Home Surname List Name Index Sources GEDCOM File Email Us | Sixteenth Generation8324. She walked out on the family around 1950. She was cremated and at my brother’s insistence her five children met to inter her ashes at the Memory Garden Memorial Park in Brea, Orange County, California. Two of us breathed a sigh of regret, two heaved a sigh of relief—and I—I was a mixture of both. Betty was disappointed Mom was ensconced so high up as it made it impossible to dance on her grave. I was grateful as I knew I was now out of her reach. Occupation: Family variety store, seamstress, cook/housekeeper for priests. Noreen Ellen "Babe" Chatfield and Carl John Clemens were married on 4 February 1933 in Colusa Co., California, USA. They were divorced in December 1953 in Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Colusa, Tuolumne Co., California, USA. They were divorced. At an early hour this morning Miss Noreen Chatfield became the bride of Carl Clemens of Rochester, Minn., at a ceremony performed in Our Lady of Lourdes Church immediately following 8 o’clock mass services. The members of the immediate families of the contracting couple and close friends attended the ceremony. The groom is employed by the contracting firm that built the Colusa weir. His headquarters are in Stockton. At the close of the early morning service the bride and groom left for Stockton, where they will make their home. Their honeymoon has not been planned although they expect to visit the east sometime this summer. Clemens has many friends and relatives there. Miss Chatfield is the daughter of Mrs. Nellie Chatfield of Colusa. They have resided here for the past year, coming from Chico. During that time two of Mrs. Chatfield’s daughters have become brides. Mrs. James Fouch, J., (Ina) was also married here recently. At the impressive ceremony Margaret (Micki) Anderson of Chico, a close friend of the bride, was the bridesmaid. Lawrence Clemens of Stockton, brother of the groom, was the best man. The bride is a girl of many charms and has a large coterie of well wishing friends. Occupation: Farmer, laborer, iceman, store owner, managed Sprouse Reitz at 1644 Haight Street, San Francisco (25 years) Noreen Ellen "Babe" Chatfield and Carl John Clemens had the following children:
Noreen Ellen "Babe" Chatfield and Raymond D Haynie were married on 31 July 1955 in Carson City, Ormsby Co., Nevada, USA. They were divorced. Raymond D Haynie (private). |