Chatfield, Stillborn

Birth Name Chatfield, Stillborn
Gender female


The West Australian (Perth, WA : Saturday 20 March 1943)
CHATFIELD (nee Eileen Cockram).- On March 14, at KEMH, to Eileen and Owen (AIF) of Tammin a daughter (still born).


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 14 March 1943 WA, Australia    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Chatfield, Leslie Owen11 April 191625 August 1986
Mother Cockram, Eileen Edna May12 December 19104 May 1994
         Chatfield, Stillborn 14 March 1943
    Sister     Chatfield, Merle Eileen
    Brother     Chatfield, Robert


Type Value Notes Sources
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