JAMES STOKES NF.W YORK, Oct. 4. James Stokes, banker, lawyer and philanthropist, died today at his summer home in Ridge field. Conn
Arizona Republican - Oct 5 1918
New York Times
MANY PUBLIC GIFTS UNDER STOKES WILL; New York University Gets $120,000 and Y. M. C. A. of New York $85,000. FOUR FUNDS FOR Y. W. C. A. Widow Is Made Trustee of $900,000 Fund for Mr. Stokes's Brothers and Other Persons.
RIDGEFIELD, Conn., Oct. 29.--Numerous societies and benevolences benefit by the will of James Stokes, millionaire philanthropist, of New York and Ridgefield, which was filed in the Probate Court here today. Mr. Stokes died here on Oct. 4. His widow, Mrs. Florence Chatfield Stokes, and the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company of New York are made executors and trustees.