Mullaly, Philip Henry

Birth Name Mullaly, Philip Henry
Gender male
Age at Death 61 years


Birth GRO 2nd qtr 1888
MULLALLY, Philip Henry Croydon 2a 298
Death GRO 3rd qtr 1949
Mullaly, Philip H 61 Eastbourne 5h 165

Note two "L's" at birth but one on death. Marriage not found.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1888 Croydon, Surrey, England    
Death 1949 Eastbourne, Sussex East, England    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Mullaly, Alexander James18641915
Mother Chatfield, Lavinia Nancy1863
         Mullaly, Philip Henry 1888 1949
    Brother     Mullaly, Alexander Walter 1890 1911
    Brother     Mullaly, Albert Edward 1892 1919
    Sister     Mullaly, Gladys Lavinia 1893 1934
    Sister     Mullaly, Ethel Lily 1896
    Sister     Mullaly, Daisy Elizabeth 1898
    Brother     Mullaly, Harold Arthur 1903
    Brother     Mullaly, Cyril Ernest 1904


Family of Mullaly, Philip Henry and ?, Edie

Unknown Partner ?, Edie ( * + ... )
Type Value Notes Sources
_UID E713AD297445D24C825D5A021F245F21A5E7


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 72378509D2256244A36AB3B54B7424002C44