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Chatfield Thomasbefore 1575-
Chatfield Mavisbefore 1575-
Chatfield Johnbefore 1575-
Chatfield Georgeafter 1575-
Chatfield Edward1575about July 1628
Chatfield Walter12 June 1575-
Chatfield William15761650
Newnham Nicholas1576-
Chatfield William15761650
Gregory Williamabout 15761613
Chatfield Thomas1576-
Chatfield Marthaafter 1576-
Chatfield Edward1578about 1626
Dunstall Thomas14 September 1578-
Chatfield Richard1579-
Sand Margeryabout 1580-
Wickham \ Wykeham Jane (Sheppard)about 15801639
Chatfield James1580-
Bishop John16 June 15807 February 1661
Chatfield John1582-
Chatfield Drew15821582
Chatfield Richard21 December 1582-
? Sarah158311 September 1642
Herbert Ann15831640
? Emma1583-
Caines \ Kaynes \ Keynes John5 May 15831640
Chatfield John10 July 1583-
Simmett \ Simnett Joan \ Joaneabout 1584after 1642
Chatfield Mary1584-
Barnard Sarah1584-
Chatfield Anne15 June 1586-
Higginson Francis6 August 15866 August 1630
Chatfield Nicholas15871613
Chatfield John1588-
Chatfield \ Chatvelt Thomasafter 1588-
Chatfield \ Chatvelt Katherineafter 1588-
Chatfield \ Chatvelt Jhosina (Thesma)after 1588-
Chatfield \ Chatvelt Henryafter 1588-
Baldwyn \ Blunden Mary14 April 15881641
Chatfield Henry15 July 158828 January 1636
? Joan1589-
Chatfield Rebecca16 February 1589-
Chatfield Margaret16 February 1589-
Godley Sarah1590after 1615
Chatfield Richard1590before 1681
Chatfield Anthony159012 May 1657
? Margery1590-
Ingram John10 January 15907 July 1650
Chatfield Thomas1 February 1590-
Chatfield Francis15915 September 1591
Stevens Ann \ Anne1592April 1676
Bassett Janeabout 1592after 1638
Norris George4 May 1592after 1640
Chatfield Marie \ Mary1593after 1601
Chatfield Anne1593-
Worger Richard1594after 1637
Chatfield Richard1594January 1594
Ginner Richard7 April 1594-
Poole Isabell15951655
Jutton Anthony1595-
Chatfield Richard1595-
Chatfield John1595-
Chatfield Robert1597November 1660
Chatfield Jane1597August 1598
Chatfield John1598-

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