
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pendell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Pendell, Augusta C July 1896
Pendell, Cornelia A about 1908
Pendell, George R 6 December 1909
Pendell, Grace C 8 October 1919
Pendell, Gulian August 1836
Pendell, Jack about 1901
Pendell, James C about 1904
Pendell, Julia A 3 March 1922
Pendell, Katherine S December 1892
Pendell, Lawrence about 1904
Pendell, Richard B about 1906
Pendell, Robert G January 1899
Pendell, Thomas April 1867
Pendell, Thomas Franklin 5 August 1891