Sturt, Ernest Albert

Birth Name Sturt, Ernest Albert
Gender male


England and Wales Census, 1911
Name: Ernest Albert Sturt
Event Place: Banstead, Surrey, England
County: Surrey
Parish: Banstead
Sub-District: Carshalton
Sub-District Number: 1
District Number: 31
Enumeration District: 17
Registration District: Epsom
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Marital Status: MARRIED
Number in Family: 4
Birth Year (Estimated): 1881
Birthplace: Rudgwick, Sussex
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Schedule Type: 40
Page Number: 1
Registration Number: RG14
Piece/Folio: 79
Affiliate Record Identifier: GBC/1911/RG14/02939/0079/1
Ernest Albert Sturt Head M 30 Rudgwick, Sussex
Susannah Palmer Sturt Wife F 25 Cuckfield, Sussex
Arthur Sturt Son M 2 Merstram, Surrey
Kathleen Sturt Daughter F 1 Chipstead, Surrey


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1881 Rudgwick, Sussex West, England    
Census 1911 Banstead, Surrey, England    


Family of Sturt, Ernest Albert and Sandles, Susannah Palmer

Married Wife Sandles, Susannah Palmer ( * 22 June 1885 + 1979 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1905 Wandsworth, London, England    

Marriages GRO 3rd qtr 1905
Sandles, Susannah Palmer Wandsworth 1d 979
Sturt, Earnest Edward Wandsworth 1d 979

Name Birth Date Death Date
Sturt, Arthurabout 1909
Sturt, Kathleenabout 1910
Type Value Notes Sources
_UID D7EB95AE27B71443912CBC9D99EC93F75F7F


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID DC8C8ABECB993A43B4865B368349997435E3