These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.

GrandparentsPratt Frederick Wolsey
Winsor Theresa
ParentsPratt Frederick Alcott
Bisbee Eleanor Christine
 Bisbee Theresa Winsor


 Bish Daphne M
Chatfield Derek E
ChildrenChatfield Gary P
Chatfield Tracy J
Chatfield Neil D


 Bish Dora K
ChildrenBowles Beryl R
Bowles Raymond J
Bowles Celia A


GrandparentsBishop Reginald Grant
Swinnington Chatfield Nancy Jane
ParentsBishop Donald Alan
Oles June Marie
 Bishop Dawn Marie


GrandparentsBishop Harold Elson
Munger Gould Ruth Ursula
Swinington Margaret Eva
ParentsBishop Reginald Grant
Swinnington Chatfield Nancy Jane
 Bishop Donald Alan
Oles June Marie
ChildrenBishop Dawn Marie
Bishop Matthew A


GrandparentsBishop Jesse Barnes
Fowler Molly
Chatfield Isaac
Tomlinson Lucy
ParentsBishop Samuel Fowler
Chatfield Ruth Ann
 Bishop Frances Charlotte


 Bishop Harold Elson
Munger Gould Ruth Ursula
ChildrenBishop Reginald Grant


 Bishop Harriett Virgo
Chatfield William Francis
ChildrenChatfield Catherine Rhoda
Chatfield Rhoda Catherine
Chatfield William James
Chatfield Gladys
Chatfield Josephine Roberta


ParentsBishop John Nathan
Lampson Lucy Estella
 Bishop Harvey William
Chatfield Mildred Lucinda


 Bishop Jesse Barnes
Fowler Molly
ChildrenBishop Samuel Fowler


 Bishop John
Stevens Ann \ Anne
ChildrenBishop Sarah


 Bishop John Nathan
Lampson Lucy Estella
ChildrenBishop Harvey William


GrandparentsBishop Jesse Barnes
Fowler Molly
Chatfield Isaac
Tomlinson Lucy
ParentsBishop Samuel Fowler
Chatfield Ruth Ann
 Bishop Josephine V


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These pages have been generated by the software Oxy-Gen version 1.41c, on 07/01/2025. You can download it here.