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6130. Mary Edith Jackson was born on 27 July 1904 in Texas City, Galveston Co., Texas, USA. She died on 13 April 1979 at the age of 74 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas, USA. She was buried on 16 April 1979 in Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas, USA. DUGGAN, Mrs. Randolph F., Jr. (nee Mary Edith Jackson), 6334 W. Northwest Highway, died early Friday, April 13, at Baylor University Medical Center. She was a lifelong resident of Dallas and was active in many clubs and civic activities. She was a Past-President and life member of the S.M.U. Mother's Club and also served as President United Methodist Women eat Highland Park United Methodist Church. She was a member of the Pierian Club, The Jane Douglas Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, The Mary K. Craig Class, the Ladies of Civitan and a life member of the S.M.U. Alumni Association. Services Monday, April 16, 11 a.m., Highland Park Methodist Church, Dr. Leighton Ferrell, Dr. Floyd Patterson, Rev. Joe Strouther officiating. Interment Restland Memorial Park. Mrs. Duggan is survived by her husband; one son, Randolph F. Duggan III, Seattle, Wash.; daughter, Mrs. John Heslip, Buffalo Creek, Colo.; five grandchildren. Pallbearers: Randy Duggan IV, Stephen Duggan, Christopher McCormick, Timothy McCormick, Glynn Echerd, Mark Echerd. The Dallas Morning News, 14 Apr 1979; p. 38.
Mary Edith Jackson and Randolph Freeman Duggan II were married on 5 March 1926 in Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas, USA. Randolph Freeman Duggan II, son of Randolph Freeman Duggan and Tabatha Lou Wilkinson, was born on 23 June 1903 in Cleburne, Johnson Co., Texas, USA. He died on 27 January 1990 at the age of 86 in Denton, Denton Co., Texas, USA. He was buried in Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas Co., Texas, USA. Mary Edith Jackson and Randolph Freeman Duggan II had the following children: |