These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

List of events ordered by date

United States of America - OH Ohio - Toledo 43601 - 1106 Adams St., Lucas Co. : 201 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death15 April 1954Chatfield Joram Josiah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1999Chatfield Clarence Richard
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1956Collins Elmer S
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1914Chatfield Chester P
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Braatz William Charles
 Burial?Braatz Arthur George
 Burial?Braatz Roseline Hope
 Burial?Stoner Charlotte
 Burial?Braatz Arthur George
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield James Arthur
 Burial?Chatfield Edward J
 Burial?Earl Troy W
 Burial?Chatfield Arthur C
 Burial?Young Margaret R
 Burial?Schroeder Frank C
 Burial?Chatfield Albert Joram
 Burial?Chatfield Grant L
 Burial?Buechele Emma Josephine
 Burial?Robinstein \ Rogentien \ Roggenthen\ Rugentine Sophia M
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage25 January 1958Morgan Thomas L with Chatfield Nora Jean
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth1914Peake Albert James
 Birth17 October 1921Binkley Foster D
 Birth5 July 1925Lovejoy Infant
 Death5 July 1925Lovejoy Infant
 Birth30 December 1926Lovejoy Infant
 Death30 December 1926Lovejoy Infant
 Birth9 May 1929Chatfield Margaret \ Marguerite Roberta
 Death29 January 1975Peake Albert James
 Death23 July 1993Mantel Richard Addison
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Milton Mary Grace
19 century
 BirthSeptember 1863Chatfield Joram Josiah
 Birth8 June 1871Sawyer George Reuben
 Birth24 October 1871Stoner Charlotte
 Birth23 July 1874Braatz William Charles
 Census1880Johnson Sarah Martha
 Census1880Sawyer Ira B
 Birth13 May 1881Chatfield Samuel Judson
 Birth9 August 1882Chatfield James Arthur
 Birth23 May 1883Schroeder Elizabeth Sophia
 Birth22 January 1884Chatfield Edith A
 Birth30 April 1886Chatfield Albert Joram
 Birth19 October 1886Chatfield Clarence Rayner
 Death28 November 1887Chatfield Infant
 Birth1887Chatfield Infant
 Death27 November 1889Chatfield Samuel Judson
 Birth6 September 1890Chatfield Harry Chester
 Birth28 February 1895Buechele Ernest Adolf
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Chester P
 Birth22 October 1903Braatz Arthur George
 Death20 February 1904Young Margaret R
 Census1910Chatfield Edward J
 Census1910Chatfield Edward J
 Census1910Draves Emma
 Census1910? Emma C
 Census1910Lawton William W
 Census1910Dull Sarah E
 Census1910Chatfield Lena G
 Census1910Powlesland Harriet
 Census1910Chatfield Frank H
 Census1910Lawton William Wallace
 Census1910Chatfield Chester P
 Birth15 March 1912Chatfield Gaylord Charles
 Birth24 November 1913Chatfield Glenn Carlyle
 Death14 July 1914Chatfield Chester P
 Death3 January 1915Powlesland Harriet
 Birth25 April 1916Chatfield Elaine Margaret
 Census1917Chatfield Harry Chester
 Birth7 February 1919Chatfield Clarence Richard
 Birth31 March 1919Bechtol Elmer Harvey
 Census1920Dull Sarah E
 Census1920Chatfield Glenn Carlyle
 Census1920Chatfield Adelbert \ Delbert C
 Census1920Hall Fletcher
 Census1920Barnhart Eulillie
 Census1920Chatfield Gaylord Charles
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chamberlain Herbert D
 Census1920Chatfield Clarence Rayner
 Census1920Chatfield Clarence Richard
 Census1920Dillingham Bertha Elizabeth
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Albert Joram
 Census1920Chatfield Bernice M
 Census1920Chatfield Edward J
 Census1920Chatfield Harry Chester
 Census1920Krisher Eulah Josephine
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Martin Arthur L
 Census1920Krisher Charles
 Census1920Klema Hedwig Margarete
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Schroeder Rosetta L
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Shoemaker \ Shumaker \ Schumacher Freda
 Census1920Chatfield Edward J
 Death11 April 1923Schroeder Frank C
 Death24 July 1929Allen Charles E
 Death20 March 1930Earl William F
 Census1930Dull Sarah E
 Census1930Martin Hope Helen
 Census1930Maltby George
 Census1930Allen William Henry
 Census1930Chatfield Edward J
 Census1930Chatfield Edward J
 Census1930Bovee Loeza \ Louisa E
 Census1930Herwat Eleanor C
 Death26 September 1931Maltby George
 Death14 September 1932Schroeder Elizabeth Sophia
 Death6 October 1932Dull Sarah E
 Birth1 October 1937Braatz Roseline Hope
 Birth18 December 1937Morgan Thomas L
 Birth19 February 1938Chatfield Grace L
 Death20 February 1938Chatfield Grace L
 Death9 May 1938Braatz Roseline Hope
 Death3 December 1938Henneman Joseph
 Census1940Martin Hope Helen
 Census1940Herwat Eleanor C
 Census1940Hall Phyllis Cecilia
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Paskan Andrew
 Census1940Braatz Margaret J
 Census1940Chatfield Adelbert \ Delbert C
 Census1940Braatz William Charles
 Census1940Chatfield Earl John
 Census1940Kavanaugh Bernice Roberta
 Census1940Fouty Ruby Irene
 Census1940Wagner Irene
 Census1940Braatz Arthur George
 Census1940Fish Larry Louis
 Residence1940Earl Troy W
 Census1940Fish Arthur William Marvin
 Census1940Fish Arthur Young
 Census1940Witt Lawrence Rae
 Census1940Chatfield Margaret \ Marguerite Roberta
 Census1940Hall Fletcher
 Census1940Roose Arminta B
 Census1940Buechele Ernest Adolf
 Census1940Stoner Charlotte
 Census1940Romire Gladys June
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Winters Pickard Flora A
 Residence1940Valentine Charlotte
 Census1940Romire Grace Esther
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Urda Mary
 Census1940Witt Lawrence F
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Paskan Jerry Daniel
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Paskan Stanley E
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Joram Josiah
 Residence1940Earl La Verne
 Census1940Chatfield Bernice M
 Birth4 January 1941Braatz Arthur George
 Death5 January 1941Braatz Arthur George
 Death22 September 1941Earl Troy W
 Death14 June 1956Collins Elmer S
 Birth9 June 1957Chatfield Richard Norman
 Birth22 August 1958Morgan Todd Owen
 Marriage16 July 1960Witt Lawrence Rae with Braatz Margaret J
 Death6 November 1961Paskan Andrew
 Death7 June 1965Witt Lawrence F
 Birthabout 1965Morgan Juli Kae
 Death29 June 1966Herwat Eleanor C
 Death6 April 1971Buechele Ernest Adolf
 Death11 April 1973Chatfield Earl John
 Death31 October 1973Chatfield Adelbert \ Delbert C
 Death28 May 1980LaBlance Geneva M
 Marriage1 October 1982Morgan Todd Owen with Hughes Beverly J
 Death21 April 1985Hall Phyllis Cecilia
 Death14 February 1992Romire Grace Esther
 Death27 December 1992Bechtol Elmer Harvey
 Death5 December 1994Roose Arminta B
21 century
 Death6 October 2000Binkley Foster D
 Death22 December 2000Kavanaugh Bernice Roberta
 Residence2004Chatfield Heather M
 Residence2009Colello Darlene M
 Death24 January 2011Colello Darlene M
 Death5 October 2014Chatfield Richard Norman
 Death30 December 2016Morgan Todd Owen
 Death5 October 2017Morgan Thomas L
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Lovejoy Infant
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Powlesland Harriet
 Census1900Chatfield Harry Chester
 Census1900Robinstein \ Rogentien \ Roggenthen\ Rugentine Sophia M
 Census1900Chatfield James Arthur
 Census1900Chatfield Joram Josiah
 Census1900Schroeder Elizabeth Sophia
 Census1900Dull Sarah E
 Census1900Young Margaret R
 Census1900Chatfield Albert Joram
 Census1900Chatfield Earl Charles
 Census1900Schroeder Rosetta L
 Residence1900Schroeder Frank C
 Census1900Chatfield Earl John
 Census1910Chatfield James Arthur
 Census1910Schroeder Elizabeth Sophia
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Romire Gladys June
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death13 September 1963Schroeder Rosetta L
 Death2 June 1969Chatfield Arthur C
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death30 September 1960Barnhart Eulillie
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death10 August 1979Chatfield Edward J
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Samuel Judson
 Burial?Chatfield Joram Josiah
 Burial?Dull Sarah E
20 century
 Burial17 July 1914Chatfield Chester P
 Burial5 January 1915Powlesland Harriet
 Birth11 June 1920Earl Infant
 Death11 June 1920Earl Infant
 Burial29 September 1931Maltby George
 Burial17 September 1932Schroeder Elizabeth Sophia

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.