These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.40u, on 15/06/2022. You can download it here.

DAVIS John Herman_ + COOK Rosa Alice_
DAVIS Herbert Marion__
DAVIS James Herber_DAVIS Lawrence Marion_DAVIS Richard_DAVIS Michael_DAVIS Mary_DAVIS Florence_DAVIS Pamela_

VANRIPER William Edmund_ + STICKNEY Effie Marie_
VANRIPER Viola Winifred__
VANRIPER Anna Bernice__
CHATFIELD William Merkel__CHATFIELD Margaret Ann__CHATFIELD John Harlan__CHATFIELD Janice Mary__CHATFIELD Virginia Kay__CHATFIELD Donald J_
CHATFIELD Robert Harmon__CHATFIELD Thomas Howard__CHATFIELD Sally A_

GRIM Fred Britton_ + FISHER Valine Katherine_
GRIM Joan Catherine_
GRIM Fred Britton_

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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.40u, on 15/06/2022. You can download it here.