These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 17/08/2024. You can download it here.

 Augur \ Pettibone Mary
Griswold Ezanos
ChildrenGriswold Amasa Pettibone
Griswold Rachel Eunice


 Ault Franklin Sherman
Chatfield Jennie Belle
ChildrenAult James Merle
Ault Ray Chatfield
Ault Claude B


GrandparentsChatfield George B
Gorsline Alice C
ParentsAult Franklin Sherman
Chatfield Jennie Belle
 Ault James Merle
? Hettie Elizabeth


GrandparentsChatfield George B
Gorsline Alice C
ParentsAult Franklin Sherman
Chatfield Jennie Belle
 Ault Ray Chatfield
? Gertrude Emma


 Auriol Elizabeth
ChildrenDe Visme James


Parents? Eunice
 Austin Alfred Levi
Chatfield Cora Ida Marion
ChildrenAustin Daniel Lewis
Austin Joseph E


ParentsAustin John R
Kaull Harriet Newell
 Austin Alice Maude
Chatfield Zachary Taylor


 Austin Amy Louise
Chatfield George James
ChildrenChatfield May


 Austin Claire Maude
Dennis Robert Gurdon
ChildrenDennis Margaret Edith
Dennis Robert Austin
Dennis Audrey Lillian


 Austin Colene
Chatfield Walter Pearl
Willard Andrew Jackson
ChildrenChatfield Walter Herman
Chatfield Robert Franklin
Chatfield Wade Raymond
Willard Chester
Willard Lester Leon


ParentsAustin John Victor B
Garrett Doris Emily F
 Austin Doreen Sybil
Chatfield John Henry
ChildrenChatfield Susan Francis
Chatfield Angela Jane


 Austin Frank
Daman Myra Belle


 Austin John Victor B
Garrett Doris Emily F
ChildrenAustin Doreen Sybil


GrandparentsChatfield William
Green Mary Ann
ParentsAuston William Henry
Chatfield Mary Ann
 Auston Lucy Ann


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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 17/08/2024. You can download it here.