These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

List of events ordered by date

United States of America - KY Kentucky - Ashland 41101 - 12224, Bath Ave., Boyd Co. : 215 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 ResidenceSeptember 1927Richardson Helen J
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Kim
 Burial?Chatfield Swanie
 Burial?Jones Ada Pauline
 Burial?Chatfield Frederick Steven
 Burial?Smith Clyda Bernice
 Burial?Morse Julietta Frances
 Burial?Horn Terry Gene
 Burial?Chatfield Daisy F
 Burial?Henneman Ella
 Burial?Richardson Frances D
 Burial?Mayberry Phyllis Jean
 Burial?Richardson George Douglas
 Burial?Mayberry Virginia Darline
 Burial?Chatfield Grace Hattie
 Burial?Salyer Claude H
 Burial?Mayberry Charles
 Burial?Chatfield Samuel Walter
 Burial?Chatfield Mable
 Burial?? Alberta Y
 Burial?Chatfield Frederick R
 Burial?Salyer Edna B
 Burial?Richardson Robert Douglas Callihan
 Burial?Richardson Arthur Nesbet
 Burial?Lewis Ray Phillip
 Burial?Beals Lucy
 Burial?Pennington Orville J
 Burial?Chatfield Chester Burch
 Burial?Chatfield Sula G
 Burial?Densmore Alford Romance
20 century
 Death23 September 1930Dixon Isabele
 Census1930Chatfield Frederick R
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth10 February 1872Chatfield Effie Frances
 Birth2 April 1874Richardson Arthur Nesbet
 Birth31 May 1874Bailey Iona Stella
 Birth13 April 1893Mayberry Charles
20 century
 Census1900Morse Julietta Frances
 Census1900Chatfield Myrtle J
 Census1900Richardson Arthur Nesbet
 Census1900Chatfield Sula G
 Census1900Chatfield Ralph George
 Census1900Richardson Robert Douglas Callihan
 Birth16 May 1904Richardson Helen J
 Birth26 November 1905Crooks Margaret E
 Census1910Chatfield Grace G
 Census1910Chatfield Oscar Pasin \ Pason
 Census1910Chatfield Hazel
 Census1910Chatfield Chester Burch
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Clark Hellen Susan
 Census1910Henneman Caroline Tennesee
 Census1910Chatfield Samuel Kouns
 Census1910Henneman Lemuel John
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield George Washington
 Census1910Chatfield Leila Blanche
 Census1910Chatfield Evan Wilbur
 Census1910Chatfield Marvin Earl
 Census1910Chatfield Anna Whitney
 Census1910Chatfield Evaline M
 Census1910Murphy Rose M
 Census1910Chatfield Lawrence Julius
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Minnie A
 Birth5 September 1914Fridenmaker Luther Edward
 Death19 February 1917Bartram Sarah Frances
 Birth20 October 1918Jones Ada Pauline
 Census1920Fridenmaker Callie M
 Census1920Fridenmaker Adolph C
 Census1920Fridenmaker Thelma Elizabeth
 Census1920Fridenmaker Henry C
 Census1920Fridenmaker Minnie Eva
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Martin Seymour
 Census1920Fridenmaker Luther Edward
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Burch Vinca
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Richardson William A
 Census1920Fridenmaker Homer Sylvester
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Richardson Arthur Nesbet
 Census1920Richardson George Douglas
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Richardson Frances D
 Census1920Henneman Ella
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Chatfield Sula G
 Census1920 (previously 1910)Richardson Helen J
 Birth5 February 1922Mayberry Virginia Darline
 Death15 October 1924Richardson Robert Douglas Callihan
 Death21 November 1924Chatfield George Washington
 Birth27 June 1927Fridenmaker Charles Richard
 Death28 November 1927Chatfield Samuel Walter
 Birthabout 1927Chatfield Peggy E
 Census1930Mayberry Phyllis Jean
 Census1930Chatfield Daisy F
 Census1930Chatfield Samuel Kouns
 Census1930Mayberry Helen C
 Census1930Mayberry Charles
 Census1930? Sadie
 Census1930Turner Bertha
 Census1930Davis Laura Jane
 Census1930Meek Lena M
 Census1930Mobley Nina Elizabeth
 Census1930Mobley Harris Thompson
 Census1930Chatfield Clifford Gilmore
 Census1930Chatfield Swanie
 Census1930? Bessie
 Census1930Chatfield James B
 Census1930Waggoner Russel
 Census1930Chatfield Edgar
 Census1930Chatfield Frank
 Census1930Ray Evelyn L
 Census1930Densmore Alford Romance
 Census1930Warman Calvin
 Census1930Broughton Verna Alice
 Census1930? Grace
 Census1930Chatfield Gomer Lewis
 Census1930Chatfield Cyrus Clifford
 Census1930Chatfield Peggy E
 Census1930Chatfield Marvin Earl
 Census1930Beals Lucy
 Census1930Chatfield Pauline
 Census1930Mayberry Virginia Darline
 Census1930Richardson Helen J
 Census1930Chatfield Mable
 Census1930Densmore Edward
 Census1930Salyer Claude H
 Death1 January 1933Chatfield Evaline M
 Birth25 May 1933Clark Virginia Ann
 Death14 February 1937Davis Laura Jane
 Death24 August 1939Smith Clyda Bernice
 Death4 November 1939Morse Julietta Frances
 Birth27 November 1940Chatfield Jim Thompson
 Death4 December 1940Chatfield Martin Seymour
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Faulkner Hugh Howard
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Faulkner Donald Edward
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson Patricia A
 Census1940Henneman Ella
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson George Douglas
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Langley Minnie
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson Arthur Nesbet
 Census1940Chatfield Mable
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Chester Burch
 Census1940? Sadie
 Census1940Chatfield Edgar
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson Frances D
 Census1940Chatfield Daisy F
 Census1940Chatfield Gomer Lewis
 Census1940Boggs Verna
 Census1940Ray Evelyn L
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Anna Whitney
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Henneman Caroline Tennesee
 Census1940Mayberry Phyllis Jean
 Census1940Chatfield Garland Edward
 Census1940Thompson Ruth
 Census1940Tucker Ronald Preston
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Burch Vinca
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Sula G
 Census1940Densmore Alford Romance
 Census1940Waggoner Russel
 Census1940Mayberry Charles
 Census1940Chatfield Frank
 Census1940Mobley Harris Thompson
 Census1940Fridenmaker Thelma Elizabeth
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Hazel
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson William A
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Faulkner Mabel Louise
 Census1940Faulkner Lorraine Marcella
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Richardson William A
 Census1940Chatfield Swanie
 Census1940Mobley Nina Elizabeth
 Census1940Mayberry Helen C
 Census1940Tucker Hilliard Irwin
 Census1940Thompson Meredith
 Census1940Mayberry Virginia Darline
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Martin Seymour
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Leila Blanche
 Census1949Faulkner Howard Bell
 Census1950Thompson Meredith
 Census1950Faulkner Lorraine Marcella
 Census1950Thompson Issue 11
 Census1950Boggs Verna
 Census1950Tucker Geraldine
 Census1950Tucker Hilliard Irwin
 Census1950Tucker Richard Mathews
 Census1950Tucker Ronald Preston
 Death29 May 1954Faulkner Hugh Howard
 Death12 January 1957Densmore Alford Romance
 Death6 August 1959Mayberry Charles
 Death14 August 1963Henneman Ella
 Death29 October 1965Tucker Ronald Preston
 Death22 December 1965Fridenmaker Adolph C
 Death24 February 1979Henneman Caroline Tennesee
 Death30 December 1987Tucker Hilliard Irwin
 Death17 October 1988Chatfield Frederick Grant
 Death11 August 1991Chatfield Chester Burch
 Death1 February 1993Fridenmaker Minnie Eva
21 century
 Death22 December 2006Daniels Marjorie Ann
 Death6 November 2007Sweeney Gary Lane
 Death6 September 2011Mayberry Virginia Darline
 Death19 March 2012Carter Inez
 Death27 April 2014Chatfield Kim
 Residence2014Pennington Jill
 Residence2014Pennington Philip Bruce
 Death10 December 2019Payne Hilda Faye
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death14 May 1956Burch Vinca
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death6 November 2020Chatfield Darrell Franklin
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Marvin Earl
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Turner Bertha
 Burial?Chatfield Garland Edward
 Burial?Chatfield James B
 Burial?Chatfield Pauline
 Burial?Faulkner Lorraine Marcella
 Burial?Chatfield Gomer Lewis
 Burial?Elkins William Sherman
 Burial?Tucker Hilliard Irwin
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Evaline M
 Burial?Carter Inez
 Burial?Faulkner Donald Edward
 Burial?Henneman Caroline Tennesee
 Burial?Tucker Ronald Preston
20 century
 Burial1 June 1954Faulkner Hugh Howard

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.