These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

List of events ordered by date

United States of America - CT Connecticut - Kensington, Hartford Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthJanuary 1890Gibbs Georgianna Gregory



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Kent 06757 - Litchfield Co. : 10 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1930Garrigus Elsie May
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Miller Bertha P
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Miller Dwight S
 Census1940Garrigus Elsie May
 Census1940Miller Elsie J
 Census1940Miller Lois P
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Miller Frank Pierpont
 Census1940 (previously 1930)Miller Mary Ann
 Death24 March 1978Miller Frank Pierpont
21 century
 Residence2015 (previously 2007)Chatfield Hunter R



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Killingly, Middlesex Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth6 July 1769Graves William G



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Killingly, Windham Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth18 June 1733Whitmore Elias
20 century
 Birth31 July 1928Provost Ulde E
 Marriage12 November 1963Provost Ulde E with Bathgate Helen Grace
 Marriage1978Provost Ulde E with Cross Ruth V



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Killingworth 06419 - Emmanuel Church Cmtry., Middlesex Co. : 511 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Griswold Amasa Pettibone
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hull Clarissa Fidelia
 Burial?Griswold Leander
 Burial?Chatfield Orange
 Burial?Munger Ada C
 Burial?Chatfield Hudson A
 Burial?Stevens Lyman Edwards
 Burial?Dudley Elizabeth
 Burial?Brown Louisa A
 Burial?Chatfield Albert N
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Grinnell Priscilla
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Redfield Issue 12
 Birth?Kelsey Issue 10
 Birth?Conkling Issue 3
 Birth?Kelsey Issue 11
 Birth?Hull Issue 13
17 century
 Birth2 March 1665Hand Sarah
 Birth29 May 1665Hull Thomas
 Death1665Loomis Elizabeth
 Birth18 August 1668Chatfield George
 Marriage13 December 1668Hull John with Kelsey Abigail or Abigayle
 Birth8 December 1670Stevens Josiah
 Marriage18 January 1671Potter Marmaduke with Chatfield Abigail N
 Death9 June 1671Chatfield George
 Birth20 October 1671Kelsey John
 Birth4 August 1672Hull Hesther
 Birth25 December 1673Kelsey Joseph
 Death16 November 1675Hull Josiah
 Marriage17 January 1677Hayden Nathaniel with French Sarah
 Birth1679Pierson Mary
 Christening9 February 1680Hayden Hannah
 Death1680Kelsey William
 Marriage10 December 1685Hull Thomas with Sheaffer Hannah
 Birth1686Buell Benjamin
 Birth24 January 1689Buell Deborah
 Birth1690Griswold Michael
 Marriage10 February 1691Chatfield George with Hull Hesther
 Birth25 July 1691Lay Temperance
 Birth26 September 1691Griswold Joseph
 Birth20 December 1691Hull Elizabeth
 Birth7 March 1692Buell Josiah
 Birth10 November 1692Chatfield Esther
 Death1 January 1693Chatfield Esther
 Birth15 December 1693Chatfield George
 Birth1694Jeffers Martha
 Birth5 March 1695Chatfield John
 Marriage22 June 1697Kelsey John with Crane Phebe
 Birth9 August 1698Chatfield Abigail
 Marriage25 June 1699Stevens Josiah with Hubbell Sarah
18 century
 Birth7 January 1700Chatfield Josiah
 Marriage1700Baldwin Josiah with Pierson Mary
 Deathabout 1700Nettleton Isabel
 Birth8 October 1701Hull Mary
 Birth18 October 1701Stevens Daniel K
 Birth23 October 1703Chatfield Esther A
 Death20 April 1706Hayden Nathaniel
 Birth3 June 1706Chatfield Cornelius
 Marriage24 December 1706Redfield Theophilus with Grinnell Priscilla
 Birth10 October 1708Kelsey Joseph
 Birth28 July 1709Chatfield Naomi
 Birth1709Conkling Thomas
 Birth18 June 1711Redfield Richard
 Birth8 October 1711Chatfield Mary
 Birth8 October 1711Chatfield Philip
 Death1711Chatfield Mary
 Birth1 May 1712Kelsey Martha
 Birth1712Nettleton Daniel
 Marriage15 September 1713Griswold Michael with Hull Elizabeth
 Birth10 January 1714Baldwin Mary\Mercy
 Marriage29 December 1714Griswold Joseph with Lay Temperance
 Birth14 January 1715Chatfield Mary
 Marriage11 October 1715Hazelton Charles with Chatfield Abigail
 Death30 January 1716Hull Hesther
 Marriage20 June 1716Buell Josiah with Jeffers Martha
 Death12 May 1717Kelsey Abigail or Abigayle
 Death19 May 1717French Sarah
 Birth17 June 1717Buell John
 Birth29 December 1717Hazelton Mary
 Birth20 February 1718Wilcoxson Silas
 Birth1 April 1718Kelsey Gideon
 Marriage30 October 1719Chatfield George with Mansfield Silence
 Marriage30 October 1719Chatfield George with Wilcox(son) Silence
 Birth1719Lewis Sarah
 Birth17 May 1720Hazelton Samuell
 Marriage4 November 1720Chatfield John with Arnold Abigail
 Death1720Hull Thomas
 Birth14 March 1721Chatfield Abigail
 Birth14 March 1723Chatfield Susanna
 Birth3 June 1723Griswold Giles
 Marriage1723Chatfield George with Parks Esther
 Birth9 March 1724Chatfield Esther
 Birth28 April 1724Buell Heill
 Marriage11 May 1724Chatfield Josiah with Hull Mary
 Birth10 August 1724Kelsey Abner John\Jonah
 Marriage14 January 1725 (previously 1724)Stevens Daniel K with Chatfield Esther A
 Death18 February 1725Buell Benjamin
 Birth15 April 1725Chatfield Lydia
 Death25 July 1725Baldwin Josiah
 Birth1725Nichols Hannah
 Birth25 February 1726Chatfield Josiah
 Birthabout 1726Chatfield Ann
 Birth1 April 1727Chatfield Ann
 Birth2 March 1728Buell Martha
 Death24 July 1728Hull John
 Birth5 March 1729Chatfield John
 Birth23 April 1729Chatfield Mercy or Marcy
 Birth28 January 1731Chatfield Mary
 Birth11 April 1732Griswold Rebinah
 Birth13 April 1732Hazelton Charles
 Birth12 September 1732Kelsey Josiah
 Birth17 September 1732Chatfield Jesse
 Birth7 October 1732Stevens Daniel
 Death11 October 1732Buell Josiah
 Birth17 October 1732Buell Martha Ruth
 Birth8 May 1733Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth13 September 1733Ward Merab
 Birth14 March 1734 (previously 1733)Stevens Esther
 Birth15 May 1734Chatfield Neomi
 Birth27 November 1734Parmalee Dinah
 Marriage3 March 1735 (previously 1734)Conkling Thomas with Chatfield Naomi
 Death2 May 1735Chatfield George
 Marriage23 June 1735Redfield Richard with Chatfield Mary
 Marriage21 October 1735Chatfield Cornelius with Kelsey Martha
 Birth13 December 1735Chatfield George
 Birth1 April 1736Chatfield Lucy
 Birth6 April 1736Hazelton Abigail
 Birth24 July 1736Redfield Eliphalet
 Birth4 August 1736Chatfield Hannah
 Marriage19 August 1736Chatfield Philip with Baldwin Mary\Mercy
 Death20 October 1736Hayden Hannah
 Marriage30 December 1736Nettleton Daniel with Hazelton Mary
 Birth23 April 1737Hull Moses
 Birth22 June 1737Nettleton Amos
 Birth10 July 1737Conkling Mary
 Birth8 October 1737Chatfield Sarah
 Birth12 February 1738Chatfield Joseph
 Birth8 May 1738Stevens Reuben
 Birth21 October 1738Parmalee Mary
 Death1738Chatfield Abigail
 Birth1738Chatfield Rabina\Rebina
 Death1738Hazelton Charles
 Birth9 January 1739Nettleton Daniel
 Birth18 January 1739Chatfield Cornelius
 Birth12 March 1739Redfield Priscilla
 Birth22 March 1739Hull Joel
 Marriage4 July 1739Buell John with Chatfield Abigail
 Birth7 January 1740Chatfield Eleazer
 Death8 March 1740Kelsey Joseph
 Birth7 April 1740Isbell Eleazer
 Marriage1 May 1740Kelsey Joseph with Lewis Sarah
 Birth9 June 1740Buell John
 Birth5 August 1740Chatfield Benjamin
 Birth29 December 1740Chatfield David
 Birth21 June 1741Chatfield Abigail
 Birth1 February 1742Buell Abel
 Birth13 February 1742Nettleton Tamson
 Birth4 April 1742Chatfield Rebina
 Birth21 June 1742Kelsey Martin
 Birth21 June 1742Redfield Reuben
 Birth24 November 1742Ward Mary Molly
 Death1742Arnold Abigail
 Death19 April 1743Buell John
 Birth15 May 1743Chatfield Solomon
 Birth19 July 1743Chatfield Jonathan
 Birth21 September 1743Redfield Abigail
 Death1 October 1743Hull Mary
 Birth5 October 1743Chatfield Stephen
 Birth19 December 1743Parmelee Hannah
 Marriage18 April 1744Kelsey Gideon with Chatfield Esther
 Birth17 July 1744Nettleton Roswell
 Birth12 August 1744Buell John
 Marriage6 January 1745Kelsey Abner John\Jonah with Chatfield Ann
 Birth16 January 1745Hull Roswell
 Death18 July 1745Nettleton Daniel
 Birth18 June 1746Chatfield Martha
 Birth29 October 1746Buell Hannah
 Marriage18 November 1746Griswold Giles with Chatfield Mercy or Marcy
 Birth1 April 1747Chatfield Lucy
 Birth18 April 1747Griswold Mary
 Birth10 July 1748Chatfield William
 Birth28 October 1748Griswold Giles
 Birth3 June 1749Buell Abigail
 Birth14 June 1749Chatfield Esther
 Birth4 September 1750Parmalee Amos
 Death19 September 1750Kelsey John
 Birth15 October 1751Chatfield Charity
 Birth19 October 1751Griswold Mercy
 Marriage1751Chatfield John with Buell Martha Ruth
 Death13 February 1752Hazelton Mary
 Marriage2 July 1752Doud \ Dowd Peleg with Ward Merab
 Death27 September 1752Hull Elizabeth
 Birth19 April 1753Buell Deborah
 Death8 June 1753Griswold Michael
 Birth14 August 1753 (previously 1752)Doud \ Dowd Lucretia
 Birth15 October 1753Griswold Lucy
 Marriage15 May 1754Stevens Daniel with Chatfield Neomi
 Marriage17 October 1754Chatfield Josiah with Griswold Rebinah
 Birth1754Chatfield John
 Birth26 August 1755Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth28 August 1755Griswold Jesse
 Birth20 October 1755Stevens Lydia
 Marriage18 November 1756Chittenden Timothy with Ward Abigail
 Birth13 July 1757Chatfield Jonathan
 Birth9 September 1757Stevens Rebina
 Birth11 February 1758Griswold Edward
 Birth17 April 1758Stevens Charles
 Death13 May 1758Chatfield Neomi
 Marriage18 January 1759Kelsey Josiah with Conkling Mary
 Death14 February 1759Redfield Theophilus
 Birth10 May 1759Griswold Ezanos
 Marriage10 October 1759Handy Rufus with Redfield Priscilla
 Death14 October 1759Stevens Daniel
 Birth30 November 1759Griswold Nathaniel
 Christening9 December 1759Griswold Nathaniel
 Birth2 September 1760Wellman Zadock
 Marriage25 December 1760Hull Moses with Chatfield Rebina
 Birthabout 1760Smith Richard
 Birth22 April 1761Chatfield Rebecca
 Marriage10 December 1761Stevens Reuben with Parmalee Dinah
 Birth13 December 1761Hull Nathaniel
 Birth30 March 1762Griswold Abner
 Birth3 August 1762Kelsey Preston
 Birth2 April 1763Chatfield Barbery
 Marriage28 April 1763Isbell Eleazer with Parmelee Hannah
 Birth16 January 1764Hull Mary
 Birth21 January 1764Griswold Drusilla
 Death5 March 1764Kelsey Gideon
 DeathMarch 1764Griswold Drusilla
 Birth17 July 1764Chatfield Josiah
 Birth19 August 1764Blatchley John
 Marriage20 November 1764Le Baron David with Chatfield Martha
 Birth1764Bruce Zelpha\Zilpha
 Marriageabout 1764Redfield Richard with Wilcox Lydia Ward
 Birth7 April 1765Hull Mary
 Birth8 September 1765Chittenden Dinah
 DeathOctober 1765Chatfield George
 Birth17 November 1765Hull Lemuel
 Birthabout 1765Chatfield Abigail
 Birth5 March 1766Isbell Joel
 Birth19 April 1766Hull Susannah
 Birth21 May 1766Griswold Drusilla
 Birth17 June 1766Stevens Reuben
 Birth21 October 1766Le Baron Solomon
 Marriage16 August 1767Handy Rufus with Ward Mary Molly
 Birth3 February 1768Redfield William
 Birth8 February 1768Chatfield Heil Buel
 Birth9 April 1768Handy Bettey
 Birth5 August 1768Chatfield Elihu
 Birth18 November 1768Le Baron Francis
 Birth20 November 1768Griswold David
 Birth20 April 1769Hull Nathaniel
 Christening30 April 1769Hull Nathaniel
 Birth25 June 1769Chatfield Orren
 Birth21 July 1769Hull Mercy
 Birth1769Chatfield George Washington
 Birth2 September 1770Redfield Thankful
 Birth19 January 1771Le Baron Huldah
 Birth22 November 1771Hull Lydia
 Marriage5 December 1771Kelsey Martin with Chatfield Esther
 Deathabout 1771Wilcox Lydia Ward
 Birth21 April 1772Le Baron Martha
 Birth19 November 1772Kelsey Charity
 Christening11 April 1773Lane Mary
 Birth16 April 1773Chatfield Michael
 Death18 September 1773Lay Temperance
 Marriage18 November 1773Hull Roswell with Chatfield Charity
 Birth12 February 1774Griswold Charity
 Birth2 December 1774Kelsey Lebbeus
 Birth18 January 1775Hull Roswell
 Birth21 February 1775Le Baron David
 Birth13 September 1775Kelsey Hannah
 Death23 November 1775Chatfield George
 Marriage18 April 1776Post Benjamin with Chatfield Rebina
 Birth11 February 1777Le Baron Lydia
 Birth16 February 1777Kelsey Martin
 Death4 March 1777Chatfield Esther A
 Birth23 July 1777Smith Siba
 Death19 September 1777Isbell Eleazer
 Death4 June 1778Chatfield Abigail
 Birth31 March 1779Le Baron Ruth
 Birth6 June 1779Hull Electa
 Birth13 December 1779Kelsey Zemira
 Marriage4 March 1780Chatfield John with Lay Sarah
 Birth1780Chatfield Hannah
 Death25 January 1781Chatfield Ann
 Death25 January 1781Chatfield Ann
 Birth2 March 1781Kelsey Ansel
 Birth17 April 1781Le Baron Naomi Roxina
 Birth21 June 1781Kelsey Parnel
 Death13 October 1782Chatfield ?
 Birth27 November 1782Kelsey Julia
 Marriage19 June 1783Griswold Edward with Hurd Asenath
 Birth12 October 1783Le Baron James
 Marriage1783Kelsey Preston with Graves Clarissa
 Birth2 May 1784Chatfield Asa
 Death2 July 1784Stevens Daniel K
 Birth14 January 1785Kelsey Charles
 Death4 August 1785Chatfield Benjamin
 Birth29 October 1785Le Baron Daniel
 Birth7 May 1786Griswold Polly
 Death26 July 1786Hull Lemuel
 Birth23 September 1786Chatfield Orin
 Birth8 January 1787Parmelee Elizabeth
 Birth27 January 1787Kelsey Amelia
 Marriage26 April 1787Chatfield Josiah with Hull Susannah
 Birth27 April 1788Chatfield Joel
 Marriage13 November 1788Griswold Abner with Hull Mary
 Birth15 November 1788Le Baron Hannah
 Death9 December 1788Chatfield Cornelius
 Birth27 March 1789Kelsey Ambrose
 Birth15 July 1789Kelsey Thomas Conkling
 Birth25 July 1789Chatfield Cornelius
 Marriage13 August 1789Nettleton Josiah with Griswold Drusilla
 Marriage31 December 1789Chatfield Jonathan with Chittenden Dinah
 Birth4 March 1790Chatfield Josiah
 Death8 March 1790Chatfield Josiah
 Birthabout 1790Nettleton Norman
 Marriage25 September 1791Hull Nathaniel with Griswold Adah
 Birth10 December 1791Kelsey Eunice
 Marriage11 December 1791Stevens Reuben with Hull Lydia
 Birth8 August 1792Chatfield John
 Death24 May 1793Stevens Rebina
 Birth11 December 1793Chatfield Mary
 Birth1793Fink Maria
 Birth24 August 1794Parmalee Loren B
 Birth21 September 1794Kelsey Uri
 Birthabout 1794Griswold Tryal
 MarriageFebruary 1795Carter Josiah with Kelsey Avis
 Birth20 August 1795Chatfield Sarah
 Birthabout 1796Nettleton Charlotte
 Birth9 March 1797Kelsey Lorin
 Death16 July 1797Conkling Mary
 Marriage18 November 1799Chatfield Michael with Hall \ Hull Sarah Asenath
 Birth1799Chatfield Lewis W
19 century
 Birth10 August 1800Redfield Horace
 Death15 August 1800Lewis Sarah
 Birth1800Chatfield Laura
 Birth1801Nettleton Danforth
 Marriageabout 1802Kelsey Lebbeus with Dickerman Nancy
 Birth1803Griswold Leander
 Death23 April 1804Griswold Giles
 Birthabout 1804Nettleton Alfred
 Christening14 April 1805Chatfield Michael
 Death9 August 1805Chatfield Rebina
 Birth1805Chatfield Michael
 Marriage18 June 1806Chatfield Elihu with Griswold Polly
 Birth23 November 1806Chatfield Albert N
 Marriageabout 1806Chatfield Asa with Martin Levina
 Marriage1 January 1807Kelsey Martin with Smith Siba
 Birth13 April 1807Chatfield Caroline
 Birth17 May 1807Chatfield Lewis
 DeathMay 1807Kelsey Martin
 Death12 November 1807Kelsey Josiah
 Birthabout 1807Nettleton Willis
 Christening6 November 1808Chatfield Lewis
 Birth1 January 1809Chatfield William
 Birth2 July 1809Hull Electa
 Birth25 December 1809Griswold Rachel Eunice
 Death1809Spencer John
 Birth1810Chatfield Orange
 Birth2 July 1811Hull Almira Maria
 Marriageabout 1811Chatfield Cornelius with Fink Maria
 Death27 September 1812Parmalee Dinah
 Birth5 March 1813Hull Joel
 Marriageabout 1813Kelsey Ambrose with ? ?
 Marriage10 February 1814Chatfield Josiah with Griswold Tryal
 Birth17 October 1814Hull Albert Bronso
 Birthabout 1814? Maria
 Marriage23 September 1816Waterman Henry with Chatfield Sarah
 Birth21 March 1818Hull Alvan \ Alvin
 Death30 September 1819Wells Sarah
 Death22 January 1820Kelsey Martha
 Birth31 January 1820Hull Lucius
 Marriage27 December 1821Buell William A with Chatfield Laura
 Marriage3 November 1822Parmelee Constant with Kelsey Hannah
 Death1822Parmelee Hannah
 Birth7 April 1823Hull Clarissa Fidelia
 Death6 August 1823Kelsey Preston
 Birthabout 1824Warner Dolly
 Birth27 February 1829Chatfield Charlotte Annette
 Death1830Chatfield Abigail
 Deathabout 1830Chatfield Esther
 Birth4 August 1831Chatfield Selden Andrew
 Death15 April 1833Griswold Ezanos
 Birth11 May 1834Chatfield Elmina Amelia
 Christening29 April 1836Chatfield Charlotte Annette
 Christening29 April 1836Chatfield Selden Andrew
 Christening29 April 1836Chatfield Elmina Amelia
 Death5 April 1837Chatfield Charity
 Marriage14 October 1838Buell William with Chatfield Elizabeth Ann
 Death3 April 1839Le Baron Solomon
 Marriage23 April 1839Hull Albert Bronso with Griswold Cynthia
 Death3 May 1839Griswold Nathaniel
 Marriageabout 1839Chatfield James Linsley with Hill Betsey
 Census1840Chatfield James Linsley
 Census1840Parmelee Moses
 Census1840Griswold Tryal
 Census1840Chatfield Saraette O
 Census1840Hill Betsey
 Death6 October 1841Hull Mary
 Death28 August 1842Augur \ Pettibone Mary
 Death26 March 1843Parmelee Constant
 Marriage28 November 1845Chatfield Stephen Josiah with Wright Sophia L
 Marriage7 November 1847Hull Lucius with Wellman Lydia A
 Birth1847Chatfield Frank James
 Census1850Chatfield Carlisle
 Census1850Chatfield Laura
 Census1850Chatfield Albert N
 Census1850Griswold Charles E \ M
 Census1850Francis Morrell
 Census1850Chatfield Roderick
 Census1850Chatfield James Linsley
 Census1850Buell William A
 Census1850Chatfield Mary
 Census1850Chatfield Celestia M
 Census1850Chatfield Constant Webb
 Census1850Arnold Temperance S
 Census1850Chatfield William
 Census1850Chatfield Edwin
 Census1850Chatfield Ellever
 Census1850Chatfield Stephen Josiah
 Census1850Chatfield Georgianna A
 Census1850Griswold Amasa Pettibone
 Census1850 (previously 1840)Munger Ada C
 Census1850Bartlett \ (Madison) Roxanna
 Census1850Chatfield Emily
 Census1850Chatfield Frank James
 Census1850Hill Betsey
 Census1850Wright Sophia L
 Census1850Buell Samuel
 Census1850 (previously 1840)Chatfield Orange
 Death12 December 1852Parmelee Moses
 Birthabout 1852Chatfield Lovina Frances
 Marriage7 August 1853Stevens Lyman Edwards with Hull Clarissa Fidelia
 Death16 August 1853Griswold Tryal
 Birth1853Hull Mary Nancie
 BirthOctober 1854Chatfield Joel Albert
 Death26 May 1857Kelsey Julia
 Death21 September 1858Hull Jeremiah
 Death22 December 1858Redfield Thankful
 Death3 July 1859Kelsey Hannah
 Census1860Chatfield Stephen Josiah
 Census1860Chatfield Walter Stephen
 Census1860Chatfield Mary
 Census1860Wright Sophia L
 Census1860Chatfield Orange
 Census1860Chatfield Joel Albert
 Census1860Chatfield Carrie S
 Census1860Chatfield Albert N
 Census1860Chatfield Ann Augusta
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Cynthia D M
 Census1860Hill Betsey
 Census1860Chatfield James Linsley
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Nathan E
 Census1860Chatfield Frank James
 Census1860Griswold Doriska \ Dorliska A
 Census1860Griswold Charles E \ M
 Census1860Griswold Amasa Pettibone
 Census1860Chatfield Jane E
 Census1860Munger Ada C
 Census1860Chatfield Roderick
 Census1860 (previously 1850)Chatfield Hudson A
 Census1860Chatfield Arden Monroe
 Death10 September 1862Chatfield Mary
 Death1 July 1864Hull Lucius
 Death18 October 1867Redfield Horace
 Death24 April 1870Bronson Irena \Irene
 Census1870Chatfield James Linsley
 Census1870Chatfield Roderick
 Census1870Chatfield Ann Augusta
 Census1870Chatfield Frank James
 Census1870Hill Betsey
 Census1870Chatfield Orange
 Census1870Chatfield Arden Monroe
 Birth22 April 1875Chatfield Thurber Redmayne
 Death1877Chatfield Albert N
 Census1880Chatfield James Linsley
 Census1880Hull Mary Nancie
 Census1880Chatfield Glenora
 Census1880Chatfield Frank James
 Census1880Chatfield Arden Monroe
 Census1880Hill Betsey
 Census1880Chatfield Thurber Redmayne
 Death1882Nettleton Danforth
 Death14 May 1883Nettleton Alfred
 Death2 May 1899Hull Clarissa Fidelia
20 century
 Census1900Chatfield Thurber Redmayne
 Marriage1 October 1902Chatfield Thurber Redmayne with Cowie Inez Jillson
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth12 July 1754Hull \ Lord Elizabeth
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hull Jeremiah
 Burial?Hull Electa
 Burial?Hull Jane
 Burial?Parmelee Moses
 Burial?Chatfield Josiah
 Burial?Chatfield Saraette O
 Burial?Griswold Tryal
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Redfield Horace
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Mercy or Marcy
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Mary
 Burial?Augur \ Pettibone Mary
 Burial?Griswold Ezanos
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Kelsey Martha
 Burial?Griswold Nathaniel
 Burial?Chatfield Charity
 Burial?Wells Sarah
 Burial?Hull Roswell
 Burial?Hull Lucius
 Burial?Chatfield Cornelius
 Burial?Bronson Irena \Irene
 Burial?Chatfield Joel
 Burial?Hull Roswell

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