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Rann Jane (1839- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1819- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maria (1826-1912) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Martha Letitia (1857- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Isabel (1859- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas (1835- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1772- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1789- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1795- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William James (1851- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RansleyAgnes (1869-1959) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Arnold Charles (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1878-1916) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clara Alice (1875-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward Thomas (1883-1883) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ethel Mercy (1880-1960) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Fay (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joy (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Mabel Clara (1902-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mercy Gertrude (1906- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah (1865-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Thomas (1835-1884) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Thomas (1909- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RansomAlice Louisa (1883- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Emily Virginia (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Esther (1788-1839) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ethel Kate (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leonard Jack (1889- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maud Eleanor (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thomas ( -1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Dr. Whitman V ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1856-1908) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William Thomas (1881-1945) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RansomeAlice Ella (1860-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RapsonOwen Murray (1996- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RaridonEleanor Joanne (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RarrickEdgar (1846- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RashHenry/Herman J (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RasimEmil Franz (1873-1918) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ernestine May (1904-1979) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RasmasonFrances Ruth (1901-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RasnierAnna (1851-1889) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Joseph ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RassellSusan J (1944- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RatcliffBernice Lucille (1917-2007) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Carol Sue (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Glenn Oscar (1914-1992) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Laurel Lann (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Leo Price (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Oscar Leo (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RatcliffeClifford (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David Andrew (1975- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Frazer (1989- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hamish (1989- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ian Clifford (1963-1963) . . . Group sheet (as child) Isabelle Elsie (2004- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jeanette Elizabeth (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Michael Jonathon (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Nicola Jayne (1982- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Stephen (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RathbunGreen (1790-1851) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1824-1894) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RathburnBernice (1917-1966) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RatliffAlice Katherine (1920- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RattenburyIris Lillian (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Vera Blanche (1900-1977) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Henry S (1872-1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RattiganMargaret ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RauMichael (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Michele Amber (1990- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RavenhillHenrietta Sophia (1841-1918) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RavennaHarold Charles (1934-2020) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Andrew (1963- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Joseph Thomas (1962- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Maggie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nicholas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Peter F (1967- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William H (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RawlesHenry James (1851-1883) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 2 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RawlingsArdell (1914-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lillie Mae (1903-1971) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Caroline (1846-1910) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Jane (1859-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard ( -1868) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RawsonCassie May (1871-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent) J Emma (1855-1918) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Loretta ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Myron Richard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Phoebe L ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Silas Anson ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Silas Anson (1797-1860) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Ray? ( -1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte Ann ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Douglas ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eva L (1902- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Evelyn L (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RaymantEmma ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RaymondAmy M ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) C Edward (1904-1999) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Christina Marie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Connie Lee (1962-2014) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Constant Isadore (1902-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Donald ( -2015) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edward C (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edward J (1875- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily Rose (1995- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eugene Wellington ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Felicia Lynn (1986- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Heather ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Heidi Elizabeth (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jessie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lawrence (1964-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ann (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Milo Henry (1821-1911) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Richard Delbert (1954-2013) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Ronald Marcus (1956-2011) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ryan Marcus (1986- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stanley Kenneth Jr (1953-2016) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Stanley Kenneth / Elvin Sr (1930-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RaymorApril Ann ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RaynerAdah (1878-1950) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Florence (1888-1961) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Louisa Jane (1847-1920) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Margaret V (1859-1946) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Samuel ( -1893) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RazzellEleanor Frances (1876-1963) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReaDavid ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Derek (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Jane (1848- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Percy James (1898-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Peter ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Selwyn (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Stephanie Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ReadEileen Gwenda (1914- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eileen J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kate Elizabeth (1872-1934) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maureen Sandra (1950- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReaderLeonard ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReadingHenrietta Mortiboys (1903-1977) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) William Edwin (1879-1926) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReaganColleen Frances ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rita (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReamesDaniel Howard (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elwin Howard (1919-1973) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jonathon Robert (1968- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Shannon Heather (1971- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Wayne Paul (1944-1958) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ReardonChristopher Tierney (1889-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Grace F (1893-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jocelyn Mary (1922-2003) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
ReavisIda Irene (1882-1954) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RecordsBrynn Elizabeth (1996- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ginger Michele (1988- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert F Jr (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReddickBridget Lucille ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Reddoch? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clara Mae (1886-1974) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RedemannAugusta Henrietta Wilhelmina (1838-1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RedfernEmiline (1828-1880) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RedfieldAbigail (1743-1779) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alfred C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1840- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eliphalet (1736-1812) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Horace ( -1867) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 12 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Julia Ann (1802-1881) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Priscilla (1739-1767) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Reuben (1742- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Capt. Richard (1711-1771) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Thankful (1770-1858) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Theophilus (1682-1759) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1768-1832) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RedickIda May (1880-1964) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Stillman M (1858-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RediferFlorence (1892-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RedingerCarl Ward Sr (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Carl Ward Jr (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Karen Jean (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Katherine Larayne (1957- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RedmondCora Ella (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frances Janette (1898- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RedwardDenise ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Francis Huia (1904-1960) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick William (1840-1919) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gary Weston ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 7 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kelvin Huia (1927-1989) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Roger ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RedwayAlbert Sessions Sr (1898-1982) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Albert Sessions Jr (1930- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mandy E (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ReeceLinda ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Reed? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice (1868- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Benjamin Porter (1823-1899) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Beulah Helena (1888-1957) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Carry (1891- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles P (1876- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte (1837-1906) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eliza ( -1924) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Icelona (1893-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ilda J (1858-1940) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James (1857-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James Lewis Vivian (1881-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1855-1939) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Kate (1872- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kathleen Marjorie (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Leonard (1870- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leroy (1847- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lyall Gerald (1933-1996) . . . Group sheet (as child) Martha (1847-1865) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1814- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Monroe (1866- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nancy A (1976- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ruth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah G ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Vivian James (1925-1988) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Reed / RunyonKate (1872-1941) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReeneApril Belle (1937- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jewel Arabelle (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Legle Sr (1910-1978) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReesDoreen D (1932- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eileen M (1935- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harriet (1805- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joan Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Leslie E (1926-2012) . . . Group sheet (as child) Malcolm S L (1944- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nellie Pearl (1882-1946) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Percy W (1895-1980) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stanley P (1922-1944) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Reese? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReeveAnn J (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Bernard D (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marie Thérèse (1861-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Violet Eliza (1885-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReevesAlbert Victor (1884- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Andrew Caleb ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Anna Sarah (1870-1960) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Christiana Ellen (1851-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Eliza Jane (1857- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Eliza S (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Mae (1884-1960) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Sarah (1817- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harry Alma (1854- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jane Elizabeth C (1883- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( -1862) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1849- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Alma (1879- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Letitia May (1893- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy Ann (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1732- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nelson William (1891- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Raymond Sydney (1896- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard Reuben (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Rose Ellen (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RegallieEdward H (1914-1985) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RegenciaCecilia M (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edgardo Mamaril (1947-1979) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Federico ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jeanelyn Calingay (1979- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jocelyn Calingay (1974- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Lorna Mamaril (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RegeonRandall Douglas (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RegisJohn Charles (1938- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RehderShawn Michael (1974- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RehlingEl Frieda Anna (1914-2003) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RehnDoris May (1899-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Henry L Sr (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) M'arguerite' Yvonne (1920- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RehnbergCarl F (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReicheltVera Dorothea (1915-1988) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReichlFrieda Mira (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReidChristian (1818-1906) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1828-1894) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Emily (1857- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Hugh Taylor (1892-1965) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret Cecelia Chatfield (1802- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Una ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReighleyIssue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Philip Mark (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
ReikJames ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mason ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Weston ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ReileyClare ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Reilly? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ellen M (1976- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReinckeLouise ( -1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReiserHelen (1920- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReiterHelen Mae (1920-2007) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReitlerJoseph (1878- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Josephine Emma (1901- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RemerAbram ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lewis (1785-1841) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stephen Henry ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RemoeCharles H (1855- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RenatTiffany ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RenfrewNoreen Ellen ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RenierMichael Edward (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RennellsElsie (1930-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RentonKathleen Marie (1958- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReprogleBarbara Ann (1869-1938) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ResnerSusan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RespessEsther (1876-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RetallackAlfred Charles (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Caroline Ruth (1892- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gertrude Elizabeth (1897- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hugh James (1895- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1857-1928) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Margaret Ann (1888- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Thomas Malcolm (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Walter George (1885- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William John (1883- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RettigMadonna M (1938-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Reuter? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RevellElizabeth Henrietta (1835-1922) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RevilleBernice Ann (1911-1989) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RexotunerRose ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
ReyburnCharles E (1873- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
ReynardSusan J (1951- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Reynolds? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Adila May (1873-1960) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Andrew J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Archibald S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) D A ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edwin Charles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harrison ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harry (1881- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Henry (1837-1905) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jack H III ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James H ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1853- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Margaret ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Martha (1863-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Augusta (1849- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Jane (1881-1929) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Paul Wayne ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ransom S ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1789-1830) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Isabel (1848-1908) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Senora (1856- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Thelma Doris ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William (1848- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Reynolds / RunnelsLove ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RezesJames T (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RheaBernie Landon (1886-1959) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RhenHenry Louise Jr (1921-2013) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RhineFrances I. (1919- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Harry Monroe Phillips (1898-1973) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joan (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1923-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Richard D (1931-2013) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Rhinehardt? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RhoadesChristopher Rudy (1986- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Helen (1898-1993) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Noah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul Wade ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ronald Hall (1946- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Victoria ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RhodeElla M (1882-1970) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frederick (1861- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RhodenDonald ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Pamela K (1963-2013) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RhodesAlfred ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Alice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Bertha Lillian (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Clarence Dana (1884-1930) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Clyde (1896-1945) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clyde (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dorothea Eira (1926-2011) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Dorothy E (1911- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dorothy Jean (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edith (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Emmett (1855-1908) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) George A (1826-1886) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harold E (1886- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Helen M (1913- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jamie Michael (1993- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John K (1961- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) June Rose (1941-2020) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Laura (1851- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lucy (1827-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Makie Elizabeth (1866-1959) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Ann (1813- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Norman ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Oscar Junior (1917- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ruth Emerett (1918-1991) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sophia A (1852- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Studley ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sylvester C Sr (1821-1909) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Rhodes / RhoadsSarah M (1860-1920) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RhotenJeffrey Alan (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Todd J (1983- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Troy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RhynerAudrey Helen (1899-1949) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
Rice? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur (1850-1924) . . . Group sheet (as child) Barbara Lea ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Carla Faye (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clarence A (1891-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David Earl (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Donald Earl (2010- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Horace (1806-1852) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Horace F/t (1846- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Jada Patcha (2008- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Johnnie Loretta ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lucy Rebecca (1874-1956) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mabel Elizabeth (1895-1944) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary E (1877-1930) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Tulula Quanah (1929-2010) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
Rich? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Agnes (1911-1996) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Caryl Clarence (1928-1993) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clarence C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Francis (1771- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lyle Lawrence (1932-1986) . . . Group sheet (as child) Richard Stillman (1923-2004) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RichardMalvena Agalena (1886-1949) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Patrick ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RichardsAlice ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Chadwicke H (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Clorinda Catherine (1835-1922) . . . Group sheet (as parent) David Harris (1895-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Edith Ann (1907-1972) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edith Victoria (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edward Rev. ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eleanor Rose (1920-2005) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Emma (1835- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 5 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Kalah May (1905- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Maria (1833- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary (1803-1891) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Muriel Frances (1922-2019) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Ronald Marsden (1926-1941) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Richards / WilsonHerbert (1897- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
Richardson? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) ? ( -1900) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Adalene L (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Addie (1907-1992) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ahleeha Jade (2010- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Albert (1892-1987) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ann (1930-2012) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ann Clark (1799- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ann Clark (1826- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ann G (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Anne (1872-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Annie (1909- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Antony ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Archibald ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur G ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur Nesbet (1874-1964) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Barry Arthur (1997- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Betty Jane / Jean (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Billy Clifton (1918- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Cathy ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Charles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charlotte ( -1876) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Chloe / Clay (1894-1967) . . . Group sheet (as child) Dale ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Daniel ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Donald Bruce (1924-2003) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Edward ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eliza (1846- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1787- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1798-1868) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth May (1911-2001) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Russell (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Stafford (1821-1879) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ella A (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ellen Olivia (1893-1935) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Etha (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Eva (1896-1896) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frances D (1904-1997) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank Edward Sr (1869-1940) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Frank Edward Jr (1894-1967) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Franklin L (1919-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Garry Alan (1953- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George (1828- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) George Douglas (1913-1979) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Gerald Burt (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Gladys Harriet (1899- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Harlow Maurice (1915-1993) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Helen J (1904- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry (1803- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Henry Percy (1824- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Herbert (1786- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Hugh Edwin ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Irving R (1866- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) J Doy (1905-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jackie ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James (1784- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) James Jeptha (1844-1926) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jessica-Lee Marion (1995- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John (1793-1794) . . . Group sheet (as child) John (1795- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Edwin (1900- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Grady (1896-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John H T (1871- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John Henry (1903-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Henry Jr (1926-1969) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Lenin (1936-2017) . . . Group sheet (as child) John W ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph Franklin (1901-1964) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Joseph Matthew (1867-1942) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Judith Ann (1943- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Leroy Edward (1919-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Leroy Edward (1941-1994) . . . Group sheet (as child) Linda (1954- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Lloyd (1922-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Malcolm Lewis ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marcus James (1991- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Marion (1902-1992) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marjorie (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1801- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary (1830- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Ann (1816-1897) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Matthew (1797- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Orba Agnes (1893-1951) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Orilla D (1856- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Patricia A (1927- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Patricia Ann (1947- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Peter (1941- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ralph Albert (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Robert (1907- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Robert Douglas Callihan (1851-1924) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Ronald (1942- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ruby (1897- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ruth Elaine (1928-1963) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ruth Magdalena (1892-1964) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Samantha Louise (1992- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sarah (1789- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Selina (1791-1857) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Shirley J (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Susannah (1807-1853) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Tammy Lynn ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Tia Anne (2001- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Tyler James ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1805- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1805-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) William A (1908- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William A (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William G ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William Jeffrey (1973- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RicheyEllwood (1887- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Ethel Alice (1888-1960) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Harold Guy (1894-1962) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hibby (1892- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Newton Jasper (1846-1914) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Robert (1798-1881) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert (1889- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Vernon G (1898-1969) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RichmondEdith L (1889-1977) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elijah V (1858- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Polly Elizabeth (1859-1942) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Timothy Earl (1960- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RickettsArnold Adolph (1939- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles Arnold (1964- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Debra June (1966- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edward Price (1852-1922) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth (1804-1857) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lily (1885- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) William C ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiddelSarah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiddleCharles William (1864-1925) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frances Elizabeth (1872-1920) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Infant (1931-1931) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John Paul M.B.E. (1901-1989) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) John S (1833-1897) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Tandy Miles (1874-1967) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiddlesAlec (1940- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Alice M (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Arthur ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Arthur G (1922- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Arthur J (1948- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Christine M (1956- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Christopher R (1945- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frederick (1883-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Frederick G (1913-1958) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Michael J (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah-Jean Tina (1975- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Stanley E (1925- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Thomas A (1916- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
Rider? ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Marion L (1890- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RidgeStanley Irving (1895-1953) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RidgewayGeoffrey G A (1924- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lorna J E (1957- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Paul G G (1949- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RidgwellJames ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RidleyJane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RidoutClifford F ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Priscilla ( -1862) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert F (1928- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RiechelmannEmily Elizabeth (1880-1901) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Henry William August ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 9 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RiegseckerWalter Jay (1926-2005) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RifeBonnie Ruth (1933- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John Robert (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiffleHelen Virginia (1917-2015) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William A (1890-1979) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RigbyMyrtle May (1883-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiggPatricia M (1944- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RigginsFrances A (1869- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiggleCatherine A (1848-1916) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) David (1825- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Gertrude ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RiggsAlice Sophia (1851- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Betty (1775-1842) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charles (1824- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Clark (1818- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edgar (1832- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Edward W (1877-1936) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eli (1800- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Eliza (1822- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elizabeth (1768-1845) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Elizabeth Ann (1769-1801) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Elliott (1820- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Elliott (1823- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ellis E (1861-1882) . . . Group sheet (as child) George ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Hannah (1740-1813) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Hannah (1767-1794) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Issue 10 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 3 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 4 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) James Philo (1836- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) John (1676-1755) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Capt. John (1676-1755) . . . Group sheet (as parent) John (1752-1814) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) John Sidney (1804-1870) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Jonathan ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Capt. Joseph Harvey I (1708-1792) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Capt. Joseph Harvey II (1746-1822) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Joseph Harvey III (1793-1879) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Leveritt (1788-1849) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mabel (1759-1801) . . . Group sheet (as child) Mary Ann (1826-1852) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Elizabeth (1917-1997) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Moses II ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Nancy (1826- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Nathan Burr (1795-1854) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Philo (1790-1837) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rachel (1786-1869) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Ranford (1784-1832) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1750-1766) . . . Group sheet (as child) Samuel (1771-1859) . . . Group sheet (as child) Sarah Elizabeth (1706-1740) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Sidney (1829- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) William (1900-1977) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) William Edgar (1806-1851) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RiglerIssue 6 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) John ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lydia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RiglesfordJames (1882- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RileyAnnie (1855-1933) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Edwin Chatfield ( -1941) . . . Group sheet (as child) Issue 1 ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as child) J J ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Mary Chatfield (1912- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Patricia ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Rosetta (1792-1817) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Stanley Howard (1883-1972) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Valentine Blomfield (1851-1917) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RimeSerine A (1896-1988) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RindtBetty Jane ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RingAdelaide Norina J (1904-1995) . . . Group sheet (as parent) George P ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RingwoodBarbara ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Joseph A (1913-1987) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RinnCharles ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Charles (1910- ) . . . Group sheet (as child) Charles Frederick (1886-1968) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Gladys Florence L (1912-1979) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RionLaura ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RipaPaul Joseph (1945-2020) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RippethElvira (1857-1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RisingGeorge E (1861-1931) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lyle C (1909-1955) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RisleyGerald (1892-1963) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Geraldine (1921- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child)
RitcheyJean R (1929- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RitchieArchibald (1848- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Laurenda / Lorenda (1888-1948) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Ferguson (1898-1977) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Robert Reginald ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Paton (1880-1948) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RittenhouseJohn E (1853-1935) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lois Edith (1895-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent)
RiveraGilbert Jr (1955- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Jeana Marie (1986- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Luis Jr. (1952- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiversFrances M (1858-1929) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Helen Juanita (1924-2008) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RiviveraAmanda (1990- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RixMargaret (1832- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Sarah Janet / Jennette (1844-1925) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RixenFrank A (1926- ) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Frank Edward (1901-1974) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Lynn J (1959- ) . . . Group sheet (as child)
RizaAngela Kay (1965- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RoachGeorge W (1855- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Minnie M (1887-1961) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent) Vesta Gertrude (1884-1976) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as parent)
RoatWalter ( - ) . . . Group sheet (as parent)
RobbCharlotte (1848-1937) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Charlotte Nelson (1891-1987) . . . Group sheet (as child) Frank Gordon (1856-1937) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Georgianna A (1842-1866) . . . Group sheet (as child) Helen Charlotte (1889-1970) . . . Group sheet (as parent), Group sheet (as child) Jackson (1817-1865) . . . Group sheet (as parent) James (1874- ) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Leora Anna (1885-1980) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Mary Elizabeth (1854-1934) . . . Group sheet (as child), Group sheet (as parent) Nelson Gordon (1893-1913) . . . Group sheet (as child) Susan A (1866-1956) . . . Group sheet (as parent) Go to next index.