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List of events ordered by date

United States of America - CT Connecticut - Colebrook River, Litchfield Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 BirthMarch 1831Chatfield John Spurzheim
 Christening9 July 1834Chatfield John Spurzheim
 Death20 July 1840Worden Mary



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Columbia 06237 - Columbia Burying Grounds, Tolland Co. : 4 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Hunt Stanley Dwight
20 century
 Burial9 May 1950Hunt Henry Dwight
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1880Hunt Henry Dwight
20 century
 DeathJanuary 1918Hunt Stanley Dwight



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Cornwall 06753 - Litchfield Co. : 1 event

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Birth28 January 1842Patterson Henry Sherman



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Coventry 06238 - Tolland Co. : 3 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth14 October 1770Lamkin Ezra
19 century
 Birth6 May 1800Badger Milton
 Birth8 July 1806Gilbert Elisha Morgan



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Cypress Cmtry., Old Saybrook Twp., Middlesex Co.

Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Dudley Daniel



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Danbury 06810 - Fairfield Co. : 13 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth29 January 1775Canfield Mercy
 Birth13 April 1782Starr Hannah
 Birth21 June 1792Barnum Ezra Smith
20 century
 Birth12 October 1916Hendley Edward Vincent
 Census1920Underhill Esther B
 Census1930Underhill Esther B
 Census1940Foshay Burton A
 Marriage22 August 1959Chatfield Raymond Thomas with Lynch Nancy J
 Death12 November 1983Holomany Ernest A
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Marriage1 March 1986Durkin Richard A with Woodward Susan Hooker
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death19 August 1991Underhill Esther B
21 century
 Death20 May 2006Foshay Burton A
 Residence2015Holomany John C



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Danielson 06239 - Windham Co. : 1 event

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Census1900Briggs Emily F



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Darien 06820 - Veterans Cmtry., Fairfield Co. : 1 event

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Frederick Loomis



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Deep River 06417 - Fountain Hill Cmtry., Middlesex Co. : 8 events

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Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield William
 Burial?Chatfield Constant Webb
 Burial?Hickey Ada Josephine
 Burial?Arnold Temperance S
 Burial?Briggs Emily F
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Death23 June 1883Chatfield Hudson A
 Death21 May 1892Chatfield William
20 century
 Death9 October 1945Briggs Emily F



United States of America - CT Connecticut - Derby 06418 - Birmingham, New Haven Co. : 590 events

See with Google Map
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth1781Hawkins Sarah
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Marriage15 October 1843Tomlinson Charles Augustus with Chatfield Eliza
 Christening11 August 1850Tomlinson Willard Earl
 Christening22 April 1859Tomlinson Phebe Augusta
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Coe Elizabeth
 Burial?Coe Hannah
 Burial?Coe John
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Prindle John
19 century
 Birth15 January 1860Norcross Mary Fanning
Event TypeDateIndividual
20 century
 Death23 January 1908Chatfield Henry
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Christening16 February 1724Hitchcock Jonathan
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Christening7 November 1736Chatfield Mary
Event TypeDateIndividual
19 century
 Census1860Morris Leonard A
 Census1860Sandland Priscilla
 Census1860Morris Esther M
 Census1860Morris Franklin
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Birth?Riggs Issue 4
 Birth?Riggs Issue 3
 Burial?Beecher Abigail
 Marriage?Whitney William Clark with Thompson Mary
 Birth?Riggs Issue 10
 Birth?Northrup Issue 5
 Birth?Whitney Issue 10
 Birth?Wooster Charity
17 century
 Birthabout 1643Tomlinson Margaret
 Birthabout 1675Davis John
 Birth1 April 1676Riggs John
 Birth11 August 1676Tomlinson Elizabeth
 Death1678Harger Jabez
 Birth1681Pierson Abraham
 Marriage5 February 1684Chatfield John with Harger Anna
 Birth1684Chatfield Daniel
 Birth5 December 1686Chatfield Sarah
 Birth23 April 1689Chatfield Mary
 Birth1689Tomlinson Isaac
 Birth1691Tomlinson Sarah
 Birth2 September 1693Chatfield Abigail
 Birthabout 1694Johnson Gideon
 Birth5 March 1695 (previously 1694)Chatfield John
 Birthabout 1695Chatfield Hannah
 Death1695Chatfield John
 Birth26 February 1697Chatfield John
 Death17 March 1698Tomlinson Margaret
 Marriage21 December 1699Prindle John with Botsford Hannah
 Birth1699Wooster Moses
18 century
 Marriage23 February 1700 (previously 1699)Riggs John with Tomlinson Elizabeth
 Birth1 April 1700Hawkins Mary
 Birth10 November 1700Durand John
 Birthabout 1701Johnson Elizabeth
 Birth4 July 1703Chatfield Ebenezer
 Birth17 October 1704Prindle Abigail
 Birth17 June 1706Riggs Sarah Elizabeth
 Marriage15 July 1706Davis John with Chatfield Sarah
 Birth30 June 1708Davis Joseph
 Birth13 August 1708Chatfield Solomon
 Birth1709 (previously 1708)Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Birth17 January 1710 (previously 1709)Davis Daniel
 Birth22 September 1710Harger John
 Marriage25 March 1711Tomlinson Isaac with Gaylord Patience
 Marriage1711Pierson Abraham with Tomlinson Sarah
 Birth4 February 1712 (previously 1711)Davis Mindwell
 Death1712Davis John
 Birth20 November 1713Davis Abigail
 Birth4 August 1715Pierson Hannah Elizabeth
 Birth5 July 1716Davis Rachael
 Birth24 August 1719Johnson Mabel
 Birth11 October 1719Davis Elizabeth
 Marriage5 April 1720Wooster Moses with Hawkins Mary
 Death20 June 1721Chatfield Sarah
 Marriage12 December 1721Chatfield John with Johnson Elizabeth
 Birth12 January 1724Hitchcock Jonathan
 Birth5 June 1724Chatfield John
 Marriage22 May 1725Wooster Samuel with Johnson Hannah
 Birth28 November 1725Wooster Sarah
 Death1726Tomlinson Sarah
 Birth9 March 1727Chatfield Elizabeth
 Marriage20 November 1728Chatfield Ebenezer with Prindle Abigail
 Birth21 April 1729Hawkins Eli
 Birth8 September 1729Chatfield Ebenezer
 Birth1730Tomlinson Zerviah
 Birth19 April 1731Botsford Hannah
 BirthJanuary 1732 (previously 1731)Chatfield Abigail
 Birth10 April 1732Chatfield Anna \ Hannah
 Birth10 June 1732Perry Gideon
 Birthabout 1733Chatfield Elnathan
 Marriage12 June 1734Chatfield Solomon with Pierson Hannah Elizabeth
 Birth21 August 1734Chatfield Esther
 Death25 November 1734Prindle John
 Marriage24 December 1734Harger John with Stevens Rachel
 Birth4 April 1735Chatfield Joseph
 Birth9 September 1735Chatfield Mindwell
 Birth11 October 1736Chatfield Mary
 Birth6 January 1737Chatfield Lemuel
 Birth6 January 1737Chatfield Levi
 Birth11 May 1737Harger Abigail
 Birth18 February 1738Loveland Joseph
 Birth6 July 1738French Sarah
 Birth8 February 1739Chatfield Lois
 Birth10 October 1739Johnson Zeviah
 Birthabout 1739Wooster Moses
 Marriage20 February 1740Riggs Joseph Harvey with Johnson Mabel
 Birth15 October 1740Davis Mary
 Birth31 May 1742Chatfield Sybil
 Birth1 January 1743Davis Naomi
 Birth6 February 1743Chatfield Eunice
 Birth1 March 1743Davis Benjamin
 Birth17 May 1745Ufford Shores\Shoars\Spears
 Birth7 July 1745Wooster Walter Ozro
 Birthabout 1745Chatfield Rachel
 Marriage21 January 1746Hitchcock Jonathan with Beecher Abigail
 Birth20 July 1746Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Death7 March 1747Chatfield John
 Death17 April 1747Tomlinson Elizabeth
 Death1747Harger Anna
 Birth6 November 1750Hinman Philo
 Marriage16 December 1750Smith John with Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birth17 February 1751Durand Elizabeth
 Birth27 July 1752Bradley Sarah
 Birth1752Chatfield Anna
 Marriageabout 1752Chatfield Ebenezer with Humphreville Rachel
 Birth1 October 1753Hitchcock David
 Death29 November 1753Chatfield John
 Death27 January 1754Tomlinson Isaac
 Marriage9 April 1754Fox Benjamin with Chatfield Esther
 Birth25 May 1754Fox Comfort
 Marriageabout 1754Chatfield John with Smith Obedience
 Marriage30 January 1755Chatfield Levi with Harger Abigail
 Marriage21 February 1755Whitmore Elias with Wisebury Rachel
 Marriage17 August 1755Tucker Samuel with Chatfield Sarah Riggs
 Marriage16 September 1755Hazelton Samuel with Chatfield Abigail
 Death24 September 1755Riggs John
 Birth13 October 1755Chatfield Isaac
 Birth21 February 1756Thompson Sarah
 Birth21 March 1756Beard Amelia
 Birth14 July 1756Fox Huldah
 Birth17 October 1756Coe Mary
 Christening31 October 1756Chatfield Caleb
 Marriage5 December 1756Smith Abraham with French Sarah
 Birth1756Chatfield Caleb
 Birthabout 1756Chatfield Comfort
 Marriage23 February 1757Chatfield Joseph with Peat Dinah
 Birth2 October 1757Chatfield Sarah Ann
 Deathafter 1757Chatfield Abigail
 Death12 May 1758Pierson Abraham
 Birth26 August 1758Chatfield Levi
 Death15 October 1758Chatfield Levi
 Birth16 October 1758Chatfield Oliver
 Birth30 November 1758Fox Amos
 Christening10 December 1758Fox Amos
 Birth25 May 1759Coe Denman
 Marriage20 June 1759Wooster Moses with Chatfield Mindwell
 Death4 October 1759Chatfield John
 Birth11 March 1760Chatfield Lemuel
 Christening16 March 1760Chatfield Mary
 Birth23 June 1760Wooster Lemuel
 Birth13 October 1760Whitmore Sarah
 Birth1760Chatfield Mary
 Birth16 January 1761Chatfield Daniel
 Birth20 December 1761Chatfield Abraham
 Christening29 December 1761Chatfield Abraham
 Birth5 February 1762Coe Sarah
 Christening11 April 1762Whitney William Clark
 Marriage18 August 1762Loveland Joseph with Chatfield Lois
 Birth1762Whitney William Clark
 Birthabout 1763Chatfield Benajah
 Birthbefore 1763Hinman Sarah
 Birth27 March 1764Coe John
 Birth7 April 1764Chatfield Samuel
 Birth3 October 1764Smith Abijah
 Christening18 November 1764Smith Abijah
 Birthabout 1764Whitney Josiah
 Birth2 May 1765Chatfield Patience
 Birth31 May 1765Johnson Ruth
 BirthJuly 1765Wooster Ebenezer
 Birth11 August 1765Loveland Clark
 Christening29 September 1765Wooster Ebenezer
 Birth23 March 1766Chatfield Eunice
 Birth15 April 1766Gilbert Joel
 Marriage17 May 1766Riggs Joseph Harvey with Chatfield Rachel
 Birth6 March 1767Riggs Hannah
 Birth8 October 1767Chatfield Abijah
 Birthbefore 18 October 1767Hinman Elijah
 Christening18 October 1767Loveland Treat
 Birthabout 1767Lake Reuben
 Birthabout 1767Wooster Moses
 Marriage23 March 1768Chatfield Ebenezer with Clark Susanna Mary
 Birth1768Chatfield Daniel
 Birth16 March 1769Coe Hannah
 Birth5 April 1769Perkins Roger
 Birth23 April 1769Riggs Elizabeth Ann
 Birth22 November 1769Chatfield Elizabeth
 Birthbefore 14 January 1770Hinman Lucy
 Birthbefore 14 April 1771Hinman Eunice
 Birth20 April 1771Perkins David
 Birth1771Riggs Samuel
 Christening12 January 1772Wooster Charity
 Birth29 June 1772Chatfield Joseph
 Marriage27 October 1772Sherwood Joseph with Chatfield Comfort
 Birth25 November 1772Lyman Nabbe
 Birth30 October 1773Perkins Joseph
 Birth31 October 1773Ufford Samuel
 Birthbefore 5 December 1773Hinman Philemon
 Death20 November 1774Coe Hannah
 Birth10 December 1774Coe Elizabeth
 Marriage29 December 1774Tomlinson Levi with Beard Amelia
 Birthabout 1774Chatfield Mary
 Birth11 June 1775Riggs Betty
 Birth16 September 1775Hinman John
 Birthbefore 26 November 1775Twitchell Samuel
 Birthabout 1775Twitchell Urania Rayner
 Birth21 July 1776Perkins Anna
 Birthbefore 13 October 1776Hinman Daniel
 Death30 October 1776Chatfield Mary
 Birth29 April 1777Holbrook John
 Birth13 September 1777Hinman Hannah
 Birth1777Sherwood Sheldon
 Death11 May 1778Chatfield Rachel
 DeathMarch 1779Chatfield Solomon
 Birth26 August 1779Hinman Mary
 Birth23 December 1779Hinman Solomon Chatfield
 Birthabout 1779Hitchcock Anne
 Christening12 April 1780Chatfield Huldah Maria
 Birth7 July 1780Tomlinson Truman
 Birth20 August 1780Davis Betsey
 Birth1780Chatfield Huldah Maria
 Marriage27 May 1781Chatfield Levi with Bradley Sarah
 Birth11 June 1782Chatfield Enos
 Birth22 August 1782Baldwin Deborah
 Birth3 November 1782Chatfield Curtis
 Death1782Tomlinson Zerviah
 Birth30 October 1783Hinman Charity
 Death20 December 1783Coe John
 Birth12 January 1784Riggs Ranford
 Birth16 December 1784Chatfield Lewis
 Christening21 December 1784Chatfield Lewis
 Birth1784Hitchcock David
 Marriage1784Whitney Josiah with Riggs Hannah
 Birth30 April 1785Chatfield Levi
 Marriage13 November 1785Chatfield Joel with Stoddard Ruth
 Birthabout 1785Hitchcock Russell
 Birth1785Remer Lewis
 Birth15 October 1786Chatfield Isaac
 Birth1786Riggs Rachel
 Birth15 January 1787Chatfield Isaac
 Birth5 June 1787Lum Austin A
 Birth30 October 1787Chatfield Lewis
 Birth1787Sanford Gay Raymond
 Birth18 February 1789Chatfield Leman
 Death1789Chatfield Ebenezer
 Death1789Prindle Abigail
 Death1789Chatfield Ebenezer
 Birthabout 1790Hitchcock Esther
 Birth23 June 1791Chatfield Almira
 Birth8 September 1792Coe John Allen
 Birth12 January 1793Gerard Azel
 BirthSeptember 1793Smith Rachel
 Birth8 October 1793Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Birth5 April 1794Whitney Eunice
 Death1794Chatfield Hannah
 Death24 May 1795Coe Elizabeth
 Birth15 December 1795Chatfield Charlotte
 Death1795Chatfield Joseph
 Death13 February 1796Smith Abraham
 Birth16 June 1796Chatfield Truman Freeman
 Birth25 July 1796Smith Eliza
 Marriage16 October 1796Hotchkiss John with Riggs Betty
 Birth30 November 1796Smith Grace
 Birthabout 1796Hitchcock Charity
 Death27 November 1797Hawkins Eli
 Birth1798Hitchcock Josiah
19 century
 Birth1800Hitchcock Betsey
 Death20 April 1801Botsford Hannah
 Birth1801Chatfield Daniel
 Birth1801Wooster Joseph D
 Death2 June 1802Beecher Abigail
 Death1802Hitchcock David
 Birth16 February 1804Chatfield Joel Raymond
 Birth14 September 1804Smith Eunice Jane
 Birth1804Riggs John Sidney
 Death13 August 1805French Sarah
 Birth28 January 1806Smith Fitch
 Marriage1806Chatfield Isaac with Tomlinson Lucy
 Birth1806Riggs William Edgar
 Birth18 April 1807Chatfield Lucious Nepoleon
 Death7 November 1807Thompson Mary
 Birth1807Smith George Wilson
 Death11 January 1808Hitchcock Jonathan
 Birth28 September 1808Johnson Mary Lucy
 Birth26 February 1812Holbrook Esther
 Marriage10 May 1812Coe John Allen with Smith Grace
 Death24 May 1812Coe John
 Birth7 October 1812Hull Frederick
 Birth28 October 1813Lum William Austin
 Birth17 July 1817Chatfield Charles Riley
 Marriageabout 1817Riggs Nathan Burr with Crawford Ann E
 Birth4 September 1819Chatfield Henry William
 Death15 May 1822Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Birth24 November 1822Chatfield Elizabeth Bliss
 Marriage27 April 1824Wheeler John Todd with Chatfield Almira
 Marriage7 May 1825Chatfield Joel Raymond with Hitchcock Lucinda
 Birth18 October 1826Riggs Mary Ann
 Death9 May 1827Davis Betsey
 Death12 December 1827Wooster Anna \Annie\ Anne
 Death15 September 1829Hitchcock David
 Marriage24 September 1829Hawkins Charles with Chatfield Jane
 Death21 December 1829Chatfield Sarah Ann
 Birthabout 1829Riggs Sidney
 Marriage4 February 1830Gilbert Agur with Johnson Mary Lucy
 Death2 November 1831Stoddard Ruth
 Death16 April 1832Riggs Ranford
 DeathOctober 1833Hitchcock Anne
 Marriage14 December 1834Stoddard Abiram with Smith Lavinia
 Marriage4 January 1835Chatfield Sheldon with Bunnell Catherine C
 Death19 November 1835Chatfield Abijah
 Birth25 December 1835Stoddard William A
 Death25 September 1837Chatfield Isaac
 Death26 October 1838Whitney William Clark
 Marriage27 November 1838Lum William Austin with Chatfield Caroline
 Marriageabout 1838Baldwin Andrew Miles with Chatfield Martha A
 Death1 September 1839Stoddard Abiram
 Birth2 August 1840Lum Bennett A
 Census1840Hitchcock Timothy
 Marriage3 January 1841Chatfield Charles Riley with Gerard Rhoda Frances
 Death25 December 1841Remer Lewis
 Birth7 February 1842Chatfield William Franklin
 Marriage6 April 1842Gunn Silas with Tomlinson Mariah
 Birth9 June 1842Chatfield Ransom
 Birth17 September 1842Sherwood Albert Fowler
 Birth16 January 1844Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Birth2 December 1846Chatfield Albert Isiah
 Birth4 May 1848Smith Alice Jane
 Birth12 November 1848Chatfield Charles Edgar
 Marriage8 July 1849Chatfield Leman with Dibble Sarah (Sellock)
 Birth11 October 1849Arrol Bethia
 Birth9 December 1849Chatfield Isabella Amanda
 Death10 March 1850Hitchcock Russell
 Census17 August 1850Chatfield Charles Riley
 Census23 August 1850Riggs John Sidney
 Census1850Chatfield Sarah Ann
 Census1850Smith Mary Helen
 Census1850Chatfield John F
 Census1850Riggs William Edgar
 Census1850Smith Fitch
 Census1850Chatfield Charles Edgar
 Residence1850Hotchkiss Willis
 Census1850Chatfield Frederick Henry
 Residence1850Riggs Nathan Burr
 Residence1850Arrol Jean Jane
 Census1850Bouton Jane H
 Census1850Smith Fitch William
 Census1850Crittenden Harriet
 Census1850Chatfield John Holbrook
 Census1850Chatfield Jane W
 Census1850Smith Eliza
 Census1850Leek Julia
 Census1850Chatfield Charles Henry
 Census1850Leek Alonzo
 Residence1850Kimberley Mary A
 Census1850Chatfield Eunice
 Census1850Chatfield Anna
 Census1850Chatfield William Franklin
 Residence1850McInnes Barbara
 Census1850Stoddard William A
 Census1850Smith Wilson Henry
 Census1850Williams Priscilla Cornelia
 Census1850Smith Wilhemina J
 Census1850Smith Lavinia
 Census1850Beecher Otis Bird
 Census1850Smith Jane Estelle
 Census1850Beecher Guy
 Census1850Cable Lavinia Lucy
 Residence1850Arrol John
 Census1850Gerard Rhoda Frances
 Census1850Chatfield George S
 Census1850Leek Frank Alonzo
 Census1850Leek Mary
 Census1850Smith Rachel
 Census1850Baldwin Deborah
 Census1850Chatfield Albert Isiah
 Census1850Chatfield Isabella Amanda
 Residence1850Arrol Bethia
 Residence1850Arrol Janet
 Census1850Baldwin Sarah Grace
 Census1850Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Death23 April 1851Chatfield Isabella Amanda
 Death5 April 1852Riggs Mary Ann
 Marriage17 June 1852Hotchkiss Leonard Allen with Hubbell Elizabeth Jane
 Birth21 September 1852Chatfield Mary A
 Birth19 November 1852Davis Martha Ella
 Marriage22 November 1852Chatfield Clark with Hotchkiss Josephine Augusta
 Death11 September 1853Chatfield Anna
 Birth2 March 1854Wakelee Frank Watrous
 Death27 March 1854Hotchkiss Josephine Augusta
 Birth31 July 1854Chatfield Horace Greeley
 Birth26 May 1858Lewis Irving Fremont
 Census1860Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Census1860Baldwin Deborah
 Census1860Chatfield Charles Edgar
 Census1860Smith Susan Mariette
 Census1860Chatfield Charles Riley
 Census1860DeForest Thomas B
 Census1860Chatfield Edward \ Edwin Smith
 Census1860Gerard Rhoda Frances
 Census1860Chatfield Frances
 Census1860Chatfield Benjamin
 Census1860Chatfield William Franklin
 Census1860Chatfield Albert Isiah
 Census1860Chatfield Clark
 Census1860Chatfield Horace Greeley
 Census1860Riggs John Sidney
 Birth8 June 1861Chatfield Edward Livingstone
 Birth8 June 1861Chatfield Irving Gerard
 Death21 September 1863Chatfield Charles Riley
 Death28 October 1863Chatfield Benjamin
 Death24 January 1864Johnson Mary Lucy
 Marriage17 October 1866Sherwood Albert Fowler with Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Birth13 November 1867Sherwood Charles Gerard
 Death26 January 1868Baldwin Deborah
 Death18 April 1868Gerard Azel
 Death21 January 1869Smith Grace
 DeathApril 1870Riggs John Sidney
 Census1870Stoddard William A
 Census1870Smith Lavinia
 Census1870Smith Eliza
 Census1870Smith Rachel
 Death8 September 1872Gerard Rhoda Frances
 Birth3 March 1873Sherwood Oliver Burr
 Death23 April 1874Sherwood Oliver Burr
 Marriage28 October 1874Chatfield William Franklin with Chatfield Jane W
 Birth7 May 1875Sherwood Joseph Beach
 Death24 August 1876Chatfield Edward Livingstone
 Death11 August 1878Morehouse Rhoda M
 Birth6 December 1879Chatfield Maud Tomlinson
 Census1880Wakelee Frank Watrous
 Census1880Warner Emma A
 Census1880Alcott Rufus Cleveland
 Census1880? Maria
 Census1880Wakelee Cora Amanda
 Residence1880Sherwood Albert Fowler
 Census1880Hull Sarah A
 Census1880Hull Frederick
 Census1880Peck Henrietta Louise
 Census1880DeForest Thomas B
 Census1880Chatfield Ruth Ann
 Census1880Platt Fannie E
 Residence1880Sherwood Joseph Beach
 Census1880Warner Birdsey R
 Census1880Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Census1880Holbrook Daniel Tomlinson
 Census1880Smith Ruth Ann
 Census1880Alcott Issue 7
 Death23 March 1883Smith Rachel
 Death23 August 1884Smith Eliza
 BirthSeptember 1886Parmelle Mildred D
 Death23 January 1887Gilbert Agur
 Marriageabout 1887Sherwood Charles Gerard with Tucker Alice Delia
 Death16 February 1889Chatfield Caroline
 Death14 November 1889DeForest Thomas B
 Death30 October 1891Lum William Austin
 Death6 December 1891Smith Ruth Ann
 Death8 April 1892Fowler Charlotte
 Death1 January 1894Bouton Jane H
 Death10 January 1894Smith Fitch
 Death22 March 1895Sherwood Oliver Burr
 Birth9 March 1896Sherwood Albert Charles
 Death23 September 1896Chatfield Henry
20 century
 Death5 April 1900Sherwood Charles Gerard
 Census1900Hull Frederick
 Birth13 April 1910Chatfield Wilson Porch
 Census1910Higby Elizabeth
 Census1910Higby Edward Joy
 Census1910Chatfield Wilson Porch
 Census1910Porch Quinta
 Census1910Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Census1910Peck Henrietta Louise
 Birth3 October 1915Fischer Arthur Rudolph
 Death11 June 1916Upson Martha Marie
 Death17 March 1919Smith Wilhemina J
 Death25 September 1924Sherwood Albert Fowler
 Death14 April 1928Smith Jane Estelle
 Death13 November 1928Smith Mary Helen
 Death13 November 1933Lewis Irving Fremont
 Birth7 November 1935Chatfield Henry Oliver
 Birth27 November 1938Chatfield George Allen
 Census1940Chatfield Wilson Porch
 Census1940Chatfield Robert Brewster
 Census1940Brewster Helena
 Census1940Chatfield Terry Richard
 Census1940Chatfield Malcolm A
 Birth20 September 1951Burmaster Carrie
 Death15 February 1954Treat Mary Henrietta
 Death21 February 1957French Edward Nichols
 Death11 August 1960Porch Quinta
 Marriage24 October 1961Dalusio Ralph J. with Radcliffe Patricia Mae
 Birth20 January 1962Chatfield Brenda Carol
 Birth13 September 1962Dalusio Susan Marie
 Death2 January 1965Chatfield Paul E
 Birth15 June 1966Dalusio Thomas James
 Death1 May 1969Palmer Eleanor Mae
 Birth24 January 1970Tallberg Carl E
 Death14 December 1971Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Birth3 February 1972Dalusio Mary Catherine
 Death12 May 1984Chatfield Olive Rollina
 Residence1987Michel Arthur V
 Death10 October 1988Chatfield Henry Oliver
 Death16 October 1988Chatfield Horace Minotte
 Death5 December 1988? Arabella
 Birth28 October 1993Barrett Thomas Warren
 Birth28 April 1995Barrett James Michael
21 century
 Residence2000Thorne Cynthia N
 Death29 December 2001Noyack Reiter Edith Martha
 Death11 January 2007Fischer Arthur Rudolph
 Residence2008Bathgate Helen Grace
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield John Farquhar
 Burial?Hotchkiss Josephine Augusta
 Burial?Porch Quinta
 Burial?Bouton Jane H
 Burial?Chatfield Anson
 Burial?Smith Mary Helen
 Burial?Smith Lavinia
 Burial?Lewis Irving Fremont
 Burial?Lum William Austin
 Burial?Lewis Helen Norcross
 Burial?Smith Fitch
 Burial?Smith Rachel
 Burial?Chatfield Marcia
 Burial?Chatfield Caroline
 Burial?Gerard Azel
 Burial?Chatfield Charles Riley
 Burial?Stoddard Abiram
 Burial?Chatfield Horace Greeley
 Burial?Chatfield Benjamin
 Burial?Smith Wilson Henry
 Burial?Morehouse Rhoda M
 Burial?Chatfield Emeline Bassett
 Burial?Sherwood Albert Fowler
 Burial?Chatfield Edward Livingstone
 Burial?Norcross Mary Fanning
 Burial?DeForest Thomas B
 Burial?Smith Jane Estelle
 Burial?Smith Ruth Ann
 Burial?Smith Kenneth Lane
 Burial?Chatfield Eunice
 Burial?Sherwood Charles Gerard
 Burial?Sherwood Oliver Burr
 Burial?Upson Martha Marie
 Burial?Kinney Betsey
 Burial?Smith Wilhemina J
 Burial?Chatfield Robert Wilson
 Burial?Smith Eliza
 Burial?Hull Frederick
 Burial?Gerard Rhoda Frances
19 century
 Death30 April 1840French Sheldon
 Burial13 December 1863Chatfield Frankie
 Burial30 August 1864Smith James
 Burial1879Chatfield Charles N
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Chatfield Hannah
 Burial?Coe John
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Tomlinson Elizabeth
 Burial?Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Burial?Tomlinson Isaac
 Burial?Riggs John Sidney
 Burial?Johnson Ruth
 Burial?Baldwin Deborah
 Burial?Remer Lewis
 Burial?Riggs John
 Burial?Smith Grace
 Burial?Baldwin Elizabeth
 Burial?Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Burial?Riggs Joseph Harvey
 Burial?Pardee Maria
 Burial?Harger John
 Burial?Coe John Allen
 Burial?Riggs Ranford
 Burial?Riggs Nathan Burr
 Burial?Crawford Ann E
 Burial?Johnson Elizabeth
 Burial?Hitchcock David
 Burial?Chatfield John
 Burial?Harger Anna
Event TypeDateIndividual
unknown date
 Burial?Riggs Mary Ann
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth30 March 1722Wooster Ruth
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Birth4 November 1722Chatfield Sarah
 Birth23 July 1730Chatfield Oliver
 Death30 October 1793Chatfield John
19 century
 Death25 December 1846Tomlinson Truman
 Death1 October 1851Chatfield John F
Event TypeDateIndividual
17 century
 Burial1678Harger Jabez
Event TypeDateIndividual
18 century
 Christening1 May 1757Chatfield Joel
 Christening1769Gunn Hannah

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