Blyton, Mark Anthony

Birth Name Blyton, Mark Anthony
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Blyton, Ivanbefore 1977
Mother ?, Laurel
         Blyton, Mark Anthony


Family of Blyton, Mark Anthony and Chatfield, Robyn Ann

Married Wife Chatfield, Robyn Ann ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 16 April 1978 Uniting Church, O'Connor, Canberra, ACT, Australia    

The Canberra Times (ACT) Monday 18 April 1977
BLYTON - CHATFIELD.- The engagement is announced of Robyn Ann elder daughter of Mrs Beryl Chatfield of Ayr (Qld) and the late Mr Ted Chatfield to Mark Anthony elder son of Mrs ??? of Queanbeyan, NSW and the late Mr Ivan Blyton.
The Canberra Times (ACT : Monday 16 January 1978)
Miss Robyn Ann Chatfield and Mr Mark Anthony Blyton were married on Saturday at the Uniting Church, O'Connor.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs Beryl CHATFIELD, of Ayr, Queensland, and the late Mr Ted CHATFIELD, and the groom is the son of Mrs Laurel Blyton, of Queanbeyan, and the late Mr Ivan Blyton.
They will live in Queanbeyan after a South Coast honeymoon.

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_UID B7B7C3C9844B224E929E6F8D342A18CFAA0D


  1. Blyton, Ivan
    1. ?, Laurel
      1. Blyton, Mark Anthony
        1. Chatfield, Robyn Ann