These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

ParentsBurnham Josiah
Treadwell Hannah
 Burnham Elizabeth
Chatfield William
ChildrenChatfield Samuel L
Chatfield Marys S
Chatfield David B
Chatfield Lucy Jane S
Chatfield Emma Frances
Chatfield Elizabeth B
Chatfield William
Chatfield Nellie
Chatfield Sarah Ellen D
Chatfield Daniel Babcock


 Burnham Josiah
Treadwell Hannah
ChildrenBurnham Elizabeth
Burnham Mary Elizabeth


 Burnham Marble G
Reynolds Martha Chatfield
ChildrenBurnham Carson Whitely


ParentsBurnham Josiah
Treadwell Hannah
 Burnham Mary Elizabeth
Smith John C


 Burnham Maude W
Morris Charles Henry
ChildrenMorris Henry Erwin


GrandparentsBurnheim Thomas John Joseph
Tighe Annie Cecelia (Mary Anne)
Chatfield Charles
Garrett Gibson Mary Jane
ParentsBurnheim Joseph Ambrose
Chatfield Charlotte Jane
 Burnheim Conlon George


ParentsBurnheim Thomas John Joseph
Tighe Annie Cecelia (Mary Anne)
 Burnheim Joseph Ambrose
Chatfield Charlotte Jane
ChildrenBurnheim Conlon George


 Burnheim Thomas John Joseph
Tighe Annie Cecelia (Mary Anne)
ChildrenBurnheim Joseph Ambrose


 Burns Bonnie L
Chatfield Leroy Joseph
ChildrenChatfield Clare Ellen
Chatfield Sarah Elizabeth
Chatfield Kate La Grande
Chatfield Amy Burns
Chatfield Anne Genevieve


 Burns Elizabeth
Nettleton Samuel Stafford
ChildrenNettleton James
Nettleton Lorenzo D
Nettleton Samuel
Nettleton Barnabus


 Burns Nancy June
Chatfield Frank David


 Burns Rita Helen
Chatfield Alfred Charles


 Burnside John T
Cross Chloe Priscilla
ChildrenBurnside Mary Lou


 Burrell Cora D
Cox Floyd Leroy
ChildrenCox Leo Everett


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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.