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List of events ordered by date

United States of America - NY New York - West Bloomfield 14585 - Ontario Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth19 June 1803Stevens Lydia
 Marriage16 August 1829French Edmond Payne with Stevens Lydia



United States of America - NY New York - West Edmeston 13485 - Otsego Co. : 3 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death3 April 1829Alcott Joseph Chatfield
 Death12 November 1853Alcott Betsey
 Death15 August 1863Bronson Anna



United States of America - NY New York - West Haverstraw 10993 - Rockland Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth25 July 1856Cairns Mary Fulton



United States of America - NY New York - West Kill 12492 - Spruceton, Greene Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 December 1877Dunham Grace Sarah



United States of America - NY New York - West Point 10996 - Orange Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth8 September 1873Treacy John Vincent
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Treacy Daniel F



United States of America - NY New York - Westbury 11590 - Cemetery of the Holy Rood, Nassau Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Graebe Anne Marie



United States of America - NY New York - Westport 12993 - Essex Co. : 5 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1876Oliver Eugenie Hortense
 Census1880Brothers Josephine
 Census1880Oliver Eugenie Hortense
 Census1880Oliver Israel
20 century
 Census1930Daigneault Burton Oliver



United States of America - NY New York - White Plains 10601 - Westchester Co. : 5 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Copeland Henry Fillmore
 Census1930Copeland Louise
 Census1930McBrien Susan A
 Death15 September 1956Jones Venetta
21 century
 Death4 November 2003Chatfield June



United States of America - NY New York - Whitehall 12887 : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth22 May 1823Tanner Sophia Bishop



United States of America - NY New York - Williamstown 13493 - Oswego Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth7 October 1852Chatfield Mary Augusta
 Birth7 August 1854Chatfield Harriett Rose



United States of America - NY New York - Wilson 14172 - Niagara Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth5 April 1838Vilas Sarah Jane



United States of America - NY New York - Windham 12496 - Maplecrest Cmtry., Greene Co. : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Burial?Chatfield Austin Newcombe
 Burial?Chatfield Katherine E
20 century
 Burial6 April 1989Cook Dorcas May



United States of America - NY New York - Windsor 13865 - Broome Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth16 February 1810Grant Nelson



United States of America - NY New York - Wolcott 14590 - Butler Twp., Wayne Co. : 62 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1900Chatfield Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Henry Albert
 Burial?Chatfield George Edward
 Burial?Lash David Jon
 Burial?Lash Lewis Raymond
 Burial?Chatfield Jesse Raymond
 Burial?Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Burial?Galloway Grace A
 Burial?Coffinger Betsey
 Burial?Purdy Charles E
 Burial?Alt Esther Viola
 Burial?Chatfield Berlin
 Burial?Miller Sarah Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Residence?Chatfield Katelyn B
19 century
 Birth23 April 1879Finch Maude L
 Census1880Chatfield Mary P
 Census1880Purdy Charles E
 Death31 January 1882Coffinger Betsey
 Death18 February 1882Chatfield Jesse Raymond
 Death18 May 1886Miller Henry
 Birth27 March 1889Chatfield Marion
 Birth1898Galloway Grace A
 Birth1 June 1899Lash Lewis Raymond
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Mary P
 Census1900Purdy Charles E
 Birth28 May 1919Chatfield Donald Phillip
 Census1920 (previously 1915)Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Census1920Chatfield William Gordon
 Census1920Chatfield Sarah Caroline
 Census1920Chatfield Mary P
 Census1920Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Census1920Chatfield Mary Louise
 Census1920Chatfield Charles Purdy
 Census1920Chatfield Virginia Lee
 Census1920Tatum Elizabeth Madilene
 Census1920Chatfield Donald Phillip
 Death2 June 1922Miller Sarah Ann
 Census1930Alt Esther Viola
 Census1930Chatfield Henry Albert
 Census1930Chatfield George Edward
 Census1930Chatfield Willard Meyers
 Death7 January 1934Galloway Grace A
 Census1940Chatfield George Edward
 Census1940Alt Esther Viola
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Lattin William
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Vought Edith I.
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Lattin Matilda Ruth
 Census1940Chatfield Henry Albert
 Census1950Lash Lewis Raymond
 Census1950Lash David Jon
 Census1950Lash Richard A
 Census1950Chatfield Virginia Lee
 Census1950Lash Virginia L
 Death7 March 1955Lash Lewis Raymond
 Death25 July 1962Lash David Jon
 Residence1969Tatum Elizabeth Madilene
 Death31 March 1974Alt Esther Viola
 Residence1990Chatfield James Shaw
 DeathAugust 1996Chatfield Jesse Franklin
21 century
 Residence2006? Lila A
 Residence2009Chatfield Robert Allen
 Death27 October 2011Lattin Matilda Ruth



United States of America - NY New York - Woodhull 14898 - Steuben Co. : 3 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860? Lydia A
 Census1860Kinney Joseph Burroughs
 Census1860Kinney Alanson



United States of America - NY New York - Woodside 11377 - Calvary Cmtry., New York City, Queens Co. : 8 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Halsey James Joseph
 Burial?Halsey Nellie
20 century
 Burial1 March 1902Chatfield Margaret Eliza
 Burial23 May 1910Chatfield Ursula E
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Loonie John
20 century
 Burial7 December 1900Cantlon Hannah
 Burial3 March 1904Chatfield Arden
 Burial6 September 1908Chatfield Robert Lee



United States of America - NY New York - Woodstock 12498 - Ulster Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth17 March 1810Sickler Jacob J
20 century
 Death13 August 1994Chatfield Edward Franklin



United States of America - NY New York - Yonkers 10701 - Westchester Co. : 5 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census12 July 1870Fuller Henry Riley
20 century
 Birth26 February 1920Matzko Antoinette
 Census1930Chatfield Edith Anna
 Census1930Walsh Thomas A
 Census1930 (previously 1925)Walsh Edith M



United States of America - NY New York - Yorkshire 14173 - Cattaraugus Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1915Olthof Frances E



United States of America - OH Ohio

Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Scott Issue 3
 Birth?Porter Issue 4
 Birth?Everingham Issue 2
 Birth?Powell Alice
 Birth?Blanc Issue 4
 Birth?Riggle Issue 4
 Birth?Smart ?
 Birth?Allen Issue 8
 Birth?Headley Issue 7
 Marriage?Chatfield Robert Dillingham with Ernst Jennie Theresa
 Birth?Hahn Clare
 Birth?Snow Issue 5
 Birth?Kohr Issue 3
 Birth?Krisher Issue 9
 Birth?Richardson Archibald
 Birth?Hahn Linde
 Birth?Chatfield ?
 Birth?Rockwell Issue
 Birth?? John
 Birth?Hudson Issue 10
 Birth?Wolford Jefferson
 Birth?Chatfield Thomas
 Birth?Anderson Issue 3
 Birth?? Tamara J
 Birth?Pool Issue 4
 Birth?Davis Dale
 Birth?Wooten Issue 4
 Birth?Martin James
 Marriage?Isbell Heman with ? ?
 Birth?Dull Issue 7
 Death?Howard Catherine C
 Birth?Linehan Issue 2
 Birth?Rhoden Issue 5
 Birth?Swallow Ellen
 Birth?Bolden Donald
 Birth?Schamp Issue 4
 Birth?Karg William R
 Residence?Chatfield Alice J
 Birth?Hickling Issue 4
 Birth?Braatz Issue 7
 Birth?Styer Diana L
 Birth?Coe Issue 3
 Birth?Chatfield Tess
 Birth?Bolden Issue 3
 Birth?Extine May
 Death?Thompson Pheba
 Birth?Bolden Debra
 Birth?Chatfield Michael
 Birth?Ruggles Issue 9
 Birth?Bolden Kathy
 Birth?Anderson Issue 3
 Birth?Chapman Issue 3
 Birth?Owrey Issue 7
 Birth?Henneman Issue 2
 Occupation?Chatfield Newton Jasper
 Birth?Swallow Meg
 Birth?Swallow Tom
 Birth?Seigler ?
19 century
 Birthabout 1802Andrews Margaret Maryette
 Birth17 February 1809Snow Edwin
 Birth12 October 1812Herrick Louisa Abbey
 Birth1812McDonald Delilah
 Birth31 August 1813Jay Henry H
 Birth22 March 1814Andrews Ruth
 Birth31 August 1814Herrick Polly M
 Birthabout 1814Chandler Sylvester
 Birth9 April 1816Chatfield Joseph C
 Birth27 April 1816Chatfield Sabrina
 Birth1 October 1816Park Rodney J
 Birthabout 1816? Elizabeth
 Death13 March 1817Herrick Polly M
 Birth27 March 1817Kelsey Rosetta Cezanne
 Birth1817Chatfield Reuben
 Birthabout 1817Gray Neely
 Birth1818Lewis Julia
 Birth19 May 1819Cosper Elizabeth
 Birth10 July 1819Coe Rachel
 Birth23 October 1819Sill Delilah J
 Birth20 July 1820Chatfield Laura
 Birth14 August 1820Kelsey Henry Cezanne
 Birth1820Ladd William C
 Birthabout 1820Minard Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1821? Maria
 Birthabout 1821Conklin Catherine
 Birth11 October 1822Palmer Aurantha
 Birthabout 1822McCanna Elizabeth
 Birth31 August 1823Wiley Barsina
 Birth8 September 1823Coe Mynes
 Birth11 January 1824Miller Nancy
 Death1825Lake Vincent Gershom
 Birth1825Meeker Isaac
 Birth28 July 1826Lake Jacob S
 Birthabout 1827Dean Thomas P
 Birthabout 1827Miller Martha
 Birth3 February 1828Chatfield Mariah Amanda
 Birth14 April 1828Doty Lucinda Holmes
 Death16 August 1829Herrick Louisa Abbey
 Birthabout 1829Carter John N
 Birth1829Nehemiah Charles S
 Birthabout 1829Hudson Charles E \ T
 Birth16 February 1830Chatfield Love Rebecca
 Birth10 March 1830Case Annette
 Birth17 June 1831Squires Mary L
 Birth26 May 1832Leathers Harrison
 Birth4 June 1832Chatfield Levi Gould
 Birthabout 1832? Mary J
 Birthabout 1832Stitt Castine \ Costine \ Coston
 Birthabout 1833Coe Daniel
 Birth28 January 1834Chatfield Harriet Athalia
 BirthFebruary 1834Starrr Mary E
 BirthJuly 1835Flowers Lovina
 Birth1835Chatfield Henry E
 Birthabout 1835Jump Benjamin
 Birth27 April 1836Warren Nancy
 Birth29 May 1836Chatfield Mary Almira
 Birthabout 1836Baird Emma
 Birthabout 1836Chatfield Polly
 Birthabout 1836Bickett William Harvey
 Birth6 September 1837Bishop Frances Charlotte
 Birth13 November 1837Helvick Vermena \ Vermenia
 Birthabout 1837Wilson Isaac Newton
 Birth26 February 1838Irish Nancy M
 BirthMarch 1838Burger Joseph J
 Birth5 July 1838Schowalter \ Showalter Susan \ Susanna \ Susanne
 Birth21 August 1838Bentley Jewett Freeborn Garrettson
 Birthabout 1838Crouch Leah
 Birthabout 1838Chatfield Suzanna
 Birthabout 1838Smith Mary Samantha
 Birth1 December 1839Bishop Josephine V
 Birth22 January 1840South Rebecca Ann
 BirthFebruary 1840Dawson William
 Birth6 April 1840Chatfield Wealthy L
 BirthMay 1840Chatfield George Robert
 BirthNovember 1840Crane Eugene B
 Birth26 February 1841Chatfield Ruth Emily
 BirthAugust 1841Butcher John
 Birth4 October 1841Bishop Rosalia
 Birthabout 1841Bard William
 Birthabout 1841Chatfield Armina
 Birthabout 1841Owen John F
 Birth1 August 1842Crane Gilbert M
 Birth5 August 1842Sessions Minard L
 Death22 August 1842Crane Gilbert M
 Birth1842Robb Georgianna A
 Birth26 February 1843Gabriel Matthias
 BirthMay 1843Clark Harriet Leila
 Birth1 July 1843Chatfield David Reed
 Birth30 November 1843Hudson Zenith Emaline
 Birth1843Chatfield Jane H
 Birthabout 1843Crane Corydon G
 Birth1843Burch Chester
 Birth1843Babcock Miles
 Birth1843Hotchkiss Ann Lucy
 BirthJanuary 1844Chandler Martha Elizabeth
 Birth23 February 1844Crane Mary H
 Birth27 July 1844Pancake Henry
 BirthNovember 1844Porter Mary E
 Birth1 March 1845Moore Mary Ellen
 Birth14 November 1845Chatfield Mary Catherine
 Birth1845Rouse Harvey J
 Birthabout 1845Chatfield Eliza
 Birthabout 1845Chatfield Henry
 Birth1845Hull Isadora Laura
 Birthabout 1845Chatfield Emily
 Birth14 March 1846Chatfield Isaac Newton
 BirthMay 1846Cazier Eliza
 Birth29 June 1846Ferrell Daniel
 Birth1 August 1846Brown Louise Maria
 BirthSeptember 1846Clark Hellen Susan
 Birthabout 1846Stoops Margaret Jane
 BirthJune 1847Brownell Charles Henry
 BirthDecember 1847Reed Leroy
 Birth1847Reynolds William C
 Birthabout 1847Chatfield Alexander
 Birthabout 1847Snyder Jemima
 Birthabout 1847Moore Daniel C
 Birth23 January 1848Parker Milton Leonard
 Birth7 May 1848Lawrence Ellen Celestine
 Birth4 June 1848Somers Lena F
 BirthJuly 1848Etherton Emma K
 Birth14 November 1848Burgher \ Brooker Sarah A
 Birthabout 1848Chatfield Charlotte
 Birthabout 1848Crane Martha
 Birth20 January 1849Chatfield Landon Albert
 BirthFebruary 1849Anderson William P
 BirthFebruary 1849Tobey Boridella Ann
 Death30 April 1849Chatfield Wealthy L
 Birth3 May 1849Reynolds Mary Augusta
 Birth4 September 1849Bishop Samuel Lester
 Birth15 October 1849Chatfield Mary Ella
 Birthabout 1849Crane Henry L
 Birthabout 1849Mclaughlin William
 Birthabout March 1850Chatfield Albert
 Birth13 May 1850Brackney David
 Birthabout 1850Shope Alice S
 Birthabout 1850Verigan Adaline
 Birthabout 1850? Mary V
 Birthabout 1850Cameron Oscar
 Birthabout 1850Chatfield Edwin
 BirthJanuary 1851Crane Flora
 Death20 March 1851Bell Ann
 Birth1 April 1851Tillotson Alpharetta A
 MarriageJuly 1851Coe John W
 Birth24 August 1851Chatfield LeGrand
 Birth23 September 1851Shope John
 Birthabout 1851Webb Drusilla
 Birth23 March 1852Mayberry Joseph
 Birth11 April 1852Chatfield Delilah
 Birth3 December 1852Ewing Albert L
 BirthDecember 1852Pettibone Sylvia C \ E
 BirthFebruary 1853Rockwell John
 BirthApril 1853Chatfield Jesse
 DeathApril 1853Chatfield Jesse
 BirthMay 1853Adams Clara
 Birth3 August 1853Webb Viola Virginia
 Birth28 September 1853Stewart Amanda Jane
 Birth3 December 1853Dickinson Lewis Johnson
 Birthabout 1853Geiger Madison P
 Birthabout 1853Reynolds John Harvey
 Birth19 May 1854Chatfield Milton W
 Birth7 November 1854Robb Mary Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1854Alcott Alfred
 Birth1854Chatfield James
 Birthabout 1854Chick Elmira
 Death10 March 1855Dickinson Lewis Johnson
 Birth1 May 1855Chatfield Horace Greely
 Birthabout 1855Graham Hattie Bell
 Birth1855Chatfield Lilly M
 Birthabout 1855Sprague Lafayette Raymond \ Rayner
 Birth5 January 1856Reynolds Lenora Phoebe
 Birth20 June 1856Chatfield Ira Dorsey
 BirthOctober 1856Simmons Mary Elizabeth
 BirthNovember 1856Day Benjamin Franklin
 BirthNovember 1856Thaker Mary Ellen
 Birthabout 1856Hull Ida E
 Birthabout 1856Webb Amanda
 Birthabout 1856Pletcher Phoebe
 BirthAugust 1857Anderson Alice A
 Birth1 August 1858Dickinson Rosa
 Death8 August 1858Dickinson Rosa
 Birth31 August 1858Chatfield Adella A
 Birthabout 1858Cavender Ida
 Birthabout 1858Willis Joshua
 Birth22 January 1859Easterday Rosaline Ellen
 Birth17 November 1859Dickinson Alpheus Lyman
 Birth25 December 1859Chatfield Merrie Christmas
 Birthabout 1859Ladd Minnie H
 Birthabout 1859Allen Lucy
 Birthabout 1859Post Emily
 Birth10 March 1860Stanbery Carrie
 Birth8 May 1860Cole Fred M
 Birthabout 1860Chapman Charles M
 Birth1860Chatfield Effie
 BirthJanuary 1861Kenton John William
 BirthFebruary 1861Ruggles John F
 Birth2 April 1861Chatfield Mary Ellen
 Birth11 June 1861Mitchell Frederick Elmore
 Birth11 August 1861Dull Sarah E
 Birth13 August 1861Dixon Isabele
 Birth18 September 1861Chatfield William Freeman
 Birthabout 1861Brown Elizabeth D
 Birthabout 1861Hudson George
 Birthabout 1861Chatfield Frank B
 Birth1861Burnham Marble G
 Death21 December 1862Cook Harriet Lola
 Birthabout 1862Dean Sarah Arminda
 Birthabout 1862Chapman Sola Hattie
 Birthabout 1862Webb Minnie
 Birth27 March 1863Wade Eliza
 Birth14 May 1863Reynolds Martha Chatfield
 BirthJune 1863Russell Eugene B
 Birth2 October 1863Blue Margaret Elizabeth
 Marriage1863Chapman Charles Hiram with Hotchkiss Ann Lucy
 Birthabout 1863Warren Mary
 Birth2 April 1864Chatfield Abigail Viola
 Birth1864Watkins Frank E
 Birth1864Chatfield Cora R
 Birthabout 1864Chatfield Elmina \ Elmira
 Birthabout 1864Owrey Serah \ Zera
 Birth1 January 1865Wagner \ Waggoner Caroline Catherine
 Birth12 March 1865Myers Leo B
 Birth9 June 1865Chatfield Frederick
 BirthSeptember 1865Marsh Lucy Dolph
 Marriage19 October 1865Coe Almon F with Helser Elizabeth M
 Birthabout 1865Fowler George Washington
 Birthabout 1865Norton Sylvester
 Birth14 May 1866Kavanaugh Charles M
 Birth1866Chatfield Don Carlos
 Death1866Robb Georgianna A
 Birth1866Hogoboom Evelyn
 Birth1866Post Jessie Lenora
 Birthabout 1867Mitchell Stanley
 Birthabout 1867Briggs Herbert B
 Birth1867 (previously 1863)Stitt Issue 2
 Birth1867Price William Samuel
 Birth17 February 1868Robinson Anna L
 BirthFebruary 1868Kaus Mary H
 Birth9 July 1868Chatfield Edward
 BirthAugust 1868Chatfield Minnie A
 Birth1868Chatfield Laura Elnora
 Birthabout 1868Reed Alice
 Birthabout 1868Chatfield Llewellyn
 Birth18 January 1869Whaley Frank C
 Death29 July 1869Stone Leander
 Birth5 October 1869Poole Elizabeth Jane
 BirthJanuary 1870Crawford Elizabeth A
 BirthJanuary 1870Lawton William W
 Birth20 February 1870Chatfield Grace Hattie
 Birth27 March 1870Chatfield Fay Briggs
 Birth5 October 1870Chatfield Flora E
 Census1870Reed Alice
 Census1870Clark Hellen Susan
 Residence1870Graves Ella Miranda
 Census1870Sage Cynthia \ Sintha M
 Residence1870Graves Marvin Bernal
 Census1870Briggs Herbert B
 Census1870Webb Drusilla
 Census1870Pettibone Sylvia C \ E
 Census1870Baylor David
 Census1870Webb Amanda
 Census1870Webb Minnie
 Residence1870Killom Marietta Miranda
 Census1870Webb William
 Census1870Dickinson Maria Rachel
 Census1870Webb Viola Virginia
 Census1870Dickinson Mary Elmina
 Census1870Gribble Anna Laura
 Census1870Dickinson Walter Johnson
 Census1870Bartley Ida M
 Census1870Dickinson Selden Curtis
 Census1870Dickinson Alpheus Lyman
 Census1870Briggs Thomas G
 Census1870Chatfield Grace Hattie
 Census1870Chatfield George Washington
 Census1870Crane Mary H
 Census1870Crane Willis G
 Census1870Chatfield Mary E
 Birthabout 1870Chatfield Harry Landon
 Birthabout 1870Briggs Clifford L
 Census1870Hudson George
 Census1870Hudson Clinton Oscar
 Census1870Riggle Catherine A
 Census1870Reed Leonard
 Census1870Riggle David
 Birthabout 1870Reed Leonard
 Census1870Chatfield Amanda
 Census1870Chatfield Minnie A
 Census1870Cameron Oscar
 Census1870Ross Jesse Alexander
 Birth1870Perry Ernest Glenn
 Birthabout 1870Campbell Mary Elizabeth
 Census1870Chatfield Marietta
 Census1870Ross Luella
 Census1870Reed Leroy
 Census1870Chatfield Elmina A
 Census1870Briggs Clifford L
 Birth1 August 1871Henneman Carl
 BirthSeptember 1871Willis Mary A
 Birth6 December 1871Chatfield Effie O
 Birth1871Thayer Frank B
 BirthSeptember 1872Chatfield Jennie Maud
 Birth1872Chatfield Robert William
 Birthabout 1872Reed Kate
 Death1872Chatfield Robert William
 Birthabout 1872Lyons Lucy Lamb Stirgeon
 Birth14 April 1873Huffman Elizabeth
 Birth4 July 1873Foskett Edith May
 BirthFebruary 1874Chatfield Ethel Blanche
 BirthDecember 1874Krisher Charles
 Birthabout 1874Cameron Mary
 Birthabout 1874Cook William
 Birth14 February 1875Payne Alice
 BirthSeptember 1875Oliver Abbie
 Birth27 October 1875Leisy Jessie A
 Birth6 November 1875Gaskill Peter
 Birth1875Barker Effie M
 Birth6 January 1876Honse Nine A
 BirthAugust 1876Chatfield Sula G
 BirthNovember 1876Meier Caroline
 Birthabout 1876Bryant Lucy M
 Birthabout 1876Reed Charles P
 Birth1 February 1877Bailey Lela Zoe
 Death16 February 1877Chatfield Mariah Amanda
 Birth12 March 1877Chatfield Hugh McKinley
 Birthabout 1877Wheat Olive J
 BirthJanuary 1878Chatfield Philip Kouns
 Birth29 March 1878Wheat Morgan William
 Birth3 July 1878Chatfield Ralph George
 Birth27 July 1878Murphy Rose M
 BirthAugust 1878Chatfield Estella
 Birthabout 1878Burke Jesse
 Birthabout 1878Briggs Edith
 Birthabout 1878Cook George H
 BirthJanuary 1879Simpson Lawrence
 Birth22 March 1879Ferrell Lydia May
 BirthApril 1879Chatfield Daisy F
 Birth23 July 1879Burger Blanche Elizabeth
 Birth7 October 1879Radekin Frank
 Birthabout 1879Cameron Percy
 Birthabout 1879Lewis Earl Malcolm
 BirthJanuary 1880Cook Marcellus Smith
 Birth22 March 1880Chatfield Samuel Walter
 BirthMarch 1880Dugan William Edward
 BirthJuly 1880Chatfield Jennet C
 Birthabout 1880Lielan Clara
 Birthabout 1880Brown Margaret Belle
 Birthabout 1880Jones Albert C
 Birth16 July 1881Chatfield Henry Harrison
 BirthSeptember 1881Chatfield Albert Harry
 Birth1881? Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1881Clark Minnie
 DeathJuly 1882Brubaker Catherine
 Birth1 September 1883Chatfield Bessie R
 BirthFebruary 1884Chatfield James B
 Birth27 March 1884Chatfield Cyrus Clifford
 BirthJuly 1884Dickinson Sumner W
 BirthAugust 1884Chatfield Cora
 Birth20 September 1884Chatfield Lois N
 Birth1884Ernst George Benedict
 DeathJanuary 1885Crittenden Mary Root
 BirthMay 1885Schroeder Rosetta L
 Birth5 November 1885Rowe John Jay
 Birth1885Henry Fred L
 Birth14 March 1886Chatfield Mabel Claire (Parker)
 Birth10 May 1886Parsons Lillie J
 Birthabout 1886Buddenburg Alma E
 BirthApril 1887Richey Ellwood
 Birth7 May 1887Chatfield General Lafayette
 BirthAugust 1887Leavenworth Maisie L
 Birthabout 1887? Lizzie
 BirthJanuary 1888Manning Hugh
 Birth8 February 1888Chatfield Deforest Cleveland
 Birth17 February 1889Grumme Carey Lawrence
 BirthAugust 1889Richey Robert
 Birth1889Bennett Lillian I.
 Birthabout 1889Fowler Georgie G
 Birth1889Seibert Louis J
 Birth16 May 1890Chatfield Pauline Harriet
 Marriage16 November 1890Everingham Milton Zell with Orahood Lillie B
 Birthabout 1890? Cora
 Birthabout 1890Day Luella
 Birth27 February 1891Chatfield Frank Theodore
 BirthFebruary 1891Ayle Edith
 BirthSeptember 1891Klopfenstein Claude
 Birthabout 1891Roesch Richard Karl
 Birthabout 1891Wickliffe George Farris
 BirthApril 1892Richey Hibby
 Birth24 June 1892Willis Ruth
 Birth1892Coon Lee Roy
 Birthabout 1892? Ruby
 Birthabout 1892May Elza H
 Birthabout 1893? Bertha
 Birthabout 1893Spencer Raymond G
 Birth5 August 1894Frazier Beulah M
 BirthSeptember 1894Richey Harold Guy
 Birthabout 1894? Mary J
 Birth1894Chatfield Ruth M
 Birth7 February 1895Klopfenstein Millie M
 BirthApril 1895Kimball Margery
 BirthApril 1895Ruggles Nellie
 Birthabout 1895Collins Leonard
 Marriageabout 1895Wilkinson Edwin Milton with Nichols Myrtie Leona
 Birthabout 1895Patton Mollie A
 Birth31 March 1896Dunson Helen Bertha
 Birth22 June 1896Frior Fred A
 BirthJune 1896Orton Mary Fianna
 BirthJune 1896Wilkinson L Loyed
 Birth31 December 1896Klopfenstein Lee E
 Birth21 May 1897Chatfield Nellie Blanche
 BirthSeptember 1897Hammink Hazel
 Birth23 December 1897Lawton William Wallace
 Birthabout 1897Miley Elmer
 Birthabout 1897Fridenmaker Henry C
 Birth1897Linehan Cleon R
 Birth5 February 1898Lawrence Merle
 Birth1898Herwat Eleanor C
 Birthabout 1898May Carl G
 Birthabout 1898Voight May
 Birth19 January 1899Chatfield Earl Charles
 BirthJanuary 1899Chatfield Earl John
 Death23 April 1899Conner Jesse L
 BirthJune 1899Cressey Paul F
 BirthOctober 1899Webster Daniel C
 Birthabout 1899Chamberlain Herbert D
20 century
 Birth11 February 1900May Emma Anndell
 BirthMarch 1900Shope Ethel
 Divorcebefore 4 June 1900Henneman Charles Henry with Fox Laura May
 Death5 July 1900Baylor Samuel
 Birthabout 1900Fridenmaker Callie M
 Birthabout 1900Adkins Maymie
 Birthabout 1900Chatfield Anderson
 Birthabout 1901Chatfield Hazel
 Birth4 February 1902Fridenmaker Minnie Eva
 Birth11 February 1902Fouty Ferne Louella
 Death1 June 1902Chatfield Selden Andrew
 Birth1902? Verna L
 Birthabout 1902Robinett Jennie
 Birthabout 1902May James A
 Death21 September 1903Irish Nancy M
 Death12 November 1903Smith Martin
 Birthabout 1903Kuntz Ruth K \ R
 Birth14 February 1904Chatfield Edward J
 Birth1904Chatfield Edward J
 Birth1904Gill Pauline Marie
 Birthabout 1904Harding William John
 Birth8 April 1905Barrow Katherine Alice
 Birth1905Henneman Edgar Eugene
 Marriage11 April 1906Gardner Gaylord Harry with Robb Leora Anna
 Death27 April 1906Lawson Georgia M Alice
 Birth27 June 1906Williams Paul G
 Birth26 November 1906Hensel Charles L
 Birth1906Chatfield Samuel Kouns
 Birth1906Henneman Arthur Raymond
 Birth28 April 1907Chatfield Fredericka
 Birth1 September 1907Gardner Austin Robb
 Death13 November 1907Lake Angelina \ Angeline
 Birthabout 1907? Bertha
 Birthabout 1907Chatfield Richard
 Birth10 March 1908Collingsworth Gertrude
 Birth25 March 1908Chatfield Muriel M
 Death21 August 1908Gardner Austin Robb
 Birthabout 1908Chatfield Mary Emma
 Birthabout 1908Gaskill Charles
 Birth1908Gompf Rohles L
 Birthabout 1908Stratman Harold
 Birthabout 1908Thompson Lawrence Orie
 Birth30 April 1909Martin Hope Helen
 Birthabout 1909Hall James
 Birthabout 1909Ross Jessie B\E
 Birthabout 1909Kasburg Clarence
 Birthabout 1909Wagner Irene
 Divorce1909Webster Albert Merrill with Miller Ada Minerva
 Death16 February 1910Sharp Emma Catharine
 Birth1 March 1910Edinger Walter R
 Birth4 June 1910Chatfield Henry Bowen
 Birth28 July 1910Gardner Donald H
 Birthabout 1910Gill Ethel
 Birthabout 1910May Melina A
 Birthabout 1910Seibert Margaret I.
 Birth22 January 1911Howson Earl Ellsworth
 Birth5 May 1911Chatfield Thomas S
 Birth19 September 1911Tibbs John Donald
 Birth2 December 1911Chatfield Leland B
 Birthabout 1911Kimball Robert M
 Birth1911Chatfield Adelbert \ Delbert C
 Birthabout 1911? Thelma
 Birthabout 1911Linehan Ruth
 Birth11 January 1912Chatfield Winona
 Birth21 May 1912Neely Eliza Jane
 Birth21 September 1912Linehan Raymond J
 Birth5 October 1912Wallace Harold F
 Birth1912Switter Arthur G
 Birth12 February 1913Everett Ralph D
 Birth21 April 1913Getz Harriet L
 Birth5 May 1913Chatfield Clarence Everett
 Birth27 May 1913McGarvey Hazel I.
 Birth29 June 1913Chatfield George Henry
 Birth1 July 1913Chatfield Frank L
 Birth9 October 1913Henneman Elizabeth
 Birth6 November 1913Seibert Daniel M
 Birth1913Kimball William H
 Birthabout 1913Chatfield Bernice M
 Birthabout 1913May Richard J
 Birth13 April 1914Saatkamp George A
 Birth24 May 1914Fouty Ruby Irene
 Birth30 July 1914Myers Lois L
 Birthabout 1914Chatfield Thomas
 Birth1914Chatfield Arthur C
 Birthabout 1914Lynch Donald
 Death1914Fouty Infant
 Birth1914Fouty Infant
 Birthabout 1914Hickling Arthur L
 Birth17 March 1915Wickliffe Mary Jane
 Birth29 March 1915Roesch Ann Mildred
 Birth23 April 1915Fristoe Irene C
 Birth30 July 1915May Merrill Marcus
 Birth25 August 1915Henneman William John
 Birthabout 1915Kimball James E
 Birthabout 1915Wells Charles
 Birthabout 1915Shackleton Ann E
 Birthabout 1915Chatfield John E
 Birthabout 1915? Luetta K
 Birthabout 1915McCullogh Paul W
 Birth28 April 1916? Linda J
 Birth24 June 1916Chatfield Howard LeGrand
 Birth2 October 1916Creeger Henry Washington
 Birthabout 1916Seibert Vernon N
 Birth1916? Dorothy B
 Birth1916Chatfield ?
 Birth1916Tarr Warren G
 Birthabout 1917Lynch Edward
 Birthabout 1917Dennin \ Dinnen Eva M
 Birth1917Ball Neal W
 Birth1917Henneman Myrna
 Birthabout 1917May Eldon
 Birth2 February 1918Henry Mary Jeanne
 Birth10 February 1918May Florence Harriet
 Birthabout 1918? Evelyn M
 Birthabout 1918Fishburn James C
 Birth1918Chatfield Mildred E
 Birth1918Henneman Charles White
 Birth4 February 1919Chatfield Elinor E
 Birth3 April 1919Paskan Jerry Daniel
 Birth4 April 1919? Ruth A
 Birth4 May 1919Apple Olive Ursula
 Birth13 May 1919Frior Frederick Eugene
 Birth14 October 1919Szabo Anthony Louis
 Birth15 December 1919Chatfield William Walter
 Birth1919Beck Maxine L
 Birthabout 1919Hammink Jean A
 Birthabout 1919Seibert Doris E
 Birth17 February 1920Chatfield ?
 Birth2 October 1920Ball Leona Odessa
 Divorcebefore 1920Owrey Joseph Ellsworth with Bailey Iona Stella
 Birth1920McCloskey George Henry
 Birth1920Chatfield Joseph F
 Birthabout 1920Goff Harold N
 Birthabout 1920Hammink Harvey
 Birthabout 1920Milligan Clara Belle
 Birth23 June 1921Chatfield Jack Arnold
 Birth23 July 1921Chatfield Mildred Ethel
 Birthabout 1921Wright Robert J
 Birthabout 1921Fishburn Robert W
 Birthabout 1921Seibert Charlene
 Burial4 December 1922Chatfield Edward
 Birth15 December 1922Chatfield Virgil Pierce
 Birthabout 1922Earl La Verne
 Birthabout 1922May Marston
 Birth12 August 1923Collins Elmer S
 Birth14 August 1923Chatfield Lida W
 Birth5 November 1923Bowsher Donald Conrad
 Birth1923Ball Harold Ray
 Birthabout 1923Ball Leonard C
 Birthabout 1923Chatfield Gertrude W
 Birth21 May 1924Jennings Earl A
 Birth29 August 1924Graham Barbara Ann
 Birth6 November 1924Chatfield Kenneth Judson
 Birth13 December 1924Chatfield William N
 Birthabout 1924Chamberlain Herbert D
 Birth1924Henneman Paul Gilbert
 Birthabout 1924Joseph Ruth M
 Birthabout 1924Goff Jerry M
 Birth1925Ball Robert
 Birthabout 1925Chatfield Robert B\P
 Death4 November 1926Linehan James
 Death6 December 1926Anderson Alice A
 Birth1926Helwig Marilyn Ann
 Birth1926Chatfield Charles E
 Birthabout 1926Sperry Donald
 Birth1926Henneman Albert Adolf
 Birth2 May 1927Schamp Ralph Lawrence
 Birth5 May 1927Headley Edith Evelyn
 Birth3 October 1927Fouty Darl A
 Birthabout 1927Chatfield Edward
 Birthabout 1927Dicks Francis Williard
 Birthabout 1928Thompson Ruth
 Birth10 November 1929Chatfield Richard Norman
 Birth27 December 1929Beck Annabelle
 Birthabout 1929May Edward L
 Birthabout 1929Creviston Mary J
 Birthabout 1929Burton Freddie R
 Birthabout 1929Goff Gloria
 Birthabout 1929Fridenmaker Rachel L
 Birthabout 1929Chatfield Mark E
 Birth1929Stone Ralph Leon
 Birthabout 1929Hopper Margaret Norene
 Birthabout 1929Chatfield Robert L
 Birth22 January 1930Burton Jimmie N
 Birth9 February 1930Krichbaum Clarence K
 Birth16 August 1930Everett John Richard
 Birthabout 1930Kasburg Frederick
 Birthabout 1930Wickliffe Barbara S
 Birthabout 1931Goff Patricia Jean
 Birthabout 1931Barrett Patricia A
 Birthabout 1931Creviston William
 Birthabout 1931de Witt Philip
 Birthabout 1931Emswiler Herbert D
 Birth4 July 1932Wooten Julia
 Birth23 September 1932Beck Jacob Earl
 Birthabout 1932Daniels Lula \ Lulu Mae
 Birth1932Chatfield Paul Edward
 Birthabout 1932Piatt Marguerite Louise
 Birth7 December 1933Chatfield Eleanor
 Birthabout 1933Chatfield John
 Birthabout 1933Thompson Lawrence
 Birthabout 1933Fridenmaker Ella Jane
 Birthabout 1933Spencer Percene M
 Birthabout 1933de Witt Mary Ann
 Birth11 January 1934Everingham Milton Stanley
 Birth1 November 1934Hall Phyllis Cecilia
 Birthabout 1934Fouty Frederick
 Birthabout 1934Ward Mary Lou
 Birth9 February 1935Thompson Joseph H
 Birth20 May 1935Witt Lawrence Rae
 Birthabout 1935Burton Floyd C
 Birthabout 1935Wooten Phyllis
 Birth2 December 1936Carper Betty J
 Birth5 December 1936Edinger Joseph Vincent
 Birthabout 1936Cottingham Glenna M
 Birthabout 1936de Witt Diane
 Birthabout 1936Bolden Leroy
 Birthabout 1936Creviston Joseph
 Birth29 April 1937Keppler Earnest Edward
 Birth18 May 1937Davis Mary Charlotta
 Birth18 May 1937McCullogh Robert E
 Birthabout 1937Wallace Donna
 Birthabout 1937Thompson Nellie C
 Birthabout 1937May Merrill M
 Birthabout 1937May Patricia
 Birthabout 1937Stratman Allen Lynne
 Birth2 April 1938Radekin Sandra Lee
 Birth23 November 1938Davis Ethel Marie
 Birthabout 1938Daniels Imogene \ Emma Jean
 Birthabout 1938Hitt Garry Bruce
 Birth7 June 1939Braatz Margaret J
 Birth27 October 1939Chatfield Arla Lee
 Birth24 November 1939Radekin Ross Wesley
 Birthabout 1939Chatfield Judith Ann
 Birthabout 1939Chamberlain Deborah
 Birthabout 1939May Robert D
 Birthabout 1939Thompson Ronald W
 Birthabout 1939Malone John
 Birthabout 1940Chatfield Linda G
 Birth29 January 1941Chatfield Henry E
 BirthMarch 1941Chatfield Ronald Curtis
 Birth12 November 1941Chatfield Rausel Lincoln
 Birth16 April 1942Hoffman John J
 Birth13 May 1942Ordway Leo Edward
 Birth1942King Karen Sue
 Birth19 February 1943Chatfield Larry Dale
 Birth19 March 1943Chatfield Janet Ruth
 Birth30 July 1944Chatfield Arthur Byard
 Birthabout 1944Hall Nancy
 Death6 January 1945Scott Leonora
 Death7 April 1946Rayner Margaret V
 Death8 June 1946Linehan Bertha May
 Birth5 September 1946Bechtol Karen Irene
 Death22 September 1946Fishburn James S
 Death24 November 1946Braatz William Charles
 Marriage5 December 1946Schamp Ralph Lawrence with Broadsword Helen L
 Birthabout 1946Hall Betty L
 Death22 January 1947Chatfield James Arthur
 Birth20 May 1947Chatfield William Henry
 Death1 September 1947Owrey Leah Dorcas
 Death7 September 1947Hazen Estella May
 Death9 October 1947Brewer Ervin E
 Birth12 October 1947Karg Richard John
 Birthabout 1947Chatfield Rosetta
 Birth5 March 1948Chatfield Daniel Seth
 Birth5 March 1948Chatfield David E
 Death8 March 1948Henneman Elizabeth Caroline
 Birth17 March 1948Chatfield George Peter
 Death6 November 1948Chatfield Albert Joram
 Birth1948Bechtol Roger
 Birthabout 1948Hall George
 Death9 March 1949Radekin Frank
 Birth1949Jones Daniel Edwin
 Death27 February 1950Shope Arthur Hoskins
 Death24 March 1950Amsler James Gilbert
 Birth29 July 1950Bechtol Jerry Allan
 Death8 August 1951Smith Alice N
 Birth19 August 1951Bechtol Rodney L
 Death5 December 1951Winters Pickard Flora A
 Death1951Patton Mollie A
 Death16 February 1952Triplett Emma
 Birth27 April 1952Chatfield Glenn Elwynn
 Death31 May 1952Neer Lloyd Franklyn
 Death23 June 1952Wilkinson Edwin Milton
 Birth28 January 1953Davis Cynthia Louise
 Death29 January 1953Mitchell Hazel Imogene
 Death6 April 1953Stoner Charlotte
 Birth2 May 1953Bailey Freda L
 Death20 July 1953Krichbaum Clarence Otto
 Birth21 September 1953Bechtol Charles David
 Birth12 June 1954Chatfield Virginia Ann
 Birth2 September 1954Bolden Cynthia Rose
 Death24 September 1954Stratman Herman Francis
 Death30 December 1954Martin Hope Helen
 Birth15 January 1955Chatfield Roberta Diane
 Birth8 February 1955Chatfield Michael John
 Birth10 July 1955Davis David Aaron
 Birth1 September 1955Bolden Arlene F
 Birth23 May 1956Burton Jefferson William
 Birth1956Chatfield Mark R
 Birth30 September 1957Bechtol Susan Kay
 Birth31 March 1958Chatfield Melancthon W
 Birth24 April 1958Burton Thomas Eugene
 Birth2 June 1958Greenhaw John Kevin
 Birth9 July 1958Pool John Douglas
 Birth25 September 1958Chatfield Stephen Hale
 Birth3 December 1958Chatfield James
 Birth21 September 1959Keppler Tina Layne
 Birth23 October 1959Chatfield Jayne Sue
 Birth4 January 1960Chatfield Timothy William
 Birth17 February 1960Brodbeck Robin M
 Birth12 March 1960Stickley Jerry Lee
 Birth18 May 1960Edinger Barry K
 Birth9 June 1960Chatfield Christopher John
 Birth2 July 1960Davis Keith Anthony
 Birth2 July 1960Davis Kurt Mathew
 Birth14 August 1960Chatfield Jennifer
 Death1960Alexander Marietta
 Birth26 January 1961Chatfield Daniel A
 DivorceMay 1961Williams Paul G with Chatfield Rosalie Madonna
 Birth25 October 1961Chatfield Peter W
 Birth16 November 1961Brannigan Brenda Marie
 Death30 November 1961Braatz Arthur George
 Marriageabout 1961Headley Donald G with Crum Ruth Ellen
 Birth16 February 1962Bolden Terri L
 Birth3 March 1962Everingham Frederick C
 Birth12 March 1962Chatfield Sheryl L
 Birth16 August 1962Chatfield Curtis A
 Birth27 February 1963Everingham Melissa A
 Birth10 March 1963Chatfield Melissa F
 Birth24 April 1963Grimm Karen Grace
 Birth7 August 1963Keppler Gloria A
 Birth29 August 1963Brannigan Michael C
 Birth14 November 1963Brodbeck Loris S
 Birth11 February 1964Edinger Joseph Vincent
 Birth3 May 1964Bolden Jacqueline Carla
 Birth2 June 1964Swinehart Jan Marie
 Birth13 August 1964Chatfield Debra Ann
 Birth1964Brannigan Johnny R
 Birth11 January 1965Krichbaum Carla L
 Birth27 March 1965Chatfield Susan Marie
 Birth16 November 1965Chatfield Jesse William
 Birth2 December 1965Chatfield Clarence
 Death7 December 1965Jones Lewis Edward
 Birth8 March 1966Lackmeyer Laura Jean
 Birth1 December 1966Everingham Philip A
 Death1966Murnahan Sylvia Mae
 Divorce1966Riegsecker Walter Jay with Whitted Wanda Lou
 Birth17 January 1967Hitt Rebekah Anne
 Death5 September 1967Chatfield Ida Mayme
 Birth16 September 1967Chatfield Terry L
 Birth11 October 1967Keppler Anthony Ernest
 Birth31 October 1967Chatfield Larry Dale
 Birth7 January 1968Chatfield Joni
 Birth11 February 1968Chatfield Brian Patrick
 Birth27 September 1968Chatfield Raymond E
 Death26 May 1969Chatfield Hugh McKinley
 Divorce1969Davis Shirley Mae
 Birth14 June 1970Everingham Cynthia L
 Census1970Crane Martha
 Birth27 September 1972Chatfield David S
 Birth12 November 1972Krichbaum Kendra R
 Birth3 December 1973Pool Coleen D
 Marriage27 December 1974Chatfield Darryl James with Howard Catherine C
 Death7 August 1975Chatfield Jack Arnold
 Death14 October 1975Whipp Ethel Walcutt
 Marriageabout 1975Massie David Allen with Bolden Arlene F
 Death1975Brannigan Johnny R
 Death8 April 1976Chatfield Marjorie Jenette
 Birth1 October 1976Chatfield Kimberly Ann
 Marriage27 December 1976Greenhaw John Kevin with Garner Lori L
 Birth7 March 1977Massie David Allen
 Birth5 April 1977Chatfield Cara C
 Birth19 November 1977Chatfield Kelly Christine
 Birth16 February 1978Chatfield Julia Rena
 Birth9 October 1978Massie Kristina R
 DeathOctober 1978Detrick Albert Warren
 Birthabout 1978Chatfield Andrea Lyn
 Birth29 November 1979Elsmore James Robert
 Birth8 December 1979Davis Bartley James
 Birth7 March 1980Chatfield Amber Dawn
 Divorcebefore 1980Tracy Thomas Richard with Bechtol Susan Kay
 Birth27 February 1981Faulkner Melissa June
 Death1981Hursh Mary Etta
 Birth17 May 1985Chatfield Sara Ruth
 Birth4 July 1985Davis Michelle L
 Birth22 December 1985Chatfield Jessica Lynn
 Birth12 April 1986Chatfield Aaron Kyle
 Birth5 May 1987Pool Joshua Lee
 Birth13 July 1987Chatfield Andrea Lee
 Birth12 October 1988Chatfield Kelli Gail
 DeathJune 1989Myers Lois L
 Birth29 June 1993Chatfield Matthew Alan
 Birth17 May 1996Chatfield Lydia Joanne
21 century
 Residence2000Chatfield George Robert
 Divorce3 November 2003Conklin Dennis N with Chatfield Jayne Sue
 Death25 August 2005Sinnott James T
 Death28 October 2006Houston Doris P
 Birthabout 2006Casdorph David Samuel
 Death7 March 2007Bechtol Charles David
 Death31 March 2007Bailey Freda L
 Death13 September 2007Brownell Betty Joy
 Birthabout 2007Casdorph Ella Rose
 Death18 February 2008Chatfield Jeanne P
 Death26 June 2008Beck Wilma Caroline
 Death2 July 2008Chatfield Debra Ann
 Death6 April 2009Bryant Gary Lee
 Death29 May 2009Neal Sarah Madge
 Death2 July 2009Ball Leona Odessa
 Death7 May 2011Breznay Louis
 Death19 June 2012Headley Edith Evelyn
 Death6 May 2016Howson Glenna Irene
 Death9 June 2016Chatfield Cecil James
 Death22 July 2017Saatkamp Marilyn Jean
 Death6 November 2018Milton Mary Grace
 Death18 December 2018Szabo Anthony Louis
 Death7 June 2019Stickley Karen Ann
 Death17 September 2019Krichbaum Krista Kay
 Death17 June 2020Davis Shirley Mae
 Death3 November 2024Chatfield Kiersten Nicole

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