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de Witt Harvey H ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Edward (1928-2001) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Ann (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul Judson (1902-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Philip (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sherry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeaconElizabeth Annie or Sarah Mayor ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeadmanHarriet ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeanDorothy R (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Glenis B (1957- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry C (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ida Fae / Fay (1906-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James A (1920- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Henry W (1892-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Jane S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Louisa Ann (1871-1888) . . . Group sheet (as child) Madison (1858-1914) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Crease (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Myrtie (1886-1939) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Olive M C (1923- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert E (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Arminda (1862- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Stanley (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Susan Winifred Jane M.B.E. (1924-2007) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas P (1827-1889) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William F (1814-1882) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Franklin (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DearCora Irene (1885-1970) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DearlingJohn ( -1851) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1800-1867) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DebnamSue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeBottiEthel Louise (1912-1981) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DebruierNaomi ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DebruynNoel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DebusVerona Julia (1878-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DebusseyClara ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeckerAbby A (1841- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ann ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Carolyn L (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick Duane (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jay ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Pearl (1909-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Teri ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeDeyneJill Andrea ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Julius Anthony (1928-2011) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeeIssue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeanette Ruth (1884-1970) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Francis (1858-1897) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeereJohn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Richard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeetsAdam (1860-1860) . . . Group sheet (as child) Adelaide L (1860-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Alvah Burton (1862-1929) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Donald Joseph (1927-1973) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eliza (1874-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ethzelda / Ethselda (1858-1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Frank Willard (1904-1957) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gladys Bell (1891-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harold Burton (1888-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Islea Faye (1895-1972) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jessica Lelia (1896-1976) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John C (1865-1907) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Joseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph E (1831-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joseph E II (1866-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joseph Neil (1910-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Sarah (1870-1940) . . . Group sheet (as child) Virgil Clifton (1900-1973) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DeFanoCarmen (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Josephine (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sumner (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DefeliceJeanne M (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeForestThomas B (1832-1889) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DefountGeorge L (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Degraff? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Minnie / Mernia / Marina / Merina W (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DegraftElenor ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeGrawElizabeth (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Justin R (1866-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Samuel (1827- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeGrootMarion Laura (1917-2006) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DegrothMary Elizabeth (1826-1869) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DekayKathryn G (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DelanauzeDenise S (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Delaney? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Catherine M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Joseph (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Jones ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DelangeJeanne (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Delano? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ella Spencer (1855-1929) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DelanyMildred Augusta (1886-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William Henry ( -1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DelawderElza Pearl Sr (1886-1954) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Willard (1923-1991) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DelbrouckAlice Marie (1931-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Allan (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Melvin Elbert (1930-1954) . . . Group sheet (as child) Shirley (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Wilfrid A Sr (1906-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Wilfrid Albert Jr (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DelibercoSanto ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeLisleDonna Maria (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DellLucy J (1922-2015) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeLoachDorothea ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DelongArmand Berry (1894-1982) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Berry (1920-2003) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DelucaAnthony Eugene (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gino (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DelvesEdna Jean ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily (1836- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frederick (1831- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George (1838- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph (1805-1871) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph (1832- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Walter (1834- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DemarcoRobert J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DemeyerDennis S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DemingMary Elizabeth (1850-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DemkoJulie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DempseyBridget (1848-1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DenahyJennifer (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dendy? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1793-1872) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dorinda (1828- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick Peter (1840-1879) . . . Group sheet (as child) George (1848-1910) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hazel Joan (1939-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jemima (1867-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John (1792- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kate (1872-1872) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1790- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1825- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Walter (1830-1904) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Walter (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William (1789- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William (1811- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1842- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DenhamAnthony C (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Caroline (1817-1905) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles E (1914- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Hilda (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Lee (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DenihanFrances Martha (1880-1953) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DenisonDaphne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dennin / DinnenEva M (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DennisAudrey Lillian (1915-1999) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Bobby ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Donna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elsie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George Washington (1798-1873) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gertrude D (1900-1986) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Grace Celina (1881-1965) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gurdon Harkness (1831-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Janet (1947-1947) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jere Jerome (1941-2010) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John William (1908-1984) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret Edith (1905-1984) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Morris ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Myrtle T (1892-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Robert Austin (1910- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert Gurdon (1883-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Rod Allen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Truda Ann (1944- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Trudi Lynn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Dennis / FangmeyerViolet Mae (1933-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DennistonArthur James (1851-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Georgina (1883-1970) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Denny? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George Benoni Buck (1841-1906) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George Chatfield (1919-2000) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ralph Boynton (1871-1938) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DensmoreAlford Romance (1877-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edward (1914- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DentHarry C (1890-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DentenAlan G F ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DentonMelanie Jo ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DerbyAlfred Thomas (1823- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Caroline (1811- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charles Henry (1829- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eliza Charlotte (1818-1892) . . . Group sheet (as child) Emma Maria (1817-1854) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick William (1826- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Louisa (1814- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Matilda Sarah (1821-1883) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William (1784-1847) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DerbyshireRosanna (1828-1858) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dereau? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DerferViola (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DergeBeverly Jean (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Fred H (1865- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Fred H Jr. (1909-1971) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeringerEdna A (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ludwell C (1828- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Willice (1885- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DerringerHenry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jack ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeruiterHerman ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lewis (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DesboroughMary (1635-1700) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DesforgesIrene Marie (1899-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeSilvaElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DesmondLeonard A ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DetrickAlbert Warren (1910-1978) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ray A ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DettyNeil Sinclair (1913-1981) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Theodore E (1933-2005) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Detweiller? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Orson (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DetwilerEarl M (1908-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeuelAllen M (1923-1984) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Anita Rose (1912-2006) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Debra J (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Douglas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Duane William (1953-2002) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ellen (1903- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank C (1931-2005) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Frank G (1875-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Ircel (1915- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeffrey (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Juana Marie (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Lloyd John (1927-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Margaret (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Pamela M (1961-2009) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Rhessa (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rolland Frank (1925-1990) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Rosemary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William E (1929-2014) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DeutscherEmma Frances (1887-1981) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hilda ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Minna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Traugott Micha (1850-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DevaultMary Elizabeth (1844-1903) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DevereauxCalvin Pardee (1829-1908) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Grant (1867-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harold Grant (1904-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harvey Francis (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Helen (1890-1914) . . . Group sheet (as child) Louis (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeversBeatrice May (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dora May (1918-1918) . . . Group sheet (as child) Irene Marie (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Henry (1895- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeveyDon Earl ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Katherine (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DevineEileen Ethel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DevlinAdella (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alfred (1879-1924) . . . Group sheet (as child) Arthur ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bernard M (1888-1942) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dora (1885- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michael (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Patrick (1836-1914) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Patrick (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Annie (1877- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Valentine (1875- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DeVoeBertha Nevada (1871-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emma Hattie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ethel (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DevonshireMildred Jane (1888-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DevotionMary (1648-1684) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeVriesJaclyn J (2006- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William D (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DewarCaroline (1855-1912) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Richard (1827-1897) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeweyAndrew J (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Blanche Winifred (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick R G (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick W (1884-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Howard Ashley ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ian G (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lynda J (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert Neil (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DewickFrederick ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DewittJames ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lacie Kay (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Laura Elaine (1974- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Leslie Lynn (1977- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Louann Marie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DexterCelestia / Celestine A (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Merlin L ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DeyoAlan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiamondJohn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiazRosa Marina (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DÃazRaymundo ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DibbleCora B (1869-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George (1842-1894) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (Sellock) (1800- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DibbleeIssue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Margaret Wilson (1831-1926) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Richard Harvey (1791-1864) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DibleyMargaret A (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DichtenmillerMarguerite ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DickensJohn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DickerLucy (1743- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DickermanLyman ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ives ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nancy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dickert? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DickeyH G (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jeannie D ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Rev. John (1814-1889) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Linda ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Eugenia (1858-1929) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mattie P ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Patricia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DickinsonAlpheus Lyman (1859-1939) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lewis Johnson (1853-1855) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maria Rachel (1869-1935) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Elmina (1856-1919) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Rosa (1858-1858) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rev. Selden Curtis (1864-1959) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Rev Selden Curtiss (1914-1997) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sumner W (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Walter (1788-1855) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Walter Johnson (1832-1899) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DicksFrancis Williard (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Ann (1858-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Terry L (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DiDonatoGloria Giuditta (1932-2017) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DiefendorfBlanche (1873-1935) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DielemanScott Alan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DietrichScott Ryan (1975- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DietzAlice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiffordFrances ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Diggens / DiggonsElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiggleLeonora ( -1883) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DigglesDonald R (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert E (1889- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DilkeAshton Wentworth (1850-1883) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles Wentworth (1789-1864) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sir Charles Wentworth 1st Baronet (1810-1869) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sir Charles Wentworth 2nd Baronet (1843-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Sir Charles Wentworth 3rd Baronet (1874-1918) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Clement Wentworth (1878-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sir Fisher Wentworth 4th Baronet (1877-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mildred (1852-1853) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sybil Mary Wentworth (1879-1931) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DillardMarjorie June (1930-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Dillie MerrickSusannah (1679-1715) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DillinghamBertha Elizabeth (1889-1979) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Gilbert Lafayette (1847-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DillonChristopher (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Dolly Mae (1918-2004) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Allen (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ronald E (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dillow? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emma Eileen (1993- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Homer F ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Victor Leon (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dills? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiltsEmily ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joshua ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michael ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Scott ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Steve Scott (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DimauroSandra L (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DimickEdgar W (1892-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DimotMary (1766- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DinesFanny (1804-1847) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DinnageFrederick John (1891-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joan (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DinsmoorLila Maxine (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiplockEllen (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DiPreteAngelo A (1913-1963) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lorraine L (1946-2014) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DisherLady Eliza (1818-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DisneyMary Ann (1837-1868) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DitchburnEdith Elinor ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DitnerEmma G (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DitonAlan C (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Henry Thomas (1871-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry Thomas (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John H (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy (1828-1901) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DiuguidDaly William Chatfield (1997- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Allan (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DivallEmily Ada (1875-1955) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DivineGeorge A (1850-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha Amelia (1914-1960) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DivrisCharles Paul (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Pandelis C (1907-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DixChristine (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Frank ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Dixon? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) C. W. ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1817-1874) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emma (1828-1880) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harry T (1871-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Isabele (1861-1930) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1800-1862) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jonathan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Margaret Giles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Michael ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mollie E ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stewart ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DmochowskiDaniel J (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1988- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kevin M (1981- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mark R (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoakEthel Pearl ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoaneDorothy (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harold R. (1879- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Hazel Milindy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Myrle (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sina V (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DobinsonDorothy Louise (1908-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DobsonEdward Dale (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DockerillElizabeth M (1893-1973) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DockeryKathy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoddArvila J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Avis Pearl (1914-1981) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary ( -1875) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Summer ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DodgeRobert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dodson? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elijah (1800-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sari Ann (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dody / DotyPheba (1811-1884) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DoelFrances Caroline (1866-1903) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ivy Catherine (1901-1990) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DohertyJennifer Mary (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DohmArlene A (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoickAnn ( -1904) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoidgeIssue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leslie Richard (1922- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Margaret (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Reginald David (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard Leslie (1895-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard Leslie (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ronald James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DolanEthel Ann (1906-1955) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Patrick Joseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoleAbijah Hunt (1816- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Carolee Joyce (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Daniel Ward (1829-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Enoch (1779-1835) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Laura Emily (1845-1911) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lois M (1857-1928) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sanford Ric (1919-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DollyHenry J (1849- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Horace (1822-1852) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William W (1847- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DolphAlmira (1827- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DolphinArthur Rollinson (1875-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clare Frances (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Humphrey Byron (1913-1989) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Lindis Mary (1909- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Margaret Shirley (1911- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Timothy John (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Valerie Margot (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DombosCharles B (1917-2004) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michael Jospeh (1889-1952) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DombrouskisVera ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonahueAgnes G (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Patrick ( -1921) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rosilla J Harew (1862- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonaldLarry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonaldsonJames ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane / Jean Elizabeth (1893-1974) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Loren (1822- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ross ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Donat? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonathyMargaret (1814-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonavanAnna Agnes (1874-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonnellanFrances E ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonnellyDorothy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kaitlyn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Louise (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Melville Te Rangahau (1884-1979) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Michael ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rebeccah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DonnerOssian ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sir Patrick William (1904-1988) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DonohueMary E O ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DonovanBruce Edward (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George A (1928-2004) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George Flint (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Heather Olivia (1998- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jackson Kirk (1992- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Merrill (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jennafer Lynn (1990- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lauren Elizabeth (2000- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lois Elaine (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Norma Sue (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samantha Rachel (1996- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DooleyDavid ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Donna Maree (1968- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DoolittleClyde H (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edmund Lewis (1807-1873) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Ellen Maria (1829-1859) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1794-1873) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maranda (1796-1867) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1844-1915) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Doornbos? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Doran? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoreiMary Catherine (1869-1906) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoringJamie R (1979- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DormanRachel A (1798-1888) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DormerPatricia J (1923- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DornfeldPamela ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DorranceEliza (1826-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DorringtonCharles (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DorsetRachel (1799- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DotenFaith Chandler (1802-1859) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DotsonNina Bell (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DotterElmer Kenneth (1929-1981) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 10 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Walter (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DotyAlvan (1789-1866) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte H (1831-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Daniel (1803- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Florence E (1873-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child) Grace A (1878-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Helen P (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Henry Wisner (1844-1917) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John W (1883- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Wesley (1842-1883) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Josiah Chatfield ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucinda Holmes (1828-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Melinda Janet / Jennett (1826-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Russel (1807-1883) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Henry (1840- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DoucetteMelena E ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Doud (Dowd)Jesse ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Love Ann (1839-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Doud / DowdLucretia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Peleg (1733-1806) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DouganMary Stephen (1804-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoughertyEileen Dorothy (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Aloysius ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoughtyEmily ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Douglas? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alexander (1875-1931) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Alexander Alfred (1903-1955) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Antonia Marie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Arthur Herbert (1910-1986) . . . Group sheet (as child) Brittney ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Collin (1879-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Collin Gordon (1905-1905) . . . Group sheet (as child) Daisy May Victoria (1887-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elmer Deane (1915-2002) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ethel Maud (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank Laurence (1895-1970) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Gerald Steward ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gertrude Dorothy (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Gertrude Mary (1882-1906) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harriet May (1877-1878) . . . Group sheet (as child) Herbert Vincent (1891-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3-4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jean ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jeffery ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Judith Ann (1936-1937) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leslie Victor Alexander (1927-1957) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mark Alan (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ray ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert L (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Leslie (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Verna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1884-1931) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William A (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Alexander (1847-1898) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Alexander (1847-1898) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Alexander (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DoustAnnie Eliza (1882-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoveEugene K (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jack L (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Rolland (1903-1989) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Elizabeth (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Patricia Ellen (1931-1982) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Victor Cyril (1907-1945) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Waring (1821-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoverElsie Josephine (1896-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowHarry B (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dowd? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances J (1850-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Richard Nelson (1808-1889) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowdallJulia E (1841-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowdneyMartha Gertrude (1866-1952) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William L (1828- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dowe / LowMary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dowell? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowlingSarah Ann (1811-1878) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DownAbiah (1752- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) David (1760- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ebenezer (1741-1793) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph (1732- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1737- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1728- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mercy (1755- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Seth (1704-1767) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Seth (1730-1795) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Seth (1767- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DowneEbenezer (1667-1711) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DownerCharles (1847- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eliza (1852-1950) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Emily (1844- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1812-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowneyHannah (1842-1903) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DownhamPamela M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowningAgnes Gertrude (1902-1982) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice Katherine ( -1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DownsA ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ann Jeanette (1842-1914) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Donald A ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Deacon Ebenezer II (1707-1790) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ebenezer III (1730-1793) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Eileen Maude (1913-1997) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1736-1816) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Olive Sara (1791-1858) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ruth R (1878-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sally (1790-1791) . . . Group sheet (as child) Smith (1811-1887) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowsellEliza (1826-1900) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DowsettMary Elizabeth (1844-1929) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maureen Cynthia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stanley John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Steve ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Warren Douglas ( -2015) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DoxAnna (1907-1991) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DoxeyMabel (Mabelle) Gertrude (1881-1926) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William L (1847-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DoyleCatherine Ann (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edith ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Emma Matilda (1822-1900) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gertrude Matilda (1875-1956) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Grace Elizabeth (1879-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John S (1918-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Louise ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mabel C (1877- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Millicent Isabell (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Susan P ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Drake? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles James (1850-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles R (1849-1887) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles William (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edith Mary (1877- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Edward ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick Charles (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James (1820- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Lewis (1846- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kate (1885- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Katharine Schofield (1981- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Jane (1856-1933) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Millicent (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Myrtle Ruby (1895-1989) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Percy William (1879- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rilla May (1879-1969) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert E (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DraneyDonna M (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DraperEliza May (1884-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Fanny (1865-1897) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Grace (1860-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Stone (1823-1907) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrattAbram Lincoln (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Abram M (1825-1877) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ann Eliza (1851- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eva (1861- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jennie (1863- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John (1802- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John L (1852-1924) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Lena ( -1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Frances (1854-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Minnie V (1867- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William R (1856-1917) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DravesAnna E (1888-1942) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emma (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrawbridgeJohn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lilian Murrell (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Samuel (1852-1913) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Drax? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrayAlbert James (1877- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alfred (1854-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Alfred (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edgar Alfred (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank Charles (1879- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mabel L (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DraytonRetha (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrebesCarl ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DreizegackerCarol Ann (1941-2002) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DresserElva Mae (1907-1983) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Erastus (1878-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrewCameron ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frank John (1907-1967) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jennifer ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Kevin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary D (1888-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Roger C (1934-2003) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DrinkwaterElizabeth (1738-1820) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DriscollJohn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Joseph (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret Ellen (1881-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Driver? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Anne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Barbara (1785- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Chatfield (1775- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Christopher James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1781- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Florence Isabel (1901-1976) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Franklin P (1853- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George (1876-1918) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George Franklin (1879-1953) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Henrietta (1807-1871) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James (1795- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1783- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy (1797- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Margaret Elmina (1905-1989) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martin (1773-1838) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martin (1801- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1799- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Minotte ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert (1777- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stephanie Gene (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1772- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Trayton (1843-1913) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1804- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DrizgaApolena (1886-1976) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrollingerAnn Elizabeth (1862-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrostDena Amelia (1905-1985) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrouillardHenry William (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DrumBarbara ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Go to next index.