israel (of Israel Lewis depending of the record) CHATFIELD, youngest son of Alonzo Chatfield.
Stories passed down through my family say that Alonzo did desert Lucina and have a second wife "out West". The stories also say that he did come back much later but Lucina shut the door in his face. (I realize stories are not always factual, but much of this has also been passed down through descendants of other children of Lewis Israel Chatfield and some Billings. There is an article written in 1933 in the Middlebury Campus about this.) Do you have a copy of the poem written by Jason Billings (Lucina Billing's nephew) about Lucina?
Recently I have been looking at the Alonzo who married Mary Fox. I find it very interesting that their son Benjamin's death certificate lists him as Benjamin Gould Chatfield. Since Alonzo's mother was Sally Gould, I feel this helps confirm that Alonzo did have another wife.
I have been trying to gather more information to determine if any descendants of Alonzo and Mary Fox Chatfield have stories that have been passed down. So far, I have not been able to contact them.
From Town Records in Ripton VT, we know that Alonzo disappeared in 1855. He was elected assistant superintendent of schools early that year; a couple of months later a entry says that they need a new assistant superintendent because Alonzo has disappeared.
Written Sep 2013.
USA Public Records
Name: Karen A Jeffer
Alias: K Jeffers
Second Alias: Karen Ann Jeffers
Event Type: Residence
Event Date: 15 Nov 2007-25 Mar 2008
Event Place: N Billerica, Massachusetts
Phone Number: (508) 663-3664
Previous Residence: N Billerica, Massachusetts 01862
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1955
Second Previous Residence Place: North Billerica, Massachusetts 01862
Third Previous Residence Place: Scarborough, Maine 04074
2nd Address Date: 01 Oct 1990-01 Jan 2009
3rd Address Date: 1 Dec 1980