Blakeman, Frank Ernest

Birth Name Blakeman, Frank Ernest
Gender male
Age at Death 66 years


Son of Gould and Harriet (Birdseye) Blakeman.

He has been a member of the Conn. Board of Agriculture, represented his town in the Legislature in 1903, has been a member of the Board of Education for 15 years. Secretary for 12 years, is life trustee of the Stratford Library, a prominent member of the Stratford Congregational Church, and lecturer of the Connecticut State Grange.


Family of Blakeman, Frank Ernest and Beard, Nellie Elizabeth

Married Wife Beard, Nellie Elizabeth ( * 3 June 1862 + 1935 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 13 November 1884 USA    
Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 845353567974924B8FC4009770FF59918DCB


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID F504AD73C237EC4F8BF0E25E542445561BF3


    1. Blakeman, Frank Ernest
      1. Beard, Nellie Elizabeth