These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

List of events ordered by date

United States of America - CT Connecticut - Ridgefield 06877 - Fairfield Co. : 3 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth18 August 1715St John Mark
20 century
 Death4 October 1918Stokes James
 Marriage8 June 1968Dupee Raymond Edward with McKnight Jane Marie



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Ripton Parish, Huntington, Fairfield Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth11 July 1759French Joseph Nichols



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Ripton, Fairfield Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Marriage5 January 1769Summers Luke with Curtiss Ruth



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Rocky Hill 06067 - Hartford Co. : 6 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth5 February 1769Goodrich Rosannah
 Birth23 May 1773Goff Silas
 Marriage13 January 1791Goff Silas with Goodrich Rosannah
19 century
 Census1850Blakeslee Coral Dwight
20 century
 Death5 February 1949Chatfield Frederick Loomis
 Death23 September 1949Chatfield Robert Arthur



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Roxbury 06783 - Litchfield Co. : 7 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Death?Hinman Eunice
19 century
 Birth1800Chatfield Philemon
 Death22 May 1824Parmalee Amos
 Marriage31 October 1825Chatfield Philemon with Cogsill Ann
 Death5 January 1844Hull \ Lord Elizabeth
 Death26 March 1897Sperry Betsey
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield George



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Salisbury 06068 - Litchfield Co. : 20 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth15 November 1736Woodworth Cyrenius
 Marriage18 October 1756Chatfield Jesse with Woodworth Freelove
 Marriage1761Woodworth Cyrenius with Chatfield Abigail
 Birthabout 1767Cleveland Priscilla
 Birth10 November 1768Woodworth Josiah
 Birth5 September 1771Thompson James
 Birth2 June 1772Chatfield Lucretia
 Death4 July 1774Munger Jane
 Birth8 September 1774Chatfield William C
 Death1775Chatfield Philip
 Marriage1 January 1782Ackley Champion with Woodworth Abigail
 Death2 January 1782Marvin Naomi
 Birth2 October 1792Thompson Olive
19 century
 Death22 December 1813Chatfield Abigail
 Death15 June 1815Woodworth Cyrenius
 Birth7 December 1878Ashman Frederick H
20 century
 Residence1900? Frances
 Residence1900Wilbur Lewis H
 Residence1910Wilbur Oliver\Otto Hugh
 Marriage29 July 1985Chatfield David Allen with Saul Laura R



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Salisbury Town, Litchfield Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1940Daigneault Burton Oliver



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Salisbury Twp., Litchfield Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth20 September 1730Woodworth Jane
 Birth6 January 1755Chatfield Mary
 Birth17 August 1774Chatfield Mary



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Saybrook, Middlesex Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1741Post Benjamin
19 century
 Death26 September 1853Post Benjamin



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Saybrook, Middlesex Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Birth31 May 1682Redfield Theophilus
18 century
 Birth2 March 1727 (previously 1726)Buckingham Hezekiah
 Birth15 February 1729Spencer John
 Birth10 December 1745Pelton Josiah P
 Birth19 April 1753Post Simeon
 Marriage22 April 1756Buckingham Hezekiah with Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth3 July 1757Buckingham Hezekiah
 Birth6 October 1758Buckingham Jedediah
 Birth22 October 1760Buckingham Gideon
 Birth28 July 1762Buckingham Sarah
 Birth16 November 1764Buckingham George
 Birth28 September 1766Buckingham Joseph
 Birth11 November 1768Buckingham Benjamin
 Birth8 August 1770Buckingham William
 Marriage18 November 1770Chatfield Benjamin with Doud \ Dowd Lucretia
 Birth13 May 1772Buckingham Phebe
 Birth8 June 1774Buckingham Ann
 Birth11 February 1776Buckingham John
 Marriage19 March 1782Post Simeon with Hull Mary
19 century
 Death9 August 1805Griswold Rebinah
 Residence1850Davidson Jenette L
 Residence1850Dowd Richard Nelson
 Residence1850Dowd Frances J
 Census1880Chatfield Hudson A
 Census1880Chatfield Seymour Hudson
 Census1880Chatfield Adah
 Census1880Brown Louisa A
 Census1880Chatfield Celia
 Census1880Chatfield Orange
 Death23 November 1887Hull Joel
 Marriage15 October 1889Beard Joel Agur with Morse Grace Frances



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Seymour 06483 - 212 Skokorat St., New Haven Co. : 392 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Residence2001Noyack Reiter Edith Martha
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death5 March 1827Thompson Sarah
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Bassett Zerah
 Burial?Doolittle Maranda
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Kinney William
 Burial?Steele Milla \ Melatiah \ Melinde
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Christening24 July 1757Kinney William
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Smith Laura Cornelia
 Burial?Holbrook Lucius
 Burial?Hawkins Hannah
 Burial?Francis Otis Courtney
 Burial?Smith Ephraim
 Burial?Wooster Joseph D
 Burial?Holbrook Grace
 Burial?Holbrook Nathan Pierce
 Burial?Holbrook Mary Ann
 Burial?Holbrook John
 Burial?Hawkins Joseph
 Burial?Chatfield Bennett
 Burial?Tomlinson Ellen
 Burial?Hawkins Charles
 Burial?Harger Abigail
 Burial?Francis Morrell
 Burial?Chatfield Bennett
 Burial?Yale Rebecca
 Burial?Chatfield Isaiah
 Burial?Haines Emma E;izabeth
 Burial?Thompson Sarah
 Burial?Chatfield Jane
 Burial?Holbrook Esther
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Birth20 September 1940Willey George Everett
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Leigh Anna Jane
 Census1860Leigh Lewis
 Census1860Valentine Isabella
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Holbrook Betsey Grace
 Burial?Holbrook Willis
 Burial?? Lois
 Burial?Holbrook Daniel
 Burial?Riggs Elizabeth Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield George Allen
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Bassett Issue 2
18 century
 Death1761Chatfield Abigail
 Birth30 April 1769Holbrook Daniel
 Birth18 August 1775Hawkins Joseph
 Birth4 November 1785Sanford Guy
 Marriage17 March 1788Holbrook Daniel with Riggs Elizabeth Ann
 Birth1788Holbrook Betsey Grace
 BirthMarch 1790Holbrook Willis
 Death30 September 1790Holbrook Willis
 Birth1792Holbrook Anna Maria
19 century
 Birth15 June 1800Holbrook Grace
 Death9 February 1801Riggs Elizabeth Ann
 Birth21 January 1804Holbrook Austin
 DeathMarch 1805Chatfield Rebeckah
 Birth1805Hitchcock Lucinda
 Birth16 January 1810Tomlinson Wooster Mary
 Birth8 February 1813Holbrook Mary Ann
 Birth28 August 1813Chatfield Levi Tomlinson
 Birth3 October 1815Chatfield Nathan Stoddard
 Birth29 November 1815Wheeler Henry Wakeman
 Birth9 November 1817Wheeler Frances A
 Death26 February 1818Davis Naomi
 Death30 December 1823Harger Abigail
 Birth24 February 1825Davis Harpin
 Birth1 November 1826Chatfield Clark
 Death28 September 1828Holbrook Daniel
 Birth25 February 1829Chatfield Mary Almira
 Birth25 June 1829Holbrook Nathan Pierce
 Birth31 July 1831Chatfield Martha Ann
 Birth23 September 1831Chatfield Bennett
 Death28 September 1831Holbrook Mary Ann
 Death1 October 1831Chatfield Bennett
 Death23 October 1832Hawkins Joseph
 Birth31 October 1832Carrington Sarah M
 Birth11 July 1833Chatfield Howard Guy
 Death10 June 1835Chatfield Bennett
 Birth2 October 1835Chatfield Henry Wheeler
 Death14 June 1836Chatfield Joel
 Birth5 November 1836Chatfield Sarah Lucinda
 Death18 November 1836Hitchcock Lucinda
 Birth31 January 1838Chatfield John J
 Birth17 February 1838Carrington Emily \ Emmeline G
 Birth4 April 1838Chatfield John
 Birth19 April 1840Chatfield Edwin I.
 Birth9 September 1844Chatfield Hiram
 Birth14 September 1846Chatfield Mary Tomlinson
 Birth20 August 1848Steele Frank E
 Death7 February 1849Sweetland Mary H
 Birth17 June 1849Chatfield Joel
 Marriage6 January 1850Kissam Samuel Marshall with Chatfield Martha Ann
 Marriage13 April 1850Davis Harpin with Chatfield Mary Almira
 Birth18 April 1850Tomlinson Harriet
 Birth6 September 1850Divine George A
 Census1850Stuart Emeline A
 Census1850Chatfield Ransom
 Residence1850Chatfield Mary Almira
 Census1850Chatfield Thirza
 Census1850Chatfield John
 Census1850Chatfield Hiram
 Census1850Pruden Sally
 Census1850Chatfield Joel Raymond
 Census1850Davis Harpin
 Census1850Steele Frank E
 Census1850Chatfield Mary Tomlinson
 Census1850Chatfield Edwin I.
 Census1850Davis Anson R
 Census1850Buckingham Philo Beecher
 Census1850Chatfield Sarah Lucinda
 Census1850Perkins Sally Caroline
 Residence1850Chatfield Leman
 Census1850Tomlinson Wooster Mary
 Census1850Steele John Burton
 Census1850Chatfield Joel
 Residence1850Chatfield William
 Residence1850Dibble Sarah (Sellock)
 Birth1 January 1851Davis Charles Howard
 Birth4 June 1851Kissam Fannie Jarvis
 Birth24 October 1851Chatfield Charlotte Frances
 Birth30 October 1851Hull Cyrus John
 Birth24 December 1853Chatfield Frederick Seymour
 Birth27 November 1854Chatfield Hattie Minerva
 Death25 November 1855Tomlinson Harrison
 Birth3 September 1859Chatfield Alice Josephine
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Frederick Newton
 Census1860Doolittle Maranda
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Sarah J
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield John A
 Census1860Hitchcock Timothy
 Census1860Chatfield Royal E
 Census1860Davis Anson R
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield George A
 Census1860Chatfield Almira
 Census1860Chatfield Mary Josephine
 Census1860Baldwin Sarah Grace
 Census1860Carrington Emily \ Emmeline G
 Census1860Wheeler John Todd
 Census1860Chatfield John Holbrook
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Sheldon
 Census1860Pruden Sally
 Census1860Chatfield Howard Guy
 Census1860Chatfield Alice Josephine
 Census1860Chatfield Thirza
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Bunnell Catherine C
 Marriage16 March 1862Chatfield Edwin I. with Thompson Catherine
 Marriageabout 1862Upson Daniel with Chatfield Martha A
 Birth20 March 1863Chatfield Edwin Hubert
 Death8 May 1864Chatfield William
 Death30 March 1865Pruden Sally
 Death11 January 1868Davis Anson R
 Marriage18 October 1868Holbrook Andrew with Baldwin Clarissa A
 Marriage3 February 1869Chatfield Albert Isiah with Smith Alice Jane
 Birth9 February 1870Chatfield Rollin Blackman
 Birth24 February 1870Chatfield Frank F
 Birth6 March 1870Chatfield Annie Leigh
 Death13 March 1870Leigh Anna Jane
 Birth10 November 1870Isbell Milton Cleveland
 Census1870Chatfield Almira
 Birth3 June 1871Chatfield Ralph Clifford
 Death8 July 1873Doolittle Edmund Lewis
 Death5 November 1873Chatfield Leman
 Death21 January 1875Holbrook Austin
 Death5 March 1876Chatfield Annie Leigh
 Birth28 April 1876Chatfield Henry Oliver
 Death1 April 1877Chatfield Sheldon
 Marriage1 January 1878Chatfield Horace Greeley with Tomlinson Harriet
 Birth8 September 1878Chatfield Paul E
 Birth16 February 1879Holbrook Miriam Emily
 Birth26 September 1880Chatfield Alfred
 Census1880Carrington Emily \ Emmeline G
 Census1880Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Census1880Chatfield Walter Clark
 Census1880Chatfield Eliza Margaretta
 Census1880Wooster Horace Putnam
 Census1880Chatfield Clark
 Census1880Chatfield Paul E
 Census1880Chatfield Howard Guy
 Census1880Finkle Charles Henry
 Census1880Chatfield Edward \ Edwin Smith
 Census1880Wooster Carrie V
 Census1880Wooster Rose
 Census1880Chatfield Joel
 Census1880Wooster William Henry Harrison
 Census1880Dibblee Margaret Wilson
 Census1880Wooster Daisey
 Census1880Chatfield Mary Caroline
 Census1880Wooster Annie Thompson
 Census1880Putnam Anna Louise
 Census1880Chatfield Arthur Woolsey
 Census1880Chatfield Edith Almy
 Birth7 April 1881James George Walter
 Death2 October 1881Davis Emerett
 Death15 November 1881Holbrook Grace
 Birth8 December 1882Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Birth7 October 1883Hotchkiss - Chatfield Howard Edward
 Death2 May 1887Holbrook Nathan Pierce
 Birth27 April 1889Chatfield Thomas
 Death6 November 1889Chatfield Thomas
 Census1890Chatfield Ella
 Death4 February 1894Chatfield Joel Raymond
 Death7 May 1894Tomlinson Wooster Mary
 Death5 June 1895Chatfield Mary Caroline
 Death24 April 1898Chatfield Submit
 Death10 May 1898Chatfield Alta Louise
 Death10 September 1898Steele Frank E
 Death13 December 1899Chatfield Ransom
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Census1900Wooster Mabel
 Census1900Chatfield Alfred
 Census1900Hubbell Mary Elizabeth
 Census1900Chatfield Clark
 Census1900Dibblee Margaret Wilson
 Census1900Chatfield Eliza Margaretta
 Census1900Keast Maria Catherine
 Census1900Chatfield Paul E
 Census1900Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Census1900Finkle Charles Henry
 Census1900Chatfield Joel
 Birth16 June 1902James George A
 Birth23 April 1907James Lawrence Cable
 Birth25 August 1908Davis Ruth Goldie
 Death27 November 1908Wooster Letsome Terrell
 Death15 December 1908Sweeney Julia Adelia
 Birth1908Tausendfreundt Walter F
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Putnam Anna Louise
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Wooster Horace Putnam
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Howard Guy
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Wooster Louise
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Carrington Sarah M
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Wooster Ruth H
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Chatfield Howard
 Census1910Peck Howard F
 Census1910 (previously 1900)Wooster William Henry Harrison
 Census1910Chatfield Mary Viola
 Death1911Maither Mary M
 Birth16 October 1913Chatfield Edward Harley
 Death13 May 1914Carrington Sarah M
 Birth1914Divine Martha Amelia
 Birth30 August 1915Chatfield Richard Lewis
 Death18 June 1916Hubbell John P
 Birth27 March 1918Thayer Marion A
 Death23 May 1918Chatfield Hiram
 Birth30 August 1918Chatfield Minote E
 Death30 August 1918Chatfield Minote E
 Death10 January 1920Tomlinson Ellen
 Death15 May 1920Drummer Christian
 Census1920? Ida W
 Census1920Hoyt Archibald
 Census1920Hoyt Irene Alice
 Census1920Radcliffe Dorothy Russell
 Census1920Radcliffe Albert Edward
 Census1920Hubbell Mary Elizabeth
 Census1920Chatfield Eliza Margaretta
 Census1920Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Census1920? Elizabeth H
 Census1920Finkle Charles Henry
 Census1920Chatfield Wilson Porch
 Census1920Chatfield Frances
 Census1920Gibbs Georgianna Gregory
 Census1920Drummer Christian M
 Census1920Radcliffe Edward Chatfield
 Census1920Drummer Christian
 Death20 June 1928Divine George A
 Census1930Chatfield Henry Treat
 Census1930Hotchkiss - Chatfield Howard Edward
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Peck Howard F
 Census1930Keast Maria Catherine
 Census1930Chatfield Wilson Porch
 Census1930Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Census1930Chatfield Olive Rollina
 Census1930Chatfield Henrietta Maye Louise
 Census1930 (previously 1920)Chatfield Mary Viola
 Census1930Drummer Christian M
 Census1930Chatfield Horace Minotte
 Census1930? Elizabeth H
 Census1930Swanat Bertha
 Death21 December 1932Keast Maria Catherine
 MarriageDecember 1934Chatfield Henry Treat with Divine Martha Amelia
 Birth25 April 1940Chatfield James Martin
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Edward Harley
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Treat Mary Henrietta
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Porch Quinta
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Joel
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Harriet Emily
 Census1940Chatfield Henrietta Maye Louise
 Census1940? Elizabeth H
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Eliza Margaretta
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Hoyt Irene Alice
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Henry Oliver
 Residence1940 (previously 1930)Porch Quinta
 Census1940Chatfield Paul E
 Census1940Finkle Charles Henry
 Census1940Hubbell Mary Elizabeth
 Census1940Drummer Christian M
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Census1940Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Chatfield Frances
 Marriage1943Chatfield Henry Treat with Burmaster Beryl Yvonne
 Death4 March 1946Chatfield Joel
 Deathabout 1946Sanford Sherman
 Death3 January 1952Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Death16 November 1960Divine Martha Amelia
 Census1960Radcliffe Jean Elizabeth
 Death1960Tausendfreundt Walter F
 Death30 May 1961Swanat Bertha
 Marriage4 May 1963Chatfield Henry Oliver with Weed Judith Amy
 Death30 April 1964Hotchkiss - Chatfield Howard Edward
 Marriage15 April 1965Chatfield Edward Harley with Noyack Reiter Edith Martha
 Marriage1968Coviello Vincent P with Schur Jane Carol
 DeathOctober 1983Drummer Christian M
 Marriage26 May 1987Michel Arthur V with Dawson Sharon Ann
 Residence1987Dawson Sharon Ann
 Death28 January 1992Chatfield Henry Treat
 Death29 May 1996Chatfield Edward Harley
 Marriage10 April 1997Perry Winston B with Dawson Sharon Ann
 Marriage27 June 1999Noyes Keith R with Coviello Amanda Jane
21 century
 Death1 December 2002Armati Leo Francis
 Residence2011Chatfield George Allen
 Residence2016MacNeil Marcia
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Stuart Emeline A
 Burial?Davis Emerett
 Burial?Rule Clara E
 Burial?? Jennie
 Burial?Tausendfreundt Walter F
 Burial?Baldwin Clarissa A
 Burial?Hitchcock Timothy
 Burial?Steele John Burton
 Burial?Chatfield Maud Tomlinson
 Burial?Leek Frederick T
 Burial?Thompson Catherine
 Burial?Tomlinson Harrison
 Burial?Divine Martha Amelia
 Burial?Holbrook Andrew
 Burial?Tomlinson Harriet
 Burial?Chatfield Edwin I.
 Burial?Divine George A
 Burial?Holbrook Miriam Emily
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth4 January 1809Chatfield Lucy Almira
 Birth2 September 1811Chatfield Albert Alonzo
 Birth12 November 1853Chatfield Lillian Josephine
 Birth14 October 1897Steele Frank Willis
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Holbrook Cyrus
 Burial?Mansfield Sally
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Thomas
 Burial?Chatfield Joel Raymond
 Burial?Wooster William Henry Harrison
 Burial?Chatfield John Edwards
 Burial?Chatfield Joel
 Burial?Sweeney Julia Adelia
 Burial?Sweetland Mary H
 Burial?Chatfield Leman
 Burial?Chatfield Brenda Carol
 Burial?Chatfield Clark
 Burial?Wooster Letsome Terrell
 Burial?Chatfield Elizabeth Keast
 Burial?Stoddard Ruth
 Burial?Chatfield Edward Harley
 Burial?Chatfield Elnathan
 Burial?Putnam Anna Louise
 Burial?Chatfield Ransom
 Burial?Hitchcock Lucinda
 Burial?Hoyt Irene Alice
 Burial?Wheeler Charlotte
 Burial?Tomlinson Wooster Mary
 Burial?Gilyard Sarah Lois
 Burial?Chatfield Minote E
 Burial?Wheeler John Todd
 Burial?Todd Rose T
 Burial?Leigh Anna Jane
 Burial?Northrop Hannah
 Burial?Swanat Bertha
 Burial?Chatfield Thirza
 Burial?Chatfield Hattie Minerva
 Burial?Chatfield Alta Louise
 Burial?Chatfield Eliza Margaretta
 Burial?Dibblee Margaret Wilson
 Burial?Chatfield Almira
 Burial?Hotchkiss - Chatfield Howard Edward
 Burial?Chatfield Charlotte
 Burial?Chatfield John
 Burial?Keast Maria Catherine
 Burial?Pruden Sally
 Burial?Chatfield Benjamin Nichols
 Burial?Davis Anson R
 Burial?Chatfield Frances
 Burial?Wheeler Howard
 Burial?Chatfield Gladys Wooding
 Burial?Chatfield Mary Caroline
 Burial?Sanford Raymond
 Burial?Chatfield Paul E
 Burial?Wooding Ida Estella
 Burial?Chatfield Annie Leigh
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Joel

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.