Chatfield, Henry

Birth Name Chatfield, Henry
Gender male


Birth not found on GRO. Only found on census for 1871 and 1881.
Census, 1871
son Henry Chatfield M 1 Waldron, Sussex
Henry Chatfield in household of James CHATFIELD, Eliza, mother and five siblings at Framfield.
Census, 1881
son Henry Chatfield M 13 Waldron, Sussex, England
with parents High Bridge Hovel, East Chiltington, Sussex.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1870 Waldron, Sussex East, England    
Census 1871 Pale House Common, Framfield, Sussex East, England    
Census 1881 High Bridge Hovel, East Chiltington, Sussex East, England    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Chatfield, Jamesabout 18331903
Mother Wilkins, Elizaabout 18401885
    Brother     Chatfield, Christopher about 1857 1917
    Sister     Chatfield, Barbara about 1860 1936
    Sister     Chatfield, Clementina \ Lemonia 1861 1930
    Brother     Chatfield, William about 1865 after 1881
    Sister     Chatfield, Rhoda 1866 1929
         Chatfield, Henry about 1870
    Brother     Chatfield, George 1871
    Brother     Chatfield, Alfred about 1873
    Brother     Chatfield, Reuben 1876 25 June 1916
    Brother     Chatfield, Steven about 1879


Type Value Notes Sources
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