Home Surname List Name Index Sources GEDCOM File Email Us | Seventeenth Generation11225. Cremated, Ashes scattered. Maye Frances Chatfield and Dudley Williams were married in 1938 in Chico, Butte Co., California, USA. They were divorced. Dudley Williams (private). Maye Frances Chatfield and Delwyn "Dell" Tolson were married in 1941. They were divorced. Delwyn "Dell" Tolson (private). Maye Frances Chatfield and Delwyn "Dell" Tolson had the following children:
Maye Frances Chatfield and Richard Gird Percy were married on 17 November 1946 in Reno, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA. They were divorced in 1956 in USA. They were divorced. Richard Gird Percy (private). Maye Frances Chatfield and Richard Gird Percy had the following children:
Maye Frances Chatfield and Donald Lewis Lane were married in 1958 in Fresno, Fresno Co., California, USA. They were divorced in 1978 in Antioch, Contra Costa Co., California, USA. They were divorced. Donald Lewis Lane (private). |