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Triplett Emma (1903-1952) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
TrippElizabeth Weidman (1843-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Laura A (1860-1942) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrippeAlan Vinson (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Crawford Vinson (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Fletcher Milton (1878-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joanna Lynne (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Laura Beth (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Loy E (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Loy Elijah (1902-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mark Crawford (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TrollGrace Marion (1888-1982) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jacob (1853-1942) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TroncinDarrel Alan (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrottAnn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Chadwick Allen (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Craig Roger (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Roger Craig (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Valerie Jean (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TrotterClifford ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Isabella Louise (1812-1848) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TroughtonJoseph Edward (1841-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Luella M (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TroutJoshua E (1980- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ralph C (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrowerAnn (1831-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick George (1900-1976) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick John (1871-1927) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TroxelElaine Frances (1935-2012) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
TroyerAlbert D (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dianne Louise ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph D (1840-1896) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lavern M (1905- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TruaxChester N (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sedora Warner (1859-1910) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrubyFlorence Clara (1886-1953) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mildred (1902-1913) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stella Marguerite (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Walter W (1901- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Watson (1864-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrueElsie May (1891-1971) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TruesdellMargaret Blanche (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Truman? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Beatrice M (1901- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Carol Stanleigh (1930- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Carlton (1932-1990) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Percy Edwin (1880-1932) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stanley Roosevelt (1903-1993) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrumbleLily (1899- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrumperJohnathon Douglas (1977- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrumphyMaria Josephine (1872-1945) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TruscottFemale ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Female ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Female ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Katherine Frances (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Male ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maxwell Douglass Chatfield ( -2016) . . . Group sheet (as child) Capt. Maxwell Steven ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Meg ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Percy T (1889-1938) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TruswellHelen Eileen (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TryonAdah (1800-1857) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TrzosAnthony (1878-1956) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edith May (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Myles (1921-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Otto Anthony (1909-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TschetterJustina Alice (1915-2001) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TsuchiyaKaoru R ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TubbsRachael (1827-1877) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuckElizabeth (1906-1989) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hiram Newton (1839-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Chatfield (1916-1990) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) John Chatfield (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Stanley (1919-1921) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas Mitchell (1879-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TuckerAlice Delia (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Alice Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Anna (1872-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bernice Myra (1920-1999) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bradly John (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Brian Todd (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Camille Mikayla (1996- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charles Mark ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Courtney Louise (1998- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Crystal M (1914-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Frank A (1850-1896) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Geraldine (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gloria Adcock ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Grace Louise (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hilliard Irwin (1909-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jean ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy Robbins ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Michael ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Norman ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Raymond Winfred ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rhoda (1770-1837) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard Mathews (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ronald Preston (1939-1965) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samone Emily (2000- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1732-1810) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Samuel (1756- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Susannah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Teri Beth (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1757- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Tucker / TuttleOlive (1773-1854) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuckeyAnn ( -1867) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Rhodes (1869-1934) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Francis Henry (1860-1932) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harry Alfred (1889-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Rev. Henry Edward (1829-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Hobhouse M.B.E. JP (1864-1951) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Richard Septimus (1879-1918) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TudorOwen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TudwayMary (1779- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TugwellElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1771- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1838-1904) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Jane (1859-1938) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Stephen (1803-1867) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William ( -1899) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuhroAdam Richard (1968- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Justin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lauren ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TulettPriscilla R (1930-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Simeon (1837- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TulipThomas G (1912-1970) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TullettJames (1862- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TulliLori ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TullyAnn (1775-1841) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TunnicliffeAnn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ann (1741- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TunteEdna Beulah (1879-1906) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuppenneyNigel C (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TupperBenjamin Sweet (1796-1852) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nathan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sophronia (1805- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Susan Elvira (1816-1847) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TuranoNicola / Nicholas (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Samuel Thomas (1899-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TurkFrances Elizabeth (1901- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harry King (1880-1926) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ida Catherine (1856-1919) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jacob Henry (1850-1928) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Hyde (1847-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lyman (1823-1885) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret (1867-1950) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Elnora (1865-1930) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Turley? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TurnbullIssue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Loula Marie (1875-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Velma Avis (1905-1991) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Turner? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Aisha Kay ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Albert John White ( -1884) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Alfred George (1896-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alfred John (1872- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ann Kensett (1805-1886) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Arthur Stanley (1875-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Beatrice Annie (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Bertha (1887-1983) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Betty Rose (1930-2012) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bobbie Joanne (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Chad ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charity ( -1844) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David L (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Dixie R (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Earnest (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edith Margaret (1915- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edward ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1857- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ellen R (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elsie (1903- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ernest Sydney (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank Albert (1902- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George (1777- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George W (1866- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hilda May (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Irene (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jacob (1778-1838) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1689- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1773- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John A (1922- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joseph Ephraim (1892-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Josie E (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kathleen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucretia Anne (1807-1875) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucretia Grace (1836-1837) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy A (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy Lilian (1896-1963) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1847-1935) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1856- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Catherine (1849-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Jane (1854- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Matilda Ellen (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Moses (1733-1812) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Nancy (1805- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Phyllis Dorothy (1913-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Reginald Stanley (1902- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Henry (1858-1858) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ruth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ruth Adaline (1810- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Rev. Samuel Blois (1805-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Samuel Hankinson (1853- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1795- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dr. Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1775- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas Day (1839- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas Newman (1815- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Thomasin (1785-1861) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1885-1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TurneyBenjamin Winfield (1870-1947) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Betty Jane (1921-2009) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Cora (1858-1930) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Daniel A (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Daniel Winfield (1847-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frank Emerson (1883-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Imogene R (1904-1994) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) May Hawkins (1863-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mildred Irene (1905-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Paul W (1906-1983) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TurrellIssue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Percy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Tommy (1848-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TurrentineIssue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Morgan Clower (1800-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susan E (1857-1933) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TurriffHarvey (1895-1971) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuselyMary Gobel (1846- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuthillBenjamin C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Tutro? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TuttBenjamin (1837-1878) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Benjamin (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TuttleAbigail (1802-1889) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Amasa (1765-1841) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Annabella Amelia (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George W (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Gertrude Chatfield (1867-1967) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 6 (1824- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John W (1902-1979) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Johnny H (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucinda (1775-1842) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maria (1811-1859) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Merit (1795-1844) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Myrtle Ellen (1865-1973) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert Adams (1858-1861) . . . Group sheet (as child) Selden M (1827-1885) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Zina Doolittle (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TweedaleBenjamin Augustus (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Florence (1899-1977) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
TweedleTroy W (1977- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TweedyMary Elizabeth (1899-1973) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TwistAmy B (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rev. Arlo Dale (1910- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Arloa (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elda Ione (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Faith Ann (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George W (1833- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Hope Ione (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joy O (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Olive L (1903- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Roger Austin (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rolla Benton (1871-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Roma Lovell (1899-1971) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TwitchellSamuel (1775-1808) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Urania Rayner (1775-1843) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TwomeyBrandon Jeffery (1999- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Fiona Joy (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeffery Bruce (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Kerri-Ann Maree (1969- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Leo Bruce (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leo Walter ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Serena Rochelle (1998- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
TyeEllen (1859-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TyhurstEmma (1812-1867) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
TylerAmelia Fanny ( -1901) . . . Group sheet (as child) B Ackley (1848-1909) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Brent A (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Camilla Charlotte ( -1948) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles R (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles V (1918-2007) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte (1826- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Augusta (1829-1896) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Mary Amey (1784-1823) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clarence Jay (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clarence Scull (1889-1966) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Cora M (1884-1900) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dorothy M G (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edna (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth Lucy (1782-1854) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth O (1836- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ethel (1910- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Everett F (1920-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child) Fanny (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Female ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Female ( -1901) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank (1875- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Garry Lee (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Genevieve (1914- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George Grover (1887-1978) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George J (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) George O (1825-1888) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George Peter M.C.S. ( -1834) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gertrude Trevor (1811-1870) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Guinevere (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harriett A (1821-1902) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sir Henry Whatley Mp (1827-1908) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1736-1810) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1880- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Chatfield (1787-1851) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Chatfield (1831-1901) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Chatfield (1862-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Josephine Martha (1828-1868) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Larry Dana (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Letha / Litha (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucile (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Merritt (1886-1938) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Moses L (1815- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nancy (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Olive P (1919-2014) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rex D (1924-1985) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Timothy Enoch (1852-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Verna (1902- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Victor (1882-1965) . . . Group sheet (as child) Victor S (1855-1929) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Virginia M (1923- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Zetta H (1885-1923) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TyreBeverley Jean (1930- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Raymond (1909-1967) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Dale (1933-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
TyrrellCatherine (1800-1800) . . . Group sheet (as child) George (1779-1824) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rev. Canon Gerald Wensley (1807-1884) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Issue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Letitia Wensley (1851-1937) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ann (1805- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
UbsdellJessica Anne (1984- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UchidaAllison ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Derek A (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kimberly (1991- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
UffordEliza Ann (1812-1859) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mabel (1776- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1773-1813) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Shores/Shoars/Spears (1745-1814) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UfheilBetty Gerels ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UgolikLorraine M (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UhlMamie (1889-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UlerySara Ann Nettie (1850-1887) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UllmanElsie Elizabeth (1892-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UlmerAnn Elizabeth (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Augustine Stevens (1902-1971) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Barbara (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Beverly Jean ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Brandt Hunter (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Carol Sue (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Caroline (1866-1912) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Carolyn Rebecca (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles Stevens (1916-1965) . . . Group sheet (as child) Christopher Archibald (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Christopher McEwan (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dana Edward (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward Greenlaw (1910-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Eleanor Frances (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Eric Stephen (1953-1995) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Eva Ruth (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Faye Nell ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frances Stevens (1904-1986) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James Hunter (1908-1978) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James Hunter (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James Hunter (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeffrey Stevens (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jill (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Francis (1874-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Maxwell (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Stevens (1906-1962) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Kurt Michael (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lisa (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mark Timothy (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Louise (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Maxwell Curtis (1918-1999) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Oliver Washburn (1912-1991) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Peter Francis (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Roby Dean (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Sallie Jane (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stephanie Renee (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sylvia Sue (1941-1999) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Todd (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William Stevens (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
UmbreteEdison (1987- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eric ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Paul ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nelson ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Steve ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Vanessa (1981- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
UmstotMarshall W (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Marshall Wayne (1931-2014) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ryan Matthew (1994- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sheryl Ann (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Timmy (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Travis (1982- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
UnderhillAnn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Esther B (1912-1991) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Sarah B (1796-1857) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnderwoodElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ernest F H (1922-1924) . . . Group sheet (as child) Florence Emily (1878-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Heather Eileen (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Henry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joan Stella (1933-2004) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Jane (1847-1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rachel L (1841-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rosemary (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Violet Kate (1925-2009) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnkeAdolph H (1897-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnklessAnna Louise (1856-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnknownUnknown ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnlauftJohanna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UnwinSarah Ann (1864- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
UpcraftLouisa Elizabeth (1878-1921) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UpfoldEllen ( -1860) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UphamKenneth Arthur (1926-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret Louise (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Uplinger? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Upson? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Anna Violetta (1826-1910) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Daniel (1801-1877) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edward C (1882-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elsie Mabel (1877- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Evelyn M (1852-1918) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Florence A (1879- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Capt. Gates (1780- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lauren (1807-1885) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lauren Aschel (1837-1900) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha Marie (1827-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Warren Frederick (1835-1896) . . . Group sheet (as child)
UptionMary Ann ( -1884) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UptonAlice Caroline (1874-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice Maude M (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ann (1788-1875) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ellen Harriett (1871-1940) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ethel M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Adams Sr (1845-1885) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Adams Jr (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leonard (1874- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard Adams (1818-1900) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UrbanVince P (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UrdaMary (1885-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UrquhartChristie Mary (1884-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UrsoFrances (1914-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UrvinsMary (1707-1782) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Usborne? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UsherGary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Janette / Jeanette / Jeannetta Kidoway (1838-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UsseryPeter Jonathan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UtleyMahala (1803-1856) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UtsingerGeorge ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UtterbergGustave Ewald (1913-1994) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
UtzHenry J (1850-1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret C (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
UzzellClara Rebecca (1875- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VailEliza (1802-1833) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1812-1891) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VaillancourtChloƩ (1996- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Corinne (1989- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Guy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ValdezJohnny (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Randy Allen (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ValeDavid E (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard David (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ValenciaAngela Marie (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ValenteDiane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Felix (1907-1954) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Norman Felix (1938-1949) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ValentineAnnie (1862-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Isabella ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1825-1887) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Roger H (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ValinLorene Elizabeth (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Robert John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VallomFrank (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Susan A (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Van AbshovenCornelius (1904-1998) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary C (1937-2018) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
van Blitterswyk? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van BurenPatricia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van der ElstAnneken ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van Der SluisLena (1847-1891) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van DeventerByron ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1860-1947) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Francis Marion (1886-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
van DommelenJustin Emil (1998- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kevin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van Dyke? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) August Lock (1880-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Van EremJulie L ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van Ess? ( -1879) . . . Group sheet (as child) Anna (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clarence (1903- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Cornelius (1872-1911) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dorothy (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lela (1891- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Russell (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Simon (1845-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
van EssenGerrit Jan (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van EttaHellenus ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van Gieson? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Abbie Louis (1891- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Albert Llewellyn (1857-1921) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Cornelius C (1834-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elva Hazel (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) H V (1861- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry (1867- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Ina Alberta (1896- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ito Adelbert (1896- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Cordelia (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Tannie R (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Wheeler Elijah (1858- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
van HooydonkAugust (1872-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Victor Rosevear (1906-1990) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Van HornHarriet Elizabeth (1868- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van HoutenIsrael (1820- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kate Amelia (1852-1919) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
van Hoven /OudenhovenPaulinna ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
Van Kensen? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van KeurenLeslie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van KleefMarinus ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marinus (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
van LentAbraham (1674-1749) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van OudenhovenGillis ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van ScoykDiane Nyra (1936- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Evelyn Ethel (1914-1998) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Female (1931-1931) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Jepthiel Sr (1890-1977) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Jepthiel Jr (1925-1969) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Paul Edward (1911-1979) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Van Scoyk / VanScoghWilliam ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van SickleBrett A (1982- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eldon John (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gregory S (1984- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Van SicklinMarianne (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van SteenburgBarry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van SurdamCaroline (1823-1877) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van TineFlorence Marie / Maria (1897-1986) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Isaac ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van TreuninPhilip ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van ValkenbergAmos Jay (1887-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Donna Frances (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gordon Jay (1939-1952) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ilan Pearl (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Phillip (1931- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Linda Rose (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
van ValkenburghCarrie V ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
van WaggonerLouise Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Van WagnerHarriet Newell (1854- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanartsenColleen Loraine (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jack Charles Jr. MBA ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jack Charles Sr (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanasseMichele Ann (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vance? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Aidan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Loyd E (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mallory ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ronald H (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VandecarSally (1923- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
VandenbergMabel L ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ora H ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Philip (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VandenheuvelDale Gerard (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eric / Erik ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
VanDorenIra J (1862-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VandykeIssue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jacob (1848-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lyle ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vandyne? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Roy (1899- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
VangsnessSteven D (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanHoutenSarah Jane (1849-1870) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanLeeuwenDebra (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanLoutanMary (1851-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VannIssue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jack N ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
VannesLawrence William (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanNessFlorence Mae (1908-1978) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vannortwick? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Wilbur Ory (1923- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanpeltFrances Allean (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanPopperingAdrinia (1837-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanRiperAnna Bernice (1923-1974) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 8 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Viola Winifred (1918-1975) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Edmund (1877-1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VanTrompMichael William J (1979- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nicholas Ian (1980- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Percy E ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rachel Jane (1985- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard E (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William A (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William M (1927-2005) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
VanZantScott A (1981- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vargas-MonizRogerio (1932-2004) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VargoTimothy Allen (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VarnadoRuby Hope (1874-1945) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Leander (1835-1917) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VarnerNora Bell (1915-1993) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VarneyAlfred James (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Esther Mary (1911- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
VarrelmanSallie A (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VascoeElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VasconcellosInez M Batista (1936-2017) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VasquezSaul Ventura (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vaughan? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Louisa (1873-1906) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Henry Palmer ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Lewis (1830- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VaughnMargaret ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VaughtonElla Letitia Jane (1892-1971) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) R G ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Roy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
VeachMary Katherine (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VealJenny (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Veelen / VerveelenJohannes ver (1616- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VegaLiliana Isabel (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
VenableMelissa Annette (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VenghamElizabeth (1670-1702) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Thomas (1645-1703) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VennAnn (1828-1908) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward (1788-1866) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John W ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VennerHelena ( -1862) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Iris (1912-2002) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vennes / VenreeMary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VennollAnne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VenusEileen D (1934- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leonard J (1905-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ver Veelen / VerveelenMaria (1656-1748) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
VerbiasWilliam Franklin (1970- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VerdickKaren V (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
VerdiniJoseph I. (1924-2007) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VerdonGwyneth Evelyn (1925-2000) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VeriganAdaline ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Adaline (1850- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VernonAnne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Dean Curtis Sr (1936-2006) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lorris M (1921-1998) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1796- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sonja J (1969- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
VerplanckeIssue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Peter ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VerrallElizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maria (1803-1867) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VerrellRuth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VertueGeorge ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George (1797- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha (1802- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Tabitha (1799- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
VeseyKathleen (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vesley? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vest? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joanne Dorothy (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
VesterKevin Jr ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
VetoriMary Louisa ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ViaeneRobert Steven (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
ViallAlfred King (1929-1975) . . . Group sheet (as child) Carrol James (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ella A (1889-1982) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Franklin Pond (1887-1960) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harry Stewart (1892-1940) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Merrill (1816-1874) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nathaniel Stewart (1848-1922) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Robert S (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Wesley Russell Sr (1899-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Wesley Russell Jr (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
VicaryFrederick James (1883-1914) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VidlerBruce Rayner Keith ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James (1815- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James (1843-1879) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) James (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kate (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lena Constance (1908-2006) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Lottie Martha (1905-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Margery / Marjorie Gladys (1900-1905) . . . Group sheet (as child) Marjorie D (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nellie (1899- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Robert (1906-1970) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah (1823-1862) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Winifred Alice (1910-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
VilasSarah Jane (1838-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VillafrancaJen R (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VillarouelBrandin (2000- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Curt K (1972- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VillenoFame ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VillingerAnthony Francis (1854-1916) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VillisJoanne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VinallElizabeth (1665- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1854-1935) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Joanne ( -1630) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert J (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Thomas (1818-1895) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William W ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
VinceHilda R (1911- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Philip Godfrey ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Vincent? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ansley ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Caroline (1847-1927) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1850-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child) David (1816-1892) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frances ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Freda ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frederick (1864-1934) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick (1922-1922) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frederick Charles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Harriet ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harriet (1858-1863) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harry (1856-1930) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry Albert (1883-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James ( -1850) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James J (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jesse (1830-1910) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John ( -1875) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Joyce ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha (1849-1867) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1854-1922) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Noel T ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) R ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sarah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah (1815-1886) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Stephen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stephen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stephen (1814- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Go to next index.