Fitt, Alfred James

Birth Name Fitt, Alfred James
Gender male
Age at Death 57 years


Birth GRO 2nd qtr 1894
Fitt, Alfred James Hastings 2b 31

Other possible marriages

Marriages 2nd qtr 1915
Fitt, Alfred J Taylor Brighton 2b 650
Marriages 3rd qtr 1926
Fitt, Alfred J Trangmar Brighton 2b 546


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1894 Hastings, Sussex East, England    
Death 1951 Brighton, Sussex East, England    


Family of Fitt, Alfred James and Le Clercq, Mona Mary E

Married Wife Le Clercq, Mona Mary E ( * 3 February 1904 + 1975 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1948 Brighton, Sussex East, England    

Marriages GRO 3rd qtr 1948
Le Clercq, Mona M E Fitt Brighton 5h 294
Fitt, Alfred J Le Clercq Brighton 5h 294

Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 504BE202D51455458B7BD8703F204DF4F051


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 3DF5F4AE12352141A6EC8F117BCE1D1025FE


    1. Fitt, Alfred James
      1. Le Clercq, Mona Mary E