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List of events ordered by date

United States of America - NY New York - Milford 13807 - Oswego Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth6 July 1800Tryon Adah



United States of America - NY New York - Millbrook 12545 - Dutchess Co. : 6 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth27 April 1927Thomassen Harry B
 Residence1975Thomassen Paula
 Residence1975Thomassen Craig Pendell
 Residence1975Thomassen Soren
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Pendell Julia A
 Burial?Thomassen Harry B



United States of America - NY New York - Millport 14864 - Chemung Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth13 June 1806Chatfield Orlando Decaloes



United States of America - NY New York - Milton 12547 - North Milton Cmtry., Saratoga Co. : 7 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Mary Theresa
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1810Davis Mary
 Census1830Davis Mary
 Residence1855Chatfield Eliza Ann
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Smith Mary Ann
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Chatfield Reuben
 Death6 March 1866Chatfield Reuben



United States of America - NY New York - Minoa 13116 - Crossings Nursing Home, Onondaga Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death8 June 2013Daniels Ada



United States of America - NY New York - Montezuma 13117 - Cayuga Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1875? Jane O



United States of America - NY New York - Montgomery 12549 - Orange Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Chambers Bertha
 Marriage27 May 1916Weiskotten Eugene Mercer with Devoe Ethel



United States of America - NY New York - Monticello 12701 - St John Street Cmtry., Sullivan Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Dewey Mariva J
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death8 November 1884Dewey Mariva J



United States of America - NY New York - Montour Falls 14865 - Schuyler Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death9 April 1980La Fever Edith Agnes



United States of America - NY New York - Mooers 12958 - Mooers Riverside Cmtry., Clinton Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Starks Sarah A
 Burial?Stowe Abijah E



United States of America - NY New York - Moravia 13118 - Cayuga Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth20 October 1817Goodrich Calvin P
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Soule Martin Philip



United States of America - NY New York - Moriah 12960 - Essex Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth15 July 1910Foley Donald Francis



United States of America - NY New York - Morris 13808 - Hillington Cmtry., Otsego Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Beardslee Elizabeth Ambrosia
 Burial?Moore Albert G



United States of America - NY New York - Morristown 13664 : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthApril 1857Middling Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth22 October 1836Chipman Amelia A
20 century
 Death11 August 1905Chipman Amelia A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death29 August 1871Palmer David



United States of America - NY New York - Morrisville 13408 - Madison Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 September 1891Lattimer George McLaren



United States of America - NY New York - Morton 14508 - Morton Union Cmtry., Orleans Co. : 5 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Nichols William Henry
 Burial?Chatfield Hannah
 Burial?Hazen Jonathan Williard
 Burial?Hazen Daniel Chatfield
 Burial?Hazen Elizabeth Almira



United States of America - NY New York - Mount Vernon 10550 - Westchester Co. : 15 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth6 January 1885Chatfield John Laurens
 Census1890Chatfield Charles James
 Birth12 June 1891Chatfield Jessie Katheryn
 Birth6 April 1894Chatfield Grace Heyerdahl
20 century
 Residence1910 (previously 1905)Chatfield Henry Finch
 Residence1920Chatfield Charles Foster
 Residence1920 (previously 1910)Landers Della E
 Residence1920Chatfield Henry Finch
 Residence1920 (previously 1910)Foster Alice J
 Residence1920Chatfield Joyce Benton
 Census1940Bates Pauline Ainsworth
 Census1940Brown William Edward
 Residence1940? Helen
 Residence1940Chatfield Charles Foster
 DeathApril 1964Chatfield Mabel E



United States of America - NY New York - Mountainville 10953 - Pleasant Hill Cmtry., Orange Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Henderson Morton L
 Burial?O'Dell Mary M



United States of America - NY New York - Naples 14512 : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1844Swayzee Daniel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth11 December 1808Wilcox Charles Herrick
 Marriageabout 1826Wilcox Charles Herrick with Bentley Matilda
 Birth26 February 1833Wilcox Charles Milton



United States of America - NY New York - Nedrow 13120 - Onondaga Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death7 September 1967Chatfield William Luzerne



United States of America - NY New York - Neversink 12765 - Sullivan Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage6 November 1804Grant Joshua with Howard Athalia



United States of America - NY New York - New Berlin 13411 - Chenango Co. : 10 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 October 1848Beardsley Nathan Summers
 Death18 September 1885Beardslee Mary Cornelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Beardslee Jesse
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Beardslee Augustus Jesse
 Burial?Beardslee Mary Cornelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Mary Ann
 Burial?Chatfield Cyrus
 Burial?Angell Adeline
 Burial?Hardaway Cyrus J
 Burial?Downs Olive Sara



United States of America - NY New York - New Haven 13121 - Oswego Co. : 7 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Chatfield Donald William
 Census1930Chatfield Doris Miriam
 Census1930Chatfield Richard Fuller
 Census1930Chatfield William Luzerne
 Census1930Chatfield Robert Welch
 Census1930Chatfield Eleanor Celeste
 Census1930Fuller Charlotte Celeste



United States of America - NY New York - New Rochelle 10801 : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Blow Issue 2
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birthabout 1955Rafferty James Francis



United States of America - NY New York - New Windsor 12553 - Bethlehem Presbyterian Churchyard, Orange Co. : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Kane Oliver Terwilliger
 Burial?Russet Sarah Cecelia



United States of America - NY New York - New Woodstock 13122 - Madison Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death13 January 1900Chatfield Curtis



United States of America - NY New York - New York 10001 : 4214 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Winters Dennis
 Birth?Shewennan \ Showerman William
 Birth?? Mary
 Birth?Freese Issue 8
 Birth?Baird James
 Birth?Hazen Issue 10
 Birth?Toland Richard
 Marriage?Utz Henry J with Chatfield Eloise
 Birth?Cruikshank Issue 4
 Birth?Davis Issue 5
 Birth?Weed Issue
 Birth?Perkins Issue
 Birth?Chatfield Thomas
 Birth?Perry Issue 11
 Birth?Chatfield Michael
 Birth?Ellison Issue 3
 Birth?Huggins Issue 5
 Birth?Crane Mary
 Birth?Whitmore Issue
 Birth?Dibblee Issue 8
 Birth?Peterson Alexander
 Occupation?Pennie Lillie E
 Birth?Seaman Issue
 Birth?Pratt Karen Kay
 Birth?Welch Issue 3
 Birth?Pratt Judy
 Birth?Hardaway Cyrus J
 Birth?Pratt Sharon Esther
 Birth?Harwood Issue 5
 Birth?Mulford Issue 5
 Birth?Mase Issue 4
 Birth?Johncox Issue 12
 Birth?King Issue 3
 Residence?Chatfield Charles Buckingham
 Birth?De Groat Issue 4
 Birth?Lipke Issue
 Birth?? Ada
 Birth?Maloy ?
 Marriage?Chatfield James Vincent with Parsons Suzanne Therese
 Birth?Lash Issue 3
 Birth?? ?
 Birth?Arehart Lawrence
 Birth?Barker Issue 3
 Birth?Degraff ?
 Birth?Smith Eugene
 Birth?Rhodes Issue
 Marriage?Chatfield John with Brundage Hannah Etta
 Birth?Prime Issue 3
 Birth?Hofmann Kerry L
 Birth?Boughton Issue 4
 Birth?? Elizabeth
 Birth?Holcomb Issue
 Marriage?Chatfield Oscar F with Bunel Maria G
 Birth?Keets Jacob
 Birth?Crolick Issue
 Birth?Shepard ?
 Birth?Isbell Mary
 Birth?Troll Issue 4
 Birth?Hyde Maria
 Birth?Hinman Issue 4
 Birth?Chatfield ?
 Birth?Hallock Calvin
 Birth?Russell Helen
 Birth?Treacy Issue 3
 Birth?Chatfield Ruth
 Birth?Griffin ?
 Birth?Hyde Issue
 Birth?Crego Issue 4
 Birth?Alt Issue 3
 Marriage?Norton Luther T with Horton Miranda
 Birth?Malone Thomas J
17 century
 Birth1677Meyer Anna Catharina
 BirthJune 1687Stratton \ Stretton Hannah
 Marriage28 July 1699Mulford William with ? Mary
18 century
 Birthabout 1700Pelletreau Francis
 Birth1712Chatfield Thomas
 Death4 May 1720Chatfield Esther
 Birth1720Chatfield Esther
 Birth10 April 1735Mulford Mary
 Birth4 September 1736Mulford Hannah
 Birth21 June 1737Chatfield Phebe
 Birth31 October 1738Chatfield Abigail
 Birth25 December 1740Chatfield Thomas
 Birth19 March 1741Mulford Jerusha
 Birth27 September 1742Chatfield Elnathan
 Death1 January 1743Chatfield Thomas
 Birth16 January 1744Mulford Josiah
 Birth16 November 1749Mulford Esther
 Birth17 January 1750Chatfield Henry
 Death26 August 1754Stratton \ Stretton Hannah
 Birth1759Chatfield David I.
 Christening1760Chatfield Thomas
 Birth1765Nettleton David
 Birth1766? Nancy
 Birthabout 1766Hicks \ Huyck Lydia
 Christening1772Chatfield John
 Christening1775Chatfield Juliana
 Birth1776Chatfield Sarah
 Birth1776Clark Jemina
 MarriageOctober 1778Canfield Daniel with Nettleton Elizabeth Dyer
 Birth9 July 1782Chatfield Obedience
 Death15 January 1783Chatfield Sarah
 Marriageabout 1783Chatfield Roswell with Sheffield Sarah Ann
 Birthabout 1784? Polly
 Birthabout 1788? Phebe
 Birthabout 1790Green Mary
 Birth3 May 1791Chatfield Jesse R
 Birthabout 1791Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Birth11 May 1792Prindle Rhoda
 Birth5 March 1793Ostrum Mary
 Birth3 August 1793Chatfield Susannah
 Birth24 September 1793Beach Reuben Castle
 Birthabout 1794Chatfield Samuel
 Birth1794Chatfield Curtis
 Birthabout 1794? Mary
 Birthabout 1794Warner Aseneth
 Birth15 August 1796Chatfield William Asa
 Birth1796Underhill Sarah B
 Birth1796Mulford Mary D
 Birthabout 1796? Nancy
 Birthabout 1796? Wealthy
 Birth1796Tupper Benjamin Sweet
 Birth3 September 1797Chatfield Joram
 Birth16 November 1797Wilson Eliza Margaretta
 Marriage1797Smith Richard with Bruce Zelpha\Zilpha
 Birth23 March 1798Graves William
 Birth24 October 1799Lockwood John
 Death1799Goodrich Hope
 Birth1799Isbell James
 Birthabout 1799Starbuck Eveline
 Birthabout 1799Perry H N
19 century
 Birthabout 1800O'Dell Amanda \ Miranda \ Anna
 Birth14 April 1801Bogue Catherine Rose
 Birth1801Alexander Abigail Jennie
 Birthabout 1801? Ruby
 Birth1801Carl Electa
 Death1801Westover Lydia
 Birth8 July 1802Kelsey Roxana Clark
 Birthabout 1802Dratt John
 Birth1802Hayford Altana
 Birth24 June 1803Sickler Maria
 Birth1803Doty Daniel
 Birthabout 1803Holcomb Polly
 Birth1804Hardaway Joshua
 Birth1804Kinney Alanson
 Birth1804Chatfield Pierpont E
 Birth1804Freese Philip
 Birth1804Taylor Sarah A
 Birth4 August 1805Bigelow Hiram
 Birth26 August 1805Moore Mary Ann
 Birth17 October 1805Hotchkiss Thankful
 Birthabout 1805Thayer Hiram P
 Birthabout 1805? Lydia A
 Birth1805Chappel Lucinda Bridget
 Marriage1805Bentley Jacob with Chatfield Olive
 Birthabout 1805North John DuPuy
 BirthAugust 1806Chatfield Walter W
 Death19 September 1806Mulford Abigail
 Birthabout 1806Ives Nancy Minerva
 Birth1806Nettleton Mary
 Birthabout 1806Perine Daniel C
 Birth11 February 1807Jelliff Mary
 Birth13 March 1807Gordon Lovantia
 Birth16 May 1807Brooks Alanson
 Birth13 September 1807Achenbach Sarah Elizabeth
 Birth1807? Matilda
 Birth1807Green Laura
 Birth1807Isbell Albert
 Birth26 January 1808Mapes Elisha G
 Birth1808Chatfield Eletha
 Birthabout 1808Fritcher George
 BirthFebruary 1809Kenney Hannah Stiles
 Birth28 August 1809Hayward Stephen R
 Birth1809Isbell Joel
 BirthMay 1810Waters Matilda D
 Birth27 December 1810Evans Anna
 Birth1810Wight Niram L
 Birthabout 1810Stevens Polly
 Birthabout 1810Pattison Caroline M
 Birthabout 1810? Sarah
 Birthabout 1810Williams Sarah E
 Birthabout 1810Davis Marietta Ann
 BirthJune 1811Hoyt Sarah Ann
 Birth22 September 1811Southworth Lorenzo
 Birthabout 1811Cafferty Lydia
 Birthabout 1811? Elizabeth
 Birth1811Chatfield Josiah B
 Birth1811Scofield Robert W
 Birthabout 1811Irving William
 Birth25 March 1812Chatfield Mary Ann
 BirthJune 1812Sickler John
 Birth26 July 1812Chatfield Mary
 Birth27 October 1812Chatfield William Barrack
 Birthabout 1812? Almira
 Birth1812Miller John D
 Birth1812Craw Eunice
 Birth21 March 1813Isbell Myron
 Birth11 September 1813Chatfield Armina
 Birth1813Russell William P
 Birthabout 1813Smith Orvin C
 Birth1813Spicer Irene Ann
 Birthabout 1814? Mary S
 Birth1814Sherman Margaret
 Birth1814Isbell Leander
 Birth1814Pine Adelia Frances
 Birthabout 1814Whitmore John
 Birthabout 1814Dake Tompkins
 Birth1814Isbell Philander
 Birthabout 1814Scott Abraham
 Marriage23 July 1815Isbell Charles with Tryon Adah
 Birth1815Chatfield Alvina
 Birth1815? Hannah L
 Birth1815Wilson Mary Jane
 Birthabout 1815Busk Mary A
 Birth1 September 1816Spicer Freeborn Garrison
 BirthOctober 1816Johnson Louisa
 Birth1816Chatfield Isaac
 Birth15 January 1817White Margaret
 Birth2 March 1817Orton Zipporah
 Birth14 November 1817Pearl Stephen W
 Birthabout 1817Palmer Rebecca
 Birth1817Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1817Kenyon Rebecca
 Death4 March 1818Martin Levina
 Birth4 June 1818Albro John Convis
 Birth15 August 1818Horton Amarilla
 Birthabout 1818Dye Samuel Beriah
 Birth1818Cotrel Mary
 Birth1818Stuart Willard Henry
 Birth1818Wilkinson Beebe Smith
 Birth1819Thurber Amasa
 Birth1819Chatfield Robert M
 Birth1819Palmer Chloe Jane
 Birthabout 1819Lowe Sarah Ann
 Birth1819Chatfield David Ingraham
 Birthabout 1819Barber Melinda
 Birthabout 1819Handy Harry H
 Birth18 January 1820Case Eliza
 Birth15 April 1820Ogden Sarah Ann
 Birth19 June 1820Bigelow Alvah
 BirthOctober 1820Holcomb Sarah Mariah
 Birth3 December 1820Chatfield Sophia
 Birthabout 1820Hogoboom Christian
 Birthabout 1820Peckham Stephen M
 Birthabout 1820Erkenbeck Jacob
 Marriageabout 1820Halsey Elisha Lindsley with Lopez Leonora
 Birthabout 1820Lockwood Ruben A
 Birth3 June 1821Chatfield Chester Clark
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield John
 Immigration12 July 1821Hawkins Sarah Ann
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield Mary
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield Edward J
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield Henry
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield William
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield William Theodore F
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield George Benjamin
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield Alfred Francis
 Birth19 November 1821Bailey Alanson B
 Birth1821Jennings Joseph
 Birth1821Chatfield Ora Bea
 Birth1821Chatfield Lydia Ann
 Birthabout 1821? Fanny
 Birthabout 1821Schoonover Norman
 Birth5 January 1822Weed John
 Birth11 April 1822Chatfield Louisa Marie
 Birth30 May 1822Chatfield Elvina
 Birth20 October 1822Briggs Silas
 BirthDecember 1822Finn Philander G
 Birth1822Hodges Eunice
 Birth1822Chatfield Elizabeth Ann
 Birthabout 1822Chatfield Henry Bruce
 Birthabout 1822Albright George W
 Birth1822Chatfield Margaret J
 Birthabout 1822Dolly Horace
 Birth1822Southwick Betsey Allen
 Birth1822Palmer Emeline
 Marriage27 February 1823Chatfield Joel with Kelsey Roxana Clark
 Birth4 May 1823Halsey Leonora Sarah
 BirthJuly 1823Chatfield Laura
 Birth22 September 1823Watkins Emily Jane
 Birth25 December 1823Turk Lyman
 Birth1823Holmes Julia Ann
 Birthabout 1823? Cathran \ Catheron
 Birthabout 1823Paul Sarah E
 Birthabout 1823Perry Lucia A
 Birthabout 1823Chatfield Cyrus Griswold
 Birth8 May 1824Palmer Eunice Elizabeth
 Birth28 September 1824Chatfield Albert Leonard
 Birth1824Chatfield Josiah J
 Birthabout 1824Biggs Jesse R
 Birthabout 1824? Sarah A
 Birthabout 1824? Elmira
 Birth1824Rathbun Mary
 Birth15 July 1825Hawley Joel S
 BirthJuly 1825Prindle Sherman C
 Birth26 December 1825Payne Corinda E
 Birthabout 1825Hawley Joel L
 Birthabout 1825Gallop Jane
 Birthabout 1825Haner Maria M
 Birth1825Horton Hiram
 Birth8 January 1826Brazier John S
 Birth2 February 1826Foster Sarah Delia
 Birth3 June 1826Jones Phebe Ann
 Birth17 August 1826Horton Esther
 BirthSeptember 1826Chatfield Samuel Ives
 Birth16 October 1826Rhodes George A
 Birthabout 1826Crego Jane
 Birthabout 1826? Clarissa
 Marriageabout 1826Freese Philip with Carl Electa
 Birthabout 1826Gay Marriette Martha
 Birth1826Dorrance Eliza
 Birthabout 1826Ash Olive
 Birth1826Degroth Mary Elizabeth
 Birth24 January 1827Post Levi Dennison
 Birth29 January 1827Palmer Asa
 BirthAugust 1827De Groat Henry
 BirthSeptember 1827Coleman Mathias
 BirthDecember 1827Tubbs Rachael
 Birthabout 1827Dolph Almira
 Birth1827Chatfield Cornelia
 Birth1827Campbell Abigail F
 Birthabout 1827Degraw Samuel
 Birth28 May 1828Adair Lucinda
 Birth24 September 1828Stocking Sarah G
 Birth1828? Amy E
 Birthabout 1828? Narcissus
 Birthabout 1828Biggs Elizabeth Jane
 Birth1828Chatfield Calina
 Birthabout 1828Sturtevant Orlon \ Orlow
 Birthabout 1828Wilkinson James
 Marriageabout 1828Fairchild Henry with Root \ Roost Cynthia
 Birth1828Chatfield Eliza Ann
 Marriage19 February 1829Davis Jacob with Prentice Jane C
 Birth3 September 1829Chatfield Robert Emmett
 Birth7 September 1829Smith Martin
 Birth30 November 1829Hay Mary Jane
 Birth24 December 1829? Charlotte C
 Birthabout 1829Clark Jacob
 Birth1829Palmer David Dayton
 Birthabout 1829Ferguson Alanson D
 Birthabout 1829Hawley Edward B
 Birth16 April 1830Chatfield Wayne Bogue
 BirthAugust 1830Chatfield Emily
 BirthSeptember 1830Chatfield Russell F
 Birth28 October 1830Wilkinson Moses M
 Birthabout 1830Crego Ann
 Birth1830Whitcomb Celestia Evaline
 Birth1830Chatfield Joseph Starr
 Birthabout 1830Hobart Susan
 Death1830Ingraham Dwight
 Birth1830Kendall Edwin R
 Birthabout 1830Wilcox Samantha
 Birthabout 1830Crego Ann
 Birth2 January 1831Holcomb Mary Elizabeth
 BirthFebruary 1831? Martha
 BirthMay 1831Cook Mary Caroline
 BirthMay 1831Hitchcock Milo J
 Birth27 July 1831Lewis Susan Bowen
 Birth2 November 1831Johnson Horace
 Birth8 December 1831Wilcox Esther Ann
 Birth10 December 1831Buss Alfred Carter
 Birth27 December 1831Harlow \ Showerman Lavinia
 Birth1831Henyan Sarah
 Birth1831Chatfield Jerome \ Joram
 Birthabout 1831Happy Gertrude
 Birth1831Palmer Harriet
 Birth31 January 1832DeForest Thomas B
 Marriage18 March 1832Chatfield Richard Thomas with Achenbach Sarah Elizabeth
 Birth22 April 1832Freese Marietta E
 BirthApril 1832? Margaret E
 BirthAugust 1832Lott John
 Birth16 October 1832Chatfield Sarah Elizabeth
 Death16 October 1832Chatfield Sarah Elizabeth
 Birth4 November 1832Cole John Roberts
 Birthabout 1832Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1832Bullock Menzo D
 Birth1832Palmer Irinda
 Birthabout 1832Hitchcock Delia M \ N
 Birthabout 1832? Louisa
 Birthabout 1832Chatfield Seager
 Birthabout 1832Biggs Solomon D
 Birthabout 1832Rix Margaret
 Birth1832Chatfield Albina \ Alvina
 Death23 January 1833Chatfield Levi
 Birth24 January 1833Chatfield Phoebe Jane
 BirthMay 1833Welch Smith
 BirthJuly 1833Chatfield Arden
 Birth1833Thompson Sarah Ann
 Birthabout 1833Howell Harriett
 Birth1833Palmer Orin Henry
 Birth1833Chatfield Harriet
 Birthabout 1833Crego Henriett
 Birthabout 1833Twist George W
 BirthMarch 1834Hinman Howard H
 Birth6 May 1834Bard Helen Hannah
 BirthMay 1834Brooks Stephen A
 BirthMay 1834Matthews Martha
 Immigration3 June 1834Chatfield Walter
 Immigration3 June 1834Chatfield John
 Immigration3 June 1834Chatfield Nicholas
 Immigration3 June 1834Nye Susanna
 Immigration3 June 1834Chatfield Thomas
 Immigration3 June 1834Chatfield William
 Birth3 July 1834Beardslee Elizabeth Ambrosia
 Birth2 August 1834Chatfield Helen Mary
 Birth9 August 1834Chatfield Adeline Elizabeth
 Birth6 December 1834Hull Asenath
 Death6 December 1834Smith George Wilson
 Birthabout 1834Perry Margaret
 Birthabout 1834Chatfield Stephen Thomas
 Birthabout 1834Cutler Mary Eliza
 Birth1834Ellison George Crawford
 Birthabout 1834Litchult William H
 BirthJanuary 1835Chatfield William Cramer
 Death30 March 1835Chatfield Josiah B
 Birth21 April 1835Lee Stillman Cady
 Immigration8 May 1835Chatfield Walter
 BirthJune 1835Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Birth19 September 1835Chatfield Rheuba Jane
 Birth7 October 1835Fisher Esther
 Birth1835Newcombe Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1835Chatfield Warren L
 Birthabout 1835Chatfield Arden
 Birth1835Marsh Harriet E
 Birth1835Fry James
 Birth2 March 1836Pierce Elsie Anna
 BirthJuly 1836Bligh Jane
 BirthAugust 1836Pendell Gulian
 Birth5 October 1836Chatfield Richard Thomas
 BirthOctober 1836? Elimira S
 BirthOctober 1836Jackson Julietta
 Birth1836Barry Helen
 Birthabout 1836Wilcox Sarah
 Birth1836Chatfield Bernice
 Birth1836Kemp Lucinda
 Birthabout 1836Hitchcock George S
 Birth21 January 1837Hawley Phineas Van Buren
 BirthFebruary 1837Chatfield Byron A
 BirthFebruary 1837Perry Mary
 BirthMarch 1837Hill Martin V
 Birth26 April 1837Chatfield Berlin G
 Birth10 July 1837Chatfield Cecelia Annette
 Birth12 July 1837Chatfield Luman Curtis
 Birth15 July 1837Chatfield Harvey Strong
 BirthJuly 1837Rogers William H
 Marriage26 December 1837Johnson Henry B with Shields Polly
 Birthabout 1837Price Alexander
 Birthabout 1837Chatfield Helen M
 Birth1837Tracy Ellen L
 Birthabout 1837Crittenden Mary Root
 Death15 February 1838Chatfield Charlotte R
 Marriage6 March 1838Benedict Harlow with Shields Fanny
 Birth12 September 1838Hardaway Cyrus J
 Marriage13 September 1838Hodges David with Grant Elsie
 Birthabout 1838Hitchcock Ruth
 Birthabout 1838Hitchcock Phebe
 Birthabout 1838? Mary Etta M \ Marieta
 Birthabout 1838Chatfield Stephen H
 Deathbefore 1838Hardaway Cyrus J
 Birthabout 1838Chatfield Abram Martin
 Birthabout 1838Perkins Julia B
 Death8 January 1839Chatfield Henry
 Birth8 April 1839Hill Sophronia Adelia
 Death6 August 1839Hawkins Sarah Ann
 BirthOctober 1839Clark Augusta S
 Birth28 December 1839Sanford Gay R
 Birthabout 1839Chatfield Marion H
 Birthabout 1839Smith Harriet Helen
 Death1839Green Laura
 Birth1839Holcomb Lydia E
 BirthApril 1840Snyder Harriet Isabel
 Birth4 July 1840Chatfield Freedom
 Birth15 October 1840Burnett Helen Gertrude
 Birth13 December 1840Chatfield Theodore Edward
 Marriage27 December 1840Shields Henry with Shaw Roxanna
 Birthabout 1840Chatfield Jenesha
 Birthabout 1840Chatfield William H
 Birthabout 1840Muller Joanna Abeel
 Birthabout 1840Corning Adelia
 Birthabout 1840? Carolyn
 Birth1840Chatfield Betsey
 Death1840Chatfield Walter
 Birth1840Chatfield Andrew Murray
 Birth17 January 1841Chatfield Aaron George
 Birth29 March 1841Miller Mary Jane
 BirthMay 1841Hamilton Esther Elizabeth L E R
 Birth23 July 1841Hill Harriet \ Henrietta M
 BirthJuly 1841Davis Clarrissa Ann
 BirthSeptember 1841King L Byron
 Birth1841Sanford Martha M
 Birthabout 1841Decker Abby A
 Birthabout 1841Johnson Margret Masters
 Birthabout 1841Collins Charles C
 Birthabout 1841Hill Ann
 Birth26 June 1842Chatfield Livonia E
 BirthJune 1842Hyde Mary Ann
 Birth15 September 1842Chatfield Lucy A
 Birth6 December 1842Chatfield Asa C
 BirthDecember 1842Bodamer \ Bodimer John A
 Birth1842Thompson Catherine
 Birthabout 1842Chatfield Henry R
 Birth1842Finn Robert W
 Birthabout 1842Chatfield Richard
 Birthabout 1842Mase Theodore
 Birth1842Corning Burdette R
 Marriage1842Chatfield Hiram Henderson with Kenney Hannah Stiles
 Birthabout 1842Chatfield Richard
 Birthabout 1842Guyott Frank
 Birth11 February 1843Absalom Mary Cecelia
 Birth20 March 1843Chatfield William Henry
 Birth31 March 1843Chatfield Adrian S
 Birth24 April 1843Hill Mary D \ E \ L
 Birth26 April 1843Geelan Barnett
 BirthMay 1843Chatfield Isaiah H
 BirthJuly 1843? Diana
 BirthJuly 1843Jones Egbert C
 Marriageabout 1843Ives Washington Montgomery with Meeker Harriett N
 Birthabout 1843? Eunice
 Birthabout 1843Flemming Elizabeth
 Birth1843Sanford Sarah J
 Birthabout 1843Fryatt Mary E
 Birth1843Bragg Austin Daniel
 Birthabout 1843Chatfield Mary J
 Birth11 February 1844Collister Lucy Jane
 BirthMarch 1844Chatfield Horatio F
 Birth14 July 1844Bessey Wellington L
 Birth21 October 1844Chatfield Florence H
 Birth18 December 1844Chatfield Charlotte L
 BirthDecember 1844Hawley Jane
 Birth1844Chatfield Charles James
 Birth1844Chatfield Samuel
 Birth1844Barnum Frederick
 Birthabout 1844Cusack Henry B
 Birth1844? Lucinda
 Birthabout 1844Chatfield Mary J
 Birthabout 1844Chatfield Silas
 BirthMay 1845Chatfield Silas Robert
 Birth30 June 1845Miller Sarah Ann
 Birthabout 1845Chatfield Lavina
 Birth1845Kinney Joseph Burroughs
 Birthabout 1845? Emma
 Birth1845Chatfield Ezra
 Birth1845Chatfield Agnes L
 Birth1845Finn Henry E
 BirthApril 1846Rarrick Edgar
 BirthJune 1846? Estella
 BirthSeptember 1846Sisson Allen
 BirthSeptember 1846Smith Ella Agnes
 BirthDecember 1846Ward Elmira
 Birthabout 1846Newton William M
 Birthabout 1846? Elizabeth
 Birth1846Bragg Mary Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1846Hawley Ellen
 BirthJanuary 1847? Mary Elizabeth
 BirthFebruary 1847Bush Mary A
 BirthFebruary 1847Cornell Martha Elizabeth
 BirthMay 1847Doxey William Lawson
 Birth3 July 1847Turk John Hyde
 Birth31 July 1847Wilkins Ella Sellick
 BirthAugust 1847Maricle Jane
 Birth1847Chatfield Mary Melissa
 Birthabout 1847? Charlotte
 Birth1847Chatfield Lovinia \ Lovina A
 Birthabout 1847Crego Laura W
 Birthabout 1847Hibbard Alonzo John
 Birthabout 1847Lockwood Betsey
 Birthabout 1847Watson Emory A
 Birth1847Chatfield Jonathan Charles David
 Birthabout 1847Murphy Joseph Edward
 BirthFebruary 1848Chatfield Job W
 Death5 April 1848Chatfield Charlotte L
 BirthMay 1848Crego Milo H
 Birth4 August 1848Pratt Byron J
 Birth23 October 1848Chatfield Oscar R
 BirthNovember 1848Sincebaugh Delphine
 Birth1848Chatfield David P
 Birthabout 1848Wilbur Lewis H
 Birthabout 1848McCahill Alfred
 Death21 April 1849Chatfield Asa C
 BirthMay 1849Chatfield Henry Thomas
 BirthMay 1849Freligh Wesley H
 BirthJune 1849? Louise A
 Birth2 October 1849Chatfield George H
 Birthabout 1849Drake Charles R
 Birthabout 1849Hayes Jasper B
 Birthabout 1849Watson Helen E
 Birthabout 1849Hyde Cadelia \ Camilla \ Cornelius \ Cornelia
 Marriage11 January 1850Shields Lewis with Simpson Amy E
 BirthJanuary 1850? Jennie E
 BirthJuly 1850Chatfield Frederica L
 BirthAugust 1850Blake Mary Ada
 BirthAugust 1850Dye Emogene
 BirthAugust 1850Houck Joseph George
 BirthSeptember 1850Masters Willis J
 Birth8 October 1850Chatfield Ida Elizabeth
 BirthOctober 1850Ackerman Clarissa J
 BirthOctober 1850Dwight Sarah Adelia
 Birth19 November 1850White Johanna Marie \ Mariah
 Birthabout 1850Shepard Edmund L
 Birthabout 1850Tooley Mary Eunice
 Birthabout 1850Chatfield Zipporah Maria
 Census1850Dratt John
 Marriage1850Chatfield Isaac L with Alexander Abigail Jennie
 Deathafter 1850Hobart Susan
 Birthabout 1850Roberts Rebecca
 Birth15 January 1851Thayer John Vanburen
 Birth27 January 1851Chase Laura Elizabeth
 BirthFebruary 1851Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Birth7 April 1851Chatfield Horace Fosdick
 BirthApril 1851Chatfield Edward Lewis
 Birth24 July 1851Spinney Anna
 BirthSeptember 1851Stow Helen
 BirthDecember 1851Howell Ella E
 Birthabout 1851Hall Charles W
 Birthabout 1851Chatfield Horace
 Birthabout 1851Chatfield John W
 Birth29 January 1852Little Ida L
 Birth8 February 1852Chatfield Clara A
 BirthMarch 1852Bradfield George E
 Birth24 April 1852Judd Frank P
 BirthJuly 1852Patterson Mary Jane
 Birth27 September 1852Chatfield Joseph Lee
 Birth20 October 1852Holton Almeda Jane
 Birthabout 1852Chatfield George W
 Birth1852? Mary S
 Death1852Freese Philip
 Marriagebefore 1852Chatfield Merritt Ogden with Fairchild Hannah
 BirthJanuary 1853Troll Jacob
 BirthApril 1853Smith Frances E
 Birth29 May 1853O'Brien William Duncan
 BirthJuly 1853Prime Juliette S
 BirthDecember 1853Stickles Mary T
 Birth1853Chatfield Estella
 Birthabout 1853Chatfield George B
 Marriage25 January 1854Scott Abraham with Shields Lydia
 Birth29 January 1854Chatfield Julia Elizabeth
 Birth5 February 1854Chatfield Willis Bleigh
 Birth11 February 1854Ely John W
 BirthMarch 1854Allen Lillian
 Birth21 April 1854White Mary Kate
 Birth29 April 1854Miller Margaret Viola
 Birth27 June 1854Houser Charles Edmond
 Birth16 August 1854Ellis William John
 BirthAugust 1854Whitmore Hannah
 BirthSeptember 1854Chatfield Charles S
 BirthNovember 1854Hallenbeck Marilla
 Birth1854Chatfield Laura
 Birthabout 1854Hall Emma
 BirthJanuary 1855Chatfield Cornelius Vanslight \ Van Slicke
 BirthJanuary 1855Chatfield Emma Jane
 Birth17 February 1855Gorham Emmet G
 BirthApril 1855Gorsline Alice C
 BirthApril 1855Roach George W
 BirthMay 1855Chatfield John E
 BirthMay 1855Rhodes Emmett
 BirthJune 1855Rawson J Emma
 BirthSeptember 1855May Forrest
 Death1855Kemp Lucinda
 Birth1855Chatfield Anna
 Birthabout 1855? Emma
 Birthabout 1855Hall Ernest
 Birthabout 1855Chatfield Emma L
 BirthMay 1856West Millard
 Birth17 July 1856Chatfield William Swift
 DeathAugust 1856Chatfield Emma Jane
 BirthAugust 1856Friend \ Frint Ella
 Birth12 September 1856Morrow Mary
 BirthOctober 1856Lennon Mary Ann
 Birthabout 1856Waldron James
 Birthabout 1856Chatfield Jo Alice
 Birthabout 1856Watson Isabella
 BirthMay 1857Dake Edgar T
 BirthMay 1857Handy Ann
 Marriage1 October 1857Chatfield John Havens with Edwards Esther E
 BirthOctober 1857Ferguson Adelaide C
 BirthDecember 1857Bogardus Henry S
 Birth1857Chatfield Charles H
 Birth1857Cooney Stephen Patrick
 Birthabout 1857Youngman - Smith Elizabeth
 Birth23 March 1858McKnight Sarah Harriett
 BirthJune 1858Enderlin Edward S
 BirthJune 1858Richmond Elijah V
 Death29 July 1858Downs Olive Sara
 BirthNovember 1858Menzel William
 Birth28 December 1858Pert Fred Chatfield
 Birth1858Chatfield Eliza F
 Birthabout 1858Chatfield Catherine
 Birthabout 1858Kelly Arline \ Solene
 Birthabout 1858Chatfield Eliza L \ S
 BirthFebruary 1859Chatfield Mary Kate
 Birth10 June 1859Chatfield John Henry
 Birth26 June 1859Rogers Nellie Hatch
 BirthAugust 1859Erhardt Pauline Augusta
 Birthabout 1859Graves Issue 4
 Birth1859Chatfield Elmer Squires
 Birthabout 1859Scott Florence G
 Birthabout 1859Pevrin Hyde Myrtle E
 Birthabout 1859Chatfield Olive
 Birth1859Hazen Frank
 BirthJanuary 1860Smith Isabella M
 BirthMarch 1860Latz Elizabeth
 Birth30 July 1860Robie Henry McElwee
 Deathbefore 25 August 1860Chatfield Eliza F
 BirthAugust 1860J Nancy Jennie
 BirthSeptember 1860Chatfield Ambrose Nicholas
 Birth1860Johnson Edwin W
 Birth1860Chatfield Anna
 Birth1860Kemp Hattie A
 Birth1860Chatfield Frank H
 Birthabout 1860Wheeler Mary
 Birthabout 1860Litchult Margaret Emma
 Birth1860Hazen Jennie Webb
 Birth2 March 1861Schwab Rose
 Birth21 March 1861Evarts Walter.S
 Marriage5 June 1861Craig Oscar with Chatfield Helen Mary
 BirthAugust 1861Alt George
 MarriageSeptember 1861Chatfield Luman Curtis with Mason Mary
 BirthSeptember 1861Rising George E
 BirthOctober 1861Clark Ruth A
 BirthOctober 1861Kelley Mary R
 Birthabout 1861? Louise
 Marriageabout 1861Chatfield Eben S with Bligh Jane
 Birth1861Linehan James
 Birth18 April 1862Scofield William T
 BirthMay 1862Palmer Ella Louise
 Birth18 July 1862Welch Ralph J
 Birthabout 1862? Mary C
 Birthabout 1862? Marie
 Birth1862Dayton Edward Smith
 Birthabout 1862Wheeler Estella
 Birth1862Chatfield Charles E
 BirthJanuary 1863Bartlett Cora
 BirthJanuary 1863Chatfield Lewis
 Birth12 April 1863Matthews Frank Ralph
 BirthJuly 1863Smith Frank
 Death19 September 1863Havens Nancy
 BirthSeptember 1863Erkenbeck Walter
 Birth31 October 1863Kemp Addie L
 BirthDecember 1863Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 BirthDecember 1863Handy Charles G
 Birthabout 1863Chatfield Lucina W
 Birth1863Weaver Hattie A\g
 Birthabout 1863Chatfield Sarah
 BirthFebruary 1864Morgan Lillian O
 Birth6 May 1864Hamblet Andrew Seth
 Birth5 October 1864Skutt William
 Birthabout 1864Chatfield Frances N
 Birthabout 1864Holloway William J
 Birthabout 1864Chatfield Olive
 Birthabout 1864Hawley Joel E \ T
 Birth1864Purdy Maria
 Birth1864Mitchell Agnes J
 Birth1864Chatfield William Henry
 Birthabout 1864Chatfield George A
 Birth4 March 1865Chatfield Susan
 BirthApril 1865Maloy Martha
 Birth6 June 1865Turk Sarah Elnora
 Death27 August 1865Gorham Lucy Ett
 BirthDecember 1865? Mary A
 Marriage1865Barker Orrin with Horton Cornelia J
 Census1865Sisson Allen
 Birth1865Brown Eudora F
 Birthabout 1865Scott Byron L
 Birthabout 1865Watson Clara
 Birth27 May 1866Pert Willis Ives
 Birth1 November 1866Gustorf Lettie Bishop
 BirthNovember 1866Chatfield Adelaide
 Birth9 December 1866Ferrell Jennie Eliza
 BirthDecember 1866Richardson Irving R
 Birth1866Chatfield Edith Almy
 Birth1866Chatfield Archibald David
 Birthabout 1866Soule Fred
 Birthabout 1866Chatfield Henry Summers
 Birthabout 1866Chatfield Edwin
 Marriageabout 1866King L Byron with Ward Elmira
 Birth1866Chatfield Nelson
 Birth1 January 1867Turk Margaret
 Marriage19 January 1867Chatfield Egbert H with White Johanna Marie \ Mariah
 BirthApril 1867Pendell Thomas
 Birth14 May 1867Van Gieson Henry
 Birth23 May 1867Cathrell Minnie Elizabeth
 Death16 September 1867Hyde Harmon
 Birth27 September 1867Fitting George
 BirthOctober 1867Rose Lucy
 BirthNovember 1867Chatfield Josephine
 Birth17 December 1867Chatfield Lillian May
 Birthabout 1867Handy George
 Birthabout 1867Dratt Minnie V
 Birthabout 1867Chatfield John Parker
 Birth1867Libbey Joseph D
 Birth1867Kemp Eva T
 Birthabout 1867Harwood Edith M
 Birthabout 1867Hooper William J
 BirthJanuary 1868De Groat Herbert
 Birth6 June 1868Perry Charles Lewis
 BirthAugust 1868? Bertha
 Birth16 September 1868Chatfield William Nash
 Birth22 September 1868Hotchkiss Leonard F
 Birth18 October 1868Lowe Catherine Isabel
 BirthOctober 1868Haskins George A
 BirthNovember 1868Matthews Sarah
 Birthabout 1868Chatfield Effie
 Birthabout 1868Kinney Nettie E
 Death1868Chatfield Cindarilla
 Birth1868Corning Adella M
 Birth11 April 1869Robinson Clara W
 Birth18 June 1869Peterson Charlotte Marie
 Marriage19 June 1869Ballou Abner S with Bogardus Lydia Elizabeth
 Birth10 September 1869Gustorf Edmund Bishop
 Death12 October 1869Sears Amanda
 Birth28 December 1869Chatfield Eloise
 BirthDecember 1869Richardson Frank Edward
 Birth1869Smith Clara Estella
 Birth1869Kemp Frederick H
 Birthabout 1869Cable Eugene
 Birth1869Dibble Cora B
 Birthabout 1869Soule Mary
 Birthabout 1869Schifferdecker Katherine
 Birthabout 1869Wilson Mary Adeline
 BirthJanuary 1870Harwood Frank E
 Birth20 March 1870Coon Ellen Cecelia
 BirthApril 1870Roxberry Florence Kirch
 BirthJuly 1870Dean William Franklin
 Birth3 August 1870Blyth Mary E
 BirthAugust 1870Leamey Mary E
 Birth6 September 1870Chatfield Walter Clark
 BirthSeptember 1870? Clara G
 Census1870Isbell Myron
 Census1870Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 Census1870Chatfield Cornelia
 Census1870? Charlotte C
 Census1870Chatfield John Henry
 Census1870Chatfield John E
 Census1870Chatfield Alfred Francis
 Census1870Chatfield Frederica L
 Census1870Chatfield Ezra
 Census1870Chatfield Miller Lucinda M
 Birth1870Chatfield Laura
 Census1870Chatfield Guy Levi
 Census1870Maricle Jane
 Census1870Chatfield Charles H
 Census1870Chatfield Julia E
 Census1870Ellison Leoline
 Census1870Chatfield Zipporah Maria
 Census1870Ellison George Crawford
 Census1870Cotrel Mary
 Census1870Chatfield Esther Alvaretta
 Census1870Goodrich Lucy Benton
 Census1870Chatfield John W
 Census1870Chatfield Clinton
 Census1870Smith Siba
 Census1870Chatfield Herbert Arthur
 Census1870Hyde Cadelia \ Camilla \ Cornelius \ Cornelia
 Census1870Chatfield Viola Jane
 Census1870Chatfield Nicholas
 Census1870Dratt William R
 Census1870Dratt Mary Frances
 Census1870Dratt Minnie V
 Census1870Peckham Maryette
 Census1870Towne Sarah Mary
 Census1870Hyde Mary Ann
 Census1870Chatfield Clark
 Census1870Chatfield Walter W
 Census1870Chatfield Joel
 Census1870Rogers Ella
 Census1870Rhodes George A
 Census1870Smith Abbie Eunice
 Census1870Rhodes Issue
 Census1870Timothy Frances
 Census1870Hazen Elizabeth Almira
 Census1870Dratt John L
 Census1870Whitmore John
 Census1870White Margaret
 Census1870Kelsey Roxana Clark
 Birth1870Geelan George B
 Census1870Geelan Barnett
 Census1870Chatfield Thomas Ives
 Census1870Dratt Jennie
 Census1870Soule Fred
 Census1870Soule Mary
 Census1870Soule Amasa J
 Census1870Dratt Eva
 Census1870Craw Eunice
 Census1870Waters Matilda D
 Residence1870Scott Abraham
 Census1870Nichols William Henry
 Census1870Halsey Stephen Ellis
 Census1870Chatfield Harvey Strong
 Census1870Dratt Abram Lincoln
 Census1870Broughton Mary L
 Census1870Cotton Jerusha
 Residence1870Degroth Mary Elizabeth
 Census1870Nichols Fannie M
 Census1870Davis Jacob
 Census1870Chatfield Harry Ives
 Census1870Chatfield Ida Mae
 Census1870Prime Sarah Louise
 Census1870Prime Juliette S
 Census1870Prime Issue 3
 Census1870Chatfield Pierpont E
 Census1870Chatfield Jo Alice
 Census1870Corning Hannah
 Birthabout 1870Buchea \ Butcher Robert
 Census1870Chatfield Susan
 Census1870Barney Abigail P
 Census1870Camp Arthur C
 Census1870Chatfield Levi Starr
 Census1870Chatfield George Smith
 Census1870Prime Claudius Buchanan
 Census1870Chatfield Byron A
 Census1870Dratt Abram M
 Birth1870Chatfield Daisy
 Census1870Kelsey Martin
 Census1870Whitmore Issue
 Census1870Fritcher Ella Gertrude
 Census1870Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Census1870Chatfield John R
 Census1870Chatfield Sarah
 Census1870Chatfield Sarah E
 Census1870Stewart Sarah
 Census1870White Joseph
 BirthJanuary 1871Jennings Mary E
 BirthMarch 1871? Minerva H
 BirthApril 1871Little George H
 BirthMay 1871Huggins William T
 BirthAugust 1871Smith Wilson Fitch
 Death23 September 1871Chatfield Mary Ada
 BirthDecember 1871Harwood Lyman Alexis
 Birthabout 1871Cable Mary A
 Birthabout 1871Chatfield Morton Thomas
 Birthabout 1871Harding William P
 Naturalization1871Griesel John H
 Birth1871Grant Nathan J
 Birth29 January 1872O'Burne Margaret A
 BirthFebruary 1872Chatfield Egbert H
 BirthFebruary 1872Jones Charles L
 Birth26 March 1872Finch John H
 BirthJune 1872Chatfield Frank P
 Birth1872Shoemaker Dellaphine
 Birthabout 1872Chatfield Luman Curtis
 Birthabout 1872Duncan Jennie M
 Marriageabout 1872Williams Frank Parks with Farrington Mary Parker
 Birthabout 1872Hildreth William
 Birth2 January 1873Chatfield Austin Newcombe
 BirthFebruary 1873Chatfield Walter H
 Birth21 June 1873Chatfield Richard Summer
 BirthJune 1873McMullin \ McMillan \ McMillian Jennie Isham
 BirthSeptember 1873Diefendorf Blanche
 BirthSeptember 1873McGee Phoebe E
 BirthSeptember 1873Dratt Lena Frances
 Birth1873Kemp Edith G
 Birthabout 1873Chatfield Elizabeth C
 Birthabout 1873Murphy Maud H
 Birth1873Morgan Margaret E
 Death8 January 1874Barker Orrin
 BirthFebruary 1874Ayer Laura Dwight
 Birth18 March 1874Finch Roa
 BirthMarch 1874Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 BirthMay 1874Chatfield Jennie Belle
 Birth14 August 1874Castleman Thomas Edward
 Birth16 September 1874Chatfield Arthur Ives
 Death22 September 1874Finch Roa
 BirthNovember 1874Chatfield Alfred Nicholas
 Birthabout 1874? Anna E
 Birthabout 1874? Louise
 Birth1874Chatfield Minnie
 Birthabout 1874Handy Edward
 Birthabout 1874Wilson Eliza
 BirthFebruary 1875Chatfield Alice E
 Death15 April 1875Finch John H
 Death18 May 1875Purdy Caroline
 BirthMay 1875Brewer Pauline R
 Death16 July 1875? Lydia A
 BirthSeptember 1875Leamey Julia
 Birth1875Palmer James
 Birth1875Kane Oliver Terwilliger
 Marriageabout 1875Chatfield Pierpont E with ? Mary Etta M \ Marieta
 Birthabout 1875Little John C
 Birth1875Mott Martha L
 Birth1875Cool Edith
 Birth7 March 1876Chatfield William Henry
 BirthMay 1876? Frances
 BirthJune 1876Preston Annie L
 Birth17 July 1876Chatfield Curtis William
 Birthabout 1876Chatfield Bertha M
 Birth1876Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1876Holslag Julia M
 Birth22 February 1877Mase Starr Danforth
 BirthFebruary 1877Harwood Grace E
 BirthFebruary 1877King Nellie
 Death14 March 1877McKellar Isabel
 BirthJune 1877Chatfield Eugene
 BirthOctober 1877Bodamer Wilber \ Wilbur G
 BirthNovember 1877Hinman Willis A
 Birth1877Kemp Truman P
 Birth1877Knight Myrtle Adele
 Marriageabout 1877Turk John Hyde with Hallenbeck Marilla
 Birthabout 1877Chatfield William A
 Birthabout 1877Masters Julia Lillian
 Birthabout 1877Morgan James
 Birthabout 1877Chatfield Nellie E
 Birthabout 1877? Maria L
 Birth1877Pease Alice May
 Birth10 April 1878Halsey James Joseph
 Birth10 May 1878Chatfield Louise Catherine
 BirthAugust 1878Strong Florence
 Death27 October 1878Finch Alice F
 Birth1878Finch Alice F
 Birth1878Chatfield Hazen
 Birthabout 1878Chatfield Jennie
 Birthabout 1878Little William M
 Birthabout 1878Saltsman Ray F
 BirthFebruary 1879Reed Mary Lena
 BirthApril 1879Barnes Bertram W
 BirthApril 1879Chatfield Marie Catherine
 BirthMay 1879Gibbon Bertha C
 BirthMay 1879Pennie Lillie E
 BirthJune 1879Chatfield Deborah E
 Birth12 September 1879Washburn Eugene Strong
 BirthOctober 1879Clements Dorothea M
 Birth15 November 1879Chatfield Bertha Taylor
 Birth22 November 1879Halsey Nellie
 BirthNovember 1879Chatfield Bertie M
 Birthabout 1879Chatfield Ethel C
 Birth1879Chatfield Nina A
 Marriage1879Smith Eugene with Handy Ann
 BirthApril 1880Sisson Bertha H
 Birth21 May 1880Truman Percy Edwin
 Birth20 November 1880Chatfield Berlin G
 BirthNovember 1880Morgan Ruth
 Birthabout 1880Masters Mary E
 Birthabout 1880Colleran Margaret R
 Marriageabout 1880Beebe Samuel with Chatfield Olive Louisa
 Birthabout 1880Knight Howard
 Census1880Cooney Stephen Patrick
 Birth1 June 1881Chatfield Ethel L Nichols
 BirthJune 1881Harwood Laura
 Birth28 July 1881Russet Sarah Cecelia
 Birth30 September 1881Finch James F
 Birth4 October 1881McGrath Katherine A
 Death16 October 1881Finch James F
 BirthNovember 1881Degraff Minnie \ Mernia \ Marina \ Merina W
 BirthNovember 1881Drum George
 BirthDecember 1881Rogers Elsie F
 Birthabout 1881? Anna
 Marriageabout 1881Rhodes Emmett with Chatfield Miller Lucinda M
 BirthJanuary 1882Chatfield Mary Emma
 BirthJanuary 1882Thayer Beatrice
 Birth18 February 1882Rhodes Edith
 DeathMarch 1882Smith Orange
 BirthSeptember 1882Barry Rosetta
 BirthSeptember 1882Corning Maud L
 Birth9 November 1882Thomas Lucile
 Birth27 December 1882Lott Fanny
 BirthDecember 1882Chambers Bertha
 Death1882Bourst S Winifrid
 Birthabout 1882Buchanan Mabel
 Birth1882Bourst S Winifrid
 Death1882Barnum Frederick
 Birthabout 1882Weld Volker Susan S
 BirthMarch 1883Morgan Agnes E
 BirthMay 1883Sherman Howard Leslie
 BirthAugust 1883McCray Elizabeth Foster
 BirthAugust 1883Park Mary Ethel
 Death3 September 1883Chatfield Clinton
 BirthSeptember 1883Kemp George E
 Birthabout 1883Leamey Alice
 Marriageabout 1883Alt George with Latz Elizabeth
 Birth1883Chatfield Edmund Penfeld
 Birthabout 1883Halsey Anna C
 Birth7 January 1884Rhodes Clarence Dana
 Birth18 May 1884Hawkey George Edward
 BirthJune 1884Chatfield Gertrude
 Birth3 July 1884Chatfield Vernon Edward
 BirthAugust 1884Ayer Helen Dwight
 BirthAugust 1884Chatfield Mary
 Death5 September 1884Gilman Tabatha
 Birth22 September 1884Weiskotten Herman Gates
 Birth2 November 1884Little James A
 BirthNovember 1884Smith Ethel
 BirthNovember 1884West Jeremiah
 Death9 December 1884Chatfield George B
 BirthDecember 1884Harwood Nina L
 Birthabout 1884? Isabel B
 Marriage3 May 1885Chatfield Herbert Arthur with Clark Ruth A
 Birth16 September 1885McFall Fred
 Death21 October 1885? Roxana
 BirthOctober 1885Kemp William L
 Birth2 December 1885Tew Daisy Rosella
 Birthabout 1885Busch Meta M
 Death1885Chatfield Edmund Penfeld
 Birth14 March 1886Rhodes Harold E
 Birth22 March 1886Chatfield Bertha Hazel
 BirthMarch 1886Thayer Gordon C
 Birth20 April 1886Chatfield William Theodore
 BirthApril 1886Chatfield Rosalia
 Birth4 August 1886Copeland John Lucius
 Birth31 August 1886Chatfield Henrietta
 BirthAugust 1886Smith Marion
 Death15 September 1886Orton Zipporah
 Birth10 November 1886Lang Gertrude Adele
 Birth12 December 1886Miller Nora
 BirthDecember 1886Watrous Alford C
 Birthabout 1886Lewis La Verne D
 Birth11 February 1887Chatfield Ada
 BirthFebruary 1887Whalen Mary
 Death3 May 1887Burnett Helen Gertrude
 BirthJuly 1887Strong Alice
 Birth20 September 1887Chatfield Mabel Ida
 Death10 November 1887Chatfield Jane Eliza
 Birth28 November 1887Chatfield Ernest A
 Birth20 December 1887Enderlin Frederick William
 BirthDecember 1887Chatfield Hazel E F
 Birthabout 1887Crouch Ethel Minnie
 Birthabout 1887Chatfield Mary
 Marriageabout 1887Skutt William with Nichols Fannie M
 Marriageabout 1887Chatfield John G with Robinson Clara W
 Birth1887Chatfield Phynetta
 Birth2 January 1888Drew Mary D
 Birth11 January 1888Cody Peter
 Birth14 February 1888Troll Grace Marion
 Birth9 June 1888Weiskotten Ernest Samuel
 BirthOctober 1888Skutt Jessie B
 BirthOctober 1888Smith Hazel
 Birth13 December 1888Lang Alice Marion
 Marriageabout 1888Card William with Lacey Carrie A
 Marriageabout 1888Richmond Elijah V with ? Bertha
 Birth1888Bourst Samuel V
 Marriageabout 1888North Henry Augustus with Chatfield Hellen J
 Birthabout 1888Hawley Ruth Irene
 BirthFebruary 1889Chatfield Edith M
 BirthMarch 1889Soule Pearl I.
 Death3 April 1889Haner Maria M
 Birth8 May 1889Richmond Edith L
 BirthMay 1889Chatfield Addie
 BirthMay 1889Wolford Jeanette T
 Birth7 June 1889Chatfield Bessie E
 Death25 June 1889White Margaret
 BirthSeptember 1889Sanford Gay Raymond
 Birth5 October 1889Boser Lillian Elizabeth
 Birth2 November 1889Libbey George
 Birthabout 1889Mcdonald Mary
 Birth1889Chatfield Ralph David
 Birthabout 1889? Lillian
 Birth1889McCray Mabel
 Birth17 January 1890Chatfield Alberta C
 Birth23 March 1890Chatfield Florence C
 Birth25 June 1890Thayer Thornton Chatfield
 BirthJune 1890Whalen Catherine C
 Death21 July 1890Chatfield Florence C
 Birth9 August 1890North Palmer Grace
 Birthabout 1890Sullivan Florence
 Birthabout 1890? Emma
 Birthabout 1890Vrooman Beatrice Fay
 Birthabout 1890Chatfield Raymond H
 Census1890Cool Edith
 Birth12 January 1891Chatfield Helen Elizabeth
 Birth5 August 1891Pendell Thomas Franklin
 Birth24 August 1891Thompson Garner C
 Birth27 August 1891Hawley Ethel Anna
 BirthAugust 1891Haskins M Raymond
 Birth4 November 1891Clark John Clinton
 Marriageabout 1891Pendell Thomas with Chatfield Adelaide
 Birthabout 1891Schmitt Flora E
 Birthabout 1891Walsh Thomas A
 BirthJanuary 1892Richardson Albert
 BirthJanuary 1892Soule Harold P
 BirthDecember 1892Chatfield Anna E
 BirthDecember 1892Gorham Eleanor
 BirthDecember 1892Pendell Katherine S
 Birthabout 1892Houbertz Lillian H
 Census1892Harwood Grace E
 Birthabout 1892Constantine Joseph
 Birthabout 1892? Margaret D
 Census1892Kinney Kittie L
 Birth15 January 1893Huggins Cecil Ray
 BirthJanuary 1893Chatfield Helen N
 Death24 February 1893Bourst Samuel V
 DeathMarch 1893McCray Charles Chatfield
 Birth3 May 1893Baker Jane Marie
 Marriage5 September 1893Chatfield Charles H with Holcomb Pearl
 Death4 October 1893Hazen Maryett\e
 Birth12 December 1893Chatfield Mildred Caroline
 Birth31 December 1893Chatfield Harold Wheeler
 Birthabout 1893Carey Ella
 Marriageabout 1893Chatfield Walter H with Brewer Pauline R
 Marriageabout 1893Toland Walter G with Morgan Lillian O
 Birth1893Lang Helen Lyford
 Birthabout 1893? Grace
 Birthabout 1893? Ruth
 Birthabout 1893Chatfield Mabel M
 Birth1893Chatfield Jean Gray
 BirthJanuary 1894Clark Harold Orville
 Death16 March 1894Chatfield Julia E
 BirthMarch 1894Alt Esther Viola
 Birth12 May 1894Leroy Ethel J
 Birth2 August 1894Toland Harry Bracy
 BirthSeptember 1894Chatfield Edna B
 BirthSeptember 1894Comeau Arthur John
 Birth4 November 1894Richardson Frank Edward
 Birth24 November 1894Goodell Grace
 Birth15 December 1894Beach Harold Franklin
 Birthabout 1894Falz Henry
 Death1894Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1894Murray William
 Birth1894Sweitzer Bertha A
 BirthJanuary 1895Thayer Elizabeth
 Birth12 February 1895Jennings Leon H
 Birth10 March 1895Chatfield Robert Rabey
 Marriage17 April 1895Chatfield Samuel B with Seaman Theora
 Birth26 June 1895Lattimer Dorothy Jean
 Birth11 August 1895Vought Edith I.
 Death18 October 1895Chatfield Julia Ann
 Birth1895Travers Catherine
 Birthabout 1895? Constance N
 Birth1895Rice Mabel Elizabeth
 Marriage3 January 1896Castleman Thomas Edward with Chatfield Louise Catherine
 BirthFebruary 1896Chatfield Hattie Jane
 BirthJuly 1896Pendell Augusta C
 Birth14 August 1896Byrne John Leo
 Birth14 September 1896Beach Jeannette Helen
 Death1896? Mary S
 Birthabout 1896? Izra
 Death1896Richardson Eva
 Birth1896Richardson Eva
 Birthabout 1896King Warren
 Birth4 January 1897Chatfield Bertha M
 Death4 April 1897Enderlin Frederick
 BirthJune 1897Toland Kathleen
 BirthNovember 1897Smith Clarence
 Birthabout 1897Williams Donald M
 Marriageabout 1897Little George H with ? Clara G
 Marriageabout 1897Hitchcock Milo J with ? Louise A
 Birth20 January 1898Borst Lawrence Seward
 Birth20 January 1898Hall Ruth V
 BirthMarch 1898Chatfield Maud Beatrice
 BirthMarch 1898Chatfield Mildred Verna
 Death13 May 1898Cotrel Mary
 BirthMay 1898Miner Edna C
 Birth25 June 1898Lang Percy Lyford
 Birth31 August 1898Chatfield Douglas Howard
 BirthAugust 1898Chatfield Lester \ Leslie
 Birth24 September 1898Chatfield Clayton Calkins
 Birth19 October 1898Skutt Frank William
 BirthDecember 1898Toland Emily E
 Birthabout 1898? Catherine
 Birthabout 1898Travers John
 Birthabout 1898Utz Margaret C
 BirthJanuary 1899Chatfield Marion K\R
 BirthJanuary 1899Pendell Robert G
 Birth7 July 1899Chatfield Eliza
 BirthAugust 1899Chatfield E Stanley
 Birth23 September 1899Fink Charles William
 Birth27 September 1899? Beatrice M
 Birth27 September 1899Moore Victor
 BirthSeptember 1899Brewer Margery H
 Birth19 October 1899Chatfield Irwin Harvey
 BirthDecember 1899Chatfield Herbert K
 BirthDecember 1899Little Fannie \ Fanny
 Marriageabout 1899Chatfield Egbert H with Degraff Minnie \ Mernia \ Marina \ Merina W
20 century
 Birth14 February 1900Parsons Walter Lyman
 BirthFebruary 1900Chatfield George L
 Death16 April 1900Horton Cornelia J
 BirthJune 1900Chatfield Hazel Irene
 Death10 August 1900Chatfield Hazel Irene
 Birth26 August 1900Chatfield Edna Frances
 Birth6 November 1900Roscoe Arlene H
 Birth9 December 1900Newbury Denwood Wallace
 Birth1900Chatfield Louise N
 Death1900Lang Helen Lyford
 Death1900Haskins M Raymond
 Birthabout 1900? Kathyrn M
 Birth1900Chatfield Alfred
 Birthabout 1900Liddiard Alfred
 Immigration1900Hacku John
 Birth1 January 1901Witty Raymond J
 Birth5 May 1901Chatfield Constance
 Birth21 September 1901McMahon Lee W
 Birthabout 1901Chatfield Katherine Ives
 Birthabout 1901Pendell Jack
 Birthabout 1901? Mabel
 Birthabout 1901Kinney Earl
 Marriage1901Horton Isaiah with Macomber Phoebe Cordelia
 Birthabout 1901Jack Grace Esther
 Birthabout 1901Hildreth Edith M
 DeathFebruary 1902Chatfield Barton Lewis
 Birth16 March 1902Knauss Cook Gertrude Mary
 Birth13 August 1902Castleman George E
 Birth1 September 1902Chatfield Dorothy \ Dorothea R
 Birth7 September 1902Daly Marion H
 Birth12 October 1902Bailey Anna
 Birth8 December 1902Chatfield Russell Alfred
 Birth29 December 1902Spirawk Joseph E
 Birth1902Coombs Herbert S
 Birth1902Henderson Morton L
 Birth1902O'Dell Mary M
 Birthabout 1902Merkel Mary
 Birth24 February 1903Lutz Iola L
 Birth5 March 1903Corwin Gladys Marie
 Immigration4 April 1903Chatfield James Frederick
 Immigration4 April 1903McCarthy Catherine
 Birth16 April 1903Copeland Louise
 Birth24 April 1903Toland Walter G
 Birth26 April 1903Chatfield Gilbert B
 Birth30 May 1903Chatfield Helen A
 Birth18 June 1903Hazard Maurice Henry
 BirthJune 1903Chatfield George Clements
 Immigration2 August 1903Kidgell Ernest J
 Birth11 August 1903Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Death27 November 1903Cole John Roberts
 Birth1903Roche Jennie M
 Birthabout 1903Hildreth Mary E
 Birthabout 1903Williams James
 Death1903Bligh Jane
 Birthabout 1903Little Ellen
 Birthabout 1903Chatfield Edward
 Birth12 July 1904Kane Louisa Catherine
 Birth28 July 1904Clyne Marion Claire \ Clarie
 Birth3 August 1904Buete Robert V
 Birthabout 1904Bittman Harry Clarence
 Birth1904Chatfield George Jarvis
 Birthabout 1904Hall Fletcher
 Birth1904Stock Merrill Aubrey
 Birthabout 1904Pendell James C
 Birthabout 1904Pendell Lawrence
 Birthabout 1904Wing Louise H
 Birthabout 1904Lebkucher Dorothy
 Birth24 March 1905Chatfield Sherwood Clarke
 MarriageApril 1905Stokes James with Chatfield Florence Brooks
 Birth31 July 1905Lapp Clifford G
 Death25 December 1905Bond Lena
 Birthabout 1905Chatfield Bessie R
 Birthabout 1905Bruno or Brune Josephine
 Death1905Wilmot Julia
 Marriagebefore 1905Thayer Frank B with Chatfield Urania
 Birth20 January 1906Hooper William Harwood
 Death28 July 1906Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 Birth7 October 1906Chatfield Alma M
 Birth27 October 1906? Helen Marie
 Death9 December 1906Stocking Sarah G
 Birthabout 1906Hall Percy Lang
 Birthabout 1906Chatfield William Gordon
 Birthabout 1906Nichols Kendrick
 Birthabout 1906Norton William W
 Birthabout 1906Pendell Richard B
 Marriageabout 1906Hand Frank H with Robinson Clara W
 Birthabout 1906Wing Blanche A
 Marriageabout 1906Palmer James with Chatfield Hellen J
 Birth1906Chatfield Franklin David
 Birthabout 1906Little Catharine
 Birthabout 1906Stevens John A
 Birth23 January 1907Drew Frank John
 Birth23 April 1907Mase Theodore Starr
 Death10 July 1907Chatfield Donald
 Birth8 October 1907Thayer Theodore R
 Birth29 October 1907Chatfield Anna Evelyn
 Birthabout 1907Chatfield Doris K
 Birthabout 1907Toland Gladys
 Death1907Clark Ruth A
 Birthabout 1907Chatfield Emma H
 Birthabout 1907? Jeanette \ Irene
 Birthabout 1907Chatfield Emma Nancy
 Birthabout 1907Hibbs W Gordon
 Birthabout 1907Selle Gladys May Stevenson
 Birthabout 1907Palmer Ethel
 Birth7 July 1908Saltsman Leah
 Birth8 August 1908Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Birth28 August 1908Chatfield Bligh W
 Marriage19 October 1908Ford Robert Jay with Daggett Vivian D
 Birthabout 1908Pendell Cornelia A
 Birthabout 1908Douglas Robert L
 Birthabout 1908? Helen
 Birth1908Chatfield Mary Augustine
 Death1908Mason Mary
 Birthabout 1908Hall E. Barton
 Birthabout 1908Kemp Claude W
 Marriageabout 1908Cody Peter with Herkert Genevieve
 Birth12 January 1909Pratt Eveyln Elise
 Birth3 May 1909Senior Norman C
 Birth25 May 1909? Isabelle O
 Death1 September 1909Chatfield Kate Amelia
 Birth1 November 1909Bessey Roy
 Birth6 December 1909Pendell George R
 Immigration1909Avery Mabel Matilda
 Birthabout 1909? Alberta
 Birthabout 1909Hooper Helen E
 Immigration1909Kidgell Herbert
 Birthabout 1909Kinney Keith
 Birthabout 1909Fuller Beatrice P
 Birthabout 1909Ryan Edwinna Kathryn
 Birthabout 1909Wing Donald J
 Birthabout 1909Hildreth Rachel C
 Birth7 March 1910Patrick Joseph E
 Birth20 June 1910Chatfield Charles Foster
 Death17 August 1910Hardaway Cyrus J
 Birth22 December 1910Castleman Gladys M
 Death1910Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Birth1910Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1910Johnson Nelly E
 Birthabout 1910Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1910Chatfield Ursula E
 Census1910Chatfield Ruby McIntire
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Ball Thomas Muller
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Muller Cornelia
 Marriage18 January 1911Ellis George Willet with Chatfield Anna Estella
 Birth20 March 1911? Beatrice L \ M
 Marriage23 October 1911Chatfield Cuyler Renny with Pococke Edith May
 Birthabout 1911Rhodes Dorothy E
 Birthabout 1911Kemp Frances
 Birth1911Chatfield Sarah Caroline
 Birthabout 1911McMann Henrietta F
 Birth26 February 1912? Mildred S
 Marriage25 September 1912Thompson Garner C with Chatfield Alice Abigail
 Marriage25 September 1912Weiskotten Herman Gates with Herre Kathryn M
 Birth26 October 1912Chatfield Anna Estelle
 Birth21 December 1912Chatfield John Blake
 Birth24 December 1912Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Marriage25 December 1912Shumway Rush Richmond with Chatfield Hattie Jane
 Birthabout 1912White William Thompson
 Birthabout 1912? Helen
 Birthabout 1912Haskins Lois
 Marriage20 March 1913Chatfield Isaiah H with Pevrin Hyde Myrtle E
 Birth13 June 1913Ringwood Joseph A
 Birth8 August 1913Bradley Jessica
 Birth17 August 1913Bristol Karl E
 Birth19 September 1913Whitman Rose
 Birth2 October 1913Thompson Doris
 Birth25 November 1913Chatfield Hobart Edwin
 Birth1913Chatfield Margaret J
 Birthabout 1913? Virginia L
 Birth1913Chatfield Doris M
 Birthabout 1913Tyler George J
 Birthabout 1913Kemp Stanley
 Birth1913Cody Eleanor
 Birthabout 1913Chatfield Vincent C
 Birthabout 1913Rhodes Helen M
 Birthabout 1913Chatfield Ruth
 Birth14 January 1914Drum Howard
 Birth25 May 1914Pratt Edith Helena
 Immigration21 July 1914Drummer Christian M
 Birth16 September 1914Chatfield Mary Louise
 Birthabout 1914Lattimer George McLaren
 Birthabout 1914Laird John
 Birthabout 1914Wing Coburn E
 Immigration15 March 1915Littlejohn Arthur Runsett
 Birth26 March 1915Chatfield Muriel Adeline
 Immigration1 April 1915Klema Hedwig Margarete
 Birth21 April 1915Chatfield Charles James
 Immigration30 April 1915Holland Daisie Ysobel
 Marriage19 June 1915Toland Harry Bracy with Carey Ella
 Birth6 September 1915Clark John Clinton
 Marriage14 October 1915Adams James Loyd with Goodell Grace
 Marriage18 October 1915Gossage Roy Gordon with Chatfield Bessie E
 Birth1915Aberle Janet G
 Birthabout 1915Chatfield Richard T
 Birth1915Richardson Harlow Maurice
 Marriage22 January 1916Leavenworth Howard LeGrand with Meech Helen
 Birth9 March 1916Chatfield Charles Purdy
 Birth13 April 1916Narrow Lena May
 Birth24 April 1916Chatfield Isabel Delphine
 Marriage13 May 1916Hall Charles W with Chatfield Miller Lucinda M
 Birth15 June 1916McCray Lillian Retta
 Death15 June 1916McCray Lillian Retta
 Birth16 June 1916Weiskotten Mercer E
 Birth24 August 1916Cheatle Charles Raymond
 Birth13 September 1916Thompson Garner Egbert
 Birth28 September 1916Stramiello James F
 Birth12 November 1916Hawkins Ewing Butler
 Birthabout 1916Ryan Rosina
 Birthabout 1916? Ruth
 Birthabout 1916Tyler Guinevere
 Birthabout 1916Tyler Letha \ Litha
 Birthabout 1916White Alice M
 Birth14 February 1917Chatfield Perry Richmond
 Death11 April 1917Weaver Hattie A\g
 Birth2 June 1917? Anna V
 Birth7 July 1917Botsford Gardner
 Death28 July 1917Chatfield Frederica L
 Birth13 November 1917Chatfield Paul Oakes
 Marriage25 December 1917Huggins Cecil Ray with Chatfield Marion K\R
 Birth1917Gray Virginia K
 Birthabout 1917Gossage Gordon J
 Birthabout 1917Libbey Grover E
 Birthabout 1917Kinney Edith
 Birth1917Chatfield Virginia Lee
 Birthabout 1917Krickovich John
 Marriage26 January 1918Price David with Chatfield Marion E
 Birth2 May 1918Weiskotten Robert Chatfield
 Birth12 May 1918Hawkey Luella Mae
 Birth15 July 1918Clark Ruth M
 Birth5 October 1918Castleman Harry B
 Birth1918Chatfield Richard Troll
 Birthabout 1918Toland Norman
 Birthabout 1918Chatfield Joyce Benton
 Birthabout 1918Clark Milo C
 Birthabout 1918Travers Gerard
 Birth1918Mase Stanley Wilson
 Marriage26 February 1919Beechey Frederick John William with Boldt Charlotte L
 Birth20 March 1919Lewis Kathleen Sommers
 Birth11 April 1919Richardson Leroy Edward
 Birth17 June 1919Brandte Raymond Alexander
 Birth9 July 1919Chatfield Thelma R
 Death16 July 1919Chatfield Richard Troll
 Birth3 August 1919Kernochan John Marshall
 Birth8 October 1919Pendell Grace C
 Birth28 October 1919Pratt Kendric Chatfield
 Birth28 October 1919Pratt Kenneth Charles
 Birth3 November 1919Goodridge Edwin Barringer
 Birthabout 1919Camp Walter Clement
 Birthabout 1919Kinney Marian E
 Birthabout 1919Wing Marion A
 Birthabout 1919Gossage Wesley
 Birthabout 1919Toland Donald W
 Birthabout 1919Byrd Ruth Evelyn
 Birthabout 1919Richardson Franklin L
 Birth16 February 1920Thompson William Robert
 Birth8 March 1920Clowe Charles Francis
 Birth27 September 1920King Daniel W
 Death16 November 1920Addoms William Henry
 Birthabout 1920Price Ethel M
 Birthabout 1920Edwards Ruth
 Birthabout 1920Hill Frank
 Census1920Chambers Bertha
 Birth1920Soule Raymond G
 Birthabout 1920Libbey Ida Belle
 Birth30 March 1921Chatfield Laverne Kenneth
 Death27 April 1921Pratt Kenneth Charles
 Birth2 November 1921Royce Charles
 Birthabout 1921Tyler Clarence Jay
 Birth1921Mortensen Hester Cecelia
 Birth1921Richardson Ralph Albert
 Birth4 January 1922Chatfield John Dewitt
 Death13 January 1922Dwight Sarah Adelia
 Death1 May 1922Garrison Martha Elizabeth
 Birth7 June 1922Chatfield George Edward
 Marriage9 June 1922Ball Thomas Muller with Chatfield Katherine Ives
 Death8 October 1922Bessey Wellington L
 Marriage23 October 1922Little George H with Weld Volker Susan S
 Birthabout 1922Price Margaret D
 Birthabout 1922Richardson Lloyd
 Birthabout 1922Libbey Melvin G
 Birthabout 1922Hill Gordon
 Birthabout 1922Kemp Marion R
 Immigration1922Egginton Sidney J R
 Birth13 January 1923Thompson Betty Jane
 Birth13 May 1923Chatfield Charles Hunter
 Immigration1 July 1923Bons Paulina Cornelia
 Birthabout 1923Clark Richard W
 Death1923Seaman Edward P
 Birth1923Bates Louise Mumford
 Birth1923Barker Jean Charlotte
 Birthabout 1923? Ritabelle
 Birthabout 1923Travers John
 Birthabout 1923Toland Trevil
 Birthabout 1923Kinney Pearl
 Death1923Nettleton Lorenzo D
 Birthabout 1923Tyler Virginia M
 Birthabout 1923Babcock Edith M
 Birth1923Chatfield Florence Katherine
 Death1923Newcombe Elizabeth
 Birth29 March 1924Hester Edward A
 Birth5 May 1924Richardson Donald Bruce
 Birth29 June 1924Tyler Rex D
 Birth26 October 1924Chatfield James Shaw
 Marriage5 November 1924Moore Victor with Chatfield Dorothy \ Dorothea R
 Birth20 December 1924Verdini Joseph I.
 Birthabout 1924Chatfield Helen A
 Birth1924Chatfield Elizabeth Joyce
 Birthabout 1924Thayer Gordon C
 Birthabout 1924McMahon Wilfred
 Birth23 January 1925Chatfield Arthur Ives
 Immigration5 August 1925Leach Harry Alexander
 Birth11 November 1925Skutt Frank William
 Birth19 December 1925? Frances
 Birth1925Richardson Betty Jane \ Jean
 Birth1925Hawley Lillian Jane
 Birth1925Libbey Glen Edward
 Birthabout 1925Mitchell Barbara
 Census1925Chatfield Gerard
 Birth11 February 1926Comeau Edna
 Birthabout 1926Archer Mary S
 Birthabout 1926Kinney Orr
 Birth15 March 1927Lowrie Helen Louise
 Birth12 April 1927Libbey Roy E
 BirthMay 1927Stock Merrill Aubrey
 Birth9 August 1927Skutt Carolyn Ann
 Birthabout 1927Constantine Raymond
 Birthabout 1927Thayer Lois
 Birthabout 1927Comeau Gertrud
 Birthabout 1927Halse Frank A
 Immigration1927Alcorn Ivy Edith
 Birth17 April 1928Chatfield Doris Miriam
 Birth22 July 1928Chatfield Katherine E
 Death1928Dratt Mary Frances
 Birthabout 1928Archer Richard D
 Birthabout 1928Thayer Constance
 Birth1928Richardson Ruth Elaine
 Birthabout 1928Chatfield George
 Birth1 March 1929Chatfield Douglas
 Birth19 May 1929Chatfield Olive Grayce
 Birth9 September 1929Castleman Harold G
 Birth11 September 1929Chatfield Alfred R
 Immigration23 September 1929Goecken Wilhelm Gerhardt
 Marriage4 October 1929Hoff Leroy Peter with Unlauft Johanna
 Birth3 November 1929Chatfield-Taylor Valborg
 Immigration12 December 1929Pratt Frederick Wolsey
 Immigration12 December 1929Winsor Theresa
 Birthabout 1929Gordon Shirley A
 Birthabout 1929Archer Catherine G
 Birthabout 1929Lowrie Dorothy
 Birthabout 1929Chatfield Richard
 Birthabout 1929Hawley Ethel I. \ J
 Birth14 July 1930Rockwell Wallace J
 Immigration5 August 1930Clark Jean Chatfield
 Birth1 October 1930Chatfield Charles Harold
 Death1930Freeland Harriet
 Birthabout 1930Chatfield Nancy
 Marriage1930Calhoun Harry with Chatfield Jessie
 Death1930Rhodes Clarence Dana
 Birth1930Liddiard John Ernest
 Birthabout 1930Schanze Gloria
 Birthabout 1930Comeau Joan
 Birth11 March 1931Chatfield Eugene Francis
 ImmigrationOctober 1931Leach Harry Alexander
 ImmigrationOctober 1931Irwin Elvira Furber
 ImmigrationOctober 1931Martin Frances Chatfield Irwin
 Death1931Chatfield Alfred B
 Immigration1931Chatfield Estelle Evelyn
 Birthabout 1931Chatfield Delores
 Birthabout 1931Thayer Joanne M
 Birth1931Chatfield Joyce A
 Death1932Chatfield Berlin G
 Birthabout 1932Chatfield Catherine
 Birthabout 1932King Roland
 Birthabout 1932Schanze Jeanette
 Birth4 April 1933Underwood Joan Stella
 Birth16 April 1933Thode Charles William
 Birth25 October 1933Chatfield Charles Earnest
 Birth1933Cressey Frances G
 Birthabout 1933Moore Jean
 Birthabout 1933Sudduth William Henry
 Death26 September 1934Ferrell Jennie Eliza
 Marriage6 December 1934Chatfield Ralph David with Dunks Pulling Florence May
 Birthabout 1934Chatfield Edward
 Birthabout 1934Byrne Elizabeth Anne
 Immigration1934Chatfield Estelle Evelyn
 Marriage27 March 1935Norton William W with Tyler Guinevere
 Birth5 June 1935Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Birth7 November 1935Thayer Sandra Anne
 Birthabout 1935Schanze William Roy
 Birth1935Johnson George Edwin
 Deathabout 1935Liddiard Alfred
 Birthabout 1935Chatfield Helen
 Birthabout 1935Chatfield Donna M
 Birthabout 1935Thayer Theodore B
 Birthabout 1935Edwards Elizabeth
 Birth27 January 1936Patrick Marlene
 Birth25 December 1936Van Scoyk Diane Nyra
 Birth27 December 1936Stock Gail Alice
 Birthabout 1936Sudduth John Chatfield
 Birthabout 1936Byrne Patricia Marie
 Birthabout 1936Chatfield Marilyn
 Immigration1936Chatfield Estelle Evelyn
 Birthabout 1936Moore Robert J
 Birth7 February 1937Zadeik Denise
 Marriage13 March 1937Green Harvey A with Johnson Helen G
 Birth13 April 1937Chatfield Judith Ann
 Birth28 July 1937Chatfield James Vincent
 Death7 August 1937Bessey Edward Eugene
 Immigration15 August 1937Bonnoitt Lucille
 Immigration15 August 1937Halsey Alfred Olney
 Birth1937Lash Richard A
 Death1937Park Mary Ethel
 Immigration1937Shepardson Charles Noah
 Birth1937Johnson Donald
 Birthabout 1937Tyler Robert
 Immigration1937Chatfield Melville
 Birth5 February 1938Guare John
 Birth30 October 1938Hayes Charles C
 Birth19 November 1938Hazard Willet Edwin
 Birth1938Lash Virginia L
 Birthabout 1938Falz Sallie D
 Birth1938Johnson Mary L
 Birth1938Sudduth George Norton
 Birthabout 1938Lapp Donald C
 Birth31 May 1939Tyler Nancy
 Death5 July 1939Chatfield Merle Amber
 Birthabout 1939Douglas Robert Leslie
 Birthabout 1939Pearl Patricia
 Birthabout 1939Sudduth Susan
 Birthabout 1939Chatfield Juanita M
 Birthabout 1939Tyler Thomas
 Deathafter 1939Myers Josephine
 Birthabout 1939Chatfield Raymond
 Birthabout 1939Krupa Robert
 Birth29 February 1940Chatfield Edwin Howard
 Birth12 June 1940Parsons Suzanne Therese
 Census1940Schanze William Roy
 Birthabout 1940Bristol Selvia
 Birthabout 1940Walsh Thomas
 Birthabout 1940Toland Patricia
 Census1940Hibbs W Gordon
 Birth27 March 1941Chatfield Burleigh Allen
 Birth6 April 1941Hawley Joan E
 Marriageafter 1941Coombs Herbert S with Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Birth22 July 1942Hamilton Alfred W
 Birth29 July 1942Chatfield Peter Allen
 DeathAugust 1942Chatfield Elmer Squires
 BirthAugust 1942Krupa Barbara
 Birth10 October 1942Chatfield Naomi E
 Death27 December 1942Morgan William George
 Death1942Troll Jacob
 Birth16 October 1943Krupa Karen Anne
 Death1943Stickles Mary T
 Birthabout 1944Chatfield Jean Louise
 Birth14 April 1945Chatfield Warren Barry
 Birth22 December 1945Hawley Carol A
 Death24 October 1946Dunbar Cora Ella
 Death1946Morgan Lillian O
 Immigration1946Jenkinson Audrey Lauder
 Birth1946Lash David Jon
 Immigration19 June 1947Horvat Hildegarde
 Death26 September 1947White William Thompson
 Death1947Jennings Mary E
 Birth30 September 1948Chatfield Wendy Lee
 Birth17 September 1949Chatfield Terrance L
 Birth21 February 1950King Margaret C
 Birth5 October 1950Chatfield Kathleen S
 Deathabout 1950Chatfield Ethel C
 Death27 July 1951Chatfield Emma Mary
 Birth1951Chatfield John Howard
 Birthabout 1952Skutt David F
 Immigration3 June 1953Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Immigration8 June 1953Porch Quinta
 Birth8 January 1954Morseman David D
 Birth20 June 1954Skutt Thomas A
 Birth16 July 1954Letourneau Glenn Allen
 Birth4 August 1954Chatfield Robert Allen
 Birth1 September 1954Morseman Donna L
 Birth9 September 1954Rockwell Anne Marie
 Death23 September 1954Weiskotten Mercer E
 Immigration17 January 1955Verdon Gwyneth Evelyn
 Immigration21 July 1955Martin Frances Chatfield Irwin
 Death7 August 1955Barnes Bertram W
 Birth28 September 1955Skutt Renee J
 Birth22 March 1957Morseman Rebecca L
 Immigration29 April 1957Henaghan James Archibald
 Immigration29 April 1957Loroi Mary Frances
 Marriage22 June 1957Chatfield Eugene Hale with Zadeik Denise
 Death22 July 1957Chatfield Benton Hallock
 Birthabout 1957Calkins Harvey L
 Birth27 August 1958Morseman Philip E
 Birth15 July 1959Van Sicklin Marianne
 Birth4 October 1959Chatfield Pamela J
 Birth11 October 1959Chatfield Paul Richard
 Death9 December 1959McCray Elizabeth Foster
 Death25 October 1960Barbour Estelle
 Birth12 December 1960Soule Roger Philip
 Birth23 July 1961Saxenian Gary S
 Birth15 December 1961Chatfield Guy R
 Birth1 September 1962Chatfield Lori Sue
 Death27 December 1963Chatfield Nina Frances
 Residence1963Fisk Perry Warren
 DeathJanuary 1964Toland Harry Bracy
 Death10 April 1964Wing George W
 DeathJuly 1964Chatfield Alberta C
 DeathAugust 1964Daggett Vivian D
 DeathSeptember 1964Hill Pliny Alges
 DeathJune 1965Freligh Wesley Henry
 Death28 May 1967Chatfield William G\J
 Birth9 July 1967Hamilton Anthony W
 Marriageabout 1967Fischer Raymond with McLaughlin Margaret Mary
 Birth26 February 1968Chatfield Stacey Ann
 Death2 March 1968Lebkucher Dorothy
 Birth6 May 1968Horan ?
 Death22 May 1968Moore Victor
 DeathJune 1968Royce Charles
 Death4 July 1968Chatfield Vincent C
 Marriage2 November 1968Dexter Merlin L with van Valkenberg Ilan Pearl
 Birth11 December 1968Chatfield Carolyn M
 DeathSeptember 1969Tatum Elizabeth Madilene
 DeathOctober 1969Libbey George
 Birth3 March 1970Morey Frank A
 Birth5 March 1970Chatfield Andrew K
 DeathOctober 1970Fink Charles William
 DeathNovember 1970Eilers Melvin E
 Death1970Henderson Morton L
 Birthabout 1972Chatfield Robert P
 Death4 June 1974Hall Ruth V
 Death30 September 1975Pendell Thomas Franklin
 Birth1976Colucci Marcus Anthony
 DeathJune 1977Chatfield Walter Myers
 Death25 August 1977Cody Helen Margaret
 DeathOctober 1977Chatfield Gilbert B
 Death12 February 1978Drum Howard
 Birth31 December 1978Chatfield Julie M
 Marriageabout 1978Hall Robert L
 DeathMay 1979Castleman George E
 Death21 November 1979Armstrong Dorothy Patricia
 DeathMarch 1981Thompsen Arnfin O
 Death16 October 1982Clyne Marion Claire \ Clarie
 DeathOctober 1982? Mildred S
 DeathDecember 1982Patrick Joseph E
 Death10 March 1983Fiske Frances E
 Death25 September 1983Flagler Julia
 DeathFebruary 1984? Lillian M
 DeathJune 1985Chatfield Bligh W
 DeathMarch 1986Witty Raymond J
 Death2 June 1987North Ephraim Edward
 Death11 November 1987Ringwood Joseph A
 Death18 May 1988Crolick Andrew
 Death23 September 1988Chatfield Bertha M
 Birthabout 1988Chatfield Katelyn B
 Birthabout 1989Calkins Patrick
 Death25 September 1990Hawkey George E
 Death23 March 1991Chatfield Russell Alfred
 Death29 March 1991Painter Elsie Kittie
 DeathJuly 1991Stock Thelma
 Birth1993Chatfield Samantha Kykel
 Death12 March 1994? Isabelle O
 Death18 April 1994Steil Carl John Martin
 Death8 May 1994Cody Eleanor
 Death21 September 1994Williston Mary Alena
 Death10 October 1996Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Death20 February 1997Chatfield George Edward
 Marriage17 May 1997Chatfield Andrew K with Mckenna Kristen Michele
 Death25 August 1997Lewis Kathleen Sommers
 Death17 March 1999Chatfield Robert Rabey
21 century
 Death25 April 2000? Frances
 Death26 April 2000Corwin Gladys Marie
 Death6 May 2001Stramiello James F
 Death1 June 2001Bevington John Richard
 Marriageabout 2001Hall Ronald Allen
 Death17 May 2002Bristol Karl E
 Death28 October 2002Beechey Ernest George
 Death25 August 2003Libbey Roy E
 Death5 December 2003Chatfield Charles Purdy
 Death1 March 2004Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Death24 August 2005Howe Lewis John
 Death4 May 2006Libbey Leah H
 Death21 September 2006? Linda J
 Residence2007Chatfield Brian Patrick
 Death16 July 2009Cook Richard A
 Death5 October 2010Sortino Benny W
 Death3 November 2010Schmelzle Joyce M
 Death10 May 2011Hall Ronald Allen
 Death12 June 2012? Anna V
 Death6 April 2016Losurdo Catherine
 Death28 May 2018Comeau Millicent Monica
 Death5 January 2019Chatfield Donald Edward
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Residence1 January 2009Webster Merle Mae
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Residence1894Wheeler Anna Alida
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death16 November 1933Copeland Henry Clay
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death29 January 1893Tidball William Linn
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death8 July 1907Treacy Mabel E
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1900Cantlon Hannah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1904Chatfield Arden
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1940 (previously 1935)Chatfield Luman Curtis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Chatfield Barton Lewis
 Census1860Rogers Nellie Hatch
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1908Chatfield Robert Lee
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1905Prior Mariette
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1937Chatfield Harrison Palmer
 Residence1937Isham Dovoll Joanna
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Residence2003Chatfield-Taylor Adele Blow
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence5 August 1930Clark Jean Chatfield
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage18 October 1893Pierce Lincoln with Cable Sarah Frederica
20 century
 Birth17 March 1943Radcliffe Patricia Mae
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?? Roxana
 Burial?Lockwood John
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth14 February 1831Chatfield Daniel Stephen\Stoddard
 Birth20 February 1832Chatfield Adaline Marie
 Birth25 July 1861Wilbur Margaret Louise
 BirthApril 1871Clyne Elman V
 BirthAugust 1889Chatfield Emma
 Birth26 February 1893? Florence
 Death12 September 1894Geelan Barnett
20 century
 Birth25 January 1934Chatfield Robert Rabey
 Birth5 September 1949Daigneault Kathleen M
 Death3 July 1955Coombs Herbert S
 DeathJune 1963Acker Howard W
 Death31 October 1996Kercsi Emil Frank
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Broughton Mary L
 Burial?Chatfield Alfred Francis
 Burial?Boughton William
 Burial?Mattoon David
 Burial?Geelan Barnett
 Burial?Chatfield Julia E
 Burial?Hawkins Sarah Ann
 Burial?Ransom Sarah
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Dennis Issue 9
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth24 March 1839Sandborn Volney Morrill
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthJanuary 1854Dratt Mary Frances
20 century
 Death1927Bartlett Clark N
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth7 May 1913Perry Flora Lucille
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Norton William W
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth12 June 1804Miller Henry
 Birth11 January 1870Wheeler Anna Alida
20 century
 CensusJune 1900Watrous Alford C
21 century
 Death23 May 2017Skutt Deborah L
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death20 September 1849Mighills Elihu
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Arlene Eudora
 Census1920Babcock Eudora
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Berlin G
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Rude Jessie
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Harmon Olin
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield Isabel Delphine
 Census1940Solon John Joseph
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1855 (previously 1850)Alcott Chatfield
 Census1855 (previously 1850)Baily Miranda Parker
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth26 October 1803Chatfield Norman
 Birth12 April 1807Chatfield Oliver Nelson
 Birth25 May 1811Chatfield Hettie Esther
 Marriage31 January 1817Horton Isaiah with Chatfield Charlotte
 Birth5 April 1817Chatfield Silas Porter
 Marriage15 January 1818Chatfield Joram with Holcomb Polly
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Hazard Maurice Henry
 Census1940Pierpont Mildred Iola
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 BirthMarch 1790Wood Deborah
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death31 March 1862Barry Helen
 Death24 October 1876Hinman Royal Minor
 Death30 January 1890Harmon Henrietta Maria
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1841Horton Cornelia J
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth26 October 1898Robie Fanny Rose
20 century
 Residence1900Robie Henry McElwee
 Residence1900Rose Lucy
 Census1905 (previously 1900)Robie Fanny Rose
 Residence1910Robie Henry McElwee
 Residence1910Rose Lucy
 Census1915 (previously 1910)Robie Fanny Rose
 Census1925Chatfield Ruth Emma
 Birth19 April 1927Chatfield Phyllis Elizabeth
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Phyllis Elizabeth
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Ruth Emma
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Philip M
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Helen Louise
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Donald Edward
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Robie Fanny Rose
 Marriage12 July 1952Morseman Albert Edward with Chatfield Phyllis Elizabeth
21 century
 Residence2014Chatfield Ruth Emma
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth3 May 1923Ross Wallace Craig
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth14 October 1777Sickler Jacob
 DeathJanuary 1791Sickler George Johannes
19 century
 Birth14 October 1804Sickler William Chatfield
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Ingerson Floyd Mead
 Burial?Walden Grace Belle
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Prindle Lewis
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death16 March 1996Hosley Doris N Warner
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth6 March 1883Champlin Laura Addie
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Morseman Edison Joseph
 Burial?Morseman Philip E
 Burial?Chatfield Phyllis Elizabeth
 Burial?Cornwell Jane Lucinda
 Burial?Morseman Albert Edward
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Hall E. Barton
 Census1930Lang Gertrude Adele
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth15 September 1895Chatfield Josiah Clark
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1800Eisenlord Mary Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage13 September 1930Logie Thomas Thomson with Chatfield Dorothy Louise
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage26 June 1834Chatfield Alonzo Bradley with Graves Mary Elizabeth
20 century
 Residence1917Chatfield Clayton Calkins
 Residence1977Chatfield Gilbert B
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth22 January 1852Rude John Milton
 Birth13 May 1852Babcock Eudora
 Marriage30 October 1872Rude John Milton with Babcock Eudora
 Birth19 September 1886Rude Jessie
20 century
 Census1930Reeves Anna Sarah
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Vought Edith I.
 Burial?Lattin William
 Burial?Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Burial?Lattin Matilda Ruth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth6 May 1868Chatfield Cora Ann
 Birth6 September 1869Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Birth7 April 1871Chatfield Emma Mary
 Birth15 August 1872Chatfield Willard Meyers
 Birth11 April 1875Chatfield Henry Albert
 Birth6 December 1878Chatfield Berlin
 Census1880Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Census1880Chatfield Henry Albert
 Residence1880Chatfield Berlin
 Census1880Miller Sarah Ann
 Residence1880Chatfield Willard Meyers
 Census1880Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Residence1880Chatfield Emma Mary
 Residence1880Chatfield Cora Ann
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Census1900Miller Sarah Ann
 Residence1940 (previously 1935)Hibbs W Gordon
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Dratt Abram M
 Census1850? Nancy
 Census1850Purdy Merritt
 Census1850Purdy Charles E
 Census1850Sears Amanda
 Birth1851Dratt Ann Eliza
 BirthFebruary 1852Dratt John L
 BirthMay 1856Dratt William R
 Birth1859Dratt Abram Lincoln
 Census1860Chatfield Sarah E
 Census1860Purdy Charles E
 Census1860Chatfield Eveline
 Census1860Purdy Merritt
 Census1860Dratt William R
 Census1860Sears Amanda
 Census1860Dratt John L
 Census1860Coffinger Betsey
 Census1860Dratt Abram M
 Census1860Dratt Abram Lincoln
 Census1860Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Census1860Dratt Mary Frances
 Census1860Chatfield Jesse Raymond
 Census1860Dratt Ann Eliza
 Census1860Chatfield Sybil Mariah
 Census1860Chatfield Mary P
 Birthabout 1861Dratt Eva
 Birthabout 1863Dratt Jennie
 Census4 August 1870Purdy Merritt
 Census1870Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Death1877Dratt Abram M
 Census1880Chatfield Sarah E
 Census1880Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Census1880Dratt John L
 Census1880Dratt Lena Frances
 Census1880Dratt Eva
 Census1880Dratt Jennie
 Census1880Dratt Minnie V
 Census1880Dratt Abram Lincoln
 Census1892Dratt Abram Lincoln
20 century
 Census1900Dratt John L
 Census1900Chatfield Sarah E
 Census1900Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Census1900Lattin William
 Census1900Dratt William R
 Census1900Dratt Lena Frances
 Death24 February 1907Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Death24 December 1907Chatfield Sarah E
 Census1910Dratt William R
 Census1910Dratt John L
 Census1910Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Death29 December 1917Dratt William R
 Census1920Lattin William
 Census1920Lattin Matilda Ruth
 Census1920Vought Edith I.
 Death8 November 1921Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Census1930Dratt Lena Frances
 Census1930Chatfield Sarah Caroline
 Census1930Chatfield Elizabeth Joyce
 Census1930Chatfield Mary Louise
 Census1930Chatfield Virginia Lee
 Census1930Chatfield Laverne Kenneth
 Census1930Grant Nathan J
 Census1930Chatfield Florence Katherine
 Census1930Chatfield James Shaw
 Census1930Tatum Elizabeth Madilene
 Census1930Chatfield Charles Purdy
 Census1930Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Census1930Chatfield Jesse Franklin
 Census1930Chatfield Donald Phillip
 Birth7 February 1932Johnson Robert Edward
 Death22 October 1936Grant Nathan J
 Census1940Lash Lewis Raymond
 Census1940Lash Virginia L
 Census1940Lash Issue 3
 Census1940Chatfield Laverne Kenneth
 Census1940Chatfield Elizabeth Joyce
 Census1940Chatfield Florence Katherine
 Census1940Chatfield Virginia Lee
 Census1940Tatum Elizabeth Madilene
 Census1940Chatfield William Gordon
 Census1940Chatfield James Shaw
 Death30 March 1958Dratt Lena Frances
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Sarah E
 Burial?Dratt John L
 Burial?Valentine Celestia Evelyn
 Burial?Grant Nathan J
 Burial?Dratt Lena Frances
 Burial?Dratt Abram M
 Burial?Dratt William R
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth7 March 1808Chatfield Levi Starr
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage8 September 1805Chatfield Enos with Starr Hannah
 Birth27 January 1810Chatfield Andrew Gould
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Green Marie Elizabeth
 Census1940Van Scoyk Paul Edward
 Census1940Van Scoyk Diane Nyra
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940? Izra
 Census1940King Roland
 Census1940King Daniel W
 Census1940King Warren
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth21 May 1832Macomber Phoebe Cordelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1840Hawley Truman
 Census1840Ingraham Lydia
 Census4 October 1850Ingraham Lydia
 Census1850Hawley Edward B
 Census1850Jones Egbert C
 Census1850Hawley Joel L
 Census1850Hawley Jane
 Census1860Hawley Jane
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Amy
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Hawley Truman
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Hawley Ellen
 Census1875 (previously 1870)Chatfield Amy
 Census1875 (previously 1870)Hawley Joel E \ T
 Census1875 (previously 1870)Hawley Truman
 Census1880Hawley Joel E \ T
 Census1880Hawley Jane
 Census1880Jones Egbert C
20 century
 Census1900Jones Charles L
 Census1900Reed Mary Lena
 Census1900Jones Egbert C
 Census1900Hawley Jane
 Census1900Chatfield Amy
 Census1900Jones Franklin E
 Census1910Jones Franklin E
 Census1910Jones Clara Madeline
 Census1910Jones Charles L
 Census1910Hawley Jane
 Census1910Chatfield Amy
 Census1910Jones Egbert C
 Census1910Reed Mary Lena
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Richmond Elijah V
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Beam Conrad Laura
 Burial?Card William
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Card William
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Lacey Carrie A
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Card Hazel M
 Census1910Card William
 Death1912Card William
 Census1930Chatfield Estella
 Census1930Chatfield David Asa
 Census1930Chatfield William David
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Kinney Alanson
 Census1930Kinney Mary E
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Harper Lola M
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Kinney Ira Neal
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death20 September 1869Sherwood Sally
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth5 September 1847Emery Ogden Levi
 Census1850Hitchcock Ruth
 Census1850Hitchcock Delia M \ N
 Census1850Hitchcock George S
 Census1850Hitchcock Milo J
 Census1850Hitchcock Phebe
 Census1850Sherwood Sally
 Census1850Hitchcock Jesse
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1855Hitchcock Ruth
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Hitchcock Jesse
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Sherwood Sally
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Hitchcock Phebe
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Hitchcock Delia M \ N
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Hitchcock George S
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Hitchcock Milo J
 Census1870 (previously 1865)Hitchcock Milo J
 Census1870 (previously 1865)Tracy Ellen L
 Census1880Hitchcock Milo J
 Census1880Tracy Ellen L
20 century
 Census1900? Louise A
 Census1910? Louise A
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Hitchcock Milo J
 Census1920? Louise A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1 October 1819Emery Amos Gardiner
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Chatfield Delia Alma
 Residence1850Chatfield Zina Bradley
 Residence1850Chatfield Orlando Decaloes
 Residence1850Chatfield Enos
 Residence1850Chatfield Lucy A
 Residence1850Chatfield Phoebe Jane
 Residence1850Chatfield Joseph Starr
 Residence1850Jelliff Mary
 Residence1850Starr Hannah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 DeathDecember 1968Boser Lillian Elizabeth
 DeathJanuary 1978Tyler George Grover
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Ingraham Mary Ann
18 century
 Marriage1798Chatfield William C with Goodrich Hope
19 century
 Marriage1802Chatfield Silas with Grover Rachel
 Birth23 July 1805Chatfield Guy Carleton
 Birthabout 1805Eames Sarah
 Birth25 August 1807Chatfield Lewis Coy
 Birth28 October 1809Chatfield Nancy
 Birth1810Chatfield Fanny M
 BirthJuly 1813Chatfield Amy
 Birth23 October 1813Chatfield Lydia C
 Birth13 April 1815Chatfield Rachel
 Birth1815Chatfield William M
 Death7 April 1821Chatfield Albert L
 Birth8 September 1822Ingraham Dwight
 Birth1827Chatfield Smith
 Birth1835Chatfield Asahel C
 Birth4 December 1842Doty John Wesley
 Birth18 July 1844Stevens Daniel Wade
 Birth1845Chatfield Sybil Mariah
 Death19 May 1847Chatfield Smith
 Birth11 June 1866Brewer Edwin P
 Birth25 August 1873Fritz Edith I.
 Death9 February 1885Chatfield Amy
20 century
 Marriage9 August 1914Libbey George with Bessey Viola Esther
 Census1920Chatfield Anna Estelle
 Census1920Chatfield Isabel Delphine
 Census1920Knight Myrtle Adele
 Census1920Chatfield Anson Lee
 Census1920Chatfield Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Park Mary Ethel
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Coombs Herbert S
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Barney John
 Burial?Chatfield Ezekiel
 Burial?Chatfield Catherine Amanda
 Burial?Chatfield Louisa Marie
 Burial?Barney Abigail P
 Burial?Chatfield Belerma
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth12 January 1828Johnson Esther Melita
 Birth21 May 1864Weed Arthur Henry
20 century
 Marriage15 February 1912Mc Grew J Clyde with Chatfield Rosalia
 Marriage3 May 1919Sisson Clark Rawson with Chatfield Alberta C
 Death8 October 1922Pierce Elsie Anna
 Marriage11 September 1923Alexander George I. with Borstorff Eva May
 Marriage12 June 1926Chatfield Walter Myers with Richardson Elizabeth Russell
 Marriage27 December 1931Ingerson Roger Earl with Chatfield Merle Amber
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Krickovich John
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage22 August 1925Daggett Durland Chatfield with Corwin Gladys Marie
 Birth11 April 1930Rennells Elsie
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death19 February 1830Reynolds Sarah
 Birth1848Bliss John H
 BirthFebruary 1864Lattimer Walter Scott
 Death9 September 1868Chatfield Cyrus
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 January 1814Rose George H
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage17 September 1937Woodward Joseph Cutler with Chatfield Emily Bullard
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Fiske Frances E
 Burial?Tennies Raymond A
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Burial?Wilson Eliza Margaretta
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1820Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Census1830Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Census1840Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Census1850Dibblee Margaret Wilson
 Census1850Wilson Eliza Margaretta
 Census1850Wilson Eliza Margaretta
 Census1850Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Census1855Dibblee Issue 8
 Census1855Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Census1855Dibblee Margaret Wilson
 Death20 February 1864Dibblee Richard Harvey
 Death15 June 1879Wilson Eliza Margaretta
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Christening?Chatfield William J
 Birth?Stowe Issue 6
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Luana M
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940? Anna V
 Census1940Stramiello Anna
 Census1940Stramiello James F
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 BirthFebruary 1797Cotton Jerusha
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Residence1875Graves Issue 4
 Residence1875Graves Marvin Bernal
 Residence1875Killom Marietta Miranda
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920Kinney Keith
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Kinney Edith
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Kinney Mary
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Kinney Orr O
 Census1930 (previously 1920)? Lillian
 Census1930Kinney Pearl
 Census1930Kinney Orr
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Christening3 October 1802Hayford Altana
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1 June 1873Crego Stephen B
 Birth6 October 1875Bessey Oscar Eugene
 Birth23 July 1877Bessey Arby Ellis
 Birth27 May 1880Bessey Edward Eugene
 Census1880Chatfield Viola Jane
 Census1880Chatfield Harriet E
 Census1880Bessey Edward Eugene
 Census1880Bessey Arby Ellis
 Census1880Bessey Wellington L
 Birth26 May 1882Bessey Lucinda May
 Birth31 January 1884Bessey Grace B
 Birth29 November 1895Bessey Viola Esther
20 century
 Census1900Bessey Viola Esther
 Residence1900Bessey Wellington L
 Residence1900Bessey Arby Ellis
 Residence1900Bessey Nyra Ethel
 Residence1900Chatfield Viola Jane
 Birth1914Van Scoyk Evelyn Ethel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Chatfield Rheuba Jane
 Census1850Chatfield Jesse Billing
 Census1850Chatfield Sybil Mariah
 Census1850Chatfield Eveline
 Census1850Coffinger Betsey
 Census1850Chatfield Mary P
 Census1850Chatfield Jesse Raymond
 Census1870Crego Stephen B
 Census1870Crego Laura W
 Census1870? Jane O
 Census1870Crego Milo H
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1865Stickles Mary T
 Census1870Stickles Mary T
 Census1875Stickles Mary T
 Census1875Troll Jacob
 Census1880Troll Jacob
20 century
 Census1900Troll Grace Marion
 Census1900Troll Issue 4
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Stickles Mary T
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Troll Jacob
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1 February 1872Miner Floyd Bentley
 BirthAugust 1872Corning Mary
21 century
 Residence2004Soule Roger Philip
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death7 March 1983Chatfield Winifred Elfreda
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Anisfeld Marochka Borisovna
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1905Chatfield Adelaide
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Pratt Byron J
 Census1880White Charlotte J
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield Jessie Lavina
 Census1940Dent Henry
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth12 March 1809Stoddard Abiram
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Deathabout 1815St John Hannah
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth11 January 1856Brazier Anna Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield-Taylor Otis
 Death16 January 1948Chatfield-Taylor Otis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1 May 1818Kimball Leonard L
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthMarch 1819Chatfield Hiram Henderson
 Birth1822Chatfield William H
 Birth1825Chatfield Sophronia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1 August 1867Cruikshank Millard S
 Census1880Baker Annie Lauria
20 century
 Census1900Baker Annie Lauria
 Census1900Lattimer Dorothy Jean
 Census1900Lattimer George McLaren
 Census1910Lattimer Dorothy Jean
 Census1910Lattimer George McLaren
 Residence1915Lattimer Dorothy Jean
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Cruikshank Millard S
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Baker Annie Lauria
 Census1920Cruikshank Issue 4
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth15 February 1821Chatfield Ira Day
 MarriageFebruary 1839Phelps Samuel with Campbell Dorcas
20 century
 Marriage22 September 1930Fink Charles William with Mase Freda Florence
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth11 June 1899Mase Freda Florence
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Barry Helen
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Fitting Marie Helen
 Census1940Chatfield Clarence Fritcher
 Census1940Chatfield Ann M
 Census1940Clements Dorothea M
 Census1940Chatfield George Clements
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birthabout 1741? ?
 Birth1769Nettleton Daniel
 Birth1775Sickler William
19 century
 Marriageabout 1802Sickler Jacob with Chatfield Hannah Rachel
 Birth1820Knox Edward
20 century
 DeathDecember 1983Thomas Lucile
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death4 April 1929Norton Elisha
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880? Sarah
 Census1880Loonie John
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Chatfield Richard Summer
 Census1880Chatfield Arthur Ives
 Census1880Blake Mary Ada
 Census1880Chatfield Charles James
20 century
 Census1910Chatfield John Laurens
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Pendell Julia A
 Census1930Flagler Julia
 Census1930Pendell Thomas Franklin
 Census1930Pendell Grace C
Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Deathbefore 1687Chatfield Thomas
18 century
 Birth18 December 1797Havens Nancy
19 century
 Death3 November 1899Edwards Esther E
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage1944Chatfield John Farquhar with Noyes Priscilla Ann
21 century
 Death7 July 2017Noyes Priscilla Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Palmer Asa
 Burial?Dayton Eunice
 Burial?Palmer David
 Burial?Palmer Orin Henry
 Burial?Hadlock Nancy A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Immigration30 December 1892Ramage Alexander Sydney
 Immigration25 November 1893Nemec Jan \ John
 Immigration25 November 1893Nemec Emilie
 Immigration25 November 1893Skhrhak Alzbeta L
20 century
 Immigration1903Asson Narciso Giovanni Battista
 Immigration1904Pearson Sander Sigfrid
 Immigration20 December 1907Peploe Daniel Henry Theophilus
 Immigration10 April 1910Barrow Mary Ann
 Immigration10 April 1910Chatfield Adelaide Maud
 Immigration10 April 1910Chatfield Mary
 Immigration1 October 1912Kercsi John
 ImmigrationMarch 1914Easlea George Barnard
 Immigration3 March 1915Ceriani Edward Robert
 Immigration14 October 1923Mercieri Antonio
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth26 July 1829Whitney Harriet Electa
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Bessey Wellington L
 Burial?Chatfield Viola Jane
 Burial?Barker Lucinda
 Burial?Bessey Edward Eugene
 Burial?Bessey Nyra Ethel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth26 March 1894Bessey Nyra Ethel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Knight Howard
 Census1880Knight Francis
 Census1880Knight Myrtle Adele
 Census1880Sincebaugh Delphine
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth9 January 1826Weatherwax Andrew J
 Birth22 July 1831Olcott Carlos Oliver
20 century
 Death20 May 1982Card Terry Michael
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Chatfield Charles James
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Chatfield Francis Albert
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Chatfield Charles James
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Foster Sarah Delia
 Census1860 (previously 1855)Chatfield Ida Elizabeth
 Census1860Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Census1865Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Census1865Chatfield Charles James
 Census1865Chatfield Ida Elizabeth
 Census1865Foster Sarah Delia
 Census1865Chatfield Francis Albert
 Census1880Masters Willis J
 Census1880Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Census1880Masters Julia Lillian
 Census1880Masters Mary E
 Census1880Chatfield Ida Elizabeth
 Census1880Foster Sarah Delia
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Jessie Katheryn
 Census1900Blake Mary Ada
 Census1900Chatfield John Laurens
 Residence1910Chatfield Clayton Calkins
 Census1910Masters Julia Lillian
 Census1910Masters Willis J
 Census1910 (previously 1900)McCray Clarence Watson
 Census1910Little Hattie A
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Census1910 (previously 1900)McCray Elizabeth Foster
 Census1910Chatfield Philip M
 Census1910Chatfield Emma H
 Census1910Chatfield Harry K
 Census1910 (previously 1900)McCray Richard Watson
 Census1910Masters Mary E
 Census1910Chatfield Gilbert B
 Census1920Chatfield Charles James
 Census1920Troll Jacob
 Census1920Chatfield John Blake
 Census1920Stickles Mary T
 Census1920Chatfield John Laurens
 Census1925 (previously 1920)Troll Grace Marion
 Census1940 (previously 1930)McCray Elizabeth Foster
 Census1940Troll Grace Marion
 Census1940Stickles Mary T
 Census1940Chatfield Arthur Ives
 Census1940Chatfield Charles James
 Census1940Troll Jacob
 Census1940Chatfield Mary Blake
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Census1940Chatfield John Blake
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Pert Thomas
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage29 August 1912Lattimer George McLaren with Chatfield Grace Heyerdahl
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Emily
 Burial?Chatfield Charlotte R
 Burial?Chatfield Asa
 Burial?Chatfield Emma C
 Burial?Martin Levina
 Burial?Chatfield Cornelius
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Death30 July 1796Chatfield Cornelius
19 century
 Birth1808Chatfield Charlotte R
 Birth1810Chatfield Cornelius
 Birth6 August 1817Chatfield Clinton
 Census1830Chatfield Cornelius
 Birth10 November 1841Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 Residence1850Chatfield Asa
 Census1850Warner Dolly
 Census1855Chatfield Asa
 Census1855Warner Dolly
 Census1855Chatfield Lovina Frances
 Death8 July 1859Chatfield Asa
 Census1860 (previously 1850)White Margaret
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Frederica L
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Clinton
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Genevieve Louise
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth8 March 1819Roberts Mary Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth11 March 1960Tennies Joan C
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage22 June 1820Chatfield William Asa with Warner Aseneth
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Amy
 Burial?Brahman Anna Amy
 Burial?Chatfield Smith
 Burial?? Hannah L
 Burial?Chatfield David P
 Burial?Chatfield Josiah
 Burial?Chatfield George M
 Burial?Chatfield William M
 Burial?Chatfield Joel
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1791Chatfield Amarilla
 Birth1799Chatfield Charlotte
19 century
 Birth1802Chatfield Lydia
 Death25 June 1811Grover Joseph
 Birth13 July 1817Chatfield Josiah B
 Death11 August 1817Brahman Anna Amy
 Birth12 July 1818Chatfield Amy
 Birth22 August 1824Chatfield John
 Death3 September 1831Chatfield Josiah
 Death20 March 1842Chatfield Joel
 Residence1855Chatfield Helen M
 Residence1855Chatfield Eliza M
 Residence1855Chatfield William M
 Residence1855? Hannah L
 Residence1855Chatfield Andrew Murray
 Residence1855Chatfield David P
 Residence1855Chatfield Laury E
 BirthNovember 1860Chatfield Mary Frances
 Census1860Hall Caleb B
 Census1860Paul Sarah E
 Census1860Hall Emma
 Census1860Hall Charles W
 Census1875Chatfield Miller Lucinda M
 Census1880Hall Ernest
 Census1880Paul Sarah E
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1801Parker Alche
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Pamelia \ Parmela
 Burial?Perry Marshall
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death23 May 1952McCray Clarence Watson
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage16 September 1721Pelletreau Francis with Osborn Jane
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Smith Mary Ann
 Burial?Shields William
 Burial?Chatfield Reuben
 Burial?Chatfield Jemima
 Burial?Davis Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthFebruary 1829Marble John Milton
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Hinman Willis A
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Merritt Marion K
 Census1920Hinman Issue 4
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Hinman Willis A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth8 August 1856Gill Harriet Augusta
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield David Asa
 Burial?Hull Mary Eizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1905Nettleton Lorenzo D
 Census1930Castleman Gladys M
 Census1930Crolick Andrew
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Castleman Harry B
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Castleman Harry Bernard
 Census1940 (previously 1930)North Palmer Laura L
 Marriage6 July 1957Chatfield Franklin Frederick with Patrick Marlene
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1814Chatfield Alonzo
 Birth1820Chatfield Coradon Richard
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Tyler Virginia M
 Census1930Sweitzer Bertha A
 Census1930Tyler Clarence Jay
 Census1930Tyler Rex D
 Census1930Tyler Clarence Scull
 Census1930Tyler Guinevere
 Census1930Tyler Charles V
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1865Chatfield Frances G
 Census1865Chatfield Charles S
 Census1865Russell Sarah Elizabeth
 Census1865Chatfield Russell F
 Census1865Chatfield Mary R
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth27 September 1847Wight Anna C
 Residence1860 (previously 1855)Wight Niram L
 Census1860Dye Martha A
 Residence1860 (previously 1855)Wight Anna C
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth23 November 1854Chatfield Leston Orson
20 century
 Death13 August 1976Chatfield William David
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1915Houbertz Edith H
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Clarence Henry
 Census1900Irwin Ida May
 Census1900Chatfield Irwin Harvey
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Libbey Ida Belle
 Census1940Libbey Leah H
 Census1940Libbey Roy E
 Census1940Bessey Viola Esther
 Census1940Libbey Melvin G
 Census1940Libbey Glen Edward
 Census1940Libbey George
 Census1940Libbey Grover E
 Census1940Libbey Bertha A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1862Lowden Mary Helen
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Goebel Edgar D
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1925Chatfield Morton Thomas
 Census1925Ellison Leoline
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Chatfield Darius
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth15 February 1787Hoag William M
 Birth1795Woodworth Hannah
19 century
 Marriageabout 1812Fairchild Henry with Woodworth Hannah
 Birth13 May 1813Chatfield Laura Robinson
 Birth1814Chatfield Polly
 Birth4 December 1817Phelps Samuel
 Birth24 June 1824Chatfield Caroline
 Birth13 September 1827Fairchild Hannah
 BirthSeptember 1836Chatfield Eben S
 BirthSeptember 1842Peckham Maryette
 BirthMarch 1861Chatfield Herbert Arthur
 Birth2 April 1862Chatfield Irene P
 Marriage2 April 1865Chatfield Samuel Willis with Newcombe Elizabeth
 Marriage20 October 1886Enderlin Edward S with Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 BirthApril 1889Chatfield Genevieve
20 century
 Death1901Chatfield Genevieve
 Marriage15 June 1909Chatfield Herbert Arthur with Thomas Lucile
 Marriage2 November 1910Loudon Eugene R with Chatfield Mabel Ida
 Marriage1 July 1920West Jeremiah with Chatfield Henrietta
 Residence1920Dunham Grace Sarah
 Residence1920Newcombe Elizabeth
 DeathFebruary 1973Chatfield Katherine E
 DeathSeptember 1977Richmond Edith L
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth17 March 1845Chatfield Egbert H
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 February 1814Shields Henry
 Birth6 September 1815Shields Polly
 Birth31 August 1817Shields Fanny
 Birth31 January 1820Shields Lewis
 Marriage15 January 1822Chatfield Ezekiel with Barney Abigail P
 Birth13 March 1822Shields Sarah A
 Birth5 March 1826Chatfield James Merrill
 Birth27 April 1829Shields David
 Birth22 September 1829Chatfield John Ezekiel
 Birth26 May 1832Shields Della \ Delia \ Dilla
 Birth11 November 1832Kemp Sumner
 Birth15 August 1837Shields Mercy Jane
 Birth24 August 1837Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Residence1840Shields William
 Marriage20 May 1847Bogardus William with Shields Sarah A
 Census1850Barber Melinda
 Residence1850? Wealthy
 Census1850Prentice Jane C
 Residence1850Kemp Oliver
 Residence1850Kemp Sumner
 Residence1850Shields James
 Census1850Paddleford Casiah \ Keziah
 Census1850Chatfield James Merrill
 Census1850Davis Jacob
 Census1850Kemp Lucinda
 Census1850Dake Tompkins
 Census1850Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Census1850Chatfield John Ezekiel
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Shields William
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Chatfield Jemima
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Shields Mercy Jane
 Residence1855 (previously 1850)Shields Della \ Delia \ Dilla
 Census1860Chatfield John E
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Barney Abigail P
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Valda E
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Ezekiel
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Cornelia
 Birth1861Kemp Elmer Sumner
 Death17 May 1865Chatfield Ezekiel
 Census1865Barney Abigail P
 Census1865Chatfield Cornelia
 Census1865Chatfield Valda E
 Census1865Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Census1865Chatfield John E
 Death6 August 1870Shields William
 Census1870Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Census1870Prentice Jane C
 Residence1875Chatfield Jemima
 Residence1875Kemp Hattie A
 Residence1875Kemp Addie L
 Residence1875Scott Florence G
 Death2 March 1876Chatfield Jemima
 Census1880Dake Edgar T
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Kemp Eva T
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Shields Della \ Delia \ Dilla
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Kemp Elmer Sumner
 Residence1880Kemp Truman P
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Kemp Sumner
 Census1880Chatfield Valda Davis
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Kemp Edith G
 Census1880Chatfield Valda E
 Census1880Barney Abigail P
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Kemp Frederick H
 Census1880Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Census1880Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 Census1880Chatfield John E
 Census1880Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Scott Byron L
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Residence1892Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Residence1892Kemp Sumner
 Marriage10 April 1895Clyne Elman V with Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 Death15 July 1897Chatfield Valda E
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Census1900Chatfield John E
 Census1900Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Census1900Chatfield Valda Davis
 Death15 July 1907Chatfield Abigail Lavanda
 Census1910Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Census1910Chatfield Valda Eugene
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Census1910Chatfield John E
 Census1910Park Mary Ethel
 Census1910Chatfield Valda Davis
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Dake Edgar T
 Census1910Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Census1920Chatfield John E
 Death5 May 1922Davis Clarrissa Ann
 Death26 October 1930Chatfield John E
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Census1930Chatfield John E
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Dake Edgar T
 Census1930Williston Mary Alena
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Valda Davis
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Park Mary Ethel
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Valda Eugene
 Census1940Chatfield Valda Davis
 Census1940Chatfield Mary Theresa
 Census1940Chatfield Valda Eugene
 Census1940Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Census1940Williston Mary Alena
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Skutt William
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage9 February 1820Ingraham Dwight with Chatfield Lydia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 DeathMarch 1855Wooster Ebenezer
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 October 1850Turk Jacob Henry
 Birth4 March 1856Turk Ida Catherine
 Census1860Turk John Hyde
 Census1860Turk Jacob Henry
 Census1860Hyde Sarah Jane
 Census1860Turk Ida Catherine
 Census1860Turk Lyman
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth15 August 1802Davis Jacob
 Census1820Davis Mary
21 century
 Death27 April 2017Swinnington Chatfield Nancy Jane
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death28 January 1880Pierce William
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1855Alexander George I.
 Census1855Camp Clarica \ Clarissa
 Census1855Alexander Simon
20 century
 Marriage28 October 1914Munn Charles Wilbur with Thomas Dora Ellen
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage27 May 1903Stock John with Chatfield Nina A
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1933Chatfield Oliver J
 Census1940Chatfield Ruth F
 Census1940Chatfield Lois A
 Census1940Chatfield Harold Brandon
 Census1940Chatfield Olive Grayce
 Census1940Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Census1940Hall Ruth V
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Helen G
 Census1900Chatfield Dorothy
 Census1900Chatfield Walter Stoddard
 Census1900McGee Phoebe E
 Census1900Chatfield Mildred Caroline
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Pearl Patricia
 Census1940Beechey Athalie Gladys
 Census1940Pearl Lester Eugene
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Census1790Chatfield Cornelius
19 century
 Birth27 March 1828Clary Daniel A
 Death2 August 1847Bruce Zelpha\Zilpha
 Birth24 February 1853Ackerman Delos
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hotchkiss Thankful
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Pratt Byron J
 Census1900Pratt Clarence J
 Census1900White Charlotte J
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield Judith Ann
 Census1940Chatfield Allison Hodgson
 Census1940Chatfield Sandra Faye
 Census1940License Hazel Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?McCray Lillian Retta
 Burial?La Fever Edith Agnes
 Burial?McCray Elizabeth Foster
 Burial?McCray Charles Chatfield
 Burial?Troll Jacob
 Burial?Chatfield Charles James
 Burial?Blake Mary Ada
 Burial?Chatfield Lillian Foster
 Burial?Chatfield Charles James
 Burial?Stickles Mary T
 Burial?McCray Richard Watson
 Burial?McCray Clarence Watson
 Burial?Chatfield Richard Summer
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Troll Grace Marion
 Burial?Chatfield John Laurens
 Burial?Chatfield Richard Troll
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death20 June 1834Prindle Lewis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth31 July 1849Emery John Miller
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Chatfield Harold Gould
 Census1910Long Margaret Breckinridge
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Purdy Merritt
 Burial?Sears Amanda
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death13 September 1812Buckingham John
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth30 June 1921Williams Charlotte V
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Henrietta
 Census1900Clark Ruth A
 Census1900Chatfield Genevieve
 Census1900Chatfield Herbert Arthur
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Deathabout 1810Hinman Ebenezer Eben
 Marriage9 July 1812Hinman Elijah with Hodge Anna
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1905Chatfield Lena G
 Birth23 August 1911Richardson Elizabeth May
 Census1920Fink Julia
 Census1920Richardson Albert
 Census1920Richardson Franklin L
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Immigration6 February 1955? Arabella
 Immigration6 February 1955Judd Ross B
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920Libbey George
 Census1920Libbey Ida Belle
 Census1920Bessey Viola Esther
 Census1920Libbey Grover E
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 DeathJune 1978Edwards Myrtle Naomi
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Lockwood John
 Census1860? Roxana
 Census1860Lockwood Betsey
 Census1870? Roxana
 Census1870Lockwood John
 Death14 September 1880Lockwood John
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Hall Ruth V
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Crego Evelyn J
 Burial?Fish Amanda
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death29 March 1872Crego Evelyn J
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Barker Orrin
 Burial?Horton Cornelia J
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage5 September 1838Harvey Joseph with Biggs Rozilaner H
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1805McCumber - McEmber Sylvester Squire
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth8 May 1848Porter Sylvia Eugenia
 Census1850Rarrick Edgar
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Davis Jacob
 Burial?Prentice Jane C
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1 February 1882Davis Jacob
 Death29 January 1894Prentice Jane C
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 DeathFebruary 1868Hazen Jonathan Williard
 Census1880Hazen Frank
 Census1880Chatfield Hannah
 Census1880Southwick Betsey Allen
 Census1880Hazen Daniel Chatfield
 DeathJanuary 1881Chatfield Hannah
 Death28 February 1888Hazen Daniel Chatfield
 Census1892Skutt Jessie B
20 century
 Census1900Nichols Fannie M
 Census1900Skutt Jessie B
 Census1900Skutt William
 Census1900Nichols George Daniel
 Census1905Nichols Fannie M
 Census1905Skutt William
 Census1905Skutt Jessie B
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Lattimer Dorothy Jean
20 century
 Census1920? Jessie Octavia
 Census1920Camp Walter Clement
 Census1920Camp Walter Clement
21 century
 Death28 May 2006Costne Katharyn M
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage4 May 1881Thayer John Van Buren with Chatfield Lizzie Brooks
 Marriage1 August 1892Edwards Alfred Francis with Young Fannie Chatfield
20 century
 Marriage2 June 1903Chatfield Henry Whitney with Doxey Mabel (Mabelle) Gertrude
 Census1915Chatfield Harrison Palmer
 Residence1920Chatfield Morton Thomas
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Clyne Elman V
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Clyne Marion Claire \ Clarie
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Hotchkiss Thankful
 Census10 June 1880Hotchkiss Thankful
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth20 May 1799Johnson Susannah
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage1869Chatfield Job W with Patterson Mary Jane
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death27 May 1857Chatfield Olive
 Death27 May 1857Crane Joseph Warren
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Card Terry Michael
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Nichols William Harrison
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1925Hollcroft Temple Rice
 Census1940Hollcroft Temple Rice
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1900Brewer Bernice L
 Residence1900Brewer Margery H
 Residence1900Brewer Edwin P
 Census1900Fritz Edith I.
 Residence1900Brewer Lena M
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Marriage?Le Baron David with King Azubah L H
19 century
 Death21 September 1815Le Baron Ruth
 Birth7 October 1816Le Baron Naomi Roxanna
 Birth28 January 1817Le Baron Melissa Bloomfield
 Death4 May 1844Le Baron Huldah
 Death19 February 1851Le Baron Lydia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth3 October 1896O'Leary John Leo
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Lennon Mary Ann
 Census1900Thomas Lucile
 Census1900Thomas Ossian J
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth7 February 1801Arnold Rachel
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Adelaide
 Burial?Pendell Thomas
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth2 September 1853Angell Frank Stephen
 Birth1856Tiffany Miranda Elma
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Jackson Sarah N
 Census1860Blake Mary Ada
 Census1860Blake William
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Orellano Lucas
 Burial?Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Burial?Hall Ruth V
 Burial?Lopez Manuela Maria
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Ellison Issue 3
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Census1880Ellison George Crawford
 Census1880Ellison Leoline
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth13 June 1955Jolicoeller Suzanne
 Residence1966Garland Nancy
 Marriage1 July 1977Cunningham Joel Matthew with Jolicoeller Suzanne
21 century
 Death31 March 2004Lewis Richard James
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Residence1 December 2002Webster Merle Mae
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth14 November 1822Lockwood Esther
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth19 May 1806Rice Horace
 Birth18 May 1851Thomas Dora Ellen
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Douglas Robert L
 Census1940Ryan Rosina
 Census1940Douglas Robert Leslie
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Loud Mary Anna
 Census1900Chatfield Avis May
 Census1900Chatfield Charles Darwin
 Census1900Chatfield Charles Thurston
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Olney Maria Theresa
18 century
 Death30 September 1795Mott William
 Death1795Barrowcliffe Martha
19 century
 Birth20 August 1842Loveland Caroline
 DeathFebruary 1856Loveland Hanford
 Birth22 February 1858Chatfield Edwin Eugene
 Marriage13 August 1858Rogers William H with Chatfield Louise Burr
 Birth11 October 1859Chatfield Henry
 Residence1859Chatfield Barton Lewis
 Birth12 May 1860Cleary Frances Louise
 Birth12 December 1867Rogers William H
 Birth13 February 1869Rogers Ella
 Birth23 October 1870Loonie Mary Loretta
 Marriageabout 1871Chatfield John with Edwards Adelia Evelyn
 Death18 February 1872Smith Clara Estella
 Birth11 August 1873Chatfield Daniel J
 Birth18 December 1875Chatfield Harold Gould
 BirthDecember 1875Chatfield Robert Lee
 Marriage2 October 1877Chatfield Edwin Eugene with Cleary Frances Louise
 Birth2 February 1878Chatfield Lilla F
 Marriage7 November 1878Washburn Eugene Robinson with Strong Fanny Louise
 Marriage2 July 1879Lemont Charles O with Kissam Fannie Jarvis
 Birth1879Brown Christopher William
 Marriage8 April 1880Hinds Charles Jospeh with Kissam Marie Fanny Jarvis
 Census1880Chatfield Charles Darwin
 Birth5 March 1881Chatfield ?
 Birth5 March 1881Chatfield ?
 Birth28 September 1882Halsey Edward
 Marriage1 May 1883Young Edward Price with Malcom Rosaile S Senn
 Marriage29 November 1884Chatfield Charles Darwin with Loud Mary Anna
 Marriage15 April 1885Langdale Frank Robert with Parker Grace Ann
 Marriage22 August 1886Hendrick Fredrick with Chatfield Esther Alvaretta
 Birth21 October 1886Chatfield Charles Thurston
 Marriage10 February 1887Chatfield Oscar John with Fletcher Ella E\H
 Death13 February 1888Gould David Henry
 Birth13 November 1888Chatfield Avis May
 Birth28 December 1890Chatfield Ruby McIntire
 Marriage22 November 1891Fitting George with Frobose Mary M
 Birth19 December 1891Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Marriage1 September 1892Copeland Henry Clay with Kissam Marie Fanny Jarvis
 Death8 October 1894Wheeler Anna Alida
 Birth22 March 1895Chatfield Walter Joseph
 Birth9 November 1897Chatfield Edith Anna
 Marriage21 September 1898Newbury Denwood Norval Livingston with Chatfield Susan
 Birth14 December 1899Kunsman Luther Martin
20 century
 Marriage1 November 1900Muller William with Halsey Mary Lillian
 Death3 December 1900Cantlon Hannah
 Marriage25 December 1900Price Robert A with Chatfield Alice A
 Census1900Chatfield Edith Anna
 Census1900Smith Wilson Fitch
 Census1900Kissam Fannie Jarvis
 Census1900Chatfield Susie May
 Census1900O'Burne Margaret A
 Census1900Smith Isabella M
 Census1900Chatfield Robert Lee
 Residence1900Washburn Eugene Strong
 Census1900Chatfield Walter Clark
 Census1900Fritcher Ella Gertrude
 Residence1900Washburn Clifford M
 Census1900Chatfield Martha Ann
 Residence1900Washburn Eugene Robinson
 Residence1900Landman Clarence Everett
 Census1900Eagle Isabella C
 Census1900Copeland Henry Clay
 Census1900Strong Florence
 Residence1900Strong Fanny Louise
 Residence1900Strong Alice
 Census1900Copeland Frances Louise
 Census1900Chatfield Frank Edward
 Census1900Ellison Leoline
 Census1900Strong Mary E
 Census1900Chatfield Daniel J
 Census1900Chatfield Clarence Fritcher
 Census1900Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Census1900Chatfield Arden
 Census1900Cantlon Hannah
 Census1900Chatfield Walter Joseph
 Census1900Smith Fitch William
 Census1900Strong William Brown
 Marriage17 February 1902Geelan George B with Higgins Kathryne Ann
 Death28 February 1902Chatfield Margaret Eliza
 Marriage3 March 1902Wylie Samuel Brown with Crease Emily Melvin
 Birth12 January 1903Chatfield Edwin J
 Marriage21 January 1903Oakes Francis James with Prather Mary
 Marriage14 July 1903Strong William Brown with Martin Hester Elizabeth
 Marriage26 October 1903Chatfield Arden with Youngman - Smith Elizabeth
 Death18 February 1904Chatfield Martha Ann
 Death1 March 1904Chatfield Arden
 Marriage23 November 1904Chatfield Augustus Sherwood with Oakes Lillian Mary
 Death8 March 1905Prior Mariette
 Death8 April 1905Micou William Henry
 Census1905Griesel John H
 Census1905Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Census1905Ellison Leoline
 Census1905Chatfield Douglas Howard
 Census1905Chatfield Harold Wheeler
 Census1905Chatfield Hazen
 Census1905Chatfield Edna Frances
 Census1905Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1905Chatfield William A
 Census1905Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1905Copeland Henry Clay
 Census1905Rogers Nellie Hatch
 Census1905Chatfield Morton Thomas
 Census1905Loonie Mary Loretta
 Marriage17 February 1906White John with Hawley Ruth Irene
 Marriage2 April 1906Thomas Frank L with Chatfield Lillian May
 Marriage27 June 1906Chatfield George Romer with Scruton Grace Corey
 Birth30 June 1907Treacy Mabel E
 Marriage16 December 1907Loving Lucas Powell with Chatfield Ethel
 Birth28 December 1907Steil Carl John Martin
 Death8 February 1908Smith Fitch William
 Death3 September 1908Chatfield Robert Lee
 Death2 February 1909Lathrop Levi Chapman
 Birth1909Treacy Dorothy
 Marriage24 August 1910Warner Arthur Gaius with Chambers Bertha
 Census1910Scruton Frederick H
 Census1910Chatfield Mabel E
 Census1910Chatfield George Romer
 Census1910Rogers Nellie Hatch
 Census1910Pullen Charlotte P
 Census1910 (previously 1900)White Mary Kate
 Census1910Griesel John H
 Census1910Chatfield Stella
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Kunsman Luther Martin
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Strong George Lewis
 Census1910Scruton Grace Corey
 Census1910Treacy John Vincent
 Marriage27 March 1912Chatfield Harvey Strong with Lathrop Florence Graves
 Death22 September 1912Treacy Infant
 Birth1912Treacy Infant
 Marriage29 March 1913Chatfield William A with May Helen Louise
 Death22 October 1914Gould Mary B
 Marriage17 April 1915Mika Gaza Henry with Weaver Frances Smith
 Marriage10 June 1915Horner Ralph Burroughs with Everts Helen Louise
 Marriage29 November 1916Lee Maurice Du Pont with Shaw Geraldine S
 Death30 March 1917Watson Frances Coralin
 Marriage29 August 1918Naegele William Anton with Erkenbeck Mable
 Marriage12 July 1919Edwards Irving Chatfield with Wood Florence Mary
 Marriage6 September 1919Hawkins Jesse Reully with Chatfield Emma
 Marriage30 April 1920Freligh Wesley Henry with Chatfield Cornellia Caroline
 Census1920Edwards Irving Chatfield
 Census1920Bates Sylvia Chatfield
 Residence1920 (previously 1910)? Frieda M
 Residence1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield William Henry
 Census1920Edwards Ruth
 Census1920Wood Florence Mary
 Census1920Chatfield Cornellia Caroline
 Death18 March 1923Strong George Lewis
 Marriage6 October 1923Hawley William Washington with Tilghman Emma J
 Death13 March 1926Chatfield Louise Burr
 Marriage2 October 1926Chatfield George Clements with Fitting Marie Helen
 Marriage5 November 1928Chatfield-Taylor Robert Farwell with Palmer Valborg Edison
 Marriage29 May 1930Zadeik Peter Paul with Stolz Alice Caroline
 Death10 November 1930Kissam Fannie Jarvis
 Marriage31 December 1930Vivola Lawrence with Chatfield Betsey H
 Census1930Kissam Fannie Jarvis
 Census1930Ellison Leoline
 Census1930Chatfield Emily Bullard
 Census1930Chatfield Inez Cowie
 Census1930Castner Ella B
 Census1930Chatfield William Edwin
 Census1930Chatfield Nettie Louise
 Census1930Turano Samuel Thomas
 Census1930Kissam Marie Fanny Jarvis
 Census1930Copeland Henry Clay
 Census1930Chatfield Morton Thomas
 Census1930Chatfield Josephine Wright
 Death27 August 1932White Mary Kate
 Marriage17 January 1933Van Abshoven Cornelius with Summer Elma Elizabeth
 Marriage8 November 1936Dayton James Ward with Beach Sophie
 Death24 June 1939Chatfield William Edwin
 Death20 November 1939Copeland Frances Louise
 Census1940Chittenden George Hastings
 Census1940Young Phyllis
 Census1940? Helen
 Census1940Oakes Margaret E
 Census1940Richardson Elizabeth Russell
 Census1940Oakes Lillian Mary
 Census1940Chatfield June A
 Census1940Chatfield Victor Ramage
 Census1940Chatfield Raymond Cornell
 Census1940Landman Terence Kenon
 Census1940Landman Charles
 Census1940Landman Dorothy
 Census1940Chittenden Marjorie Lee
 Census1940Landman Jeannette
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Freligh Wesley Henry
 Census1940Chatfield Mabel A
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Cornellia Caroline
 Census1940Chittenden Horace Washburn
 Census1940Chittenden Katharine Hastings
 Census1940Hastings Katherine Panet
 Census1940Chatfield Raymond
 Death8 April 1942Rogers Nellie Hatch
 Death16 January 1943Leonard Laura Helen
 Death13 September 1947Gilbert Elisha Morgan
 Marriage1951Boyer Daniel with Kahn Eleanor
 Marriage1960Braguin Simeon with Benson Janet
21 century
 Death24 September 2003Bell James Ford
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death31 December 1931Ellison Leoline
 Census1940Leach Harry Alexander
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Lopez Manuela Maria
 Census1940Bittman Charlotte Bessy
 Census1940Stevens Rachel
 Census1940Bittman Harry Clarence
 Census1940Martin Frances Chatfield Irwin
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Orellano Plato Lopez
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Orellano Lucas
 Marriage24 April 1965Henneman Gerry Allen with Ippolito Geraldine
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage28 June 1898Cole George Edwin with Cool Edith
20 century
 Death13 July 1913Sanford Gay Raymond
 Birth14 July 1929Orellano Plato Lopez
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage22 April 1868White Joseph with Stewart Sarah
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Thomas Babcock
 Census1900Schwab Rose
 Birth27 June 1903Whalen Emma May
 Birth14 November 1906Chatfield Eunice
 Census1910Chatfield Thomas Babcock
 Census1910Muller Joanna Abeel
 Census1910Schwab Rose
 Death28 May 1915Smith Abbie Eunice
 Death17 December 1919Chatfield Thomas Babcock
 Marriage1927Egginton Sidney J R with Alcorn Ivy Edith
 Death16 November 1929Mitchell Charles Edward
 Census1930Macaulay Irene May
 Marriage18 September 1935Ross Arthur with Chatfield Helena May
 Marriage27 February 1936Chatfield Harrison Palmer with Isham Dovoll Joanna
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Soule Amasa J
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Samuel Willis
 Burial?Bleigh Charlotte
 Burial?Newcombe Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death24 October 1961Chatfield Austin Newcombe
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth7 March 1797Brown Phebe
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Daniel
 Burial?Sheffield Sarah Ann
 Burial?Wilmot Luther Rowley
 Burial?Chatfield Abiram Parker
 Burial?Wilmot Julia
 Burial?Parker Alche
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death13 November 1817Ransom Whitman Valentine
 Death5 October 1876Wilmot Luther Rowley
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Wooster Ebenezer
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Howell Samuel H
 Burial?Chatfield Julia Ann
 Burial?Chatfield Henry Mulford
 Burial?Havens Nancy
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1915DeBotti Ethel Louise
 Census1925DeBotti Ethel Louise
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Clyne Elman V
 Burial?Williston Mary Alena
 Burial?Davis Clarrissa Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Park Mary Ethel
 Burial?Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 Burial?Dake Edgar T
 Burial?Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Burial?Chatfield Valda Eugene
 Burial?Chatfield Valda E
 Burial?Chatfield John E
20 century
 Burial22 July 1949Chatfield Valda Davis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1875Brown Eudora F
 Census1875? Carolyn
 Census1875Brown William C
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Kemp William L
 Census1900Kemp Elmer Sumner
 Census1900Weaver Hattie A\g
 Census1900Kemp George E
 Birthabout 1907Kemp Melvin E
 Census1910Rider Marion L
 Census1910Kemp Claude W
 Census1910Kemp Melvin E
 Census1910Kemp William L
 Census1920Kemp Claude W
 Census1920Kemp William L
 Census1920Rider Marion L
 Census1920Kemp Frances
 Census1920Kemp Melvin E
 Census1920Kemp Stanley
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Carlie Theresa
 Census1900Clyne Elman V
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth5 September 1811Hobart Peter
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth14 March 1818Sipperly Friederich Willem
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1858Barton Emma
20 century
 Census1920Chatfield Cuyler White
 Census1920Chatfield Margaret J
 Census1920Pococke Edith May
 Census1920Chatfield Cuyler Renny
 Census1920Chatfield Egbert H
 Census1920Chatfield Muriel Adeline
 Marriage8 April 1921Chatfield Arthur E with Graham Florence M
 Marriage17 June 1925Witty Raymond J with Goodell Grace
 DeathMarch 1971Chatfield Bessie E
 DeathJune 1981Pococke Edith May
 Death28 October 1984Goodell Grace
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1789Halstead Virtue
20 century
 Census1910Wing Clarence E
 Census1915? Marion A
 Census1930 (previously 1920)? Marion A
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Wing Marion A
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Wing Clarence E
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Wing Coburn E
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Stevens Rachel
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death10 November 1938Chatfield Kenneth
 Death9 February 1943Chatfield Mabel B
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Isbell Myron
 Burial?Timothy Frances
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Eli
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Ayer Laura Dwight
 Census1930Chatfield Helen A
 Census1930Chatfield Thomas Dwight
 Census1930Falz Henry
 Census1940Falz Sallie D
 Census1940Ayer Laura Dwight
 Census1940Chatfield Helen A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1848Garrison Hiram
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Eleanor Celeste
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield William Luzerne
 Burial?Fuller Charlotte Celeste
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield Sherwood Clarke
 Census1940Spence Helen Kirtland
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage8 November 1772Woodward Josiah with Chatfield Abigail
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth4 March 1781Chatfield Esajas
 Birth8 June 1783Chatfield David
 Birth8 July 1788Chatfield Jacob
 Death10 August 1790Chatfield Jacob
 Birth1 January 1792Chatfield Reuken
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940? Beatrice L \ M
 Census1940Pendell George R
 Census1940Pendell Thomas
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1915Chatfield Ambrose Nicholas
 Census1915Ellison Leoline
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage1797Matteson Thomas A with Clark Jemina
19 century
 Birth1835Isham Charles Hyde
 Marriage1840Prime Claudius Buchanan with Cotrel Mary
 Census1850Badger William
 Census1850Badger George
 Census1850Badger Milton
 Census1850Hatch Frances J
 Census1850Munger Clarissa
 Census1850Chatfield Louise Burr
 Census1860Chatfield Harvey Strong
 Census1860Chatfield William Swift
 Census1860Chatfield Levi Starr
 Census1860Swift Abigail Maria
 Census1860Chatfield Helen Mary
 Marriage26 June 1861Isham Charles Hyde with Muller Joanna Abeel
 BirthApril 1862Frobose Mary M
 Census1870Dean William Franklin
 Birth26 October 1871Lathrop Florence Graves
 Birth8 October 1877Isham Dovoll Joanna
 Immigration29 April 1878Herzberg Karl
 Birth10 January 1889Freligh Wesley Henry
 Death18 May 1889Chatfield William Henry
 Death14 August 1890Chatfield Guy Levi
 Birth3 September 1892Whalen John D
 Immigration27 April 1896Brenke August L
20 century
 Birthabout 1902Wood Florence Mary
 ImmigrationAugust 1928Ross Douglas Joseph Howard
 Immigration1934? Margaret Stuart
 Immigration1934Ross Margaret C
 Immigration1934Ross Douglas Joseph Howard
 Residence1939Richardson Elizabeth Russell
 Death5 December 1960Crawford Edward
 Death20 October 1964Hoover Herbert Clark
21 century
 Residence2010Gall Karol J
 Residence2013? Ashley
 Residence2013Moulton Daniel
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth1918Hertz Gustav Crane
 Death3 January 1930Chatfield Douglas
 Birth6 July 1931Chatfield Lois A
 Death30 June 1934Chatfield Emma C
 Birth16 May 1935Byrne Maureen Mary
 Death16 May 1935Byrne Maureen Mary
 Census1940Chatfield Marilyn
 Death12 December 1945Chatfield Jane
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death15 February 1925Halsey Stephen Ellis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1 January 1875Dodd Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Sanford Mary Robinson
18 century
 Birthabout 1795Chatfield John
19 century
 Immigration1823Watson Naomi
 Immigration1838Leigh Lewis
 Immigration1840Chatfield Joseph
 Immigration1840Bongard Jane
 Emigration1840Chatfield Walter
 Immigration1840Chatfield Anne
 Immigration1840Chatfield Lucy Jane
 Immigration1840Chatfield Albert
 Immigration15 December 1855? Hannah \ Johanna
 Immigration15 December 1855Cantlon Daniel
 Birth22 July 1865Ellison Leoline
 BirthJune 1866Fletcher Ella E\H
 Immigration1870Bulgen \ Bulgin \ Belgin Solomon
 Census1880Chatfield Arden
 Census1880Cantlon Hannah
 Census1880Chatfield Robert Lee
 Census1880Chatfield Daniel J
 Immigration15 November 1884Bulgen \ Bulgin \ Belgin Solomon
 Census1890Chatfield Daniel J
20 century
 Birth14 September 1908Palmer Valborg Edison
 Immigration21 October 1929Everts Helen Louise
 Immigration31 December 1930Horner Ralph Burroughs
 Marriage1945Philler Henry A with Chatfield June A
 Immigration4 April 1946Acuna Mary E
 Immigration4 April 1946Chatfield Grace Catherine Lydia
 Immigration1950Anisfeld Marochka Borisovna
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Buckingham Sarah
 Marriage?Doty Daniel with Chatfield Eletha
 Death?Hedges William
 Birth?Stokes James
 Birth?Haven Sarah
17 century
 Birth1657Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1659Chatfield Sarah
 Birth1662Chatfield Mary
 Birth22 August 1672Stanborough Recompense
 Birth22 June 1677Stanborough Frances
 Birth22 June 1677Stanborough Josiah
 Birth1 July 1679Stanborough Anna
 Birth17 September 1681Stanborough Phebe
 Birth1 October 1683Stanborough Zerviah
 Birth18 March 1687Stanborough Adonijah
18 century
 Marriage25 December 1712Mulford Matthew with Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth22 August 1714Mulford Elizabeth
 Birth22 August 1714Mulford Jerusa
 Birth15 October 1717Mulford Jonathan
 Birth10 July 1719Mulford Esther
 BirthMay 1721Chatfield ?
 Birth10 September 1722Mulford David
 Birth9 April 1725Mulford
 Birth9 April 1725Mulford Mary
 Birth31 May 1726Pelletreau Elias
 Death30 June 1729Mulford Mary
 Marriage4 September 1734Pelletreau Francis with Chatfield Mercy
 Marriage1 November 1735Chatfield Thomas with Mulford Abigail
 Birth12 November 1735Pelletreau Hannah
 Birth12 November 1735Pelletreau Hugh
 Birth4 December 1737Hedges William
 Marriage23 February 1738Gelston Hugh with Chatfield Mercy
 Birth24 December 1738Gelston Hugh
 Death21 February 1739Gelston Hugh
 Death1740Foster Mary
 Birth30 November 1741Chatfield John
 Death21 May 1742Mulford Jerusa
 Birth9 July 1743Chatfield Thomas
 Birth1 January 1745Chatfield Hannah
 Birth1 June 1748Chatfield Jane or Sarah Jane
 Birth1749Gelston Thomas Chatfield
 Birth29 September 1751Chatfield Elizabeth
 Death21 October 1754Mulford Elizabeth
 Death3 September 1757Mulford Esther
 Marriage4 November 1761Hedges William with Chatfield Mary
 Death1765Gelston Thomas Chatfield
 Marriageabout 1766Chatfield Thomas with Huntting Esther
 Death18 December 1778Mulford David
 Birth1782Chatfield John
 Birth23 March 1785Grover Rachel
19 century
 Death24 September 1802 (previously 1801)Chatfield John
 Birth1812Barber Abigail Minerva
 Death16 February 1815Hedges William
 Birth1816Tupper Susan Elvira
 Immigration12 July 1821Chatfield Richard Thomas
 Birthabout 1825Valentine Mary
 Birth27 October 1828Pattison William James
 Marriage15 June 1832Doty Russel with Chatfield Abigail Brahman
 Immigration1837Crease Alfred
 BirthSeptember 1841Chadderdon Samantha
 Marriage1 July 1844Gould David Henry with Valentine Mary
 Birth19 April 1845Dalzell John
 Birth4 June 1848Ashton William Graham
 Birth14 March 1853Taylor Harriett Rebecca
 Marriage1855Ellison George Crawford with Lester \ Leister Hannah Eliza
 Birth5 August 1858Hafer \ Hofer Alice
 Birth1859Chatfield Ada Carrie
 Census1860Chatfield Horace
 Birth16 October 1870Chatfield Mary Effingham
 Census1870Chatfield Bernard
 Census1870Smith Fitch William
 Census1870Eagle Isabella C
 Census1870Smith Isabella M
 Census1870? Fanny
 Census1870Smith Clara Estella
 Census1870Chatfield Elena
 Census1870Chatfield Horace
 Marriage5 November 1871Chatfield Henri Louis with Stewart Emma A
 Birth25 February 1873Chatfield John Edwards
 Birth29 March 1877Brown William Edward
 Immigration8 February 1878Chatfeild Theresa Susanna
 Death23 November 1879Chatfield Hattie Minerva
 Residence1880Washburn Eugene Strong
 Residence1880Washburn Eugene Robinson
 Residence1880Strong Fanny Louise
 Census1880Gould David Henry
 Census1880Valentine Mary
 Death8 February 1881Wheeler John Clark
 Birthabout 1881Doxey Mabel (Mabelle) Gertrude
 Death8 May 1887Valentine Mary
 Birth17 April 1890Fink Julia
 Marriage11 May 1892Chatfield Walter Stoddard with McGee Phoebe E
 Birth17 November 1895Hagemeier Arthur
 Death25 December 1896Chatfield John
20 century
 Death2 November 1901Chatfield Harvey Strong
 Birth2 March 1904McKay William Dayton
 Death29 December 1913Chatfield Mary Effingham
 Census1915Chatfield Stella
 Census1915Chatfield Mabel E
 Birth1915Mackenzie Elinor
 Burial22 January 1917Foot James D
 Residence1917 (previously 1915)Chatfield Hazen
 Birth21 January 1918King Mildred Ruth
 Marriageabout 1926Chatfield Henry Whitney with Brown Laura V
 Death15 May 1928Woodward Joseph Hooker
 Marriage29 May 1930Dayton Edward George with Kalquist Ellen Janett
 Burial6 June 1930Young Ethel Atalanta
 Birth16 January 1938Lowry Thomas Hastings
 Birth1 January 1943Botsford Susan Elizabeth
 Residence1943Bora Douglas Arthur
 Death22 August 1945Chatfield Lyman George
 Birth15 March 1947Botsford Marjorie Gardner
 Emigration4 July 1954Judd Elizabeth M
 Immigration4 July 1954Chatfield John Hyde
 Immigration4 July 1954Chatfield Susan
 Marriage8 September 1967Shaw Theodore Cracroft with Bowman Joan Cobb
 Death1974Chittenden Katharine Hastings
 Birth3 March 1992Lowery Fiona McKenna
21 century
 Residence2017 (previously 2012)Chatfield Joel Alden
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth4 September 1938Niering Nancy
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Death1762Meyer Anna Catharina
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 March 1820Hodges David
 Census1890Harwood Lyman Chatfield
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Borst Lawrence Seward
 Census1940Painter Elsie Kittie
 Census1950Borst Lawrence Seward
 Census1950Painter Elsie Kittie
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?King Daniel W
 Burial?? Clara G
 Burial?Little George H
 Burial?Robie Fanny Rose
 Burial?Chatfield Philip M
21 century
 Burial16 November 2015Chatfield Ruth Emma
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Grace Heyerdahl
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Lattimer George McLaren
 Census1930Lattimer Ruth C
 Census1930Chatfield Grace Heyerdahl
 Census1930Lattimer George McLaren
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Baker Annie Lauria
 Burial?Lattimer George McLaren
 Burial?Cruikshank Millard S
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage30 August 1903Cruikshank Millard S with Baker Annie Lauria
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1905Chatfield George Jarvis
 Blessing1905Chatfield Millicent Monica
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1920Sutten Lauretta Anna
 Census1920Chatfield Wanda Velma
 Census1920Chatfield Herbert Stanley
 Census1920Chatfield Rush Valda
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Merle Amber
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Rush Valda
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Wanda Velma
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Herbert Stanley
 Census1940Rathburn Bernice
 Residence1940 (previously 1930)Sutten Lauretta Anna
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death1 August 1963Haskins Marguerite A
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Steil Carl John Martin
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth4 July 1831Waterberry Adelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth29 June 1857Van Gieson Albert Llewellyn
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Chatfield Stella
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death23 May 1952Perry Charles Lewis
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Courtney Crandall
 Burial?Chatfield Robert Welch
 Burial?Chatfield Richard Fuller
 Burial?Ringwood Joseph A
21 century
 Burial19 November 2021Ringwood Barbara
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death11 November 2021Ringwood Barbara
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Palmer Asa
 Birth?Palmer Lydia
18 century
 Birth11 October 1784Palmer Jesse
 Birthabout 1786Palmer Joseph
 Birth4 June 1788Palmer David
 Birthabout 1790Palmer Hannah
 Birth1796Palmer Delia
19 century
 Death1813Palmer Joseph
 Birth22 January 1833Chatfield Jesse Billing
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth17 March 1889Adams James Loyd
20 century
 Census1920Ingraham Frances Burritt
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?? Margaret
 Burial?Treacy Thomas
20 century
 Burial8 July 1907Treacy Mabel E
 Burial2 March 1909Treacy Dorothy
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth7 March 1806Eames Harriet
 Birthabout 1814Broduck \ Buddock Caroline
 Birth26 October 1822Chatfield Mary
 Birth1824Chatfield David
 Death29 May 1869Chatfield Daniel
 Death21 December 1899Hotchkiss Thankful
20 century
 Marriage27 October 1923Leavenworth Howard LeGrand with Sullivan Florence
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1841Day Julian D
 Birth1845Page Mary V
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthJuly 1818Chatfield Marietta A
 Birthabout 1824Chatfield Curtis
 Birth1828Crego Evelyn J
 Birth1835Fish Amanda
 Birth21 October 1838Chatfield Mary Ann
 Birth16 August 1845Chatfield Caroline Jane
 BirthJune 1859Harwood Walter C
 Death1 July 1859Chatfield Albina \ Alvina
 Birth4 June 1860Clark J Milo
 BirthMarch 1861Chatfield Cora Albina
 Death24 March 1863Harwood Walter C
 Death25 November 1876Chatfield Walter W
 Death18 October 1882Chatfield William M
 Birth15 June 1884Chatfield Jay Byron
 Death9 June 1888Waters Matilda D
 Death1892Harwood Sophia A
 Death1894? Hannah L
20 century
 Death1900Chatfield Marietta A
 Death1905Cook Mary Caroline
 Birth23 January 1910Pratt Dorothy Irene
 Death27 March 1911Chatfield Albert Leonard
 Birth30 November 1913Green Marie Elizabeth
 Death14 April 1918Chatfield Charles Edwin
 Death20 August 1919Chatfield Byron A
 Death1926? Alice M
 Marriage19 November 1930Patrick Joseph E with Marx Frances
 Birth21 December 1931Van Scoyk Female
 Death21 December 1931Van Scoyk Female
 Birth21 May 1945Lipke Thomas John
 Death8 March 1952Chatfield Richard Fuller
 DeathFebruary 1972Weiskotten Herman Gates
 Death6 August 1972Chatfield Franklin Frederick
 Death7 December 1983Clark Ruth M
 Residence1983Clark Ruth M
 Death8 December 1989Lutz Iola L
21 century
 Death20 December 2001Marx Frances
 Residence2007Chatfield John B
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Mercer Clara L
20 century
 Census1900Jennings Mary E
 Census1900Nettleton Lorenzo D
 Census1940Rockwell Wallace J
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Castleman Gladys M
 Burial?Castleman Harry Bernard
 Burial?Crolick Andrew
 Burial?North Palmer Laura L
21 century
 Death29 July 2003Castleman Harry B
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Weiskotten Freida M
19 century
 Birth14 July 1858Mercer Clara L
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920Pratt Clarence J
 Census1920Chatfield Nina Frances
 Census1920Pratt Kenneth Charles
 Census1920Pratt Eveyln Elise
 Census1920Pratt Edith Helena
 Census1920Pratt Kendric Chatfield
 Census1920Pratt Dorothy Irene
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920Jones Egbert C
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth27 November 1767Sheffield Sarah Ann
19 century
 Birth1802Isbell Heman
 Birth20 October 1804Isbell Naomi
 Birth1805Prindle Lucinda
 Birth16 March 1806Bentley Matilda
 Birth1807Bentley Thomas E
 Birth22 October 1814Chatfield David Bowen
 Birth10 November 1814Chatfield Maria
 Birth2 June 1815Chatfield Stephen E
 Birth16 December 1815Chatfield Stephen B
 Birth1815Bentley Josiah
 Birth1 February 1824Bentley Jacob Russell
 Marriage8 January 1832Hill Elisha with Bentley Adelia
 Marriage27 October 1848Chatfield John with White Mary Alice
20 century
 Census1900Barry Rosetta
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth14 December 1846Ballou Abner S
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth10 February 1757Canfield Daniel
20 century
 Marriage21 September 1909Kloss Albert with Chatfield Alice E
 Marriage3 January 1910Johnson Edwin W with King Nellie
 Marriage16 July 1912Babcock Walter S with Chatfield Edith M
 Census1920Chatfield Mary Kate
 Census1920Clark Augusta S
 Residence1920Chatfield Bessie R
 Census1920Chatfield George
 Census1920Chatfield Russell Alfred
 Census1920Pennie Lillie E
 Residence1920Johnson Nelly E
 Marriage13 January 1923Krow George Benjamin with Chatfield Maud Beatrice
 Marriage16 September 1923Pendell Jack with Board Katharine Dunning
 Marriage9 December 1925Chatfield Russell Alfred with Kane Louisa Catherine
 Death1929Handy Charles G
 Residence1991Chatfield Russell Alfred
21 century
 Death26 March 2002Kane Louisa Catherine
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth21 March 1846Patterson Hollis Yale
 Birth1846Scofield Alvina Valetta
 Marriage4 July 1868Patterson Hollis Yale with Wells Ellen Mary
20 century
 Residence1977Chatfield Walter Myers
 Residence1982? Mildred S
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth29 August 1851Rasnier Anna
20 century
 Residence1935Chatfield Frank P
 DeathAugust 1973Bessey Viola Esther
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 March 1813Gilman Tabatha
 Marriage25 June 1838Hyde Harmon with Gilman Tabatha
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1800Matteson Susan
 Birth1822Hinman Elizabeth
 Death1823Chatfield Eunice
 Birth1828Chatfield Zina Bradley
 Death30 May 1839Wilson Mary Jane
 Birthabout 1845Bunel Maria G
20 century
 Marriage6 September 1919Bates Chatfield Terry with Cambell Julia Moore
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Soule Amasa J
20 century
 Census1900Maricle Jane
 Census1900Soule Amasa J
 Census1900Soule Pearl I.
 Census1900Soule Harold P
 Census1900Soule Martin Cleveland
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth30 July 1827Chatfield David Baird
 Birth30 October 1829Chatfield Daniel Levi
 Burialabout January 1830Chatfield Daniel Levi
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Cleveland Priscilla
18 century
 Birth19 April 1772Eisenlord Peter
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hazen Martha Marie
 Burial?O'Brien William Duncan
 Burial?Goodell Elijah
 Burial?Goodell Fred
 Burial?Hazen Maryett\e
 Burial?Goodell Permelia
 Burial?Goodell William
 Burial?Barton Wright
 Burial?Nichols Herbert Warren
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth28 May 1813Weston Sylvanus Lewis \ Louis
 Birth12 January 1834Van Gieson Cornelius C
 Birth1834Phelps Sarah A
 Marriage26 January 1852Goodell Elijah with Hazen Martha Marie
 Birth1852Goodell William
 Census1855Van Gieson Cornelius C
 Marriage15 November 1857Hazen John Haskell with Phelps Sarah A
 Census1860Van Gieson Albert Llewellyn
 Census1860Hazen Fanny
 Census1860Van Gieson Cornelius C
 Census1860Van Gieson Wheeler Elijah
 Census1865 (previously 1860)Barton Emma
 Census1865 (previously 1860)Hazen Maryett\e
 Census1865 (previously 1860)Barton Wright
 Census1870Barton Emma
 Census1870Barton Wright
 Census1870Hazen Maryett\e
 Birth5 September 1871Goodell Fred
 Census1880Barton Wright
 Census1880Hazen Maryett\e
20 century
 Death13 February 1901Goodell Elijah
 Birth11 May 1906Ingraham Frances Burritt
 Census1910Ingraham Frances Burritt
 Death25 March 1921Adams James Loyd
 Death26 July 1929Goodell Harry
 Death1946Lowden Mary Helen
 Death1947Goodell Fred
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth3 November 1785Chatfield Hannah Rachel
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Vought Edith I.
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death15 August 1902Davis Sarah Electa
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth12 June 1917Chittenden George Hastings
 Census1920Chittenden Marjorie Lee
 Census1920Chittenden Elizabeth Panet
 Census1920Chittenden George Hastings
 Census1920Chittenden Horace Washburn
 Census1920Chittenden Katharine Hastings
 Census1920Hastings Katherine Panet
 Census1930Forster White Margaret
 Census1930Hawkins Ewing Butler
 Census1930Hawkins William Waller
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Treacy John Vincent
 Census1940Chatfield Mabel E
 Census1940Chatfield Stella
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1910Corning Mary
 Residence1910Miner Floyd Bentley
 Residence1915 (previously 1905)Miner Edna C
 Residence1925Miner Edna C
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth3 March 1895Scofield Grace Myra
20 century
 Census1900Scofield William T
 Census1900Coon Ellen Cecelia
 Census1900Scofield Grace Myra
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth8 March 1802Beardslee Jesse
 Birth1837Beardslee Augustus Jesse
 Census1850Beardslee Jesse
 Census1850Chatfield Mary Ann
 Census1850Beardsley Nathan Summers
 Census1850Beardslee Augustus Jesse
 Census1850Beardslee Elizabeth Ambrosia
 Census1860Beardslee Jesse
 Census1860Beardsley Nathan Summers
 Census1860Beardslee Augustus Jesse
 Census1860Chatfield Mary Ann
 Census1860Hardaway Cyrus J
 Death28 September 1879Beardslee Jesse
 Death1881Beardslee Augustus Jesse
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth28 December 1808Purdy Merritt
20 century
 Census1930Price Margaret D
 Census1930Chatfield Doris K
 Census1930Chatfield Marion E
 Census1930Price Ethel M
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Richard T
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield William G\J
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Garbutt Annie Ethel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth31 December 1837Purdy Charles E
 Marriage24 February 1863Purdy Charles E with Chatfield Mary P
 Birth17 April 1872Purdy Caroline
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1804Chatfield Henry
20 century
 Birth12 March 1917Weightman Violet Vera
 Death22 June 1932Chatfield John Edwards
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1849Stewart Emma A
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth28 July 1818Johnson Benjamin Franklin
 Birth28 July 1818Johnson Benjamin Franklin
 Birth12 January 1828Johnson Esther Maleta
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth22 February 1901Clark Horace Norton
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1919Chatfield Cyrus Harold
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Christening24 October 1807Achenbach Sarah Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Death26 January 1783Chatfield David
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage9 February 1932Bissell John Mac with Chatfield Olive Rollina
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth6 June 1919Chatfield Robert Dawson
 Census1930Chatfield Douglas Howard
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Oakes Lillian Mary
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Daly Marion H
 Residence1940Hill Pliny Alges
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Chatfield George Clements
 Census1910Oakes Francis James
 Census1910Chatfield Clarence Fritcher
 Census1910Chatfield Augustus Sherwood
 Census1910Clements Dorothea M
 Census1910Oakes Lillian Mary
 Census1930Chatfield Emma C
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Nichols Wallace Johnson
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Buchanan Mabel
 Census1940Whalen Catherine C
 Census1940? Mary A
 Census1940? Virginia L
 Census1940Murray William
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Nichols Kendrick
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Badger William
 Death13 February 1908Badger William
 Census1920Chatfield Augustus Sherwood
 Census1930Chatfield Augustus Sherwood
 Census1930Chatfield Paul Oakes
 Census1940Guare John
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Chatfield Charles Thurston
 Census1910Loud Mary Anna
 Census1915Chatfield Avis May
 Census1915Loud Mary Anna
 Census1915Chatfield Charles Thurston
 Death22 April 1916Loud Mary Anna
 Census1920Chatfield Charles Thurston
 Census1930Chatfield Charles Thurston
 Census1940Chatfield Charles Thurston
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1920Kunsman Luther Martin
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Byrne John Leo
 Census1900Byrne James John
 Census1900Foy Catherine A
 Census1910Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Census1910Chatfield Harold Wheeler
 Census1910Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1910Loonie John
 Census1910Loonie Mary Loretta
 Death8 May 1914Loonie John
 Census1915Chatfield Harold Wheeler
 Census1920Hyer Lucy Vandegrift
 Census1920Chatfield Oliver Stoddard
 Census1920Loonie Mary Loretta
 Census1920Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1920Chatfield Douglas Howard
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Edna Frances
 Census1920Chatfield Robert Dawson
 Census1920Chatfield Harold Wheeler
 Census1925Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1925Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1930Chatfield Edna Frances
 Census1930Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1930Lebkucher Dorothy
 Census1930Hyer Lucy Vandegrift
 Census1930Chatfield Robert Dawson
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1940Chatfield Robert Dawson
 Census1940Chatfield Eugene Francis
 Census1940Hyer Lucy Vandegrift
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Loonie Mary Loretta
 Census1940Chatfield Douglas Howard
 Death16 December 1948Loonie Mary Loretta
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield E Stanley
 Residence1910 (previously 1900)Maloy Martha
 Residence1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Lewis
 Death24 May 1960Clark Byron Chatfield
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1930Miller Nora
 Residence1930Perry Flora Lucille
 Residence1930Perry Charles Lewis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1880Mulford Hattie Augusta
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Christening10 March 1793Gasper Dorothy
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth11 April 1798Dennis George Washington
19 century
 Birth27 June 1801? Roxana
 BirthNovember 1805Wilmot Luther Rowley
 Birth1 June 1829Devereaux Calvin Pardee
20 century
 Death1956Johnson Albert Kendall
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Hinds Charles Jospeh
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth2 February 1813Bentley Adelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth25 February 1800Chatfield Daniel
 Birth25 May 1800Hazen Jonathan Williard
 Birth8 June 1802Chatfield Hannah
 Marriage7 February 1819Chatfield Stephen with Johnson Susannah
 Marriage7 February 1820Hazen Jonathan Williard with Chatfield Hannah
 Birth26 April 1820Poppleton Sally
 Birth5 November 1821Hazen Daniel Chatfield
 Birth20 May 1826Chatfield Daniel B
 Birth2 December 1826Hazen John Haskell
 Birthabout 1827Chatfield Stephen
 Birth14 March 1828Chatfield Edward Frinch
 Birth1829Hazen George Washington
 Birth1 April 1830Chatfield Hiram H
 Census1830Chatfield Stephen E
 Birth31 October 1832Hazen Edwin
 Death5 March 1834Sheffield Sarah Ann
 Birth12 March 1834Hazen Martha Marie
 BirthJanuary 1835Hazen Fanny
 Death17 October 1837Haskell Mercy
 Birth9 April 1838Hazen Wheeler Edward
 Death25 April 1838Hazen Edward
 Birth14 September 1848Hazen Elizabeth Almira
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Edwards Alfred Francis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880 (previously 1870)Coon Ellen Cecelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 DeathMay 1964Chatfield Stella
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Huggins Issue 5
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Huggins Cecil Ray
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Roxberry Florence Kirch
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Huggins William T
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage25 December 1856Chatfield Clark with Smith Susan Mariette
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth22 April 1804Pool Amy
Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Death1661Stanborough Josiah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Chatfield Robert Welch
 Census1940Chatfield Richard Fuller
 Census1940Chatfield Eleanor Celeste
 Census1940Chatfield Charles Harold
 Census1940Chatfield Donald William
 Census1940Chatfield William Luzerne
 Census1940Chatfield George
 Census1940Fuller Charlotte Celeste
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930North Ephraim Edward
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Patrick Joseph E
 Census1930Selle Gladys May Stevenson
 Census1930North Geraldine F
 Death12 April 1959Fuller Charlotte Celeste
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Christening26 November 1826Waterman Eliza
 Christening26 November 1826Waterman Emeline
 Christening26 November 1826Waterman H Ralph
 Christening26 November 1826Waterman Cornelia
 Christening26 November 1826Waterman Sarah
 Christening13 March 1831Waterman Frances
 Christening13 March 1831Waterman Nancy
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Sanford Guy
 Census1850Sanford Sarah J
 Census1850Sanford Martha M
 Census1850Sanford Gay R
 Census1850Stevens Polly
 Census1850Sanford Melissa
 Census1850Sanford Nancy
 Census1859Sanford Almira
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1 January 1768? Margaret
 Birth24 February 1770Chatfield Asa
 Birth8 February 1786Chatfield Olive
 Birth24 January 1787Chatfield Josiah
 Marriageabout 1788Chatfield Asa with ? Margaret
 Birth30 May 1789Chatfield David
 Birth7 April 1792Chatfield Ezekiel
 Birth1792Smith Mary Ann
 Birth13 January 1794Chatfield Jemima
 Birthabout 1796Bagley \ Bixby Sarah
 Birth24 June 1797Chatfield Stephen
 Birth11 August 1798Chatfield Jesse Raymond
 Birth1798Chatfield Abraham
 Birth20 February 1799Coffinger Betsey
19 century
 Birth1800Chatfield David
 Birth1805Chatfield Isaac L
 Birth26 July 1824Shields Lydia
 Death1828Chatfield Asa
 Birth6 December 1829Chatfield Margaret Anna
 Birth30 September 1831Chatfield Sarah E
 Birth27 April 1832Chatfield Catherine Amanda
 Death3 June 1832Chatfield Catherine Amanda
 Birth22 March 1834Chatfield Mary P
 Birth15 July 1848Bogardus Lydia Elizabeth
 Birth12 October 1856Post William Joel
 BirthApril 1869Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Marriage27 May 1891Dake Edgar T with Chatfield Lizzie Jane
20 century
 Census1910Ballou Eltcy Lorena
 Census1910Bogardus Lydia Elizabeth
 Census1910Childs Fred Clayton
 Marriage25 December 1917Kemp Elmer Sumner with Diefendorf Blanche
 Death21 March 1932Dake Edgar T
 Death1948Chatfield Lizzie Jane
 Death4 December 1949Hain Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage15 August 1813Chatfield David with Belknap Susannah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 DeathApril 1980Huggins Cecil Ray
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birthabout 1762Bixby Ambrose
 Birth16 August 1781Bentley Jacob
 Birth21 March 1790Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth1797Chatfield Reuben
19 century
 Marriage1817Chatfield Reuben with Smith Mary Ann
 Birthabout 1831Chatfield Alhannah
 Death1832Chatfield Alhannah
 Death19 June 1842Chatfield Louisa Marie
 Death12 June 1845Chatfield Belerma
20 century
 Birth25 June 1950Sweeny Kevin
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Painter Elsie Kittie
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death8 September 1967Borst Lawrence Seward
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage1819Chatfield Elias with Barhyat Jane
 Marriage5 July 1828Witbeck John H with Chatfield Lucinda
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 March 1808Chadderdon Jonathon
 Birth1 September 1811Hill Elisha
 Birth25 June 1817Mattice Sophia
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1915Chatfield Frank P
 Census1920Chatfield Frank P
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth25 May 1828Cleveland Olive Marie
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death15 October 1860Hitchcock Jesse
20 century
 Marriage23 April 1919Perry Charles Lewis with Miller Nora
 Marriage13 November 1932Chatfield Clayton Calkins with Perry Flora Lucille
21 century
 Death11 July 2010Rennells Elsie
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth24 December 1807Doty Russel
 Marriage1808Chatfield Josiah with Vorce Sophia
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth4 May 1797Rawson Silas Anson
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Pratt Clarence J
 Census1910White Charlotte J
 Census1910Pratt Eveyln Elise
 Census1910Chatfield Nina Frances
 Census1910Pratt Dorothy Irene
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Campbell Abigail F
 Census1860Hazelwood Joseph
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Sandford Thomas
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1823Wilkinson Phoebe
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthMarch 1870Reeves Anna Sarah
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Urania
 Census1905Chatfield Berlin G
 Census1905Chatfield Phynetta
 Birth1906Thayer Belmont C
 Census1920Chatfield Nina A
 Census1920Stock Thelma
 Census1920Stock John
21 century
 Death9 July 2008Green Marie Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1835Crego Esther Eunice
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Jesse
 Burial?Woodworth Freelove
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth8 February 1793Gasper Dorothy
19 century
 Birth10 May 1826Kling Catherine L Gasper
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthDecember 1827Chatfield Albert Leonard
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth24 May 1876Chatfield Urania
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death24 August 2014Skutt George David
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Edwards Alfred Francis
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage17 April 1851Hazelwood Joseph with Campbell Abigail F
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1798Halsey Elisha Lindsley
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Ayer Warren Leroy
 Burial?Dwight Sarah Adelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death27 November 1851Sanford Guy
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage11 June 1938Hawkins Ewing Butler with Clark Jean Chatfield
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage23 June 1920Chatfield-Taylor Hobart Chatfield with Barbour Estelle
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth5 September 1946Howe Lewis John
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Burial25 March 1940O'Burne Margaret A
 Burial28 December 1942Chatfield Walter Clark
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1856Walrath Daniel D
20 century
 Death7 January 1908Welch William
21 century
 Residence2014Skutt Deborah L
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 December 1821Taylor Charlotte Hall
 Birth1822Willson Samuel
 Birth9 August 1848Willson Hellen Lauretta
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Burial13 January 2016Patrick Marlene
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Roberts Arlene
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Marx Frances
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?? Beatrice M
 Burial?McMahon Lee W
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Comstock Nancy
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage15 August 1843Chatfield Charles James with Foster Sarah Delia
 Birth11 April 1847Chatfield Delia Alma
 BirthOctober 1855Ingraham Frank J
 Birth6 July 1888McCray Charles Chatfield
20 century
 Marriage19 October 1911Aberle Edward George with Chatfield Jessie Katheryn
 Marriage15 June 1915McCray Clarence Watson with La Fever Edith Agnes
 Marriage4 October 1920Chatfield Philip M with Robie Fanny Rose
 Marriage14 February 1925Parsons Walter Lyman with Jack Grace Esther
 Marriage11 June 1925Archer George O with Chatfield Mabel B
 Death7 October 1967Chatfield Philip M
 DeathMarch 1979Robie Fanny Rose
 DeathApril 1979Knauss Cook Gertrude Mary
 DeathNovember 1987McMahon Lee W
21 century
 Death9 June 2004King Daniel W
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death14 June 1833Alcott Pamelia
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage3 July 1929Pearl Lester Eugene with Shaw Ruby Jane
Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Marriage1657Stanborough Josiah with Wheeler Alice
18 century
 Birth1706Pierson Susanna
 Death2 October 1760Pierson Susanna
19 century
 Marriage1812Conkling Samuel with Mulford Rebecca
 Marriage23 May 1893Chatfield Henry Havens with Peterson Charlotte Marie
 Birth19 August 1894Chatfield Henry E
 DeathOctober 1895Chatfield Henry E
20 century
 Residence1917Stevens Samuel Rawlins
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death13 July 1838Perry Marshall
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Barrett Glenn Jennings
 Census1940Merrell Marion
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Rathbun Mary
19 century
 Census1880Chatfield Curtis
 Census1880Rathbun Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield George B
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Chatfield Curtis
 Census1860Rathbun Mary
 Census1860Chatfield George B
 Census1870Rathbun Mary
 Census1870Chatfield Curtis
 Census1870Chatfield George B
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Christening7 March 1806Hotchkiss Thankful
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Chatfield Lovina Frances
 Census1860Warner Dolly
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1 May 1831Chatfield Pamelia \ Parmela
 Census1880Pendell Gulian
 Census1880? Mary Elizabeth
 Census1880Pendell Thomas
20 century
 Census1900? Mary Elizabeth
 Census1910? Mary Elizabeth
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Pendell Gulian
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth1825Wilson Sarah Jane
 Birth15 July 1830Goodrich Lucy Benton
 BirthDecember 1862Writer Lena
20 century
 Marriage5 July 1913Heater Nelson Raymond with Ayer Helen Dwight
 Birth6 March 1931McCray Theodore D
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthJune 1890Card Hazel M
20 century
 Marriage21 September 1909Chatfield Anson Lee with Knight Myrtle Adele
 Marriage11 October 1916Robinson Francis G with Rich Mary J
 Death18 November 1998Saltsman Leah
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage1 March 1911Chatfield David Asa with Card Hazel M
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Chatfield Cindarilla
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage6 July 1818Kissam Benjamin P with Miller Harriet Jarvis
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Bruce Zelpha\Zilpha
 Burial?Smith Richard
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage3 August 1856Handy Bethuel Gifford with Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Daniels Ada
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth1920Daniels Ada
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Freeland Harriet
 Census1910Seaman Edward P
 Birth25 June 1928Morseman Albert Edward
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Cornwell Jane Lucinda
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Morseman Edison Joseph
 Census1940Morseman Edison Joseph
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1910Shoemaker Dellaphine
 Residence1920Miller Nora
 Residence1920 (previously 1910)Perry Charles Lewis
 Residence1920Perry Issue 11
 Residence1925 (previously 1920)Perry Flora Lucille
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth1901Tooker E Marguerite
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1910Tooker E Marguerite
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death13 May 1925Chatfield Harry K
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth18 January 1833Gardner Grace F
 Census1850Cafferty Lydia
 Census1850Gardner Lewis B
 Census1850Gardner Grace F
 Census1850Chatfield George
20 century
 Census1920 (previously 1915)Chatfield Clayton Calkins
 Census1920Little Hattie A
 Census1920Chatfield Philip M
 Census1920 (previously 1915)Chatfield Gilbert B
 Census1920 (previously 1915)Chatfield Harry K
 Census1925 (previously 1915)Chatfield Emma H
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Hazen Elizabeth Almira
 Census1860Chatfield Hannah
 Census1860Hazen Jonathan Williard
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1845Cable Edwin Joseph
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1840Crego Stephen B
 Residence1880Chatfield Jennie Maria
 Residence1880Gorham Emmet G
20 century
 Birth27 January 1925Van Scoyk John Jepthiel
 Census1930Liddiard Alfred
 Census1940North Palmer Nora May
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Residence1917Holland Daisie Ysobel
 Residence1917Littlejohn Arthur Runsett
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth12 March 1816Mattoon David
 Birth1817Ransom Sarah
 Marriage4 July 1826Chatfield Daniel with Parker Alche
 Birth6 June 1827Chatfield Abiram Parker
 Birth12 May 1834Chatfield Olive Louisa
 BirthMarch 1835Wilmot Julia
 Census1855Wilmot Julia
 Census1855Broduck \ Buddock Caroline
 Census1855Wilmot Issue 6
 Census1855Welch Smith
 Census1855Wilmot Luther Rowley
 Census1855Matthews Martha
 Census1865Wilmot Julia
 Census1865Broduck \ Buddock Caroline
 Census1865Wilmot Luther Rowley
 Death5 November 1887Parker Alche
 Death15 April 1891Chatfield Abiram Parker
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage30 August 1853Farrington Origen B with Chatfield Adaline Marie
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Bogardus William
 Census1860Bogardus Lydia Elizabeth
 Census1860Bogardus Henry S
 Census1860Bogardus Carrie Jenet
 Census1860Shields Sarah A
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Pierce Elsie Anna
 Burial?Weed John
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage31 March 1819Pierce William with Arnold Rachel
 Death11 September 1819Caldwell Wealthy
 Death17 March 1822Arnold David
 Death9 September 1836Davis Mary
 Death5 July 1857Arnold Eli
 Death18 February 1896Arnold Rachel
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth30 March 1817Chaplin Aaron
 Birth30 January 1847Chaplin William Lafayette
 Census1850Atwell Abbie
 Census1850Chaplin Aaron
20 century
 Census1930? Anna
 Census1930Saltsman Ray F
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Schanze Walter
 Census1940Schanze Jeanette
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Saltsman Leah
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Schanze Gloria
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Residence1855Chatfield Barton Lewis
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth28 August 1798Mullen John Ousterhout
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth18 April 1788Simmons Alvin
 Death1790Mallory Daniel
19 century
 Birth27 January 1812Biggs William C
 Marriageabout 1835Biggs William C with Priest Emiline
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Chatfield Jane
19 century
 Birth27 December 1848Finch Charles H
 Death23 February 1876Egnor Maria E
 Census1880Dratt Mary Frances
 Census1880Finch Charles H
 Census1880Finch Maude L
20 century
 Marriage1909Bessey Edward Eugene with Wendover Almira J
 Marriage21 December 1915Lattin William with Vought Edith I.
 Birth6 April 1918Lattin Matilda Ruth
 Census1920Johnson George David
 Marriage13 August 1921Chatfield Henry Albert with Alt Esther Viola
 Marriage14 November 1923Skutt Frank William with Chatfield Arlene Eudora
 Marriage7 December 1929Johnson George David with Richardson Elizabeth May
 Birth1934Johnson Frank Elmore
 Death1934Johnson Frank Elmore
 Death26 April 1959Lattin William
 DeathDecember 1977Vought Edith I.
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1905Chatfield Cyrus Harold
 Census1905Chatfield Harold Gould
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1850Kenney Hannah Stiles
 Census1850Chatfield Isaiah H
 Birth1850Chatfield Cornelia
 Census1850Chatfield Job W
 Census1850Chatfield Egbert H
 Census1850Chatfield Hiram Henderson
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage25 April 1914Jackson George Oliver with Chatfield Julia May
 Marriage5 September 1914Hoyt Archibald with Gibbs Georgianna Gregory
 Marriage11 November 1915Chatfield Edwin I. with Mitchell Mary Emily
21 century
 Death22 July 2015Womble Nolan E
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death15 December 1965Bryant Geoffrey
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death8 May 2000Chatfield Rush Valda
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Norton Elisha
 Burial?Tiffany Miranda Elma
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Charles Henry
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Marion
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth12 May 1816Viall John Merrill
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth26 September 1795Isbell Charles
 Birth10 July 1797Isbell Frances
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth30 July 1895Bardwell Earl Clarence
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Curtis Charlott
 Burial?Horton Elisha
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hyde Sarah Jane
 Burial?White Etta B
 Burial?Hallenbeck Marilla
 Burial?Turk John Hyde
 Burial?Mulford Hattie Augusta
 Burial?Turk Jacob Henry
 Burial?Turk Lyman
 Burial?Turk Harry King
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth7 September 1807Chatfield Larmon
 Birth10 May 1809Chatfield Eli
 Birth2 March 1819Ives Washington Montgomery
 Birth16 March 1836Chatfield John Henry
 Birth19 September 1836Holcomb Norman B
 Birth22 December 1850White Etta B
 Marriageabout 1859Holcomb Norman B with Phelps Mahala
 Census1860Chatfield Eben Foster
 Census1860Chatfield Charles H
 Census1860Bleigh Charlotte
 Census1860Hallenbeck Marilla
 Census1860Chatfield Samuel Willis
 Census1860Chatfield Willis Bleigh
 Census1875Chatfield Samuel Willis
 Census1875Turk Ida Catherine
 Census1875Turk John Hyde
 Census1875Chatfield Eben Foster
 Census1875Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 Residence1875Chatfield Austin Newcombe
 Census1875Chatfield Willis Bleigh
 Birth3 April 1877Holcomb Pearl
 Birth3 April 1880Turk Harry King
 Census1880 (previously 1875)Turk Margaret
 Census1880 (previously 1875)Turk Sarah Elnora
 Residence1880 (previously 1875)Hyde Sarah Jane
 Census1880Turk Jacob Henry
 Census1880Hallenbeck Marilla
 Census1880 (previously 1875)Turk Lyman
 Census1880Turk John Hyde
 Residence1892Chatfield Willis Daggett
 Marriage28 March 1898Mase Starr Danforth with Chatfield Charlotte May
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Austin Newcombe
 Census1900Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Census1900Dunham Grace Sarah
 Census1900Chatfield Louise N
 Death15 May 1912White Etta B
 Census1915 (previously 1900)Chatfield Samuel Willis
 Residence1915 (previously 1905)Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Marriage14 August 1920Chatfield Willis Dunham with Cook Dorcas May
 Residence1920Chatfield Austin Newcombe
 Census1920Hallenbeck Marilla
 Residence1920Chatfield Louise N
 Census1920Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Census1920Thomas Ossian J
 Census1925Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Death1926Turk Harry King
 Death23 April 1928Turk Jacob Henry
 Census1940? Emma
 Residence1940Chatfield Katherine E
 Residence1940 (previously 1935)Cook Dorcas May
 Census1940Chatfield John Dewitt
 Census1940Drum George
 Census1940Drum Howard
 Residence1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Willis Dunham
 Residence1940Chatfield Mildred L
 Death1962Mulford Hattie Augusta
 Death20 May 1963Chatfield Willis Dunham
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death1853Palmer Jesse
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth21 January 1841MacChesney Samuel
20 century
 Census1910 (previously 1900)West Millard
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Friend \ Frint Ella
 Census1910 (previously 1900)West Jeremiah
 Census1930Friend \ Frint Ella
 Census1930West Millard
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage1821Dennis George Washington with Partridge Phoebe Minerva
 Birth22 September 1845Chamberlin Finley McLaren
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthApril 1828Wheat William
 Birth27 October 1832Bovee Ezra
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Bond Lena

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