These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

GrandparentsChatfield Chester McCollum
Hill Sophronia Adelia
ParentsArehart Bert L
Chatfield Marian
 Arehart Gladys M
Larkin Laurence E


GrandparentsPollard Frederick Nelson
Chatfield Louisa
ParentsArmati Leo Vincent
Pollard Hilda Louise
 Armati John Leo


GrandparentsPollard Frederick Nelson
Chatfield Louisa
ParentsArmati Leo Vincent
Pollard Hilda Louise
 Armati Leo Francis
Kearl Lucille F
ChildrenArmati Pamela
Armati Mark G
Armati John D
Armati Scott Marcus


 Armati Leo Vincent
Pollard Hilda Louise
O'Connor Patricia
ChildrenArmati Leo Vivian
Armati Leo Francis
Armati John Leo
Armati Patricia J


GrandparentsPollard Frederick Nelson
Chatfield Louisa
ParentsArmati Leo Vincent
Pollard Hilda Louise
 Armati Leo Vivian


GrandparentsArmati Leo Vincent
Pollard Hilda Louise
ParentsArmati Leo Francis
Kearl Lucille F
 Armati Scott Marcus


 Armishaw Ann
Chatfield Charles
ChildrenChatfield Sarah
Chatfield Charlotte
Chatfield Elizabeth
Chatfield Charles
Chatfield Ann
Chatfield Joseph Robert
Chatfield Thomas William
Chatfield John
Chatfield Ellen


 Armstrong Edgar T
Wright Olive E
Ackerman Clarissa J
Wagner Hannah
ChildrenArmstrong Aleace


 Armstrong John L
? Elmira
ChildrenArmstrong Josephine


ParentsArmstrong John L
? Elmira
 Armstrong Josephine
Buss Solon Chatfield


 Armstrong Sarah Ann Hill
Stevens Auguston
ChildrenStevens James Holmes


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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.