Ailesbury, Thomas

Birth Name Ailesbury, Thomas
Gender male


father's name: Thomas Ailesbury
mother's name: Mary

Possible death
Deaths and Burials, Thomas Ailesbury
burial date: 05 Jan 1784
burial place: Hastings, All Saints, Sussex, England
indexing project (batch) number: B00024-6
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1067172


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1747 Hastings, Sussex East, England    
Christening 10 September 1747 All Saints, Hastings, Sussex East, England    


Family of Ailesbury, Thomas and Simmonds, Mary

Married Wife Simmonds, Mary ( * 1749 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1 October 1770 St Clement, Hastings, Sussex East, England    

Marriages, Mary Simmonds, 1770
groom's name: Thomas Ailesbury
bride's name: Mary Simmonds
marriage date: 01 Oct 1770
marriage place: St. Clement's, Hastings, Sussex, England
indexing project (batch) number: M13536-6
system origin: England-VR
source film number: 1067177
reference number: 2:39MS68N

Type Value Notes Sources
_UID D2BDD70D335701418451D8D3D6A0C8B6B316


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 296431C23CCD0A4A82F2860AD2F8128C4975


    1. Ailesbury, Thomas
      1. Simmonds, Mary