Chatfield, Jane Elizabeth

Birth Name Chatfield, Jane Elizabeth
Gender female
Age at Death 0 days


Birth not found on GRO.

Jane Elizabeth CHATFIELD, Births and Christenings
gender: Female
baptism/christening date: 10 Feb 1897
baptism/christening place: Hurstperpoint, Sussex, England
father's name: James Chatfield
mother's name: Jessie
indexing project (batch) number: I02015-7
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 2147084
reference number: 138
Death GRO 2nd qtr 1897
CHATFIELD, Jane Elizabeth 0 Cuckfield 2b 97


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1897 Hurstpierpoint, Sussex West, England    
Christening 10 February 1897 Hurstpierpoint, Sussex West, England    
Death 1897 Cuckfield, Sussex West, England    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Chatfield, James Henry18661921
Mother Brown, Jessie Kateabout 1866
    Brother     Chatfield, William G \ H about 1886
    Sister     Chatfield, Louisa Sophia 1890
    Brother     Chatfield, James Henry 1892 1934
    Sister     Chatfield, Emily Rose Beatrice 1894 1958
    Brother     Chatfield, Edward 1895
         Chatfield, Jane Elizabeth 1897 1897
    Sister     Chatfield, Florence Sarah 1898 1954
    Sister     Chatfield, Kate Margaret 1900 1901
    Brother     Chatfield, Leonard John 1906


Type Value Notes Sources
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