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Crowhurst Mabel Grace (1882-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruceRena Louise ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruikshankIssue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Millard S (1867-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Valerie E (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Walter R (1899-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrumG W ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy (1914- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ruth Ellen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrumbJoseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joyce A (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
CrummelMary F (1832-1902) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrumpElfrida Strange (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jo-Anne (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Simpson (1865- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Greenwood (1863- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrundleMary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrundwellAnnie (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruseAnn (1845- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles Wellington (1883-1928) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Clark Wilson (1894-1922) . . . Group sheet (as child) George Chatfield (1846-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Grover Cleveland (1891-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 14 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha (1831- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martha F (1881-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary J (1886-1891) . . . Group sheet (as child) Prosser (1801-1865) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruserVernon (1910-1986) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CrusonMary (1876-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruttendenCarol A (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Henry J (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CruzMichael Louis (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nicole Ann ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Shannon Marie (1976- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas Philip (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Valeria Lisa ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
CrydermanMary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Cuddeback? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuddefordRobert John (1896-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CueKenneth R (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuffeOtway Frederick Seymour Hon. (1853-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CullenCatherine ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Herbert Augustus Dale ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Josephine (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CulleyCharles R ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Dudley (1908-1986) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
CulliferIssue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James William (1934-2002) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jason Allen (1979-1990) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Leonard (1909-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CullumAda Louisa (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry E (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1839-1872) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Culver / ChlvuNettie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CumiskeyDr. Joseph Gary (1946-1994) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Joseph Jerome (1914-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CummingGeorgina (1825-1897) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Karen Marie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CummingsA.M. ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Albert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Betty Ann (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Grace ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hazel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1825- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marjorie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CumminsMay Gladys (1918-1990) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuneoJack James (1994- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1957- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuninghamMary Louise (1826-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CunneenMarie Phoebe Grace (1902-1990) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
CunningAlton Samuel (1936-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Cunningham? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Abigail Dolly (1822-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Ernest W (1909-1977) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George B (1835- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jennifer (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jerry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jerry Ernest (1935-1983) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jill Christine (1977- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joel Matthew (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Keith Arlington (1924-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Krystal (1993- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Matthew (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Megan Maurine (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Michael Joseph (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Purl Highie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Serita / Serinta Joan (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susan Ellen (1856-1942) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Timothy Andrew , a (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
CurdBenjamin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Irene Daisy (1908-1991) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Percy T ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Quenda A (1927-1943) . . . Group sheet (as child)
CurlGuy Webster (1894-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CurleyPaul ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CurranBetty V ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CurrierInez (1919-1988) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy Jane (1829-1893) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Curry? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice A (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Anna Minnie (1869-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Charles Forest (1893-1972) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charles Forrest (1858-1930) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles Henry Madron (1833-1896) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Cynthia L (1956-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Florence Alice (1892-1976) . . . Group sheet (as child) Forrest Minor (1860- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John J (1862- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Juanita Marilyn (1917-1989) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leonard (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leonard Charles (1888-1950) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leonard Miners (1867-1898) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary E (1860- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Minerva R (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Sarah L (1871-1930) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1804-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William H (1864-1897) . . . Group sheet (as child)
CurtinThomas Bradshaw (1942-1969) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas Patrick (1915-1998) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Curtis? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? (1895- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alvah Joseph (1877-1952) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Annie (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur E (1889- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clara (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Effie Mae (1865-1938) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Elwin Laverne (1885-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emma Fern (1894-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eunice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances Angeline (1846-1913) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) George S (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ila May (1910-1943) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lyman Thompson (1843-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Marian B (1886-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1976- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha Sophia (1875-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Michael Gray ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Molly Ruth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Olive (1713-1749) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Polly B ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Dr. Robert E (1925-1982) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert L (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Theodore C (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Uri or Uric (1771- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Wallace William (1870-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child)
CurtissBessie Ethyl (1893-1993) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Celia Adelaide (1838-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles Birdseye (1839-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Elizabeth (1899-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Elsie Louise (1890-1982) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maud Adella (1892-1976) . . . Group sheet (as child) Pauline Strong (1880-1969) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ruth (1748- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah A (1897-1897) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Amanda (1853-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Orrin (1839-1908) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CurwoodHilda Florence Mary (1884-1971) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CusackHenry B (1844-1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry Laurance (1875-1952) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Wenzell (1909- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
CussonAlice Victriane (1899- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Cutler? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alvira Belle (1893-1982) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Chandler (1822- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Charles L (1855- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Elizabeth (1882-1975) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edna E (1891-1970) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eliza (1816- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Emeline (1821- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harvey (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mabelle Gertrude (1913-1977) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Eliza (1834-1861) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuttabushKing ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuttingEllen (1822-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
CuttressCarey J (1910- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Carey John (1879-1929) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George Stephen C (1829-1888) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Primrose Ena (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
CuvellerJacomina ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Czaiczynaki /CzeynskiSandra (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
D'AloiaElio J (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
D'amoreDominick (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
D'EvlinAnnie Caroline (1857-1930) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Cornelia Catherine (1877-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Daniel O'Sullivan Joseph (1862-1923) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Francis Joseph (1881-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child) George Suter (1873-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henrietta Florence (1877-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 11 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Edward (1863-1883) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Edward (1887-1946) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jane Elizabeth (1869-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Joseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Joseph (1841-1888) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Joseph (1875-1902) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Margaret (1866-1955) . . . Group sheet (as child) Theresa Bridget (1871-1955) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William Francis (1865-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
d'MauroDavid Frank (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nicole Danielle (1975- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rachel Donna (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DabbsAnn (1803- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eliza (1806- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1813-1887) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) George (1776- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George (1810- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1807- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah (1804- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DabornChristopher Mark (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DacombeElizabeth (1869-1929) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DacyAmie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kim ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michelle ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul Edward (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaffonSarah (1856- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DafterLucy (1845-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaggettAlice (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alice Elizabeth (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clayton Chatfield (1982- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Cornelius C (1824-1907) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Diane Chatfield (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Durland Chatfield (1903-1942) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Durland Chatfield (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 10 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jesse Clayton (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Laura Amelia (1887-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Leon W (1886-1907) . . . Group sheet (as child) Vivian D (1883-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Willis Cornelius (1859-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DagrosoJohn Joseph (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DahlChris G (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stephen J (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DahleVivian (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaigneaultBurton Oliver (1918-1985) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Freda Adeline (1916-1939) . . . Group sheet (as child) Freda Adeline (1944-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harold Frederick (1902-1987) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Harriet B (1915- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Lewis (1875-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Kathleen M (1949-2004) . . . Group sheet (as child) Marie A (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Michael P (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Renate E (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DailyClara M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Miles S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DakeEdgar T (1857-1932) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Henry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nettie Idell (1866-1947) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Tompkins (1814- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DakinAmanda ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DalbeyPhyllis Mary Milder (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DaleElizabeth (1837- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Fanny (1840- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harriet (1827- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jemima (1831-1903) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John (1833- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lindsay (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ann (1835- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1790-1869) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1842- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas (1879-1917) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaleyJulia Melissa (1894-1977) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ometus A (1863-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DallavoGenevieve (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph (1882-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lola Ruth (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DallyMaria ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DalmanPatricia E (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sheila A (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stephen G A (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Zenon ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DalrympleMartha Mary (1835-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaltonCharles Lee (1968- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily A (1875-1943) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1811- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Verlin Murnice (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DalusioAshley Courtney (1992- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jaime Thomas (1990- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Catherine (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ralph J. (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susan Marie (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas James (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DalyEileen Margaret (1905-1983) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harry Mathew (1900-1971) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Francis (1873-1956) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marilyn Margaret (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marion H (1902-1982) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Kathleen (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Patricia Ann (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DalzellIssue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1845-1927) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joyce Eileen (1926-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) William Sage (1868-1934) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DamanAbram Reuben (1838-1921) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Anna Matilda (1873-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ella (1876-1901) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Francis Marion (1847-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hiram Bliss (1878-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Hiram S (1835-1893) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 12 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joel Briggs (1791-1849) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lileth R (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha Mabel (1888-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Elizabeth (1869-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Matilda M (1841-1875) . . . Group sheet (as child) Matson (1830-1836) . . . Group sheet (as child) Minnie Elsie (1881-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Myra Belle (1871-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DamonFernando (1849-1908) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Elston (1876-1945) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DampierFrank ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dancer? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elaine Mary (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Gareth Bernard (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Capt. John Bernard (1912-1981) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Julian (1947-2002) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jonathan (1982- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul John (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Penelope ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Peter Diarmid (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DandridgeTerence S (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Richard (1920-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DandroHarriet Clara (1913-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DanforthPauline Enearl (1901- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dangelo? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DanielFrankie Modene (1922-2018) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DanielsAda (1920-2013) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Brian K (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Etta Sue (1948-2007) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Imogene / Emma Jean (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joseph (1936-1936) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leonard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lula / Lulu Mae (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Marjorie Ann (1944-2006) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel Wilson (1913-1996) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Wilhelmina Marie (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DankoKatherine Julia (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DannCecil Caleb (1900-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Doreen P (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Roy C (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DannaShirley Anne (1944-2020) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DarbySarah (1858- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarkAgnes (1814-1850) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas (1775-1843) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarkeLouisa (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarkinsAlfred Robert (1900-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DarlingNettie Irene (1866-1915) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Stephen Henry (1844-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarnaudCathy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarrEthel Arvilla (1880-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarrahLevi (1841-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarrellChickford Bobbiee (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Sheila S (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Shelley L (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DarschewskiChristine Genevieve ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
DartGeorgina Jane (1868- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DarttJames (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James Tristan (1974- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nicole Marie (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DarvillMargaret ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DashnawTammy Lynn (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DatwylerNephi Christian ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sherrie Louise (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Wayne Christian (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DaughertyBennie Hope (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Brian ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Debra Lee (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Freemon Ray (1925-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Janice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Matthew ( -2018) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Shannon ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Terry ( -2019) . . . Group sheet (as child) Terry Ray (1957- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Timothy J (1955-2014) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Tracy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DautelAlbert M (1897- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Virginia Alice (1929-2002) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
DavenportAlice D (1909-1991) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Clara ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Della Jane (1891-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ethel May (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eunice (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Job W (1870-1931) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Samuel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaveyCharlotte Eliza (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Guy Cecil (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harry Cecil (1854- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Henry (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry Ernest (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hilda Maud (1896- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joyce Iris (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy (1819-1888) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Percy James (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Walter S (1883- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DavickEunice Kathlyn (1918-2007) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Rasmus Sivert Mathias (1891-1962) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
David? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry W (1893-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary M (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Paul A (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DavidsonMaj.-Gen. Alexander Henry (1836-1918) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Vice-Adm Alexander Percy (1868-1930) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Alice (1926-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Billie Jean (1930- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Catherine Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gordon Villiers (1869-1899) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jenette L (1810-1893) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1804-1898) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lena D (1920- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Marcus F (1922- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rosamond Ella ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Samuel (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Pickett ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sophia Georgina (1835- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Davies? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ada Mary (1880-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ann R (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Archibald ( -1901) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur Howell ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edith (1878-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Esther A (1862-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Florence Maud (1881-1957) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dr Howell Smeaton ( -1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Humphrey ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Brantley (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joyce ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kathleen Frances Cumming ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Philip ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rowland George Chatfield (1905- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ryan Chatfield (1977- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stephen Herbert (1882-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Gwylim G (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William J Sivewright (1903- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DavignonLaura Mary (1907-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Davis? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Abigail (1713- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Adolf ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alfred Eugene (1879-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alice (1893-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice Elveretta / Ann (1853-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice Maude (1870-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Allan James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Andrew Ralph (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Annie Elizabeth (1825-1878) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Anson (1784-1868) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur L ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur Lucius (1868-1921) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Audrey Christine (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Austin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Bartley James (1979- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Benjamin (1743-1817) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Betsey (1780-1827) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Brandon Robert (1979- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Burritt (1806-1893) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Carolyn Eva (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Catherine J (1921-2003) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Charles Howard (1851-1933) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles W ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clarence Wallace ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clarrissa Ann (1841-1922) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Colin P W (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Cynthia Louise (1953-2016) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Dale ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Daniel (1709-1789) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Daniel (1781- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) David Aaron (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Denise E (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dorothy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edith Cavell (1919-2003) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edmund Ezekiel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edna Irene (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eliga / Elijah (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1719- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elmer (1895- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Emerett (1821-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eric Gene (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Erik Paul (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ethel Marie (1938-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Florence ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Florence H ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Forest W (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances Allison ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances Hannah (1918-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Frank Earnest (1899-1956) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Frank M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick C. (1882-1886) . . . Group sheet (as child) Garry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gerald Wesley ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harold or Mark S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harpin (1825-1903) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harriet Chatfield (1857-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Helen Gertrude (1892-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry Richard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Herbert Marion (1903-1983) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Holly Ann (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Howard Rogers (1902-1990) . . . Group sheet (as child) Isaac ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ithiel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jacob (1802-1882) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James G ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James Herber (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Rodney (1944-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Jason Scott (1984- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Sr (1643-1712) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Jr (1675-1767) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) John Herman Sr (1875-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John T ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jon ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph (1708- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joseph Howard (1889-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Kaye Maureen (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Keith Anthony (1960-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Kurt Mathew (1960-1985) . . . Group sheet (as child) Laura Jane (1873-1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Laurence (1912-1978) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Lawrence Marion (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lee Augustus (1894- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leroy Eugene (1935-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lewis ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lillian ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Louisa ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Louisa Sarah Amelia (1844-1904) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Luanne (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lydia (1798-1852) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Madison James (1869-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marietta (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Marietta Ann (1810-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1889-1936) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martha Ella (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary (1740-1836) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1763-1852) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ann (1879-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Charlotta (1937-2016) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Florence (1899-1920) . . . Group sheet (as child) Melvin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Michael ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michael L (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Michelle L (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mindwell (1711- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Naomi (1743-1818) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Norman C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Pamela ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul Dwight ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Pinkney (1893-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rachael (1716- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ralph Howard (1948-2011) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Reuben ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Reuben (1745-1815) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard (1747- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard Lee ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert (1834- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Arnold (1923-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robin Lynn (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ronald Gordon ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ruth (1902- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ruth Ann (1793-1885) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ruth Goldie (1908-1996) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) S C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Samuel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Electa (1832-1902) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Scott Bryan (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Shawna H (1984- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Shirley Mae (1938-2020) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Solomon H. (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sonny ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susan C (1844-1900) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Clark ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Virginia R ( -2012) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Walter Grady (1907-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Wendell B (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Willadeene (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William C (1859-1859) . . . Group sheet (as child) William C (1888-1963) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Winifred M (1869-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Davis / RouseMonica Jayne (1969- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Davison? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DaweJoan E ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DawesJane Ann ( -1872) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1769-1843) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DawleyJohn C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DawseyDoris Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
DawsonAlfred James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ann Shirley (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Anna L (1874-1902) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Betty M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ella Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harold W (1921-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harold William (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Henry Francis (1918-2000) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeffrey ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph (1855- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Countess of Lucan Kaitlin Elizabeth Anne (1900-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Katey (1975- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Kim (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Laura Lynn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Luke Warwick ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary Jane (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Sharon Ann (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William (1840-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Dawson ChatfieldDella (1892- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ella Mae (1894-1973) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DayAlbert Edward (1863-1909) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Arthur John (1895- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Benjamin Franklin (1856-1924) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bernadette (1928-1928) . . . Group sheet (as child) Billy Joe (1932-2007) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte (1858-1933) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dorence M (1914-1967) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Edith May (1867-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edward ( -1864) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eilene E (1916-2009) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Eliza (1815- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ellen Sophia (1858-1914) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Emily (1861-1910) . . . Group sheet (as child) Emily May (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Florence (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George Louis (1925-1998) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George William (1898-1954) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Harley C (1903-1988) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harley F (1892-1976) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) James A (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Chatfield (1853-1926) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jeffery Brian (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jimmy (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( -1872) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John (1850- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph D (1886-1952) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Judith Lee (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Julian D (1841-1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kim ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leo Ronald (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lisa Ann (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Luella (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marceline Dolores (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mark ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Millie A (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rainey D (1966-1967) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert Elwood (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sophia (1797-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susan Elizabeth (1865- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sydney George (1891- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas Frank (1861-1921) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1788-1864) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Guy (1869-1932) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Henry (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
DayeArden J (1903-1981) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bently Richard (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Richard Neal (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
DaytonBarbara Alice (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Diane Gail ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Edward George (1903-1949) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward Smith (1862-1919) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edythe (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily Adeline (1897-1956) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Eunice (1796-1866) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George William (1826-1898) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) George William (1857- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Ward (1912-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joshua (1790-1843) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1733- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Phebe (1727-1804) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Phyllis Eileen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Rosina (1853- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sophie Janet (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
De ArmanLois B (1892- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De BaurEmma Orissa (1893-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De BreanskiRita Etoile (1898-1991) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De GraanGeorge D (1858-1900) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry (1834-1896) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) John Henry (1861-1911) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Gosiena (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William (1864-1864) . . . Group sheet (as child)
De GroatHenry (1827- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Herbert (1868-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
de Haviland StewartChristian Alice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
de LabilliereFrancis Peter Barrister ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De LaskeyMabel F (1874-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1846-1929) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De MalmancheJustine Rose (1832-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
de MikCatherine Naomi (1921-2012) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Gerrit ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De SerresMarielle ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De SylviaEdward R ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
de TessanChristina ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Matthew Henry (1978- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Philippe Henry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
de TraffordAnn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De VismeCharlotte ( -1844) . . . Group sheet (as child) James ( -1826) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Margaret ( -1845) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sophia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
De VriesAnna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Denis ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
de WittDavid Lee (1942-1943) . . . Group sheet (as child) Diane (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Go to next index.