These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

List of events ordered by date

Australia - TAS Tasmania - Longford : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birthabout 1839Hartnoll Henry John
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriageabout 1819Hartnoll William with Webb Mary Eliza



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Magra - Back Creek Methodist Church : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Christening20 January 1879Smith Thomas Leonard



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Mersey Vale Lawn Cmtry.

Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Oldham Percival Edwin



Australia - TAS Tasmania - New Norfolk : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth26 August 1887Chatfield Irene Ethel Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage11 February 1850Chatfield William with Wicker Celia



Australia - TAS Tasmania - New Town - "Braeside" : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage1901Propsting Samuel Cater with Propsting Ruth
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death15 August 1896Chatfield Emma
20 century
 Death30 August 1962Oldham Alfred Henry
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death7 February 1981Oldham John Chatfield



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Oatlands : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth24 October 1886Wooldridge Archibald Edward



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Old Beach : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death6 July 2015Cramp William Thomas Holbrook
 Death25 June 2016Woods Patricia [Rosemary] Mary



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Poatina

Event TypeDateIndividual
21 century
 Death5 April 2013Ambrose Agnes Maxwell



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Port Arthur : 15 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth29 April 1848Chatfield Alfred William
 Birth21 December 1850Chatfield Alice Elizabeth Hannah
 Birth17 February 1855Chatfield Charlotte Amy
 Death15 April 1859Holbrook Harriet Jane
 Marriage12 August 1862Mawle Joseph Charles Mummery with Chatfield Harriet
 Birth17 August 1863Mawle William Joseph Westfield
 Birth2 June 1865Mawle Frances Emma
 Birth3 July 1866Mawle Frederick Ernest
 Birth1868Mawle Alfred John
 Birth8 January 1871Mawle Harriett Elizabeth
 Birth17 December 1876Mawle Clara
 Birth24 October 1878Mawle Charles
 Birth28 September 1880Mawle Jessica
 Birth12 July 1888Muir Violet Elizabeth
20 century
 Marriage19 January 1908Oldham Percival Edwin with Muir Violet Elizabeth



Australia - TAS Tasmania - South Hobart

Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death13 September 1999Bilben Gwynneth Eileen



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Swan Ponds

Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth23 April 1842Smith Samuel Thomas



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Tasman

Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death19 June 1865Mawle Frances Emma



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Wynyard - Gospel Hall : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriageabout December 1939Nanscawen Gordon Royal with Ambrose Agnes Maxwell



Australia - TAS Tasmania - Zeehan - St Andrew : 2 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Christening10 June 1906Morton Murdoch Chatfield
 Christening24 April 1910Morton Alexander Campbell



Australia - VIC Victoria

Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Chatfield Julie
 Birth?Chatfield Nola
 Birth?Chatfield Lynette
 Birth?Beveridge Issue 5
 Birth?Angwin Issue 10
 Occupation?Chatfield Alan George
 Birth?Bell Issue 4
 Birth?Hughes Issue 3
 Birth?Chatfield Julie
 Birth?Chatfield Sheryl
 Birth?? Benjamin
 Birth?Chatfield Jennie
 Birth?Boxshall Jean
 Birth?Chatfield Robert
 Birth?Chatfield Carly
 Birth?Milgate Elizabeth J
 Birth?Ives Issue 5
 Birth?Boxshall Shirley
 Birth?Boxshall Issue 6
 Birth?Chatfield Natalie
 Birth?Boxshall Issue 11
 Birth?McSweeney Matilda Maria
 Birth?? Emily
 Birth?Chatfield Beverley
 Birth?Chatfield Catherine
 Birth?Chatfield Jean
 Birth?Chatfield Robert
 Birth?Rutherford Issue 13
 Marriage?Gulliver Benjamin John with Masters Julia
 Occupation?Chatfield Ian Robert
 Birth?Chatfield Frank
 Birth?? Matthew
 Birth?Chatfield Susan
 Birth?Chatfield Vanessa
 Birth?Chatfield Alison
19 century
 Immigration1841Boxshall Thomas
 Emigration1852Hammer Richard
 Immigration1853Tyler John Chatfield
 Marriage1854Archer David with Chatfield Ann
 Emigration1856Tonkin Maria
 Marriage1857Harris Thomas with Taylor Elizabeth Jane Osburn
 Marriage1857Meriga Antonio Giovanni with Moss Miriam
 Death1860Chatfield William James
 Birth1860Funcke Johannes Valentine
 Birth21 September 1862Tyler John Chatfield
 Marriage1864McGUINESS George with Gorton Catherine Augusta
 Birth1867Murray Ada Jane
 Birth1867Walls Mary
 Death1868Chatfield Ernest
 Birth1870Bloom Henriette Anna
 Marriage1874Nicholson Donald with Jeffers Rachel Margaret
 Birth1876Doyle Catherine Ann
 Birth1877Chatfield Rose Ellen
 Birth15 February 1879Guy Ellen Amelia
 Death26 August 1879Hammer Richard
 Marriage1879Lee Charles Jeredi \ Jedediah with Webb Mary Cecilia
 Death8 February 1880Guy Ellen Amelia
 Marriage1880Thorsen Gerhard Martinus with Chatfield Mary Elizabeth
 Birthabout 1881Chatfield John Edward Stephen
 Marriage1881Foote George with Glasscock Fanny Charlotte
 Birth1881Holland Ernest James
 Marriage1883Giacometti Pietro Giovanni with Dunmore Mary
 Death1883Kirwin \ Kerwin Sarah Jane
 Marriage1884Baldwin William Henry with YOUNGMAN Frances Amelia
 Marriage1884Rogers Edward with Chatfield Louisa Caroline
 Marriage1886Chatfield Charles Newman with McGuiness Emily Blanche
 Marriage1886Chatfield Francis Charles with Harris Elizabeth
 Marriage1887Henderson Robert with Chatfield Jane Ann
 MarriageJanuary 1888Angwin Justus with Murray Ada Jane
 Marriage26 July 1888Thorsen Thorwald August with Chatfield Harriet Jane
 Marriage1888Pritchard John with Brewer Ellen Emma
 Birth1888Hughes Vyvyan Westbury
 Marriage1890Chatfield Henry with Meriga Elizabeth Chrystal
 Birth1890Pritchard Emma Louisa
 Marriage1891Donaldson James with Milburn Elizabeth
 Birth1891Smith Lottie Weatherby
 Marriage1892Funcke Johannes Valentine with Summerhayes Emma Louise
 Marriage1893Chatfield George with McSweeney Matilda Maria
 Marriage18 July 1895Chatfield Francis William with Angwin Rhoda
 Birth1895Hancock Emmanuel John
 Marriage1895Frost Charles with Bentley Jane
 Birth1895Hamill Jane Teresa Elizabeth Mary
 Marriage1896Chatfield Edward James with Coe Emma Webber
 Birth1896Chatfield Margaret Faith
 Marriage1897Scown Edwin Graham with Chatfield Rose Ellen
 Marriage1897Rea James with Walls Mary
 Marriage1898Taylor Frederick Arthur with Edgar Isabel Pringle
 Marriage1899Volk Nicholas with Clinch Sarah
 Marriage1899Rudd Ralph Reginald with Doyle Catherine Ann
20 century
 Marriage1900Boxshall William Thomas with Chatfield Louisa Mary
 Birth1900Frost Charles John
 Marriage1900Chatfield George Stephen with Smith Maria Jane
 Marriage1 October 1901Kleehammer Joseph John with Chatfield Margaret Anna
 Marriage1902Chatfield John Edward Stephen with McCracken Mary
 Marriage1902Fitzgerald James Redmond with Sutherland Mary Ellen
 Marriage1903Clarke Thomas Joseph with Knights Emily
 Marriage1903Cooke Samuel David with Friday Anne
 Marriage9 January 1904Green Frederick Richard with Chatfield Emily Sarah
 Marriage1904Bookham Stephen Lawrencw with Perry Rachael Rebecca
 Death1904Chatfield Elsie May
 Marriage1905Chatfield Henry Amos with Giacometti Stella Marie
 Marriage1905Morton Adam George Sinclair with Chatfield Miriam
 Marriage1906Barton Ernest Cameron with Mountjoy Ada Fanny May
 Marriage1906Monkevitch Edward Francis with Aughterson Anne Moya
 Marriage1906Newey James Rodgers with Bradley Ethel May
 Birth11 July 1907Barton Ernest Vincent
 Marriage1907Robertson William Hamilton with Forbes Beatrice
 Marriage1907Milgate Herbert with Loats Bertha Mary
 Birth25 October 1908Barton Dorothy May
 Death1909Loats Bertha Mary
 Marriage1910Lee Howard Clifford with Chatfield Ada Esther
 Marriage1910Smiley John Willis with Thorsen Annie Jane Gurine
 Marriage9 June 1911Rutherford Andrew with Chatfield Alice May
 Marriage9 June 1911Rutherford Andrew
 Marriage1912Chatfield Ernest Derby with Fisher Ethel Maude
 Marriage1912Baker Nelson Brougham \ Brayham with Smith Lottie Weatherby
 Marriage1912Knott Reginald David with Chatfield Maude Alice
 Marriage1913Chatfield George Edward with Baldwin Daisy Amelia
 Marriage1914Fraser Peter Grant with Chatfield Louisa Muriel
 Marriage1914Holland Ernest James with Jones Eliza Gladys
 Marriage1914Seckold Arthur William with Francis Eva
 Marriage1915Chatfield John Joseph George with Ryan Margaret Mary Ann
 Marriage1915Chatfield George Fenton with Foote Ruby May
 Marriage1915Chatfield Leonard Charles Balham with Hamill Jane Teresa Elizabeth Mary
 Marriage1916Hancock Emmanuel John with Baker Centennial Field Flowers
 Marriage1916Robinson Robert Denecia with Lambell Florence Ethel
 Birth1917Thorsen Nancy Doreen
 Death12 June 1918Thorsen Thorwald August
 Marriage1918Doidge Richard Leslie with Harris Violet Myrtle
 Marriage1918Chatfield Bertie with Donaldson Jane \ Jean Elizabeth
 Marriage1918Chatfield Francis Henry Thomas with Matthews Mary Helen
 Marriage1918Wileman Reginald John with Chatfield Harriet Jane
 Birthabout 1919Chatfield Leslie Gordon
 DeathJanuary 1920Guild Alexander
 Marriage1920Chatfield William Francis with Bishop Harriett Virgo
 Marriage1920Chatfield Phillip Angwin with Volk Bertha Emma Maria
 Birth29 August 1921Chatfield Jack
 Birth1921Chatfield Audrey May
 Birth18 January 1922Acton Joyce Elaine
 Marriage1922Frost Charles John with Chatfield Alexandra May
 Marriage1922Martin Athol Henry with Chatfield Doris Myrtle
 Marriage21 July 1923Chatfield Edgar Francis with Fitzgerald Esther Margaret
 Birth6 December 1923Chatfield Rhoda Catherine
 Marriage1923Priest Tasman Arthur with Chatfield Ruby Vera
 Marriage1924Wilde Samuel with Chatfield Jessie Ilene
 Marriage1925Chatfield George Lawrence with Clarke Adeline Mary
 Marriage1925Chatfield William George with Wallace Ethel Mavis
 Birth26 April 1926Rea Derek
 Birth1926Baker Dorothy Margaret
 Marriage1926Watson Albert with Chatfield Jessie Marguerite
 Marriage1926Burnett William Thomas with Kidman Louisa Margaret
 Birth1926Chatfield William Richard
 Marriage1927Woods William John with Chatfield Ellen Jennie \ Irwan
 Marriage1927Crawford Fergus with Richardson Ruby Beryl
 Marriage1927Chatfield Samuel William with Rudd Dorothy Lyndhurst
 Birth29 January 1928Chatfield Arthur
 Birth29 November 1928Chatfield Kevin Nicholas
 Marriage1928Ritchie Robert Ferguson with Chatfield Jean
 Marriage1928Matthewman George Edward with Taylor Elma Lillian
 Marriage1928Chatfield Sydney George with O'Neil Alice Louisa
 Birth26 January 1929Chatfield Gladys
 Birth15 March 1929Chatfield Joan Winifred
 Birth3 July 1929Rea Selwyn
 Marriage1929Walter Alex Oxenham with Chatfield Eunice
 Marriage1929Cameron Reginald James Colin with Kleehammer Mary Elizabeth
 Marriage1929Mills Roy Vincent with Chatfield Ethel May
 Marriage1929Chatfield Robert Beveridge with Watson Isabella Grace
 Marriage1929Chatfield Frederick Norman with Stublington Dorothy Mabel
 Death1929Lambell Florence Ethel
 Marriage1930Chatfield Leonard with Lambell Rose Ann
 Marriage31 January 1931Chatfield Keith Newman with Mather Felice Agnes
 Birth4 March 1931Chatfield Josephine Roberta
 Marriage9 December 1932Chatfield Frederick Charles with Fry Hazel Louise
 Marriage1932Brown Arthur Headley with Chatfield Doris Maude Montague
 Marriage1932Lee George Albert with O'Brien Rosie
 Birth18 November 1933Jolly Jean Margeret
 Birth1933Chatfield Ian Robert
 Marriage1933Dawson Alfred James with Lee Violet Kathleen
 Death1933Glasscock Fanny Charlotte
 Death12 May 1934Knott Reginald David
 Marriage1934Chatfield Ernest George with Morris Nellie Doreen
 Marriage1935Kleehammer Frederick Joseph with Aves Edna May
 Marriage1935Baker John Ansell with Cooke Nellie May
 Death1935Chatfield Elaine Mary
 Marriage24 December 1936Chatfield Samuel William with Smith Lucy Florence
 Birth1936Kleehammer Norman Frederick
 Marriage1936Wild Melbourne Dudley with Pummeroy Edith Louisa
 Marriage1937Seckold Arthur William with Baker Jessie Alice
 Marriage1937Robertson Charles Henry Daniel with Baker Constance Prichard
 Marriage1937Edwards Frank Wesley Gordon with Baker Ellen Emma
 Marriage1937Cleal Roy George with Chatfield Louisa May
 Marriage26 December 1938Barton Ernest Vincent with Chatfield Esther Muriel
 Marriage1938Kelm William Clarence Dudley with Milgate Ellen Violet
 Marriage1938Marshall John with Lee Thelma Cecilia
 Marriage24 December 1940Holland Francis Richard with Hancock Thelma Jessie
 Marriage1940Chatfield Arthur Frederick George with Ditchburn Edith Elinor
 Marriage1940Chatfield Edward James Stephen (Steven) with Smith Madeline Spiers Wilson
 Marriage5 April 1941Chatfield Harry with Thomas Gwladys Jean
 Marriage1941D'Alton Thomas Frank D'Largy with Chatfield Rhoda Catherine
 Marriage1941Baumann Charles Francis with Wade-Cooper Audrey Ellen
 Marriage1941Chatfield Harold Charles with Sims Thelma Myrtle
 Marriage1941Pummeroy Herbert Laidlaw with Lee Dorothy Jean
 Marriage25 May 1942Baker Nelson Roy with Forster Jean Bessie
 Marriage1942Robertson Keith William with Chatfield Marjorie Frances
 Marriage1942Chatfield Gordon William with Wells Sybil Mary
 Death1942Cooke Samuel David
 Marriage14 August 1943Chatfield John Thomas Edward with Meyer Evelyn Audrey
 Naturalization17 September 1943Chatfield Doris Maude Montague
 Marriage1943Seckold Gordon Percival with Ogden Mavis Bernadette
 Marriage1944Merlin Cecil Griffiths with Chatfield Doris Margaret
 Marriage1944Stewart James Douglas with Chatfield Thelma Amelia
 Marriage1945Chatfield Ernest Albert with Grass Mary Josephine
 Marriage28 February 1946Guild Frank Sturrock with Chatfield Marion Ruth
 Marriage19 July 1946Warden Osborne Edward with Chatfield Rhoda Catherine
 Marriage1946Brimacombe Harold Barker with Chatfield Eva (Yvette)
 Marriage1950Chatfield Eric Colin with Everard Florence Caroline
 Birth1952Chatfield Joanne
 Marriage1954Acton Benjamin Maxwell with Adams Noelle
 Marriage1954Chatfield Edgar Francis with Omond Dorothy Marguerite
 Marriage1954Chatfield Ian Robert with Crawford Jean
 Marriage19 February 1955Chatfield Clive Newman with Green Joyce Noel
 Marriage1955Chatfield Barry Beveridge with Phillips Drorthy Ruth
 Death1956Bloom Henriette Anna
 Marriage1956Chatfield Leonard Charles Balham with McLaren Margaret Elizabeth
 Marriage1956Rea Selwyn with Walker Irene Annette
 Marriage1956Chatfield John Leonard with Paulsen Edith Maureen
 Death2 October 1957Frost Charles John
 Marriage1957Chatfield Edward James Stephen (Steven) with Cullen Mary Dorothy
 Marriage1957Chatfield Philip George with Jolly Jean Margeret
 Marriage1958Cominos Philip with Chatfield Joan Margaret
 Death1959Baker Stephen Albert Frederick Edwin
 Marriage1959Vonarx Francis William with Aughterson Barbara
 Death1959Baker Centennial Field Flowers
 Marriage1962Chatfield Alan George with Livingstone Heather Dawn
 Marriage1962Young Louis Phillip with Moss Iris Sylvia
 Marriage1963Sacca Antonio with Chatfield Annette
 Marriage1963Fields Reginald Charles with Chatfield Sylvia Anne
 Death1967Pritchard Emma Louisa
 Birth19 March 1970Chatfield Danielle Nicole
 Birth9 March 1974Chatfield Roger Dale
 Death14 March 1974Chatfield Roger Dale
 Death1974Hancock Emmanuel John
 Birth18 March 1975Chatfield Simon
 Birth15 September 1976Chatfield Sally Catherine
 Birth6 April 1977Chatfield Timothy
 Birth15 June 1979Chatfield Kate Elise
 Death1979Lambell Cecil John
 Death26 September 1980Corrie Mabel Jessie McKenzie
 Death22 July 1981Chatfield Isabella Mary
 Birth14 September 1982Chatfield Keith Cameron
 Death14 July 1984Seckold Arthur William
 Death10 December 1985Langford Doris Elizabeth
 Death17 June 1989Fry Hazel Louise
 Death18 August 1989Brimacombe Harold Barker
 Death5 May 1990? Flora Emily
 Death7 September 1990Barton Ernest Vincent
 Death1990Richardson Ruby Beryl
 Death22 September 1994Liversidge Roy Stanley
 Death6 September 1995Stublington Dorothy Mabel
 Death10 October 1995Smith Elsie Joyce
 Death14 January 1996Wild Melbourne Dudley
 Death25 May 1996Pummeroy Herbert Laidlaw
 DeathJuly 1996Green Joyce Noel
 Death25 August 1997Guild Frank Sturrock
 Death6 September 1997Watson Isabella Grace
 Death30 August 1998Thomas Gwladys Jean
 Death20 February 1999Chatfield Harriet Jane
 Death11 August 1999Edwards Frank Wesley Gordon
21 century
 Death10 May 2001Baldock Jack Lester
 Death6 September 2002Chatfield Esther Muriel
 Death27 January 2003Acton Joyce Elaine
 Death27 June 2003McLaren Margaret Elizabeth
 Death1 January 2004Chatfield Jack
 Death24 May 2004Chatfield Brian Lawrence
 Death27 June 2005Chatfield Keith
 Death5 May 2006Baker Jessie Alice
 Death5 August 2006Chatfield Derrick Alfred
 Death24 August 2006Meyer Evelyn Audrey
 Death15 December 2008Chatfield Donald John
 Death17 September 2009Baker Ellen Emma
 Death23 October 2009Chatfield Terry Frederick
 Death6 August 2010Chatfield Eunice
 Death3 September 2011Mitchelmore Valerie June
 Birth31 December 2012Pitt Wilhelm Wolfe Chatfield
 Death11 July 2016Chatfield Eva (Yvette)
 Birth7 September 2016Carroll Harper Edith
 Death13 October 2016? Elizabeth
 Death2018Chatfield Ernest George
 Burial30 October 2020Carroll John
 Death28 June 2022Langdon Violet Joyce
 Burial11 July 2022Langdon Violet Joyce
 Death10 February 2023Chatfield Clive Newman

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.